When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1729: : You disrespect paraplegia at 1 point! (Thanks to the Fringe People's Congress.

   Everyone can't react a little bit!

   Is this the wrong person?

   How can I go to the bathroom!

   If it weren't for the neck brace, they would definitely turn around and leave.

   This is definitely not Wu Jun!

  Because this is not good for paraplegia! ?

   But, if so, Bartlett still asked: "Is this Wu Jun?"

  Yu Yonggang nodded naturally: "Yes, that's right!"

   When everyone heard it, their hearts were really shaken.

  Although the paraplegics did not damage their limbs, their activities would definitely be restricted due to nerve damage!

   Unless the nerve repair is complete!

   But, Wu Jun’s situation... It's okay after all!

   If he is a patient less than a week after paraplegia, no one will believe it.


   something like this happened!

   And the patient stood in front of them alive.


   One time!

   Everyone looked at Wu Jun with greed in their eyes, as if they saw some great toy!

   There is nothing more that attracts their attention than a paraplegic patient with a successful operation.

   Within the next hour!

   Wu Jun admitted that he was touched by seven men for a full hour!

   from head to toe!

   If it weren't for his strong opposition, they would still like to see if they have the functions of a man!

   Fortunately, Wu Jun doesn't have a girlfriend, otherwise... I definitely came up to find these bad old men desperately!

   After some inspection!

  All the experts have serious expressions, they stared at each other and said nothing!

   The result of the inspection was beyond their imagination!

   is really... amazing!

  Good recovery?

Do not!

   is restoration to perfection!

  What kind of surgery can restore these functions.

   The phrenic nerve seems to have no effect.

   The elbow reflex is still preserved!


so amazing!

   Seeing everyone's silence, Wu Jun suddenly chuckled, "What's the matter? Why?"

   Well, his English level is limited to words!

  Bat Langfei looked at Wu Jun seriously and said: "Except for him, God can't save you!"

   Wu Jun did not understand, but he heard God.

   So, Wu Jun couldn't help saying: "Yes, Professor Chen Cang is God!"

   In Wu Jun's eyes, Chen Cang undoubtedly saved his own life and also saved his family.

   God is like this, right?

   In the next time, Bat Langfei no longer wants to stay here for too long, he is now anxious to see Chen Cang.

  The same goes for other members of the expedition!

   In the following time, they visited some capital emergency centers.

   They didn't expect that they were full of surprises when they first came to China.

   The development of the emergency center is beyond their medical care, and the emergency room configuration is not weaker than that of any country in the world.

   And, the most important thing is that this may be one of the few hospitals in the world that specializes in emergency services.

   Being praised by the staff of the World Health Organization, Wu Tongfu is naturally very happy, even Xiao Runfang.

   I originally wanted to take the group of people from the World Health Organization to visit these places in Xiehe.

   But, Bart Langfei's current soul has long been stolen by the invisible Chen Cang, so why are you in the mood to go to Concord!

   Even the evening treat, Bart Langfei directly refused, and took the afternoon flight directly to Amyang City, Dongyang Province!

   Sitting on the plane, when they saw the ammonium yang constantly zooming in, in fact their inner loss was also magnifying!

   After all, Amyang is really not a developed modern city.

   There is no pillar industry of Ammonium. It used to rely on real estate to maintain the development of the city, and the influx of people was not large.

   Fortunately, except that the wide road can make people's eyes shine, everything seems to be ordinary.

  After seeing this scene, the delegation looked at each other.

   Everyone's first feeling is not very good!

   "I think Tokyo is more suitable!"

   "Philip, we didn't choose a city!"

   "If you have to be in China, I think it would be good to choose HK and the capital city." A blond man who likes to nag couldn't help chattering. .

   "It is difficult for me to see the medical potential of this city. Although we chose Professor Chen Cang, I think the development of a city is linked to the development of medical care!"

   Philip is extraordinary. He is also the vice chairman of the Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance. He is mainly responsible for the development and construction of the hospital.

   Therefore, it can even be considered that Philip has a very unique perspective on site selection.

   Following Fei Li’s remarks, let’s be honest, the first feeling is not very good for the quasi-second-tier city of Ammonium.

   The plane stopped and a group of people came out slowly.

   At this time, Kong Xiangmin personally led people to welcome them!

  "Welcome to Amyang! I am the leader of Dongyang Province, Kong Xiangmin." Kong Xiangmindong introduced himself.

   Bart Langfei also hurriedly stepped forward: "Good leader Kong!"

   It is still early at this time, just after three in the afternoon.

   Originally, Kong Xiangmin wanted to take a group of people to take a break, and then go to some iconic places to take a break.

   The other party turned out to be very direct, and said with a smile: "I'll talk about travel later. Today I want to visit the Second People's Hospital of Dongyang Province and meet Professor Chen."

   Kong Xiangmin heard the sound, instead of being unhappy, he was relieved.

   I was afraid of coming to a group of inspectors who judge people by appearance.

   After all, the development of Ammonium Yang is slightly worse than other cities. The location of the World Paraplegia Precision Treatment Alliance itself is extremely demanding!

   In the past few days, Kong Xiangmin wanted to inquire about it with his friends.

   The more you inquire, the more lost you are!

   After all, according to the assessment standards.

   The other party requires the level of urban medical care, the quantity and quality of urban hospitals, and the scientific research capabilities of scientific research units... and many other scoring standards.

   After listening at that time, this group of people became more sad when they listened, and the more they listened, the more sad they became!

   These things ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ are indeed not difficult in those international metropolises.

   But Amyang, it seems that I really can't get it!

  What can scientific research ability have?

   There are only two scientific research units of Ammonium Yang.

   One is Wanhe Group.

   One is Chen Cang New Medicine Research Institute.


   Thinking about it carefully, one of these two companies is Chen Cang as a shareholder and the other is the director.

   University is a Dongyang Medical University and Dongyang University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

   These two are neither 985 nor 211, let alone the world rankings.

  The hospital...

   Forget it, don’t talk about it!

to be frank!

   Being a leader is the same as being a parent. When someone comes to the house as a guest, it is really shabby.

   But they can just come to see people.

   After all, a poor family can also have Takako.

   They are yang, Chen Cang is the son.

   "Good! Good! Good!" Kong Xiangmin said quickly: "Let's go to the Second People's Hospital first."

  Bat Langfei nodded: "I'm working!"


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