When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1760: : No laparotomy, direct surgery!

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Recently, the x-pri technology itself is the most concerned topic in the world medical circle.

That is the heat.

Should x-pri technology be popular?

This question has become the core discussion element!

And Chen Cang and Johnson & Johnson are the most critical representatives in this dispute.

Needless to say, Chen Cang is a representative of x-pri technology and one of the major shareholders of Wanhe Group, which belongs to x-pri.

Everyone thought that the dispute between Chen Cang and Yuan Te George would exist for at least a few years!

After all, the emergence and development of new things have always been stumbling.

Moreover, not all doctors are supporting Chen Cang.

On the contrary, there are still a lot of conservative doctors who believe that the emergence of x-pri has made superb heart valve repair operations mechanized and lost the opportunity for perfect surgery!


Chen Cang also admitted that the x-pri technique is quite different from the results of valve repair by himself.

However, this is the limitation of the machine itself, just as laparoscopic surgery can never be a perfect operation.

The technology itself has its limitations.

Moreover, the x-pri technology is not a panacea, but its advantages are also very obvious.

Therefore, everything should be viewed from two sides, absorbing its essence and using it for purpose.

Chen Cang himself is not an advocate of x-pri, he just feels that this technology has many irreplaceable effects!

At this moment, the American media took the lead in breaking out a heavy news!

"When Yuan Te George's wife of eight months pregnant was undergoing a birth check, she suddenly found that the child had a typical right ventricular outflow tract obstruction with pulmonary artery stenosis!"

"Many hospitals in New Jersey were unable to provide treatment. Professor Chen Cang offered a helping hand at a critical moment!"

"The operation will be performed on time at 8 o'clock tomorrow night. At that time, AATS Association President Sabrina, Vice President Professor Rehn, and Professor Mond Alpha will conduct live surgery!"

"According to rumors, this operation will be the world's first neonatal three-piece annuloplasty, and Professor Chen will use x-pri technology to perform operations on neonates!"

After this news was announced, there was an uproar in an instant.

Everyone is talking!

For Chen Cang and Yuan Te George, this kind of thing happened to the enemy, everyone was a little dumbfounded!

After all, I was arguing and slandering two days ago, and this happened now!

"One dare to do it, the other dare to try, it's really... amazing!"

"Yes, there are no successful examples of neonatal tricuspid annuloplasty. Yuan Te George is really courageous. Let Chen Cang test the x-pri technology. Are they...they are the real partners? "

Yes indeed!

It suddenly dawned on everyone that these two people would not... be true partners, right?

But at this moment.

Yuan Te George once again tweeted:

"For the x-pri technology, I still remain skeptical, but...I want to come to things and not people. Professor Chen is kind and willing to save my children at critical times. I am grateful for this!"

"But for the x-pri technology, I still remain skeptical. If Professor Chen can succeed in this operation, perhaps from now on, I will become an important supporter of the x-pri technology!"

Yuan Te George's team has to be said to be very strong, and all kinds of public relations and speeches are well expressed.


Anyway, the operation is about to begin!

In this way, with the help of various media, more and more people began to pay attention to this live operation!

Surgical explanations were also arranged in China, this time it was Wang Tong, Wu Tongfu and Xu Ziming.

The operation hasn't started yet, but the atmosphere is getting hotter!

Sabrina said to everyone:

"In fact, whether this operation is successful or not, we should thank Professor Chen because he dared to try such an operation!"

"To be honest, I am not sure to complete such an operation myself. This is not a problem of responsibility but a problem of ability. Neonatal surgery has always been a taboo, and now... Professor Chen has shown us such an opportunity!"

"I believe that Professor Chen's purpose is also very clear, that is, I hope everyone can learn about the x-pri technology and recognize such a new type of surgery!"


Under various speeches, Chen Cang's reputation has been elevated again and again.

Everyone stared at the screen, waiting for the start of the operation!

At the same time!

Chen Cang convened everyone to discuss surgery!

This time!

Chen Cang still did not invite foreign aid such as the World AATS Association to participate, but instead summoned the team of the Second Provincial Hospital to prepare for such an operation!

Obstetrics and Gynecology Team: Zhang Jinfeng, Zhang Yan.

Cardiac Surgery: Tao Mi, Meng Xi, Qian Lin and Classmate A.

Interventional, neonatology, hematology...


More than ten people participated in this operation!

Everyone is nervous!

The neonatology department has cooperated with Chen Cang for the first time, and I did not expect it to be such an operation.

To death nervously.

The director of the neonatology department is a relatively motherly male owner. UU reading www.uukanshu.com is called Shiqiao. He has a very good personality and always carries the glory of maternity. Everyone thinks Shiqiao was born with the wrong gender.

However, Director Shi has a very good personality and rarely loses his temper with everyone because of this.

Chen Cang looked at the crowd and started the operation introduction.

"I called everyone here today, not to let everyone participate in the operation, but to make various preparations."

"In this operation, there are only three participants, me, Meng Xi, and Director Shiqiao."

"Others watch this operation seriously, because you may only see this operation once in your life!"

Everyone nodded, although they felt that Chen Cang was exaggerated.

Chen Cang continued: "The estimated duration of the operation is 40 minutes."

"Ms. Liu, you control your time. If you are anesthetized...the intensity can be as small as possible."

When these words came out, everyone was stunned!

Want to complete this operation in forty minutes?

is it possible?

Onlookers Jin Ye-eun and those people whispered.

Even a caesarean section may not be completed in forty minutes!

Zhang Jinfeng couldn't help but said: "Director Chen, forty minutes is too harsh, you can't do a caesarean section!"

Everyone nodded.

Chen Cang suddenly said: "This operation is not a C-section!"

Everyone was suddenly full of question marks!

How to operate without caesarean section?

Chen Cang continued: "For this operation, I plan to use the x-pri interventional gun directly through the mother's body to reach the child's heart through the patient's belly with the help of ultrasound and CT for the operation!"

After Chen Cang finished speaking, the whole room fell into a strange state of silence!

What do you mean?

Do not have a caesarean section

How to perform surgery on a child without a caesarean?

Isn't this a fantasy?

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