When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1761: : Professor Chen is omnipotent!

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As soon as this was said, everyone was stunned!

Everyone looked at Chen Cang with wide eyes, unbelievable!

Rao is well-informed Zhang Jinfeng. With so many years of work experience, it is the first time I have heard of surgery through the patient's belly!


Zhang Jinfeng was taken aback suddenly!

He looked at Chen Cang, and suddenly asked, "Director Chen, what do you mean...just like the one where you performed the fetal fluid extraction through the mother's body?"

Chen Cang nodded: "Well, my plan is like this."

After everyone listened, they still felt a little scary!

Even this group of people from the AATS Association, after hearing Chen Cang's thoughts, suddenly felt that Chen Cang was no longer brave, it was crazy!

Use the x-pri intervention gun across the mother’s belly, and then enter the body of the undelivered fetus, and again look for an angle to enter the small poor heart, perform pulmonary valve junction incision, infundibular hypertrophic muscle tractectomy, and tricuspid Annuloplasty!


It's absolutely crazy!

how can that be?

Let alone how high the theoretical feasibility of surgery is.

This idea alone, it is estimated that most people would not even dare to think about it!

For a while, everyone in the room was talking about it!

Shi Qiao, the director of the neonatology department who cooperated with Chen Cang for the first time, was dumbfounded!

For the first time working with Director Chen, although I was a little nervous, I still look forward to more.

After all, everyone wants to operate with the top boss.

But now... Shiqiao is not looking forward to it, he is scared!

I'm really scared.

Professor Chen is really too courageous, right?

On the other hand, Meng Xi's eyes brightened instead of being afraid this time.

In her early thirties, she has a stronger ability to accept new things!

In addition, for this operation in the past two days, Meng Xi also prepared a lot and checked a lot of information!

She found that if the routine routines are followed, the surgical mortality rate is still as high as 60 or 70!

But now?

After Chen Cang said this idea.

Meng Xi quickly began to think about the theoretical feasibility.

Not only her.

Everyone in the room was holding their breath and thinking carefully about Chen Cang's ideas!

For a while, the entire office was completely silent.

Of course, except Qian Lin and classmate A.

After all, Qian Lin's current brain can't keep up with Chen Cang's tall thinking.

He glanced at Chen Cang and expressed anger!

I was originally grateful to Chen Cang for allowing him and his classmates to see such a rare operation.

But now he found out that it was humiliating himself.

Bullying yourself is nothing...

Too wronged!

Around, with the passing of time every minute.

Everyone became more excited.

Because they are discovering more and more, it seems that Chen Cang's method...is really feasible!

The patient's chance of infection is reduced!

After the operation is successful, maybe the heart repair can be speeded up because of the mother and fetus!


Chen Cang's approach can be seen as an early intervention.

No need to perform such a complicated operation!

The more people think about it, the more excited they are, and the more they think about it, the more excited they are!


It really works!

However, in this way, the pressure of the operation was completely piled up on Chen Cang alone.

Across the belly, it is simply too difficult to achieve precise operation and control with four-dimensional echocardiography and CT alone!

After all, this is not a simple x-pri interventional operation, watching the heart proceed.

Even if there is an accident, it can be remedied in time.

But this operation is different.

Once the operation has an accident!

There may not even be a remedy.

After all, the fetus is still in the mother's womb.

Therefore, risks really coexist with opportunities.

This operation has a high success rate, but it also has a high mortality rate!

a long time!

Everyone has been thinking for a long time.

But unexpectedly, the first person to speak was Director Shiqiao.

"Feasible! The feasibility of surgery is very high!"

"But I need the help of Director Zhang Jinfeng!"

Zhang Jinfeng suddenly realized, and hurriedly said: "Director Shi's meaning is... to find a relatively stable period of fetal movement, so that the posture and shape of the fetus can be maintained in a good position?"

Shiqiao nodded!

"Yes, I believe in Professor Chen's surgical ability, but the fetal position is too important to complete such an operation!"


The choice of fetal position is simply too random.

This kind of thing can indeed be regulated to a certain extent.


No one can predict the child's behavior.

And anesthesia is obviously not a good method, maybe you accidentally kill the child!

Therefore, the best way is to correct the fetal position!

For a while, everyone in the room began to discuss frantically!

And Chen Cang suddenly said: "It's okay, I can adjust the fetal position!"

"There is no need to worry about the operation!"

"What I need everyone to prepare is to complete the caesarean section and rescue work as soon as possible if the child has any problems!"

Hearing Chen Cang's words, everyone was immediately overwhelmed.

How can you even adjust the fetal position?

What else can you not?

What do you need us to do?

You might as well go to the New Oriental Ninja Academy to practice for a few days, read the book www.uukanshu.com and then decisively perform all the operations on your own!

Zhang Jinfeng also blushed!

Who is the obstetrician and gynecologist?

However, these are no longer important.

If you can really complete such an operation.

For everyone here, it is of extraordinary significance!

"Well, everyone, next I will elaborate on the details and procedures of the operation!"

"Everyone remembers that there is only one chance of surgery. Success or failure is in everyone's hands. Come on!"

Everyone nodded!

In fact, there are not many steps in the operation, just a simple dare. It has not developed to the point of a pulmonary valve junction incision, infundibular hypertrophic muscle bundle resection, and tricuspid annuloplasty!

All that needs to be done is to redo the tricuspid valve damage and intervene in the narrow area.


It sounds simple, but it is very difficult to operate!

that's it.

After everyone was ready, Chen Cang took the initiative to reach out!

"Come on!"

Everyone shouted in unison: "Come on!"

After speaking, everyone walked towards the operating room like a group of generals and soldiers!

And Qian Lin couldn't help but muttered: "How do I feel like...like a cooking class!"

Classmate A nodded: "Well, it's a buddy!"

Qian Lin was not convinced: "You are in the back!"



Operating room!

Everyone is ready and the operation is about to begin!

Seeing Chen Cang put on the surgical gown, he walked forward with Meng Xi.

The screen of the live broadcast room suddenly appeared.

Sabrina said quickly: "The operation is about to begin, but... why is it Professor Chen?"

"Shouldn't the first operation be a cesarean section?"

Rehn said seriously: "Perhaps Professor Chen is also a master of obstetrics and gynecology!"

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