When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1762: : I want to kiss the ass!

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When these words came out, everyone was stunned!


I believe it!

Sabrina and Mond Alpha looked at each other, curious.

Renn smiled awkwardly: "I'll just make a joke, I want to adjust the atmosphere!"

Sabrina couldn't help but said: "Actually...Ryan, by comparison, I actually prefer to believe that Professor Chen will be able to perform obstetrics and gynecology operations, maybe even deliver babies!"

Ren couldn't help but laughed: "I bet, if Professor Chen will deliver the baby, I will broadcast the donkey ass!"

Suddenly, the live broadcast room became lively!

Rehn's stalk makes many Americans feel cordial.

But in any case, the atmosphere of this live operation is no longer as severe as before.

Everyone started to laugh!

But the following operation stunned Rennes and others!

"Oh! Gosh, Chen Cang really came on stage, what is he going to do? Is he really going to have a caesarean section?"

"Oh! My God, this...it must be fake!"

When everyone saw Chen Cang exposing the patient's abdomen, they suddenly became nervous.

Yuan Te George outside the operating room didn't even dare to look up at this scene.

For fear of accidents.


He still couldn't help but want to see it!

To be honest, if the protagonist of this operation is not his wife and children, Yuante George will definitely watch such an operation seriously.

However, as a party, he really has no half-discretion.

Because in any case, he hopes the operation will be successful!

Just at this time.

Chen Cang said to the ultrasound: "Echocardiogram!"

"Prepare for CT imaging!"

After speaking, Chen Cang picked up the x-pri gun and handed it to Meng Xi: "Get it for me."

Today's needles are relatively long.

Everyone does not know why.


At this moment, Sabrina, who was explaining, got up instantly, looked at the operation screen in shock, and said loudly, covering her mouth!

"Oh! God! This... my God! I know what Professor Chen is going to do!"

"He... he is too courageous, he is simply a genius!"

"No, crazier than a genius! He is as crazy as Nobel and Einstein!"

Seeing Sabrina's sudden loss of state, everyone was suddenly confused!

In the end what happened?

Why did President Sabrina suddenly be like this!

Even Renn and Mond Alpha on the side were frowning, staring at the big screen.

Renn kept shaking his head: "No, no, no...It's impossible, it's too difficult!"

Everyone looked at Renn like this, and was instantly blinded!

Started frantically to send barrage: "What the **** happened!"

"Yes, why is Sabrina so gaffe!"

"What happened? The operation hasn't started yet!"

Mond Alpha took a deep breath and explained: "Audience friends, everyone!"

"Let me start again. The operation you see today may be the first interventional heart repair operation for an undelivered fetus in history!"

"Professor Chen, maybe this time is about to make history!"

Sabrina finally calmed down.

Said: "Sorry, sorry, I'm so excited!"

"If I'm not wrong, Chen Cang's operation does not require delivery of the fetus, but... directly uses the x-pri intervention gun to pierce the mother's uterus, and then enter the fetus's heart to complete the operation!"

"In this way, the difficulty of the operation is greatly increased!"

"But, the same!"

"In the case of extremely low surgical error tolerance, high risk and difficulty, the side effects and complications of the operation will also be reduced, and the possibility of infection will be lower!"

"This operation may be a vivid battle of x-pri's intervention gun!"

"Sure enough, I didn't guess wrong!"

At this moment!

Chen Cang has already started his own surgery!

But at this time, the fetus in Trish seemed to be a little uncooperative!

Seeing this scene, Zhang Jinfeng was a little worried.

Across Trixi’s belly, she cautiously induced and tried to change her position, but... little effect!

Ren frowned: "They are in trouble!"

"The position of the fetus is not correct. If surgery is performed, this position is not feasible at all. Some fetal positions must be adjusted."

Sabrina nodded: "Well, but the adjustment of the fetal position is very difficult, even the experienced obstetrician, it is difficult to accurately control..."

"O...NO! NO! NO! What did I see!"

"It's incredible!"

"Professor Chen...he actually adjusts the fetal position!"


"What the **** happened, this location is simply amazing!"

"The little baby in the womb seems to be able to hear Chen Cang's words? Follow the gestures and start to move slowly!"

"Oh my God, what a shocking fetal position adjustment technique, what did I see!"

Accompanied by Sabrina’s exclamation, Renn kept saying: "God! God! Is this true?"

Not only them!

Even everyone in the operating room was stunned when they saw this scene!

Chen Cang...

He adjusted his position personally!

"Give me the gun!" Chen Cang said.

Meng Xi nodded quickly.

At this time, Chen Cang took a deep breath, and the four-dimensional picture in his eyes overlapped with reality!

One minute and one second!

The gun in Chen Cang's hand was cautiously poked into the depths.

In this scene, everyone who saw it was terrified!

The very long needle point has pierced the belly and entered the abdomen...the uterus...

Layer by layer!

Go inside slowly!

At this moment!

Before the live broadcast.

Thousands, even millions of viewers are watching this operation!

Moreover, under word of mouth, more and more people began to pay attention!

And now!

At the headquarters of Dingxiang.com, the expressions of the technicians changed!

"Supervisor, can't bear it!"

"what happened?"

"Too many visits, we have exceeded our upper limit!"

"It's still increasing! There are too many visits from overseas, and the traffic is too large. The server must be replaced as soon as possible, or it will crash!"

"Temporary rent, find the most expensive and best, there should be no surprises in this live operation!"

"Roger that!"

They never thought of it.

So many people watched an ordinary and highly professional surgical live broadcast!

Even, this number is constantly rising!

More and more people join in.



"Damn it, videos are not allowed during office hours! John!"

"Sorry, manager, I'm studying!"

"That's not okay! Ah? This is... which x-pri technique is used to perform surgery on the child across the belly, my God, you amplify the video and the sound!"

"Uh uh uh... good manager!"

The same scene is staged in many places.

More and more people began to pay more attention to it.

Such an operation really exceeded everyone's accident.

It is said that the human heart is separated from the belly!

And this operation is separated by two layers of belly!

The chief surgeon, Professor Chen Cang, performed such an operation by using the x-pri gun!

Everyone felt it was impossible to say it!

However, such an impossibility is happening!

And it's still live broadcast.

May experience success and failure at any time.

For a time, more and more people seemed to be paying attention.

The taxi driver found a place to stop and looked at the car.

The person who was going to play the game also turned on the video and stopped the game...

More and more people joined in...

Time goes by every minute!

Chen Cang's sweat-drenched temples.

He was also scared.

He opened up, but he didn't have a 100% win rate.

The operation will also fail!

Therefore, he is already doing his best.

Sweat stayed ticking.

Everyone looked at Chen Cang nervously.

The needle tip is very thin, but very sharp. If you are not careful, it will damage the heart of the fetus, causing irreversible damage and leading to death!

All this requires feeling.

At this moment, the body of the fetus suddenly moved.

Chen Cang's face changed drastically!

Even everyone jumped in shock.

At this time, Sabrina who was explaining the operation was even more shocked in her heart!

She quickly stood up: "God, come on!"

"Bless this kid!"

Following Sabrina's voice, everyone prayed for the child.

However, at this time, Chen Cang was also scared!

He must assist in adjusting the fetal position.

And who is the gun for?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang glanced at Meng Xi: "Mr. Meng..."

Meng Xi looked at Chen Cang and nodded seriously: "Give it to me!"

During this time, Meng Xi has been practicing hard!

Chen Cang nodded.

Meng Xi began to change hands.

And Chen Cang put his hands on his abdomen at this time, and then began to carefully adjust the position of the fetus!

Everyone’s heart, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com is accompanied by the careful movement of Chen Cang's hands.


The child really moved!

With the help of Chen Cang, the position of the fetus began to move slowly.

Ren couldn't help standing up excitedly!


"Come on! Baby move!"

"Professor Chen, come on, I'm willing to kiss the ass!"

"Come on, success!"

"Professor Chen is amazing!"

"You are simply a genius!"

That's right!

Chen Cang did it.

Chen Cang stabilized the position of the fetus again.

Meng Xi was also under great pressure during this period.

It is very difficult to stabilize and maintain this state without damaging the heart of the fetus!

She did it!

Chen Cang smiled gratefully.

"Ms. Meng is great!"

After speaking, Chen Cang took the x-pri intervention gun and started the operation.

The next process.

It’s much simpler than just now,

Chen Cang's technology can stand the test and polish.

Time passed by every minute.

Everyone is waiting for the surprise after the operation is over!

The commentators also stood up.

"I can't wait, Professor Chen, come on!" Renn said excitedly.

This makes everyone laugh.

However, I have to say that everyone is very happy.

Sabrina couldn't help clenching her fists and insisting... Just keep on for a few more minutes, that's it!

at last!

As Chen Cang took out the x-pri gun, everyone cheered!

At this moment, Chen Cang did it!



ps: Well, although it's not a complete set of six, but the veteran really tried his best, and I will try my best to update tomorrow!

Please support me!

(End of this chapter)

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