When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 1763: : Go to China!

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Fetal position adjustment succeeded!

The operation continued.

Fetal position adjustment is a necessary but difficult technique for an obstetrician and gynecologist!

After all, when the fetus needs to give birth, many times the fetal position is not correct. At this time, a good adjustment of the fetus is required.

Not many people have mastered this technology, but not many.

However, this adjustment is limited.

Chen Cang's fetal position adjustment has exceeded the range that most people can do!

Even Chen Cang himself could not imagine that one day his "delivery technique" could be used in interventional surgery!

Received the x-pri intervention gun from Teacher Meng!

This time he glanced at Liu Quan: "Ms. Liu, puncture the umbilical cord for anesthesia!"

After that, I looked at the director Shiqiao of the neonatology department: "Director Shi, what is the lowest dose?"

Until now, Chen Cang found out.

The necessary anesthesia is inevitable!

Otherwise, the guide wire at the tip of the puncture needle and the expanded balloon will not be able to reach the tricuspid valve area.

After anesthesia!

Chen Cang dared to control the needle point again.

To be honest, even if Chen Cang paid enough attention to this operation, he still underestimated the risks and accidents of the operation!

A heart the size of a pigeon egg really cannot withstand any damage.

At this time, the people watching the live broadcast all over the world are a little nervous.

Can the operation be successful?

Has reached the most critical core operating area.

At this time, Chen Cang carefully adjusted the needle tip, then gently pressed the trigger and touched the button.

Suddenly, the expansion guide ribbon and the balloon have begun to slowly move towards the pulmonary artery area!

Under the CT image, everyone can see through the screen that the expansion balloon in Chen Cang's hand reaches the designated position!

Then, Chen Cang decisively started the operation. With the expansion of the stent, the balloon reached the narrow area.

Just after the stent is expanded, the pressure in the fetal pulmonary valve and tricuspid valve area is instantly reduced!

The doctor who was doing the echocardiography test was pleasantly surprised:

"Professor Chen, the vascular stenosis has been reduced from severe to moderate!"

"The diastolic function of the right ventricle is slowly recovering, and the amount of ventricular bleeding is increasing!"

Hearing what the laboratory doctor said, Chen Cang was relieved!

When everyone around heard this, they were immediately excited!

To be honest, they really didn't expect this operation to be successful!

Even after hearing Chen Cang's creativity, I just felt too bold, but if I really talk about the success rate... it's really bad!

However, everyone watched as the fetus's heart function was restored... and the eyebrows were stretched out.

The operation was successful!

Although it is not over yet, it has greatly promoted the development of the right ventricle of the fetus, corrected the stenosis, reduced the load on the fetal heart, and provided favorable conditions for further surgical treatment after birth.

At this time, Chen Cang originally wanted to destroy and remove, but thought that the condition of the fetus was stable enough, Chen Cang gave up!

He felt that at this time the fetus could be born!

Even before the age of three, the possibility of heart complications is greatly reduced.

After the age of three, to be honest, according to Yuan Te George's terms.

If the child's condition is not serious, follow-up surgery can be performed on the child.

If the situation is critical, finding the most suitable heart for transplantation is already possible!

Therefore, this operation has been successful!

When Chen Cang put the guide wire into the gun, and then slowly retracted the needle.

The operation is completely completed!

"Fetal heart rate is normal!"

"Heart ejection is normal!"

"Heart function recovery..."


Accompanied by the explosion of various indicators.

So everyone who was watching the live operation of the surgery was boiling.

Sabrina was even more excited and said: "Professor Chen's operation has not only won the unborn child alive!"

"But, in the end, it refreshes and opens the door to the world's fetal intrauterine cardiac interventional treatment. This operation will bring new hope to more similar children!"

"I'm really too excited. Professor Chen is not creating a new technique anymore. He has provided a new life hope for many unborn babies!"

At this moment!

Not only Sabrina is excited!

Many people are paying attention to this operation.

Because this operation itself is not just a heart surgery operation.

It is also a neonatal surgery!

Yang Jianxin, known as the father of Chinese neonatology, got goose bumps after seeing this operation!

With some excitement and excitement, he said to the students around him: "This operation has created a precedent for the surgical treatment of infants with congenital heart disease in our country!"

"This... is the crown surgery of fetal medicine!"

Yang Jianxin is really excited!

He did not expect to see such an operation in his lifetime.


From this shot, the Chinese really dared to operate on newborns!

The operation is over!

The whole world is boiling.

The first appearance of x-pri technology was enough to shock everyone.

With his unique posture, with his high-end style and unparalleled skill, he entered everyone's sight!

In the face of strength.

All rumors will be self-defeating!

Whether it is Chen Cang's strength or x-pri's ability to intervene in the gun, this technology has entered everyone's sight!

At the same time!

More and more people have also discovered a brand new field!

The field of intrauterine fetal interventional surgery!

People in the anesthesiology department began to study safe doses for fetal surgery.

The neonatology department began to study the feasibility of surgery!

Congenital heart disease of the fetus has always been a problem in the newborn field!

Today, UU Reading www.uukanshu.com Chen Cang finally successfully completed the last piece of the puzzle!

The operation is finally over!

Yuante George was stunned.

He watched the operation, but he was speechless.

The technology I have always denied, but today saved my child.

It's really funny!

After thinking of this, Yuante George couldn't help but smile.

Sometimes, when a power needs to rise, any external resistance will be called his motivation!

And now!

All over the world, I don't know how many places, one by one phone calls to the hospital!

"Doctor Howard, my child can be saved, right? Professor Chen's x-pri technique can save my child, right!?"

Howard has already answered several similar calls.

He couldn't help but smiled and said, "Yes, it's okay!"

"But...you need to go to China to find the magical Professor Chen Cang!"



ps: Seeing everyone's comments above, I doubt the authenticity of the operation.

This operation is real!

And it was done domestically.

The Xinhua Hospital of Shanghai Jiaotong University completed the first intrauterine fetal cardiac intervention in Asia, but what they did was aortic stenosis surgery.

Therefore, the development of medicine really exceeds our imagination.

Don’t talk nonsense, friends who don’t understand.

The veteran's research on surgery and medical records has original basis.

I don't dare to write silly, after all, there are really many people in the same way watching it.

Moreover, not to mention the interventional heart surgery, now even the unborn fetus can undergo spinal surgery, which is really incredible.

In fact, medicine is like this, the result of hard work may be for a small miracle!

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