When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 802: : Mother's blame (1)

The woman is only in her twenties, and she started crying after she came in!

"Save the child, I beg you."

At this moment, looking at the look of the child is really scary. His face is pale and pale, he has no blood, his lips are cyanotic, his breathing is short, and most importantly, he has passed out.

The stunned woman was frightened. She used to take her children to the playground for a good trip, but after returning, she became like this.

Thought of this, Qin Fang was terrified!

Qin Fang is not from the capital, but works with men in the capital. Qin Fang does housework and men drive taxis.

After three or five years of hard work, I finally saved a sum of money and built a house in my hometown.

The child has been staying in the rural hometown of Beihe province and was taken care of by grandparents.

There are many such families in the country, which is not a rare thing, but because the parents and children do not meet for a long time, the children may even be strange to their parents.

This makes Qin Fang and her husband very frustrated.

Neither of them has much culture. They want to earn more money and give their children a slightly better future.

But after returning home in the New Year this year, Qin Fang found that after seeing the two of them, the children even started to hide, with a little rustiness and a sense of distance.

This is undoubtedly a heavy blow for Qin Fang, who is a mother.

During that time, Qin Fang and his wife reflected for a long time.

After thinking about it, it is too little time to spend with the children, and they do not know enough about the children, so the couple decided to try to stay with the children, rent a slightly larger house, and spend more money. Hard work, don't let children be left-behind!

To put it plainly, as a parent, I hope the child is good!

After coming to the capital for half a month, the two watched their children's smiles more and more, and couldn't help but be happy.

Fortunately, hard work is not wasted.

The five-year-old child was shocked and curious from the small village to the cosmopolitan city. Today, the couple took a day to take the child to the playground to see what the playground on TV really looks like. Look!

I can also look at the Ferris wheel and take a roller coaster ...

But, what was originally happy, after the child got off the jumping machine, Qin Fang suddenly found that the child was breathing more and more quickly, touching his chest and saying, "Mom, I'm uncomfortable, so uncomfortable!"

This sudden startled the Qin Fang couple!

Where the two of them still have a mood to play, this quickly took the child to the hospital.

Along the way, the child's complexion turned paler, and Qin Fang was so worried that he was about to reach the hospital, and the child suddenly passed out!

I suddenly cried Qin Fang!

A woman in her twenties, where does this go!

For a while, I was busy and worried.

I have always complained about myself along the way, usually do not pay attention to children.

At this time, a man in his thirties was also rushing in.

"Doctor! Please, save the child!"

"How much money to save!"

Cang Cang nodded and said to Qin Fang, "You can rest assured that we will try our best to treat this, you ... come in, I ask a few questions!"

After speaking, Qin Fang followed Chen Cang into the rescue room uneasily.

After the outside man finished the formalities, he waited anxiously.

Chen Cang looked at the situation of the boy at this time, and it was clearly caused by ischemia and hypoxia!

The symptoms are nothing more than a few diseases, but ... how old is the child?

Is it congenital?

"Sister Yang, help the child get an electrocardiogram!" Chen Cang said to the nurse.

He then asked Qin Fang: "How did the child develop the disease? What are the incentives?"

With tears on his face, Qin Fang said with a crying voice: "I took him to the playground and made roller coasters, and when I came down, I suddenly told me that I had chest pain and discomfort, and then I started sitting on a stool and panting ... "

After hearing Qin Fang's words, Chen Cang keenly captured several keywords.

Chest pain, sitting and breathing, difficulty breathing.

Is it heart failure?

At this time, the ECG had not yet come out, and Chen Cang hurriedly looked at the children's hands, feet and eyes, showing no signs of swelling.

Then Chen Cang put his hand on the position of the strongest pulsation in the apex, and immediately felt that the pulsation was significantly enhanced!

And, this is ... a lifting beat?

线索 This clue instantly brightened Chen Cang!

Then, I quickly put my hands on it, and really felt that the heart had a tremor during systole!

Suddenly, Chen Cang thought of a disease: "Mitral valve insufficiency!"

But the child is so old, the possibility of rheumatic heart disease is extremely small, and it is likely to be congenital heart disease.

Then Chen Cang took out his stethoscope and heard it in the front of the heart!

As expected, Chen Cang heard a loud, rough, high-pitched, long-systolic blow-like noise with hyper-S3 sound in the apical area!

This is a characteristic sign of mitral regurgitation!

Since it is mitral regurgitation, the significance of the ECG may not be significant.

However, at this time, the ECG also came out at this time. Chen Cang took it for a look. In fact, he felt that it should be a basically normal ECG.

Because many patients with mitral valve insufficiency have normal ECG!

But when Chen Cang took the electrocardiogram, his face suddenly changed!

This is not only a normal, but also a serious abnormal ECG!

What Chen Cang saw at this time was a sign of left atrial hypertrophy and left ventricular hypertrophy!

Cang Cang could not help frowning!

意味着 This means that the mitral valve insufficiency is already severe, and combined with the current situation of the child, it is already very poorly tolerated and may need to complete the operation as soon as possible.

But ...

Chen Cang has a problem. The thickened left atrium and ventricle must not be attacked once or twice?

做 Don't you know that you are a family member?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang said to Yang Jie, "Go and call Dr. Xin and let him make a four-dimensional UCG for the child!"

At this time, compared with other examinations, 4D echocardiography is the clearest, and even the grade can be judged!

洁 Yang Jie nodded, and quickly got up.

Chen Cang looked at Qin Fang and couldn't help but said: "The child's condition is more serious, it belongs to mitral regurgitation, and according to the current situation, it may be accompanied by heart failure.

但是 "But! If this happens to your child, it is definitely not the first time. It may even happen frequently. Have you not paid attention to it?"

Qin Fang heard Chen Cang's words, and immediately stood there without moving, a little dumbfounded!

"I ... I don't know ..." Qin Fang was filled with guilt.

沧 Cang Cang could not help but shook his head: "Has the child not suffered any trauma or anything else, has he suffered any illness before?"

Qin Fang stunned!

Suddenly, she found out that she knew nothing about the child, and it was difficult to answer even such a basic question.

The child's illness, the child has not been injured, what happened to the child, as a mother, she knew nothing ...

Tears of remorse continued to flow from her eyes, and regret and regret filled her heart.

Are you a qualified mother?

When I saw Qin Fang crying like this, Chen Cang couldn't help but sigh ...

I just waited patiently for Doctor Xin to do the inspection.

Four-dimensional echocardiography can observe the structure and activity of mitral valve leaflets in three dimensions, and can more intuitively observe the starting position, direction and shape of the reflux beam, which is of great help to the diagnosis!

After the injection of the contrast agent is successful, the examination begins.

越 But the more he did, the more Doctor Xin frowned, the cold sweat leaked out!

"Dr. Chen, the situation is a little less optimistic!"

After hearing what Doctor Xin said, Chen Cang suddenly said, "What's the situation?"

Tong Xinrong is a female doctor in her thirties. Looking at the results at this time, she was a little bit upset and uneasy!

你 "You see, the first contrast agent of systolic reflux has reached the entire left atrium, and the contrast agent can be seen in the pulmonary veins ... This is already 4/4 degree reflux, no wonder it caused coma!"

After Chen Cang heard it, his face changed too!

Four-degree reflux?

so serious!

Need to organize surgery as soon as possible!

这个 At this time, Xin Rong had typed out the report: "OK, it is congenital mitral regurgitation."

而且 "Also, or the mitral valve is not fully closed with stenosis, but the overall valve activity is good, the anterior lobe is uniform, and the compliance is good!"

After seeing the report, Chen Cang was immediately pleased that it seemed that no artificial valve replacement was needed.

For such a large child, the use of artificial valve replacement is a very troublesome task.

Cang Cang looked at Qin Fang ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and said: "The child is in a critical condition and needs immediate surgery. You should sign as soon as possible."

Qin Fang nodded quickly after hearing: "Okay, sign, doctor, I listen to you, you can do anything, I beg you to save the child."

Qin Fang was almost desperate at this moment.

The child has such a serious illness that he knows nothing about himself as a mother. This is too wrong!

Thought of this, Qin Fang took a deep breath, full of remorse.

Chen Cang quickly said to the nurse:

"Draw a blood test,"

"Inject digoxin strong heart!"

"Inject enalapril to reduce reflux!"

Uh ...

"Notify the operating room to be ready!"

I started hurriedly preparing for this, and Chen Cang looked at the report of the four-dimensional echocardiogram and couldn't help but be lost in thought.

This little patient ...

The situation may be special.

At such a young age, there is such severe heart failure, ventricular hypertrophy, and atrial enlargement. If extracorporeal circulation is used, it may not be good for future development.

Why ... with mitral angioplasty under cardiac arrest?

Thinking of this, Chen Cang is eager to try!

月 At this time, Ma Yuehui, who was involved in rescuing the patient outside, suddenly felt a cold wind coming from his back, and he couldn't help a moment.

Ma Yuehui shook his head immediately. What happened?

"Fuck, why have you been so ill?"

Uh ...

Uh ...

Ps: There is only one chapter tonight, I ca n’t finish the second chapter, and I have a headache.

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