When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 803: : Mother's blame (2)

The operation must be done by Chen Cang alone, at least a helper is needed!

Chen Chen returned to the office and found that Zhang Yuan and Yang Hui had returned.

Suddenly his eyes lightened, "Do you have time? I need help with the operation in a while."

When Zhang Yuan and Yang Hui heard it, their eyes suddenly lighted up: "Yes, yes!"

"Big God, what surgery?"

Chen Cang: "Mitral Valvuloplasty!"

Yang Hui couldn't help but hesitated for a moment: "This is ... fourth-level operation? I haven't done it independently!"

Zhang Yuan also nodded and smiled awkwardly: "Well ... I haven't done this kind of high-precision surgery, but I gave the team leader a shot."

听到 When Chen Cang heard it, he shook his head with a smile and said, "In fact, it's okay, just hit your hands, I can do it!"

I heard Chen Cangyun say it lightly, the two couldn't help raising their thumbs!

"Big God, you are so bullish, you can do this kind of four-level surgery!"

Zhang Yuan's years of training in the emergency center have actually yielded a lot, and can already deal with some common operations independently.

But mitral angioplasty is too specialized and is an open heart surgery, which is a more difficult type of cardiac surgery, so it will not be normal.

For a while, the two were looking forward to it.

Chen Cang sighed helplessly, thinking that when they were in the Second Provincial Hospital, a group of people rushed to perform surgery on themselves.

Although ... it seems that those directors who came here did exactly the same as interns?

Is to take a look, look at the assists, not even assist!

Cang Cang thought about Teacher Meng, thought about Director Xia, and thought about Tao Tao Tao, think about it carefully, it seems to be superfluous. When I come, I just look at the live broadcast.

Thinking about it, it doesn't seem to make any difference.

I got the surgical assistant, Chen Cang turned back to the rescue room.

At this time, the child's heart function gradually recovered under the action of various drugs such as sodium nitroprusside, and finally woke up.

沧 Cang Cang is waiting for the results of the inspection and examination to come out before he must formulate a specific surgical plan.

前 Preoperative preparation is also an integral part of the operation.

沧 For patients with chronic mitral regurgitation and accompanying acute attacks, Chen Cang really has a headache.

Because the patient's heart function is very poor, anesthesia is a very dangerous thing.

If you cannot prepare everything before the operation, once the operation is anesthetized, the patient may have a heart attack again!

At that time, with the occurrence of heart failure, the success rate of surgery is basically zero!

Therefore, before this, Chen Cang must ensure that the child's various physical constitutions and indicators return to normal.

After the child woke up, he looked at Chen Cang with a confused expression: "I ... where am I?"

The child's words were in a strong dialect. Chen Cang looked at some agitated little boys and comforted: "Don't worry, you're in the hospital."

I heard Chen Cang's words, the boy froze for a moment, feeling panic!

He glanced at Chen Cang: "I ... how did I come to the hospital? My parents?"

He said, the children's tears kept flowing down, looking at the tube on his body, crying even more fiercely.

The nurse Yang Jie, who was standing aside, hurried to greet him: "Well, don't cry, don't cry, you're sick, it's okay! It will be fine in a while."

However, no matter how Yang Jie appeases, the little boy can't cry!

而是 Instead, there are some signs of growing crying!

Chen Cang couldn't help but said, "Your parents are worried about you and are waiting for you outside the door."

I heard Chen Cang's words, the little boy froze and the tears stopped.

They ... didn't go?

The little boy froze.

Squinting his eyes and staring at Chen Cang, "Uncle Doctor, I'm leaving ..."

When Chen Cang heard it, he immediately shook his head: "You can't go now. Obediently, I'll let your parents come in."

The little boy quickly shook his head, and got up in the middle of speaking: "Don't ... don't call them!"

沧 Cang Cang turned around and stopped abruptly.

"what happened?"

The little boy muttered, and tears fell again: "They know I'm sick ... they don't want me anymore ... wow ..."

I said here, the little boy cried all of a sudden, crying very sad, and Yang Jie looked a little distressed.

Cang Cang for a moment, he did not expect the little boy to say so!

The little boy cried and said, "Children, they all said that my parents didn't want me anymore, they went to the capital and didn't come to see me ..."

"They must not like me anymore ..."

The little boy was crying more and more fiercely: "If they knew I was sick, they wouldn't want me ..."

At this moment, Chen Cang was stunned!

Is this what a five-year-old should say?

Suddenly, Yang Jie beside her was also dumbfounded, her eyes suddenly dim.

Quickly hugged the child and wiped her tears: "Don't cry, don't cry, it's okay, okay, auntie tells you, why don't your parents want you? They like you, they want to make money for you Buy delicious! "

The little boy sobbed and said: "I don't eat snacks, I'm very good, I eat well, I ... I don't buy toys, I want them to stay with me, other children have parents, I don't ... I ... wow ... "

Howling and crying, the little boy was tired and did not cry, and began to sob continuously.

洁 Yang Jie, the mother of the child, heard the little boy's words and cried.

沧 Cang Cang could not help but sighed and asked:

"Don't you have chest pain and discomfort before and feel out of breath?"

The little boy nodded, raised his hands and wiped his tears, and said with red eyes, "I often feel uncomfortable ... but I dare not say, they all say they must not be mine because I am not obedient, if they let me know that I am sick ... They will definitely not want me anymore ... "

而且 "Moreover, grandparents said that taking medicines is expensive, and it is not easy for parents to make money. I'm afraid they will spend the money, they go again, and I can't see them again ..."

The little boy couldn't help sobbing.

Chen Cang hesitated ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ exhaled a long breath, no wonder the parents did not know that the child was uncomfortable, it turned out that this child has been concealing his illness, so that he has been developing for so many years, constantly Heavier.

The little boy touched his finger: "I don't dare to play with my children, as soon as I play, I'm not comfortable. I can only watch them play ..."

"Uncle Doctor, can you tell my parents that I am sick? I can hold back, I'll just rest ..." The little boy stared at Chen Cang with tears in his eyes, full of tears. pray!

Yang Jie listened to the child's words, really did not know what to say, tears fell directly, hugging the child, always comforted.

沧 Chen Cang was silent for a while, and now everything is clear, but maybe the little boy needs his parents.

Cang Cang got up and went out, Qin Fang and his wife ushered up!

The anxiety they had long been waiting outside.

"Doctor, how is it?" Qin Fang said, dragging Chen Cang's white coat, then suddenly realized that he was too excited, and quickly let go.

沧 Cang Cang sighed and repeated the original boy's words just intact.

After hearing this, Qin Fang's two pestles remained motionless, like a sculpture!

Qin Fang was crying and broke down, even tears were swirling in her husband's eyes.

After a while, Chen Cang said, "Go comfort your child and prepare for the operation in a moment."

I just ... Qin Fang just came in and the little boy laughed!

"Mom, I'm fine ... I'm tired!" The little boy said with red eyes, smiling, "Let's go home!"

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