When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 852: : Can criticism be addictive?

Those "substitute players", "water dispenser players", and "goalkeeper players" outside, when they saw Chen Cang "scold Director Xu", they immediately felt happy.

They swear, this is definitely not gloating!

They are at best ... well, it's gloating, it's so obvious that people around you can't stand it anymore!

You can't blame them!

For a long time, Xu Ziming belonged to the top students in this small class, the monitor class.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Chen criticized and was still unambiguous!

This made everyone see hope. As long as they are stronger, they are not unable to counterattack the upper ranks.

The operation continued. The 11-bed boy had a pre-excitation syndrome in the heart. Chen Cang also carefully completed the next operation, for fear of too much damage.

In fact, strange things always happen whether it is a cardiac or neurosurgery operation.

Many times, due to improper treatment of a nerve, there are not a few things that lead to the direct failure of surgery.

Therefore, the operation must be performed carefully!

Of course, if you have the strength of Teacher Chen, you don't need to say more.

Although the families who watched the operation outside did not understand the specific procedure, they knew the ECG monitor!

Looking at the constantly beating numbers above, they know ... all this is safe!

Their children are still safe!

The minute and second of the operation passed.

Chen Cang came to an end, but ... everyone found a rare thing.

Chen Cang has sutured her heart, and Director Liu next door is still working!

The speed is one after the other, the gap is really obvious!

Director Liu saw Chen Cang coming in, and his face was sweating all at once. Obviously, he was afraid that Chen Cang would blame him for being slow!

But ... you can't blame yourself for being slow, you can only blame Teacher Chen for being too fast!

Quick, we can't catch up at all ...

Fortunately, Chen Cang is still a bit forced, knowing that he is fast, he will not blame others for being slow!

Chen Cang also did not criticize.

Get up and walk towards the next door, and start pointing.

Everyone has advantages and disadvantages, Director Liu's grasp of this heart wall is really good!

Under the guidance of Chen Cang, the operation was soon completed!

Next came the time when everyone was most concerned and concerned about the results of the operation!

Because the heart does not stop, a very important reperfusion step is subtracted, and after the blood has entered the heart, it does not cause excessive heart maladjustment.

Everyone is observing!

"Open students actively block the clamp!"


Everyone stared at the heart and the monitor, even Lin Hui was a little nervous!

Such an operation can be said to be attracting much attention!

No one wants to see failure!


Blood flow resumes and the heart continues to beat!

Time ... seconds ... one minute passed!

No exceptions!

Everyone was happy!


Chen Cang couldn't help but say, "Echocardiography is ready!"

The examination doctor nodded and walked over and started the examination quickly!

Everyone stared directly at the screen, hoping to get good news!

"The ejection fraction is normal!"

"No low cardiac output syndrome!"

"No left ventricular exclusion obstruction was found!"

"The left ventricular end-systolic volume index is normal!"

"The inner diameter of the left ventricle is normal!"


With the normal results reported, everyone laughed happily, Director Liu even jumped happily, uh ... very naughty!

At this moment, everyone knows that the operation was successful!

The expression of joy was beyond words, this naughty beat made everyone happy.

In fact, these doctors have no relaxation compared to their family members. The joy brought by the successful operation is also unparalleled!

Next, Chen Cang returned to the little boy in bed 11 and started to check!

The results are also normal.

Chen Cang was finally relieved!

Two surgeries, performed simultaneously, all succeeded!

Fortunately not humiliating!

At this time, many doctors watching videos in the operating room's office were already standing up unconsciously during the examination.

When they saw the operation was successful, they couldn't help cheering!

"Mr. Chen is awesome!"

"Ms. Chen is mighty!"

"Miss Chen picks two!"


Chen Cang made history again!

One person directs two operations at the same time, and it is two mitral valve replacement operations with non-beating heart. The operation is very difficult and the risk factor is very large!

But Chen Cang did it!

Everyone looked up at Chen Cang. It is estimated that Mr. Chen is also very excited now?

After all, how many people will be shocked by this story of Guan Rong?

However, Chen Cang's expression disappointed them!

Only Chen Cang looked indifferent, with only a slight smile in his eyes.

It seems that everything is so light and light.

It also seemed that he had all this in mind!

It seems that Chen Cang seems to have just done a mighty appendectomy!

This ... Maybe it's the Great God?

Everyone couldn't help but be sighed, Teacher Chen, how much skill do you have!


Wu Tongfu didn't mind, just smiled and got up and walked outside.

He knew that the operation was a success!

Wu Tongfu's visit this time was not just to see the operation, but to support Chen Cang.

If an accident occurs during the operation, he Wu Tongfu must stand out and stand in front of Chen Cang!

Because of this, Chen Cang may not be able to withstand it!

But when harvesting the fruits of success, this credit belongs to this young man.

His future is promising!

The joy of success, let this young man accept it!

When Wu Tongfu went out, he looked back at the close-up of Chen Cang in the picture and couldn't help but sigh.

Who is young?

It is a pity that this young man has his madness from the inside out!

His madness is self-confidence, not publicity!

One operation and two operations, this is his frivolity!

His face is not changed in the face of cardiac arrest, which is his frivolity!

Facing two difficult patients, this is his situation!

In the face of more than 30 critically ill patients, more than 70 family members can say "no one is less", which is still his frivolity!


This is the frivolity that young people need ...

Wu Tongfu remembered the young man deeply. He closed his eyes and smiled lightly in his head.



The departure of Wu Tongfu also made everyone lively.

Unconsciously, because of the arrival of Chen Cang, the operating room added a lot of vitality.

Everyone was talking excitedly, and today's surgery video is enough for them to blow for a year!

Chen Cang's cardiopulmonary surgery is also enough for them to consider for a long time, and even to tell the legend to the children when they are old!

Only the old horse, Ma Yuehui looked at his hands, some regrets, some regrets, and some regrets!

He felt that he was not the same as Chen Cang, but a mother who would give birth!

Otherwise, Chen Cang will be like that.

Now Ma Yuehui feels more and more that in fact ... reception is really a technology.



After Chen Cang's operation was completed, he did not leave the operating room directly, but began to change clothes, brush his hands, and prepare for the next operation!

There were four operations scheduled in the afternoon, because two were in line, and the next few operations are about to begin!

At this time, it is already evening: 7:25!

From the beginning to the end, the two operations were performed simultaneously, for a total of less than two hours!

The operating room nurse and doctor in charge got up and left the operating room, pushing the patient back to the ward.

After coming out of the operating room, the doctor in charge held it up!

More than 70 family members stood at the door and bowed.

"Thank you doctor!"

The operation they witnessed witnessed the hard work of the doctor.

It also witnessed the strictness of Chen Cang!

For every detail improvement, even Director Xu was scolded.

One person directs two operations at the same time.

They even couldn't help jumping up after seeing each director's successful operation.

Although the old director in a surgical gown in the picture jumped very funny, it was even more funny!


This is the most true expression of emotion.

The operation was successful, they are happier than everyone, and they are happy!

Everyone couldn't help feeling a bit.

At this time, the 11-bed family members quickly asked: "How about Dr. Chen? Director Xu? Why haven't they come out yet!"

The doctor in charge couldn't help but sigh.

The little nurse in the operating room on the side couldn't help but said, "There were 4 operations this afternoon, all of which were Dr. Chen's main surgeon, but suddenly two were added, and those four must be pushed back!"

"Dr. Chen has performed 7 operations today and he has not rested at noon."

"Now at 7:30, the next operation will start at 7.50 on time, all of which are Dr. Chen's main knife. It is estimated that it is already two or three o'clock after it is done ..."

Chen Cang is the male **** in the heart of the operating room nurse now!

Everyone is distressed by so many operations a day.

"The assistant doctors are all exchanged, but Dr. Chen cannot."

"Dr. Chen has been in this state for almost two weeks ..."

The little nurse muttered something distressed and heard it in everyone's ears, so that everyone couldn't help sighing.

Everyone looked at the big screen, and Chen Cang, who was busy in the room, was very touched!

Can't help but say something sincerely:

"Doctor Chen has worked hard!"

Indeed, in order to get out the operation guide as soon as possible, Chen Cang basically came to the operating room for surgery every day.

At this time, Chen Cang was brushing his hands, and Xu Ziming couldn't help walking to Chen Cang.

"Xiao Chen ... can you discuss something ..."

Xu Ziming smiled awkwardly, a little embarrassed.

Chen Cang said: "Director Xu, you said."

Xu Ziming coughed out: "Can you not criticize me in front of so many people, you see ... I am so old, how embarrassed?"

Chen Cang could not help but hold back ...

Maybe he criticized Teacher Meng for being addicted?



ps: The latest update was due to the increase in the number of chapter words ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ last night and noon with a 3000-word chapter. I hope everyone will be happy.

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