Chen Cang is busy and happy recently!

Each operation can provide tens of thousands of experience. After 50 consecutive non-stop cardiac surgeries, the advanced monsters!

Chen Cang finally realized that the big hospital was indeed an advanced copy.

[Rejuvenation Elixir x30; Strength Elixir x10; Durable Elixir x5; Energy Elixir x5;]

But what made Cang Cang curious was why not blast himself?

Looked at his level:

[Cang Cang: Level 49! 】

In two weeks, he was promoted to level 6 which is unexpected for Chen Cang. Nowadays, it is increasingly difficult to improve the level.

But Chen Cangyin felt something different!

It seems that after upgrading according to the level, he feels that his clinical thinking is good, and his understanding of the disease is nothing but these, there are some subtle improvements!

This surprised Chen Cang.

I originally thought that the level increase only brought skill points, and this skill point even seemed a little weak at this time.

It seems far from it.

Not only can we broaden our horizons, but we can also improve our new medical knowledge and some of our ability to sense the future, especially our judgment on medical treatment.

Medicine is a development discipline, and simply having surgical techniques is not a great doctor.

Excellent techniques and technology can save 10,000 people!

But the broadened vision and medical reform can save tens of millions of people!

Chen Cang hopes that one day when the people suffer from a major illness, they will be the ones who are alone.

However, although there is no explosive equipment, these potions are very intoxicating to Chen Cang!

So many powerful potions!

Chen Cang grew more and more happy.

What recovery, physical strength, endurance, energy ... Well, in fact, that's it. I don't need it because my body is so good.

Cardiac pacing surgery has formed a guideline, and Cang Chen will continue to talk to these students during the recent surgery.

The wealthy Chen Cang did not hesitate to use a bottle of recovery potion.

In the evening of the four operations, Chen Cang did not do all the work himself, but began to instruct these director-level students, let them do it themselves, and face various situations.



The 11-bed boy and the 19-bed girl woke up shortly after they returned.

They opened their eyes and burst into tears when they saw their parents!

Don't speak!

They knew that they had finally overcome a difficult life.

After knowing things, they know that they are not the same as ordinary children. They cannot be tired, play unscrupulously, or even go to school like them.

They know they need surgery!

If the surgery is successful, they can be just like normal people.

Now they opened their eyes, and although there was no difference in front of them, they knew.

The next world will be wonderful.

"Mom and Dad, did the younger brother succeed in the operation?" The young girl asked awkwardly.

When my parents heard it, they hesitated for a moment. Then they remembered the little boy in bed 11 and said with a smile, "Success! You have all succeeded!"

The little girl suddenly burst into tears, "Can I go to school in the future? Can I have children?"

The parents were a little moved.

For many years, this is also their nightmare!

Now I finally woke up!

At this time, the parents of the children in the same room were also very happy to see the little girl wake up.

Because it means that they will succeed too!

The taste of hope is so intoxicating!

The nurse came in to check for vital signs, and after recording, was about to leave.

At this time, the little girl suddenly called the nurse: "Sister of the nurse ... uncle Chen Cang, do they eat?"

In a word, I stopped the little nurse's question!

The little girl continued:

"Before I fell asleep, I heard from the uncle doctors that they said that Uncle Chen Cang had a surgery today, and after he had surgery on me, he had to have surgery on the next uncle ..."

"They are very hard ... will they be hungry?"

In a word, they were dumbfounded.

After hearing the little nurse, she was a little moved.

In order to operate the child, the other doctor was anxious to take the rest time to perform the operation, which saved their lives. Maybe this seems to others to be right.

But children can be thankful.

The little girl continued: "Sister nurse, you tell Uncle Chen Cang or those doctors Uncle to eat well ... Mom said to eat on time, or it is bad for the stomach ..."

The little girl was just a word of concern, but the little nurse couldn't help feeling warm!

Also makes the parents of the little girl a bit ashamed!

Maybe everyone thinks that medical treatment is just a deal!

In fact, he is also a help and a consolation.

No words are needed.

Just say, "Doctor, eat well!"



In the operating room, four operations, twelve chief physicians, eight nurses, two anesthesiologists ... persisted until 3 o'clock in the morning!

Today is the first time that they have personally operated the knife from beginning to end. Although it was carried out under the guidance of Chen Cang, it is exciting for everyone.

All beginnings are hard!

They have taken the first step.

After leaving the operating table, the weather in March may be a little warm, but the capital in the early morning was still very cold.

Everyone came out of the operating room and smelled the unique Beijing flavor air that was mixed with car exhaust and smog, and they felt a little fragrant!

Several directors were so excited that they had to invite Teacher Chen to have a thank you dinner.

Chen Cang is actually very happy today, after all, the operation is surprisingly smooth, especially the operation of the little boy and girl, it is really a little happy.

Moreover, students who see themselves tuned in can also perform non-stop cardiac surgery independently.

Chen Cang was also very pleased.

At three o'clock, where can I eat delicious food?

I have to say that the circle of doctors is quite complicated. Old Zhu is a rich second-generation family. He started a company at home. He studied medicine for his own sake.

He proposed to ask the driver to take them to Gongti Xilu ~ ~ Cang Cang had heard of the name.

But I have never been there!

In the early morning, there are incense cars, beautiful women, gorgeous lights, and bustling streets.

However, everyone was hungry and wanted to find a place to eat. The vote did not pass.

What Xu Ziming meant was to turn on the phone and see which store was still open at the nearest store. It used to be something to eat.

At this time, Liu Quan suddenly said, "I'll take you to a special place! Where things taste good, and the amount is full!"

Liu Quan is not from the capital. He was born and raised in northern Shaanxi. After spending more than ten years in the capital, he still can't change the taste of the northwest.

However, everyone is really hungry. They don't drink at all and simply drive to eat.

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