When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 903: : If not for desperation, who wants to die?

Yang Jie's words made Chen Cang a bit more worried!

Yeah, near the TV station ...

I thought of this, Chen Cang shook his head, no matter what he was, he was an emergency doctor, and his job was to save lives, that's all.

The ambulance was running on the road, and Chen Cang and Yang Jie were a little worried.

I was speechless all the way, Chen Cang was not idle here, and began to configure for a while to rescue what needed, Yang Jie also began to help.

After ten minutes, the 120 bells screamed and the surroundings boiled instantly!

"Get out of here, get out of here!"

"Doctor is here!"

At this time, the patient was lying on the ground, in pain and sorrow, and the surrounding security guards and TV station staff did not dare to disturb.

"Who hit 120?" Chen Cang asked quickly.

中 A middle-aged man quickly stepped forward and said, "It's me, I hit, save people!"

A middle-aged man in a suit with a stern eye and a TV station work permit hung on his body.

The security guards around him hurriedly let everyone apart, making way for Chen Cang and Yang Jie.

The man lying on the ground was very painful, his hands beating on the ground, his facial expressions were extremely horrible, but the painful words were speechless.

Cang Cang frowned. Is it because the vocal cords can't be vocalized due to strong acid burns?

It was no longer realistic for the man to speak. Chen Cang quickly asked the people gathered around him, "How much sulfuric acid did he drink? How long?"

A young man in his twenties was a security guard. At this time, he was obviously panicking: "He is here to petition, but I ... I dare not let him in. He said, I wo n’t go in, I ’ll come and sit ! "

"Then chatted with me, and after more than half an hour, he suddenly picked up a bottle and mumbled and drank."

"I didn't notice it at first. I thought it was a drink. Later, he mourned. I quickly ran out to see that he had already drank most of the bottle. I reacted at that time, and quickly grabbed it. It was sulfuric acid. I I was frightened! "

"It should be more than 40 minutes by now, I don't know how to deal with it, nothing has moved, this is a bottle, he has finished drinking!"

Cang Cang took a look at the bottle, and frowned suddenly. How much did he drink?

This is the sulfuric acid configured by Taobao. The self-made label is on it. The ph3.5 written should be diluted with concentrated sulfuric acid.

Here, Chen Cang quickly said to Yang Jie: "Sister Yang, lift it up first, and talk on the stretcher!"

The middle-aged man quickly said to several security guards: "Hurry up, help the doctor!"

The patient is relatively tall, and he is in his thirties!

Several people worked hard together and carried them to the stretcher.

Cang Cang set the supine position, and bring a few cushions to raise the patient's feet!

In fact, oral strong acid is also a poisoning reaction, just like drinking poison, but this poison is more cruel!

His destructive power is very strong!

It is different from drinking pesticide poisoning. After oral administration of strong acid, gastric lavage and vomiting are contraindicated. I am worried about preventing gastric perforation and repeated burns!

I said it plainly, just because this stuff is so awesome, I dare not let him flow out!

Here, Chen Cang said quickly: "Give me the 7.5% magnesium hydroxide suspension, and I made milk and egg white just now!"

Yang Jie nodded quickly!

The patient's mood collapsed at this moment, the pain was sorrowful, one hand was stuck in the throat, the other was holding the stomach in one hand, and he wanted to shout, but he didn't dare shout with pain, he coughed, and tears flowed.

This situation is difficult to control now!

Cang Chen said quickly: "I'm a doctor, I can save you, don't be afraid!"

"You opened your mouth and drank this."

The man shook his head, his eyes full of despair. After seeing Chen Cang, he shook his head and closed his mouth without opening his mouth.

Chen Cang suddenly stopped!

Is this ... refuse treatment?

Is this iron heart trying to commit suicide?

Seeing this situation, Chen Cang also got up in Europe and America.

After a while, the man pulled out a few pieces of paper from his pocket and handed it to Chen Cang, then folded his hands and asked for help.

After seeing Chen Cang, he suddenly hesitated.

At this time, the people around were also dumbfounded, and even the TV staff was stunned. What is this?

The patient pointed in the direction of the TV station, and tears came out directly. It seemed that the heartache caused his heart to die more than the gastrointestinal mucosa was stimulated by strong acid.

What is it like to cause a man to treat himself in such a decisive and cruel way?

I looked at the man as if he would not receive treatment without taking the paper, Chen Cang took it with both hands.

Open it and look at it: "My name is Che Zhehua. This year I am 35 years old. My daughter is ill and has a heart attack. Now the situation is very dangerous and I need to spend money to cure the disease. Can you help me? I'm really desperate! I can die, I hope I can save my daughter ... I hope I can get the money back. "

Chen Cang froze. At this time, the TV staff, the man who seemed to be the leader, came forward, and frowned and consulted the man: "Can I watch?"

Zhe Zhehua nodded and didn't speak, her hands folded, her eyes were full of gratitude.

The TV staff looked up and sighed after watching it, saying, "This is not your business. We will pay attention to it. We will send a dedicated staff to understand it. www.wuxiaspot.com ~ to expose, we will take your matter seriously, you will be cured, your child is waiting for you. "

I heard the words of the child, the man cried all of a sudden, and opened his mouth to cry.

I did n’t feel despair, who would choose to commit suicide?

TV staff said: "Comrade Doctor, you have to take good care of the cost. We will contact the leaders as soon as possible to see if we can get some rescue funds!"

The middle-aged man is very capable. After soothing, Che Zhehua's mood has also stabilized.

Does he want to die?

I certainly don't want to!

He just lost his way. There is really no way. With a hot head, he can do such impulsive things.

沧 Cang Cang first drank about 500 ml of water, and then looked at the man and said, "You have to bear it, you need to pull out the contents of your stomach! It may be uncomfortable!"

The rescue conditions at the scene are really limited, and Chen has done everything.

Get a thin soft stomach tube and insert it carefully into the stomach. The whole process is much more uncomfortable than imagined!

Because the oral mucosa has burned, blisters, ulcers and burning pain have occurred in many mucous membranes!

At this time, let alone intubation, even drinking saliva is suffering!

The man squeezed the sticks on both sides of the stretcher with both hands, the blue tendons were exposed!

He must bear, he can't die!

He wants to see the child rescued.

He saw hope ...

Finally, Chen Cang inserted the thin tube as the weight and began to slowly clean the stomach contents.

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