When the Doctor Opened the Plug-in

Chapter 904: :scam! scam! scam!

Actually, he just hopes that those sulfuric acid is not completely absorbed, and can be washed out through this soft and thin stomach tube!

This process lasted about five or six minutes!

As soon as he pulled out the thin hose, the man turned and started vomiting!

At this moment, Che Zhehua might as well die!

He felt uncomfortable, hoarse, and even speechless, nausea and vomiting, but he couldn't vomit anything!

A burning stomach is like a fire burning inside, but he is afraid to drink a sip of water.

At this time, after Chen Cang poured 60ml of magnesium hydroxide suspension into a man, he thought about it and drank some egg whites.

禁用 For patients with this acidosis, disable sodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate solution!

Because once neutralized, the gas produced will become a lethal killer at this moment.

Chen Cang stooped and began some palpation of the abdomen. According to his experience with sulfuric acid poisoning, it was not yet the stage of gastrointestinal perforation!

After the gastrointestinal mucosa is destroyed, there will be a process. This process is actually a process of chronic meat cutting. The gastrointestinal tract will ulcerate step by step. occur!

If at this time, the use of sodium bicarbonate or sodium carbonate solution, the gas produced can cause flatulence and even perforation.

This is fatal to the patient!

Once the perforation occurs, these acids flow into the abdominal cavity, basically ... the consequences can be imagined.

Che Zhehua is breathing normally without damaging the trachea, which is good news.

However, he was painful and made everyone around him feel pitiful.

Cang Cang turned to Yang Jie and said, "Petidine 50mg intramuscularly!"

After thinking about it, Chen Cang added: "Intravenous injection of 10% calcium gluconate 10ml!"

After waiting for the patient to stabilize, Chen Cang, together with Yang Jie and Lao He, pushed the patient into the car and hurried toward the hospital.

After getting into the car, Chen Cang injected the patient with antibiotics.

But he knew that the most dangerous time for the patients had not yet arrived.

及时 If the rescue is timely, it may be much better, but Chen Cang estimates that this esophagus, stomach, duodenum will produce scars and even cause stenosis. When the patient's condition is stable, surgery must be performed.

Ipiperidine has a strong analgesic effect, but is less likely to produce sleep.

Yang Jie was given ECG monitoring, and the situation was stable. No special accidents occurred.

All the way, nothing but the periodic sound of the machine's sound.

And the tears of patient Che Zhehua fell from time to time.

At this time, the patient took an oral strong acid for one hour, and it was not enough time to take hormones. Chen Cang recalled the content on the paper at the beginning and couldn't help sighing!

You are all poor people ...

If it wasn't forbidden, who would want to treat their lives and bodies in this way?

He estimates that his family doesn't know yet?

After the car arrived at the emergency department, Chen Cang contacted the endoscopy room for a microscopy to determine what the situation looked like.

The staff at the side also contacted the Public Security Bureau and then contacted the patient's family.

This is a special patient in Yang Jie's mouth.

Special status!

The situation is special!

The situation is special too!

However, all these patients are the same for emergency medical staff. What is special about them?

an examination……

Treatment ...

After returning to the rescue room, Chen Cang asked Yang Jie to give Che Zhehua 10 mg prednisone orally. Hormonal therapy should be maintained for three weeks to reduce fibrosis and prevent scarring of the digestive tract.

余 Even after Yu Yong had just received the news, he hurried in.

Although he is a staff member of the Public Security Bureau, middle-aged men from TV stations have rushed in.

At this moment, the man suddenly became the focus.

It seems that no one in his life has followed him so much.

The upper gastrointestinal endoscopy was classified as Grade III, which made Yu Yonggang anxious, because the patients with Grade III developed stenosis almost 100% later.

Pyloric stenosis, esophageal adhesions, severe gastrointestinal mucosal damage, perforation possible!

Surgery ... needs to be done soon.

That night, Che Zhehua's wife came and brought an eight-year-old girl. After coming in, the wife cried with her baby.

The little girl looked at his father lying in bed with a lot of pipes and was startled!

In order to prevent serious adhesion, a tube is left in the esophagus ...

The next day, more than twenty people came to the hospital. A group of people gathered around the ward and looked at Che Zhehua.

"Old car, do n’t think about it, we have n’t lost yet! Why are you in a hurry? If you can get the best lawyer, we still have a chance to win, we can still find the media, they can help us! "

Che Zhehua looked at the friends who were also victims, looked at the children and his wife, and tears could not stop.

On this side, Chen Cang stepped out of the rescue room, and the old horse couldn't help asking: "Little Chen, what's the matter?"

At this time, several nurses Yang Jie and Xiao Ke also gathered around and looked at Chen Cang.

Chen Cang sighed and said:

"The patient is Che Zhehua, 35 years old. He used to work at Foxconn, and then gave birth to a child after getting married. I felt that Foxconn had no future, so I went to get a c1 driver's license. . "

"A year ago, he wanted to take advantage of the Chinese New Year to earn some money and go online to find a job. There was a company called **** logistics that recruited a large number of freight drivers. The C1 driver's license was sufficient. The monthly salary guaranteed in the contract was 15,000. Monthly salary of 180,000. "

"He went well, he passed the interview, entered the trial period, and then the CEO personally signed the contract with him!"

"Che Zhehua is very happy, with an annual salary of 180,000, and now I can make money for my wife and children to have a good life!"

"But on the day of signing the contract, the company said that every master needs to buy a car by himself. Even if he can't afford it, the company can help them guarantee the purchase of the car, but they need to pay a deposit of 20,000. The deposit will be returned after one year of work. It is so beautifully named to retain talents and prevent them from buying a car and changing jobs. "

"Che Zhehua paid the deposit, the company also signed a contract, 15,000 a month, and then took him to a financial company to sign a car loan contract. The car's down payment required a deposit of 20,000. If he didn't pay, he would automatically think of giving up his job. . "

"After discussing with Che Zhehua at home, all the savings were taken out and borrowed, and even Alipay's borrowing lent out, so I had enough money and then brought the car."

"Soon he went to work, the company sent him to Beihe Province to pull the goods, but the time was tight and he was overloaded to pull the goods. As a result, the traffic police detained the car and the goods because of violations."

"Also, I was warned that this was a passenger car. You were overloaded and detained not only for pulling cargo."

"After being detained, Che Zhehua didn't dare to tell his family that the company said that he would be paid regularly, and it was okay to take it with him. This is the responsibility of the company, and the money is for you."

"After going out, he went to the company to ask for compensation, but was told that he had been fired 15 days ago. At this time, Che Zhehua realized that he had been deceived. Not only was he cheated by a logistics company with a 20,000 deposit, but also what Financial companies and auto companies are embarrassed, let him loan 130,000, and buy passenger cars worth tens of thousands! "

然后 "Then the logistics company also designed a trap to let him operate illegally, get caught, and then fired!"

"At this time, he knew that he was cheated. It wasn't just him who was deceived. Nearly hundreds of people, many people did!"

他们 "They searched for a lawyer, but were told that they had signed the contract themselves, the terms were bad for them, and it was difficult to win the lawsuit. Everyone froze, realizing they were cheated."

"When Che Zhehua returned home, he found that his home was splashed with paint. Because he did not call the loan after the due date, the car was dragged away ... and he could not change the loan of Alipay. Now the car loan is also profitable ..."

"The wife told him yesterday that the child's physical examination needed timely surgery and a lot of money ..."

"Zhe Zhehua reluctantly chose this method to solve it! He felt dead, and he would definitely not have to repay the loan ..."

After Chen Cang finished speaking, the whole office was angry!

Old horse punched directly on the desk, yelling loudly.


"Exhausted the conscience, how can there be such a person?"

"The law must punish him!"


The little nurses also said angrily.

And the middle-aged man from the TV station came in and just saw this scene and couldn't help saying, "Where is Director Yu?"

Ma Mahui stepped forward: "What's wrong?"

The man looked at Ma Yuehui and said, "There is something that needs to be communicated with Director Yu ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ At this time, everyone noticed that the reporter behind the man was carrying a camera and interview.

Cang Cang couldn't help but said, "I hope you can do justice for the victims!"

The man nodded Shen Shen: "Well, the leaders take this matter very seriously. Please rest assured that we will work together to do this together."

During the conversation, the man took the camera to the rescue room and looked at Che Zhehua and the dozens of victims present.

Seriously said: "I am You Yong of the TV station! Rest assured, we will definitely disclose and expose this matter, and we need your active cooperation to try to save more people!"

Everyone is excited when this word comes out!

"Old car, did you hear that, we will definitely win! That fraud organization, we will definitely get the money back!"


"thanks, thanks……"

Everyone looked at the man gratefully at once.

Chi Youyong turned to look at Chen Cang and said: "Comrade Doctor, we work together. Patients must be treated well, and there is no need to worry about costs."

"We must let the penalties be punished!"

Uh ...

Uh ...

ps: The case is false, but the thing is true. I wrote this thing, and I hope that everyone will pay attention to it after seeing it. I hope that people who steal the legal space and bully the common people should get what they deserve Punishment.

Some people think I write too beautiful, but ... life is so cruel, if I ca n’t write better in the novel, what's the point?

This scam, I hope everyone will pay attention to it and tell people around you not to be cheated!

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