20 days?

Isn't this life-threatening?

Feng Lun raised his eyes and was about to say that 20 days was not enough time, but when he saw Lin Yu's calm eyes, he thought back to his words and silently dragged his stool to Lin Yu, just like a teacher listening to a lecture. Like a good student, he sat down quietly.

Others followed suit and pulled up chairs to sit next to him.

After everyone sat in front of him, Lin Yu grabbed the white paper on the table, picked up the pen and sketched several carriages on the white paper with a few strokes, then pointed at the carriages and explained:

"The so-called logistics supply vehicle is actually a kitchen, a truck kitchen that is fixed on the truck and can move with the truck for cooking."

"Currently, our army's food during battles is still provided by the cooking squad. During the march, they find a place to dig a marching stove, cook the food, and then send it to the front line of the war."

"This practice has been going on for many years."

"But after entering the new era, a problem emerged."

"That's because the combat maneuvers of various units have become faster. Sometimes, as soon as the cooking squad gets rice, the troops on the front line move again and move."

"The cooking class is very embarrassed at this time, whether to follow or not to follow."

"Last year I went to the north to watch the preview of the military exercise, and this happened. Although it was my command's fault several times, it is undeniable that this exists objectively!"

"In addition to the cooking class, our soldiers will also receive some individual rations before setting off to meet their urgent needs."

"That's what the Army is eating right now while out in the field."

As soon as Lin Yu finished speaking, a young girl beside Feng Lun slowly raised her right hand and whispered:

"Can't they have enough to eat? Is there a market for this thing? And is it necessary?"

As soon as she finished speaking, Feng Lun turned around and glared at the girl. The girl was unconvinced and stared back, and then the two of them started staring at each other.

Like two puffer fish.

After thinking for a while and unable to recall the girl's information, Lin Yu shook his head and was about to explain. Next to the girl, a boy about the same age as her quickly asked:

"Jiang Yu, now, there is a pot of hot rice and cold rice, what do you eat?"

"Hot meal!"

"Hot rice or shriveled marching rations, who do you choose?"

"Hot meal!"

"That's fine." The boy snorted coldly and continued to ask, "You know how to eat well, why can't the soldiers fighting on the front line eat well?"

"Moreover, in terms of war, eating hot meals on the front line of the battlefield can play an unimaginable role in boosting morale."

The words became more and more severe, and the person's face became colder and colder.

Seeing this scene, the girl named Jiang Yu frowned and two tears fell from the corners of her eyes.

The next second, a loud shout came from the mouth of the boy who just spoke:

"Cry! What's the use of crying? Just cry!"

This cold and stern look also startled Lin Yu. He moved his body slightly, tilted his head forcefully, and asked Feng Lun in a low voice: "Isn't this girl named Jiang Yu the yellow-haired slug from Jiang Song's family?"

"You have an impression!" Feng Lun replied casually, pointing his chin towards the boy:

"The third child in Factory Director Qian's family, Qian Duoduo, is because this kid is very decisive in doing things, which is completely opposite to Director Qian's hesitant style. Everyone in the factory has said that he is not Director Qian's kind."

"Both of them will graduate in July this year, but I was short of people here some time ago, so I asked their parents to bring people back directly."

"It's okay for them to be in school anyway."

Feng Lun and Lin Yu did not avoid a few people in their conversation, so when the two were talking, Qian Duoduo and Jiang Yu each closed their mouths and listened to the two of them.

However, Feng Lun's explanation still failed to make Lin Yu compare the two people in front of him with the two unlucky children in his memory.

Because his memory of the two of them still stayed in 1996, when the base had little money and all the children were almost the same.

His hair is withered and yellow, and he is as thin as a man with yellow hair.

After staring at the two of them for a while, Lin Yu looked at Jiang Yu and asked softly: "Xiaoyu, tell me, why do you think it's unnecessary?"

When asked this question, Jiang Yu lowered his head subconsciously, rubbed his clothes with both hands, and answered vaguely:

"I think it's a bit of a waste to invest money and energy in research and development of this kind of car."

As soon as these words came out, everyone present had different reactions, but without exception, they all showed disappointment.

Qian Duoduo next to him slapped himself on the forehead, looking speechless.

Lin Yu kept slapping his cheek with his left hand. The force was very light, but it was still very loud in the office where you could hear the drop of a needle.

After a long time, he put down his hand, pushed the sketch in front of several people, and said softly:

"For field logistics supply vehicles, the first thing is the terrain passability."

"You can make modifications and adjustments on the chassis of the self-propelled artillery. It must be able to effectively pass through most terrains."

“This also works with different tires.”

"Then there's the internals."

Having said this, Lin Yu picked up the pen and wrote two numbers on the scratch paper.


"A standard company in our army has 10 people per squad, three squads per platoon, and three platoons per company. Adding the company commander and instructor, that's 120 people."

"In addition, the occasional infantry company and reinforced company will reach 200 people."

"So, our logistics supply vehicles carry various supplies that can sustain at least 200 people for three days."

"And your most important task is to stuff these 200 people's supplies for three days into the car without hindering the movement of the car."

"At the same time, we must ensure that the car can cook while moving without any danger."

"This piece of paper is a rough layout sketch I drew. You can take it back and study it carefully."

As he spoke, the draft paper slowly came to Feng Lun.

On the draft paper, a few simple lines outlined the structure of the entire logistics supply vehicle compartment. The size, name, and general purpose of each structure were carefully marked by Lin Yu.

Looking at this highly completed draft paper, defensive tears couldn't help but well up in my eyes. This is the factory director.

Although he has never been involved in the automobile manufacturing company, once there is a problem in the company, the factory director will definitely be able to come up with a solution.

This is the gap between me and him!

Putting away the scrap paper, he stood up, clenched his right hand into a fist, beat his chest hard, and said loudly:

"I promise to complete the task and I will never let you down, director."

Lin Yu couldn't help laughing, and then waved to Qian Duoduo and others, indicating that they should go out first.

After Qian Duoduo and others disappeared at the door of the office, Lin Yu looked at Feng Lun and said:

"Go through the resignation procedures for Jiang Yu and Qian Duoduo."

"Ah?" Feng Lun was confused by the sudden words. Judging from his reaction just now, he could understand that he had to go through the formalities for Jiang Yu and let him leave.

Why bring Duoduo with you?

Seeing his doubts, Lin Yu calmly explained: "Qian Duoduo has done a good job. I need a full-time secretary now. You complete the procedures for him and I will take him away."

"As for Jiang Yu, the military recruitment will start again in a while. I want to throw her into the army to get some exercise and let her see the great rivers and mountains of this motherland."

"Go do it!"

After hearing the explanation, Feng Lun didn't hesitate. As a former military worker, he knew very well that without the army to protect the country, they might not be able to get Lin Yu to restructure the factory.

It would be a good idea to send these children who don't know the heights of the sky to the army to get some exercise.

When he turned to go to the archives department to get information, Lin Yu picked up the phone on Feng Lun's desk, recalled the number of Qian Jianguo's office, and dialed it.

"Uncle Qian, come to the automobile manufacturing company now. I have something I want to talk to you about, about those children."

An hour and a half after hanging up the phone, Qian Jianguo rushed into the office and asked hurriedly: "What's going on?"

Pressing the old man on the chair, Lin Yu repeated Jiang Yu's story. After explaining the cause and effect, he expressed his thoughts:

"I mean, let's set up an education company of our own."

"Set up a school from kindergarten to high school and throw all our children into it."

"This will at least ensure the normal growth of the child's outlook on life, and also relieve the base's workers from some worries."

"As for teaching after high school, children who can get into key universities will be sent to key universities, and the tuition will naturally be covered by the base."

"As for the children who cannot pass the exam, we will set up a private junior college ourselves and set up corresponding majors in this junior college for the existing positions in our base."

"When the time comes, we can recruit a few graduate students and get a few textbooks to train these children into oriented workers."

"Uncle Qian, what do you think?"

"You have a good idea." Qian Jianguo expressed his thoughts directly, but soon he expressed his doubts:

"Why not just get a bachelor's degree, but get a junior college degree?"

"I think you need a bachelor's degree to be powerful."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Lin Yu extending his right hand to him. When he looked at it, the index finger and thumb of his right hand were still rubbing it, which was obvious.

Give money.

He opened his mouth and was about to ask if college was really expensive when Lin Yu's explanation arrived.

"Currently, university tuition fees are subsidized by the state."

"Without this money, our country's college tuition fees would be in line with other countries, if not the same as America's."

"Targeted training of workers is good for us and for the children themselves."

"There are fast and slow running races. We start from kindergarten just to ensure that the starting line of the children is at the same position. Then it depends on the children themselves how far they can run."

This explanation also made Qian Jianguo give up on the issue of opening a university, and instead focused on the location of the school.

A school that combines kindergarten, primary school, middle school to high school must cover a large area. If it is an old base in the mountains, using such a large area of ​​land, there is no need to apply for construction.

Some unused land in the old base can fully meet this demand.

However, according to Lin Yu's vision and development trend, the main body of Rheinsteel will definitely be placed in the urban area and the old base in the mountains, with only some weapons and equipment manufacturing and testing functions retained.

So the school can only be located in the city.

As we all know, the land in the city is more expensive and the application is more troublesome.

Qian Jianguo didn't want to pay this money.

After thinking about it, he still hesitated to express his thoughts:

"I think the school should be built in the mountains, so that we can save money."

On the other side, after explaining to Qian Jianguo, Lin Yu watched Qian Jianguo fall into deep thought and waited for Qian Jianguo to give him a jade from another mountain.

But he never expected that instead of waiting for the jade from another mountain, he waited for the sentence of saving money.

Lin Yu wanted to pry open his head to see what this old man was thinking about all day long. He actually thought about saving money on something like a school that wins people's hearts?


Rubbing his face with both hands, Lin Yu picked up the phone and called Feng Lun in. With Feng Lun came a detailed map of Jiaozhuang and the surrounding areas, and Lanling's meteorological data for the whole year.

Spreading out the map, comparing it with the weather data throughout the year and the size of several schools in the city, Lin Yu picked and chose on the map, and finally selected a good piece of land in the northwest direction of their current location.

He circled the land with a pen and began to preach:

"When running a school, don't think about saving money. Do you know why the ancients liked to run schools and build roads?"

"Because it can win people's hearts and do a lot of things that money can't do."

"In addition to our own children, we can also bring in students from the surrounding areas to this school."

"Set up an exam before admission, exempt them from tuition, and provide a free breakfast and lunch. Students who perform well in each semester will be given a little scholarship. It won't cost too much money in a year."

"This money is not much for us, but for the people in the surrounding villages. , this is a huge expense. "

"We help take care of the children, so they don't have to worry about the future and can make money without worry."

"The things made in our factories require high confidentiality."

"If strangers appear around and ask about our news, do you think the parents of these children will report this news to us?"

"And with so many children, if they are taught carefully, there will definitely be two more geniuses. Who is more convenient to use, a genius raised by ourselves or a genius from outside?"

"What's more, we still have factories!"

Lin Yu's question also made Feng Lun and Qian Jianguo wake up.

Feng Lun even gave a thumbs up and began to flatter him without hesitation:

"The factory director is very thoughtful. If my child is in school and I am also in the factory, I will be the first to not let anyone off the hook if he dares to say something bad. If there is a spy who dares to come, I will be the first to catch him."

Compared with him, Qian Jianguo could only sigh and lament his own staleness:

"You young people are more thoughtful, unlike me, who is used to being poor and is timid in doing anything. The first thing I think about is money."

The next second, the map with the enclosed land was handed to him by Lin Yu.

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