When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 262 Logistics Support Vehicle! (Second update!)

Seeing these words, the student sitting next to Xiang Baichuan in the front row couldn't sit still.

One of the boys wearing glasses stood up suddenly, raised his right hand high, and said loudly:

"Brother, I think your idea of ​​using stainless steel for this rocket and requiring it to be reusable is inappropriate."

"What's more, what if the rocket explodes or fails during launch?"

The boy's words seemed to be the voice of others. After he finished speaking, the young people present turned their expectant eyes to Lin Yu.

I want to hear the other party's answer from this senior brother's mouth.

Under the gaze of these people, Lin Yu stood up from his seat, walked slowly to the student who was speaking, and asked with a smile:

"What is your name?"

"Zhangzheng, bow Zhangzhang, kite of kites!"

"Zhang Zheng, what a good name. Please sit down first." He stretched out his hand to push Zhang Zheng back on the chair. Lin Yu turned his head and glanced at the other people present. Looking into their eyes, he knew that today he must first break the fear in their hearts. A hurdle.

Otherwise, they will go to work with a mentality of worrying about gains and losses.

That's not what I want.

When Zhang Zheng sat down, Lin Yu sat down on the table in front of him, folded his hands and said softly:

"I know what you are worried about, so the first thing I need to emphasize here is that we are not an aerospace group."

"To me, failure doesn't mean anything. If you fail once, find the reason for the failure and correct it so that you don't fail next time. That's it."

"What I can't tolerate are mistakes, and feeling indifferent after failure, and then continuing to mess around."

"So, in order to allow you to work with peace of mind, today I will explain to you the definition of mistakes and failures in my opinion."

After a slight pause, Lin Yu continued:

"Failure means that everyone is fully prepared for a certain task and has done their best. Then everything is left to physics and everything to God. If there is no success, this is called failure."

"I can understand that, and so can other people."

“The next thing to do is to find the reason for the failure, then correct it, and put the experience of this time into the next work.”

"But for the same work, the calculated data was not confirmed, and the relevant testing of parts was not done. Then we rushed to the task without success. This is called a mistake."

"This kind of thing is absolutely not allowed."

“Previously, the country has always taken the lead in aerospace, and aerospace groups have always been involved.”

"They are a national department, and they must ensure that every launch is successful, but we don't need to guarantee success every time. What we need is to try to ensure success every time."

"We need radicals, but we don't need fools."

"That's my attitude."

"So you can feel free to test your ideas boldly, provided that you are prepared."

"When we have enough rocket launch accumulation, we can make better hypersonic missiles."

"Stand up at thirty. When your missile speed reaches Mach 30, other countries will stand up."

"If you are not confused at 40, at Mach 40, the country will not be confused by war."

"At fifty, you know the destiny. At Mach 50, the whole world knows who is the destiny."

"Sixty ears are pleasant, Mach 60, all I hear are pleasant words"

"At seventy, I can do whatever I want without breaking the rules. When the speed reaches Mach 70, I can do whatever I want without following any rules."

After speaking, Lin Yu patted Zhang Zheng's shoulder hard, turned around and walked to the main seat in the conference room.

His impassioned words fell on the ears of the students present, making them very excited.

In their excitement, they applauded one by one. In just two or three seconds, the applause became very uniform and resounded throughout the conference room.

Amidst the applause, Lin Yu reached for the notebook placed on the projector, walked back to Xiang Baichuan, handed the notebook to the professor, cast an encouraging look, turned to look at the other students present, and shouted loudly said:

"When we complete the construction of this network, our guidance equipment can hit almost anywhere on this planet."

"At the same time, by taking the lead, we can also effectively hinder other countries from establishing the same Starlink system."

"Doing this can help us eliminate subsequent dangers."

"You just arrived yesterday. Let's take a good stroll today and think carefully while wandering. Then you can get back to work tomorrow."

"I hope we can set off a big firework before the Chinese New Year. Even if the firework explodes in the sky, it will still be a success."

"The meeting is over!"

Hearing the word "dismissed", He Qingyang stood up, pointed his right hand at the door, and then kept waving his left hand.

Seeing their principal's actions, these students from Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College immediately picked up the notebooks in front of them, followed the principal's guidance, and left the conference room.

After a while, only four people, He Qingyang, Lin Yu, Xiang Baichuan and Miao Yuan, were left in the conference room.

Without outsiders, He Qingyang quickly looked at his students and asked with worry on his face:

"Is your stall too big?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu shrugged his shoulders and replied calmly:

"It's okay. Everything is difficult at the beginning. As long as you solve the problems at the beginning, the rest will fall into place."

"As for the funding issue, the equipment we developed during the research process can offset the funding expenditure."

"According to the current progress, at most two years, when our first batch of results are produced, funding will no longer be a problem. At that time, we need to worry about the production capacity issue."

"By the way, will the professors and students of Majiagou Men's Technical College arrive tomorrow?"

He Qingyang nodded: "Tomorrow, because Li Jiangang, that bastard, is a little slow, they will be a few hours late."

"A few hours late, there will be more restrictions on travel arrangements, so they should be clear. The talent will arrive tomorrow."

"I talked to Li Jiangang on the phone this morning, and the train should be at 9:23 tomorrow morning."

Keeping in mind the exact time of arrival of the students from Majiagou Men's Technical College, Lin Yu turned to look at the three people and said softly:

"Two professors and teachers, you can go to the rocket research and development center first today. I have something else to do and need to go to the automobile manufacturing company next door."

"We will have a good meal in the cafeteria of the automobile manufacturing company tonight. I will officially welcome you."

After giving instructions, Lin Yu nodded, turned around and left quickly, leaving only the back of the three people.

Watching the back figure disappear at the door, Miao Yuan suddenly turned his head to look at He Qingyang and whispered:

"By the way, Principal He, do you want to open a class to talk about how to accept such a talented student?"

"To be honest, I have taught fifty or sixty students since I started to be a tutor. Each of them has good grades, but compared with yours, it is simply a world of difference."

"To be honest, you can open a special experience class to teach this thing."

Listening to Miao Yuan's flattery, He Qingyang didn't say it, but he was very happy in his heart, and this little bit of happiness was all shown on his face.

Squinting his eyes and smiling for a while, he imitated Guan Gong's beard-stroking action with his right hand, stroking his chin with only a few stubbles, shaking his head and saying:

"Fate, wonderful!"

On the other side, after walking out of the rocket research and development center, Lin Yu went into the production workshop of the automobile manufacturing company next door.

The machines in the workshop roared, and workers in work clothes shuttled back and forth, assembling three-wheeled tractors from scratch.

After walking around and not seeing any illegal operations, he walked towards the administrative building of the automobile manufacturing company.

Standing in front of the general manager's office, he reached out and knocked on the door. Two or three seconds later, the door was opened from the inside. Lin Yu walked into the room and found that the office was already full of people.

Among these people, some he knew, and some he didn't.

The person who opened the door was Feng Lun. When he found that the person knocking on the door was Lin Yu, he quickly took Lin Yu to sit on his leather chair, then put his hands in front of him and stood quietly beside him, waiting for Lin Yu to speak.

The other people present also shut up at this moment, ready to listen to the words of their own factory director.

Lin Yu didn't rush to speak, but picked up the notebook on the desk and the draft paper under the notebook and studied it carefully.

The content in the notebook was the sales situation of three-wheel tractors during this period and the after-sales feedback.

Three-wheeled tractors do not require much technology, so the tractor factories in several surrounding cities found that the three-wheeled tractors of Rhine Automobile Manufacturing Company were selling well, so they also invested manpower and material resources to manufacture the same three-wheeled tractors.

Then they were pushed to the market at a lower price. Because the investment was faster and the production was faster, the quality of this batch of three-wheeled tractors with lower prices was also uneven.

Under this competition, the sales volume of three-wheeled tractors has shown a downward trend.

Next to this sales volume statistics are the maintenance data of various Rhine Automobile Service Stations. However, in these maintenance data, in addition to the three-wheeled tractors of Rhine Automobile, there are also data of other three-wheeled tractors.

Seeing this, Lin Yu's handsome face suddenly lengthened.

Pressing the maintenance data of other three-wheel tractors with his fingers, he said coldly:

"Tell all after-sales stores that they are not allowed to repair three-wheel tractors of other brands."

"Feng Lun, send a few people here to inspect these stores whenever they have time. If anyone is found repairing three-wheel tractors of other brands, fire them directly regardless of the reason."

Lin Yu's words were very cold, without any human touch.

Feng Lun thought for a moment, and still hesitated and said: "This... This is not good."

"Nothing bad." Lin Yu reached out and grabbed a piece of white paper next to him, grabbed the pen on the table, and began to write a detailed solution.

"Other brands of three-wheeled tractors are of poor quality. Those who buy their vehicles are looking for cheap prices."

"We repaired his wheels, but his engine broke down, so he came to us. If it is not repaired, he will spread the word that our Rhine vehicles are of poor quality, poor after-sales conditions, and poor after-sales service."

"By then, these rumors will scare away our potential customers."

"You need to focus on this matter."

"Also, what is the main purpose of your meeting today?"

When asked about the reason for the meeting, Feng Lun immediately became energetic. He picked up the notebook next to Lin Yu, pressed his finger on the sales data on the notebook and said:

"This is it."

"Two days ago, I went to other cities. At first, I just wanted to count the sales data of three-wheeled tractors."

"Later, when I was counting the sales data of three-wheeled tractors, I also counted the sales of other cars."

"I found that the prices of those cars are really expensive. Some cars can replace more than 20 of our tractors."

"But even such expensive cars are in short supply. You have to add tens of thousands of yuan to the factory price before you can take them away."

"So when I came back this time, I had the idea of ​​making cars."

"I heard that you, the factory director, are coming here today, so I will call the design department and people from several other departments to discuss whether we can make a car ourselves."

He said excitedly, with light in his eyes.

After looking at him for a moment, Lin Yu turned his head to look at other people, but found that these people, like Feng Lun, were full of energy in their eyes and glowed.

It seems that a new car is about to be born from their hands.

After staring at them for a while, Lin Yu shook his head gently and calmly rejected the idea:

"You have ideas, which are good, but your ideas are too simple."

"For now, people who can afford cars are mainly for face. Even if they are poor and starving, they will not consider domestically produced cars when buying them."

"Now betting everything on making cars will only lead to a dead end. It is better to work on trucks and other special vehicles."

"I came here today to tell you a good news, that is, I have received a call from the General Logistics Department."

"The General Logistics Department asked us to prepare a batch of fire support vehicles in the near future. They will conduct tests. If they pass, the Logistics Department will purchase them."

"So next, your task is to make some adjustments and modifications to the fire support vehicles we currently have based on Lebanon's feedback."

"In order to pass this test."

"Also, while adjusting these fire support vehicles, you have another important task, which is based on the chassis of our current Ruolei 01 artillery."

"Manufacture a logistics support vehicle."

The General Logistics Department has set its sights on fire support vehicles? To conduct purchase tests?

This sudden news made everyone present ecstatic.

Because it means that once the test is passed, Rhine Automotive Company will have a stable customer. As long as they stabilize this customer, they will basically have no worries about food and clothing.

And more importantly, most of the people in the automobile manufacturing company are from the old base.

Returning to the military equipment supply chain is their deepest desire in their hearts.

"We did it! We..."

"Director, we are back to the military equipment supply chain!"

"We have to wash away the shame we suffered before and tell other factories that we were thrown out, but now we are back."

"Director, are you unhappy?"

"What the hell!" Lin Yu said coldly, poured a bucket of cold water, tapped the table with his fingers, and said coldly: "It hasn't passed the inspection yet, what are you happy about?"

"Come around, I will first explain the general situation of this logistics supply vehicle to you."

"Then I will give you 20 days to get this logistics supply vehicle out for me."

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