After four or five days of preparation, Lin Yu finally drew up a detailed exercise plan. After checking that there were no problems, he sent the exercise plan to Lu Huaxi.

In the command room, looking at the thick plan book delivered to his hands, Lu Huaxi and several others began to study it carefully.

[Assessment training item 1: Emergency march; without any notice, the department being assessed is required to march 100 kilometers at a high speed. 】

[Assessment training item two: combat readiness state; notify the unit being assessed to conduct the exercise, and the scoring assessment will begin when the unit being assessed receives the notification. 】


The more he watched, the more pleased the director became. As the saying goes, those in authority are obsessed, but those on the lookout know clearly.

They are soldiers, so they are in the middle of the game. If they were to make the rules, they would consider all factors and the emotions of various departments.

The final rules may not be the same, or they may not meet the predetermined requirements.

But Lin Yu was different. He was a genius, but also a bystander. A bystander did not need to consider those superfluous factors. He only had one goal, and that was assessment.

A dedicated assessment!

Only pure intention can forge the iron will of the army!

Putting away the detailed rules, Lu Huaxi looked at Lin Yutou with approval, and then said softly: "I did not misjudge you, but this plan is a bit too radical. I need to go back to Yanjing and ask the leader for approval. ”

"In the past two days, get to know the DA team and QA team again and see if you have any more in-depth ideas."

After leaving a word, Lu Huaxi took the detailed rules and quickly disappeared from the door. The main director left, and the assistant director stepped in to let the DA team and QA team continue to rehearse.

"Red team, your missile battalion was attacked by blue team's biological and chemical weapons during the transfer process. It is in urgent need of rescue. Please go to support immediately."

"On the red side, the Yibu light infantry reconnaissance battalion discovered the location of the blue side's headquarters and guided the missile battalion to launch an attack. However, the missiles launched were shot down by the opponent's anti-aircraft weapons."

"Red team, your unit has received an order to move 100 kilometers westward and reach the designated area for electronic defense."

"Red square..."

On the red side's position, Gao Jun pulled off his hat, looked up to the sky and roared: "Targeted, someone is definitely targeting me!"

"Oh my God, my earth, why? Why did others rehearse that the red team fought all the way and captured the flag to win? Why did I go out to face the nuclear bomb and have to march 100 kilometers in the morning and nearly 100 kilometers in the afternoon?"

"Also, why was our communication channel cracked by the blue team? Why?"

Just as he was wailing, the orderly brought the phone and shouted to him:

"Captain, please stop howling. I got a call from the director's department saying that we have added a fighter formation and a bomber formation. Do you want to take command now?"

Hearing the orderly's words, Gao Jun immediately put on his hat, turned around and came to the phone. After listening to the content on the phone, he picked up the communicator and called the reconnaissance battalion in clear code:

"This is the headquarters, report the enemy's position, repeat, report the enemy's position!"

The reconnaissance battalion quickly responded to the location of Lan Fang's headquarters. Holding the phone, Gao Jun looked high-spirited. He said to the headquarters in brisk and high-spirited words:

"The bomber formation takes off, the fighter formation escorts, and the blue team's headquarters is bombed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the voice of the command center came from the other end of the phone, a very young voice with a bit of joy.

"Your fighter and bomber formations were intercepted by Blue's fifth-generation aircraft. They launched a beyond-visual-range strike against you. The fighter and bomber formations were completely wiped out. Now, the opponent's bomber formations have taken off and are heading towards your headquarters."

"His precious one!" Listening to that cheerful voice, Gao Jun smashed the phone to the ground and continued to roar to the sky.

The person on the other end of the phone was Lin Yu.

He put down the communicator and turned to look at the screen in the middle. In the lower right corner of the screen, there happened to be a picture of Gao Jun standing on the gentle slope of the grassland, looking up to the sky and roaring. At this moment, he looked like a lost horse. The wolf king of the territory.

Loneliness, deathly silence.

Seeing him like this, Lin Yu had a proud smile on his face, smiling happily.

Luan Yuelin appeared quietly and stood there like him, looking at the screen in the middle, and then asked softly: "Why do I feel like you and Gao Jun have a grudge?"

"That's not called enmity, that's called training him!" Lin Yu casually made a fallacy, looked back at Luan Yuelin, and asked, "What's for lunch today? Don't tell me it's still meat, right? I want to eat vegetables."

Faced with the big problem of eating, Luan Yuelin helplessly shrugged his shoulders and responded:

"Congratulations on your guess. Today's lunch is still mutton, braised mutton. The chef specially added less chili pepper."

Hearing this, Lin Yu completely lost his temper, and followed Luan Yuelin with his shoulders hunched, and walked to the cafeteria together.

After dinner, I returned to the dormitory, turned on my phone, and saw a bunch of missed calls.

They were all the landline number of his office.

Did something happen?

With doubts, Lin Yu dialed Qian Jianguo's number. After a brief busy signal, Qian Jianguo's voice came from over there, with a little surprise and a little blame:

"Aren't you going to the staff department for business? Why don't you even answer the phone?"

"problem occurs?"

"It's not that something happened, but Ross came again, but this time, he came in an official capacity, and then... I don't know how to deal with it."

"Official...official status?" Lin Yu asked in surprise, using his official status to cover himself. Lin Yu had told them about this before, but he didn't expect that Jalim and his gang would work so quickly.

In just a few months, Rhodes had reached a high level and was able to travel to other countries in an official capacity.

That's a bit outrageous.

After digesting the news, he asked again on the phone: "What is he here for?"

"It seems that he wants to rebuild Iraq, but he didn't tell you the specific situation. Now they are staying in the city government's guest house. He also said that they will not tell you the specific situation until you arrive."

Rebuilding Iraq, Lin Yu repeated this sentence in his mind, Lin Yu knew that the opportunity had come.

The opportunity has come to poach America.

As long as America's combo of beating others and then plundering the opponent's resources fails, the country that calls itself a lighthouse will be on the road to decline.

After appeasing Qian Jianguo, Lin Yu found Lu Huaxi who had just returned from Yanjing. After explaining the situation, Lu Huaxi didn't say anything. He just gave a thumbs up and said with a smile:

"Go and do your work. Remember to come and receive the medal when the time comes."


In the exclusive guest house of the Lanling City Government, Rhodes leaned on his chair and guided several of his subordinates:

"This country, they need funds, and we need manpower, material resources, and various production lines to rebuild the entire country. This is a natural fit for both of us."

"Especially this province below us is a strong industrial province. Most of the things we need can be purchased here."

"But there is one thing you must pay attention to at work, and that is the issue of initiative."

"In large-scale trade cooperation, the initiative must be in our hands, so we must pay attention when selecting partners."

"The initiative must definitely be in our hands, and we must not let the other party take the initiative."

"There is a saying in this country that two peaches kill three people. The funds in our hands are those peaches. We take the initiative to find a place that is a little behind and a little behind to cooperate and buy what they have."

“What will other people who are starting to want the initiative think when they see the cooperation between us?”

This question made these subordinates confused. They looked at each other and unanimously chose to lower their heads and listen to the instruction.

Seeing the actions of these people, Ross had a sneer on his face, and he couldn't help but let out a cry of contempt in his heart.

This group of people are actually trying to make excuses for themselves.

A bunch of trash.

The words in his heart were not shown on his face. At this moment, a touch of excitement appeared on his face. Taking advantage of this excitement, he shouted:

"They're going to come and grab the peach, and once they start grabbing the peach, then that's our opportunity, we have the opportunity to pick and choose them and get what we want."

"So in international business negotiations, we must pay attention to how we behave, because doing so can save us a lot of money and reduce unnecessary waste."

"Similarly, you can also get more generous rewards."


The so-called peach mentioned earlier was not heard or understood by several people present, but the last sentence in return was an obvious hint.

They got it!

At this moment, a group of people slowly raised their heads and looked at Ross, and their eyes also changed.

That's true. Treat him as the boss and the head of the negotiating team.

Seeing these looks in his eyes, Ross didn't say much, just picked up the tea cup and drank silently, sneering silently.

He didn't think that a few words could impress these guys. If he wanted to impress these birdmen, he had to provide actual benefits.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door, and some very slight words:

"Mr. Rhodes, the chairman of Rheinsteel has arrived and is waiting for you in the conference room. Look..."

"I'll go over now!" Ross responded calmly, holding the tea cup, slowly walked out of the room and walked towards the small conference room.

In front of the conference room door, two 1.8-meter-tall strong men stood there, looking at the others warily.

Seeing Ross arriving, the two of them still stopped in front of the door. After the other party informed him of his identity, they got out of the way and let the Arab in.

The other Iraqis were stopped outside the door by these two people, and at the same time, they also walked a little distance away.

In the conference room, Lin Yu checked the entire room, then took out a small radio, pressed the switch, and waited for the broadcast sound to come from the radio, then he turned back to look at Ross and asked with a smile:

"Friend, long time no see."

Looking at the young man in front of him, Ross didn't know what to say. Because of this young man, his family took a different path. His own brother died on the battlefield.

His eldest nephew, with his tribe in... well, he went to be the chief of his Kirkuk police station.

And because of his advance planning, he got a lot of money, and he also used the money to get an official position.

Without him, he would still be the businessman Rhodes.

But because of him, maybe in the future, he will be the Finance Minister, Rhodes.

He is a benefactor!

With a smile on his face, Ross opened his arms and hugged the young man in front of him:

"Long time no see! My dear friend, thank you for your efforts."

The two patted each other on the back, then let go and sat down on both sides of the table. Lin Yu asked: "How are you doing now?"

"Because of your prediction, I got a batch of goods and made a lot of money. Two days ago, I sought an official position in the reconstruction committee. This time, I came here with this identity, and the banner is to rebuild Iraq."

After briefly explaining the reason, Ross continued to add: "I came to your factory before , I know there is a construction team inside. My idea is that instead of letting outsiders make money, it is better for us to make money ourselves. "

"You set up a few construction companies and an operation team, and then I will help lobby and operate in Iraq."

"We will take some things, and the operating costs will be shared by everyone, which will also be a good opportunity for our people to earn some weapons costs."

"You don't have to worry about security issues, because Kalim has become the director of the Kirkuk Police Department. Your workers are there, and their safety is absolutely guaranteed."


This news was so shocking that Lin Yu couldn't help but take a breath.

Iraq's two major oil-producing areas, one in Basra and the other in Kirkuk, these two places are almost the government's money bags.

He never expected that the new government supported by the Americans would let a super big insider be the security steward of a money bag. Although he has just taken office, it is still too outrageous.

The value of Lao Chang is still rising, and he is still outputting.

He is still using actual evidence to prove that he is the most capable puppet supported by the Americans.

All I can say is that this world is too crazy, too much of a makeshift team.

Before he could speak, Rhodes asked again:

"Actually, I have a few more requests, but I don't know if I should say them or not?"

He said it very carefully, and Lin Yu listened very seriously. Requests are not easy to say, but they have to be said.

He really wanted to learn from the TV series and say something inappropriate.

But when he thought of being able to put a blind eye on the Americans, he sat up straight again, raised his right hand, and said generously: "Please speak!"

"Jalim's original words, our team needs ideological construction, but he is not here, and remote control is prone to problems, so he asked me to seek help from you, hoping that you can give a few people to help with team building."

Perhaps because he was afraid that Lin Yu would not agree, he immediately said: "I have discussed with others, as long as they do not interfere with beliefs, everyone will obey the command."

These words, like a heavy bomb, exploded in Lin Yu's mind.

He pressed his forehead with his hand and said repeatedly: "Let me think about it, let me think about it."

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