
Holding the phone in his hand, Gao Jun's beating heart could not calm down.

He couldn't help but look out the window. It was mid-November. Due to the drop in temperature, the green grass on the grassland had disappeared, leaving only yellow hay.

Due to problems such as overgrazing, sandstorms do occur on the grassland, but these sandstorms come from the west and north, and there are no sandstorms blowing from the east to the north.

It's still 120 kilometers per hour. Isn't this just a scam?

There are a total of 17 wind classification levels, with a wind speed of 120 kilometers per hour. In the classification level, it has reached the twelfth level, and its name has also changed from storm to hurricane.

It is extremely rare on land, let alone in this inland grassland!

Such wind appears in the inland grassland, and then carries the sand and gravel on the ground. It is almost a movable polishing machine!

The hand holding the phone tightened at this moment. Gao Jun hesitated whether to refute the director's whims.

After clenching his teeth for a few seconds, he put down the phone, picked up the communicator, and shouted into the communicator:

"Attention everyone, there is a Category 12 hurricane in the O-50 area to our east, in our path."

"Now, reinforce all equipment immediately!"


After hearing his order, no one in the team hesitated at all, although most people wanted to ask why a Category 12 hurricane appeared in this clear day and sunny weather.

But their hand movements were not slow at all.

As an electronic warfare countermeasures team, one of the training subjects they have developed is to fight against typhoon landings.

Hurricanes are just larger typhoons.

After taking out the fixed cables and ground nails carried on the vehicle, the engineers dug up the ground, buried the fixed ground nail pulling plates into the ground, and hung up the cables.

In less than thirty minutes, the entire team completed the reinforcement work. Everyone returned to the car and quietly waited for the decision from the director's department.

In mid-November, the climate in the grasslands was relatively dry and a bit stuffy. Everyone was crowded in the car, which made it a bit stuffy.

After half an hour of being stuffed like a can, the phone from the director's department rang again.

"After judgment, your department completed the reinforcement work in a very short period of time. Except for the disappearance of all personnel on the three tarpaulin-covered personnel carriers, the remaining equipment was not damaged."

The loss on the phone made Gao Jun heartbroken.

Because the most elite infantrymen of his electronic suppression battalion were in those three vehicles.

The people in the director's department really focused on picking the painful spots and cutting them, each one hurting more than the last.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Gao Jun immediately issued a new order: "All radar vehicles are turned on again and search for signals with all their strength."

"The sandstorm will not only affect us, but the blue team will also be affected. At this time, they will definitely turn on their communication equipment and report the damage."

The radar truck was turned on at full power, capturing signals in the air.

At the same time, in the S2 area, the people in the blue command headquarters were devastated. Because of a call from the director’s department, the integrated surveillance and attack drone battalion they had just received was gone.

All were carried away by the storm.

Just after getting the equipment card, when a group of people were still confused about how to use it, someone from the director's department took the initiative to provide the red team's vision.

The actions of the red party are clearly visible.

One missile fired and the radar truck over there was eliminated.

As a result, as if it was not enough, a storm swept through the red side and swept away one of his battalions.

God knows why that storm is jumping and running!

"How about we protest to the director's department?"

"It's useless to protest. The people in the director's department have turned off the cameras. What's the point of protesting? You can't see the other side!"

"Stop arguing, apply to the director's department to use Starlink satellites to monitor the target area."

Next to him, the director's staff who had been recording nodded and asked, "Are you sure you want to use it?"

"OK!" The words sounded in unison, and the director's staff picked up the walkie-talkie and said:

"Camera No. 4 reported that the blue team requested the use of Starlink satellites."


A voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Agreed to use Starlink satellites, now report the location of the red party to the Ministry."

"Reconnaissance camp, the team is scattered, and the position cannot be seen by satellite."

"Come out of the electronic suppression camp, area L77!"

"Missile Support Battalion, Area X97!"

"Helicopter airborne battalion, area Q99!"

"After the notification is completed, you can choose the attack method you need."

The commander of the blue side took out three cards and handed them to the director's staff. Then he turned around, looked at the sand table in front of him, and said loudly:

"The first step is electromagnetic suppression, suppressing the instructions issued by the red commander."

"The second step is to use nuclear bombs to clear out their missile attack battalions and helicopter airborne battalions."

"The third step is for the bombers to use nuclear bombs to clear the ground and blow up the electronic suppression camp!"

"I want the commander of the red side to watch the whole team be wiped out!"

The first card clearly showed a B2 bomber. Below the bomber were aerial bombs falling like raindrops.

The second card is a dropped bomb, but the bomb has an orange nuclear radiation symbol painted on it.

Next to the logo, there is a number.


The third card is a satellite antenna with the text: Directional Electromagnetic Suppression.

At this time, calls from the various battalions of the blue team also came in. These battalions reported numbers and complained about why there was a sandstorm in broad daylight.

It was a Category 12 hurricane that was almost impossible to appear on land. This was unfair.

All these words were retorted by the commander of the blue team.

On the other side, based on the signal captured by the radar vehicle, the computer personnel quickly calculated the approximate location of the blue team's headquarters.

S2 area!

Gao Jun picked up the phone and said confidently to the other end of the phone: "S2 area, missile coverage!"

After saying that, there was no response from the other end of the phone.

Just as he was wondering, the director's staff next to him shook the removed telephone line, then handed him a tissue and said:

"You are under directional electromagnetic suppression and cannot communicate."

Listening to the director's words, Gao Jun did not hesitate for half a second, turned his head suddenly, picked up the communicator and shouted:

"Communications squad, drive, immediately go to the helicopter airborne battalion and the missile attack battalion area, notify them to attack the S2 area."

"The rest of the personnel, all lightly equipped, immediately set off to the S2 area, and be sure to eliminate the enemy before they react."

After the order was issued, the people in the communications company acted quickly, three vehicles in a group, a total of 6 vehicles, divided into 6 directions, and rushed to the helicopter airborne battalion and the missile attack battalion area.

At the same time, in the X99 area, when the headquarters of the missile attack battalion learned that they were under electronic suppression, the commander of the missile attack battalion also decisively issued an order, the communications squad attacked and contacted the other two battalions, and the missile attack battalion put away the equipment at the fastest speed and prepared to change positions.

When they put away their equipment and were about to leave, the director's office called.

"You were hit by a nuclear bomb. After judgment, you do not have the ability to defend against a nuclear attack. You have all been killed."

Listening to the voice on the phone, the commander of the missile attack battalion opened and closed his mouth, like a fish jumping on the shore.

After a long time, he sighed, sat down on the ground weakly, and looked up at the sky.

Originally, they thought that their missile attack battalion could play a major role in this exercise, but they never expected that the enemy did not see it, and they were all gone without even a bubble.

At this moment, he doubted his life.

Like him, there was also a helicopter attack battalion.

As a supplement to the ground force, the role of the helicopter airborne battalion is to dispatch armed helicopters to suppress firepower in the air when the ground troops find the target. At the same time, the transport helicopters with personnel and equipment arrive at the front line and airborne.

Then attack the enemy from front and back.

Now, no one has been found, and a group of people are gone.

I have never participated in such a frustrating exercise.

Two important enemies were defeated, and the blue commander withdrew the electronic suppression. On the red side, Gao Jun also received a call from the director's office.

"The helicopter airborne battalion and the missile attack battalion have been destroyed by nuclear bombs."

"Your unit is about to be subjected to saturation bombing! Yes, it is a saturation nuclear bomb bombing."

Hearing this news, Gao Jun simply stopped struggling. This is a deadly situation.

These electronic warfare equipments do not move fast on the grassland. As long as they are caught up by the enemy's aircraft and drop nuclear bombs, they will be bombed.

They are stationed in place, but unfortunately this is not a base. The armor of these equipment alone cannot prevent nuclear bombs. Similarly, they have no radiation protection equipment. As long as they are hit by nuclear bombs, they will die.

Rubbing his temples with both hands, he looked at the director opposite and asked softly:

"How can nuclear bombs be used?"

Faced with the inquiry, the director took out a notebook calmly, spread it out, found a stool to sit down, put the notebook steadily in front of him, took a pen, looked at Gao Jun, and asked calmly:

"Captain Gao Jun, please tell me why you think nuclear bombs cannot be used. This question is very important."

Hearing this question, Gao Jun opened his mouth weakly.

This question is very difficult to answer.

At the same time, he also realized his own problems. He turned around, took out a notebook from his chest, took a pen, and began to write down the situation encountered in this exercise in the notebook, and then began to analyze it word by word.

The same debate was also staged in the director's office.

"I don't think nuclear bombs can be used." Deputy Director Zhou Changyao said with a heavy face.

The next second, Tang Zhengchuan's voice of objection sounded:

"Why can't nuclear bombs be used? That thing is made to be used."

"But... I don't think it should be used in exercises." Zhou Changyao still shook his head in opposition.

Listening to the argument between the two, Fu Hanxiao also joined the scene.

"Why can't the exercise be used? Under the nuclear deterrence theory created by America, nuclear bombs have reached a point where people are afraid to talk about them. The only way to overcome fear is to face it. When we can correctly use our own conditions to minimize the impact of nuclear bombs, the deterrent power of this thing on us will be just like that."

Listening to the opposing voices, Zhou Changyao shook his head and added:

"You misunderstood. What I mean is that if you want to use it, you have to use it on both sides. You can't use it unilaterally. It's meaningless. You have to throw nuclear bombs on both sides to see who throws faster, more accurately and better. Only in this way can the purpose of the exercise be achieved. Don't you think so, Xiaolin!"

Listening to this, Lin Yu knew that he, a radical, was still too conservative in the eyes of these conservatives.

He rubbed his Jingming point with his hand and said softly: "A nuclear bomb is most dangerous when it is still in the silo. Once it flies out, it loses its deterrent effect."

"What we have to do is let the enemy know that nuclear deterrence is of no use to us. Once the enemy wants to die, we will repay them with a faster and stronger strike."

"Before the enemy knows, we should let our own people know, so I think Director Zhou is right!"

"I think so too!" Lu Huaxi nodded, then looked up at the others and asked seriously: "In the next few days, we will formulate detailed rules and then conduct expanded exercises."

Lin Yu nodded: "Okay!"

After assigning the work, several big guys in the director's department turned their heads, holding random event cards and equipment cards in their hands, and continued to deduce on the sand table.

Seeing them like this, Luan Yuelin helplessly shrugged his shoulders, turned around, walked to the side with Lin Yu, and started to formulate detailed plans with other people in the staff department.

On the grassland, he was bombarded by an imaginary nuclear bomb. The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and the more he thought about it, the more he suffered. He gathered all the troops and sent them to the designated location. He drove alone and ran towards the headquarters. .

When the moon and stars were thinning and dinner began, he finally arrived at the headquarters.

As soon as they met, he cried to Lu Huaxi: "Leader, how can we use nuclear bombs in this exercise?"

"If you drop a nuclear bomb into the ground, you don't have to do anything. Everyone will be blown up. What's the use of this exercise?"

"All the expected tactics and expected enemy movements are gone, all blown up!"

Listening to his cries, Lu Huaxi calmly handed over a bun, then picked up another bun and stuffed it into his mouth. He chewed two mouthfuls and swallowed. Then he raised his hand, pointed at Lin Yu, and picked at the same time. He raised his eyebrows and said with a sinister smile: "It was this kid's idea to blow you up with a nuclear bomb. Likewise, it was also his idea to blow you up with a hurricane!"

His words were full of sowing discord, and the expression on his face was as good as writing on a sign: Go hit him!

Holding the bun in his hand, Gao Jun came to Lin Yu, sat down, and looked at Lin Yu without saying a word.

After stuffing a meat bun into his mouth, Lin Yu asked:

"Tell me why you think nuclear bombs cannot be used. If you can explain it clearly, I can cancel it in the rules."

Gao Jun opened his mouth but stopped talking.

Someone from the director's department had already asked this question during the day, but he couldn't answer it.

Because when he was born, America was clamoring to give the world a taste of nuclear bombs.

Now let him persuade others not to use nuclear bombs, and he can't find a reason.

What's more, what he wants to say is why he wasn't the one to use the nuclear bomb!

This is not fair!

He wants to use one with greater weight!

Get bombed this time and come back!

Otherwise, the breath will get stuck in your throat, and you won't be able to swallow it even if you die.

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he said softly: "In subsequent exercises, we will also have the right to use nuclear bombs."

"It's added, it's added!" Lin Yu's words were very perfunctory, just like a programmer who told his boss that the project was in progress, but in fact he had just started to create a new folder.

After receiving his response, Gao Jun turned around and walked towards Lu Huaxi. Then he raised his finger and pointed at Lin Yu, and said seriously: "Leader, I request to keep an eye on him here and watch him complete the modification of the rules!"

Lu Huaxi was a little frustrated when he failed to sow discord just now. When he heard this, a sinister smile appeared on his face again: "No!"

"You are also the subject of assessment, how can you read the rules?"

Happy Children's Day!

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