The news spread slowly. People in the residential building, playing cards, drinking, reading, and doing homework, put down their work and walked to the windows where they could see the avenue of the factory.

Another horn sounded, and then the old cars of the security department also appeared on the avenue with heavy breathing.

Slowly, the convoy stopped.

People who were going to the exhibition got out of the car. Under the gaze of everyone, Qian Jianguo ran over with a microphone and handed it to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu took the microphone:


"Comrades, this time, we have a great harvest!"

This shout completely ignited the atmosphere.

At the window, people who heard this turned their heads and shouted to the people in the room who had not yet stood up:

"A big harvest, the factory director said that this time we will have a big harvest at the air show!"

"A big harvest?"

"Yes, a big harvest! The factory director said that by the end of this year, each of us will have 20,000 yuan."

"Let's go and have a look, let's go and have a look."

A year's plan begins in spring, and autumn is the time to harvest a year. If there is no harvest at this time, everyone will die when there is a shortage of food next year.

Now that the factory director said a big harvest, it means that the factory will not have a shortage of food.

From now on, 567 bases... no, it is Rheinsteel, will never be short of money again.

The workers swarmed out of their residences and came to Lin Yu, looking at the young factory director eagerly.

Finally, an older worker stuck his head out and shouted at him, "Director, Director, please say 'great harvest' again!"

After he finished speaking, the noisy voices slowly died down with him as the center. After meeting the eyes of these people, Lin Yu picked up the microphone again.


"Comrades, this time we went to Zhucheng to participate in the air show, we got a contract of 160 million US dollars, which is equivalent to 1.3 billion yuan in RMB."

"And the total GDP of Lanling last year was 22.6 billion yuan. In other words, we, we have occupied half of Lanling!"

"This time, it's a bumper harvest!"

"Now, everyone, be happy, and take a day off tomorrow."

"All those above the level of production director, follow me to the conference room."

Bringing a group of people into the conference room, Lin Yu took out all the contract documents, slapped them on the table, and said: "The actual contract signing amount this time is 160 million yuan in the open, and there are two confidential contracts in secret."

"These two confidential contracts, one is 70 million, and the other is 40 million."

"So this time in Zhucheng, the total contract we got is 270 million."

"Equivalent to 2.2 billion yuan in RMB."

Lin Yu said the number of 2.2 billion very easily, but everyone who heard this number took a breath of cold air at the same time.

Everyone was dry-mouthed and even breathing became difficult.

Among these people, only one person was really having difficulty breathing.

This person was Durby. He took the contract with both hands, started working with both hands at the same time, and quickly read through the contract delivery conditions.

The moment the page of the contract was turned, he made a sharp explosion:

"Mr. Lin, you have to deliver this 2.2 billion order in five months, you are really a living devil!"

"You have to understand clearly, in addition to this 2.2 billion, there are also several hundred million in Lebanon, I think you want me to die!"

Listening to his roar, the people who were just excited reacted one after another. The delivery time is so short. If they cannot deliver on time, will they be deducted money?

Amid the worries of the crowd, Lin Yu climbed onto Dolby's shoulder and whispered, "Don't worry, I've done a lot of hard work for you in Zhucheng this time."

"It will arrive in the next few days."

"Besides, America's order is actually only 35 million US dollars, and the workload has been halved. You should be happy."

Hearing these words, Dolby's gloomy face immediately became cheerful. With a smile of seven parts and three parts of doubt, he asked:

"Are you sure? If something goes wrong, you will be responsible for it."

"No problem!" After hitting the junior with his hand, Lin Yu turned around and locked his eyes on Hongfu.

"Old Hong, you need to pay more attention to production during this period. These orders are a big step for us to officially enter the international stage."

"There must be no problems."

"After completing these orders, our workers and factories will make great progress. At that time, we will be able to get more and bigger projects."

"Make it bigger and stronger, and create more glory."

Hong Fu, who has a square face, nodded vigorously and replied in a muffled voice: "Don't worry, Director, I will issue a military order to you. Whoever dares to make trouble inside, I will deal with him first!"

"Yeah!" Nodding in agreement, Lin Yu picked up the contract on the table and looked around at everyone: "Everyone go back to rest, get enough energy, and prepare for full production."


Putting the contract into his briefcase, he was the first to leave the meeting room, returned home, opened the window for ventilation, and took out the planning map of the 2,000 acres of land from the bookshelf while the wind was cleaning the dust.

Now there is 2.4 billion in funds. Although it has not been fully received, some work can be put on the agenda.

He was busy, and so were a group of people from the Lanling Municipal Government.

After the air show ended, the organizers of the air show ranked the economic data of this air show according to the transaction volume as usual, and finally posted it on their official website.

Seeing this ranking, a group of people in Lanling City couldn't sit still. There is an old saying that goes, "The luck of all spearmen in the world is one stone, Zhao Zilong alone has eight buckets, and the rest of the people have two buckets."

This sentence is very appropriate to describe this air show.

The total transaction volume of the air show is 500 million US dollars. Rheinsteel's 160 million US dollars is far ahead and hangs in the front position, exceeding the second place by 100 million, making people have no idea of ​​catching up.

These are all real transaction volumes. When the time comes, these figures will be counted into Lanling's GDP.

Adding the amount earned in the previous few times, Lanling City has added nearly 3 billion GDP this year just relying on Rheinsteel.

The gap with the previous cities has narrowed a little bit.

Wang Jianguo put down the printed webpage materials in his hand, looked at the other people present, and said: "Ahem! Everyone is here, let's talk about business!"

"I think the two thousand acres of land we gave to Rheinsteel is too little. We should add a little more, at least 10,000 acres."

Ten thousand acres.

Hearing this amazing number, everyone subconsciously cast their eyes on the people from the Planning Bureau and the Land Bureau.

Ordinary people have no intuitive concept of how big 10,000 acres is, but these people are clear about these numbers.

Converted into a standard area calculation unit, 10,000 acres is equal to 6.67 square kilometers.

The country established Lanling City in 1961. At that time, the area of ​​the entire Lanling city was only 2.9 square kilometers.

After 40 years of development, up to now, the built-up area of ​​the entire Lanling city is only 72 square kilometers. Now, it is undoubtedly a gamble to give 6.67 square kilometers to a company at once.

If the bet is right, everyone is happy.

If the bet is wrong, everyone will die together!

But before death, someone needs to check, and the Planning Bureau and the Land Bureau are the ones who check.

Being locked in the eyes of the bigwigs, the people in the Planning Bureau and the Land Bureau began to sweat, because there was no precedent for this kind of thing, and for them, things without precedents must be considered again and again.

Without hearing the sound, Wang Jianguo also knew that this matter was a bit hasty, raised his right hand and pressed it, and said:

"Tomorrow, I will ask Xiao Lin to come over, and then we will discuss this issue. Maybe it's just wishful thinking on our part?"

"Go back and rest early."

After the voice fell, Wang Jianguo was the first to get up and walk out of the meeting room. As soon as he walked out of the door, he took out a cigarette and lit it, smoking without saying a word.

People walked by one after another. After a while, the mayor Qian Gangqiang came to him and comforted him: "Don't put too much pressure on yourself. People are not springs. If you are pressed too hard, something will happen."


Wang Jianguo exhaled the smoke from his mouth, threw the cigarette butt to the ground, stepped on it, and said anxiously:

"I have to be anxious. According to the report of the Geological Bureau, the coal in the core coal mining area will be mined out in three years at most."

"Once the coal mines can't bear it, a large number of workers will be unemployed, which will induce a large number of problems later."

"It will be more troublesome to wait until these problems break out before solving them."

"If we don't take a gamble, what will happen next is our Life will be even harder. We young people can't see the future without some achievements!"

"By the way, how is the road negotiation with Su Province going?"

"It's done." Qian Gangqiang smiled, turned around and looked at the night outside the corridor, and said excitedly:

"Both the higher-ups and Xucheng have agreed to give priority to the G3 Expressway Lanling to Xucheng section, so that our goods can be transferred in Xucheng, follow the Xucheng to Liancheng Avenue, and head east to Liancheng."

"No need to go around those small roads."

"That's good." Wang Jianguo lit another cigarette, put the cigarette in his mouth, walked out of the corridor slowly, and disappeared at the stairs.


With a creak, the Santana stopped. Lin Yu just pushed the door and got out of the car, and saw Wang Jianguo coming over with a smile on his face:

"Xiao Lin, you are finally here, everyone is waiting for you!"

"Hurry up!"

"Ah?" Facing Wang Jianguo's urging, Lin Yu could only make a sound.

According to his plan, he was going to visit the car factory today, but before he left the house, he was stopped by Liu Jun, who said that there was a meeting at the municipal government.

As a result, when he arrived here, he was pushed inside by Wang Jianguo before he even saw anyone.

He was a little confused.

What's going on?

He opened his mouth to ask, but found that Wang Jianguo seemed very anxious, so he had to bury these thoughts in his heart and followed Wang Jianguo without saying a word.

Walking into the meeting room, Lin Yu saw the map on the wall of the meeting room at a glance. On the brand new map, a big circle was framed with a red watercolor pen.

This big circle was right next to his two thousand acres of land.

Sensing his gaze, Wang Jianguo appeared beside him quietly and said softly: "After discussion in the city, it was decided to give you another 10,000 acres of land next to it for building a factory."

"I called you here today to tell you about this."

" this too much?" Lin Yu asked hesitantly, and at the same time calculated in his mind how much things could be accommodated in 10,000 acres of land according to the plan.

But soon, he found that his wallet was not full enough.

More money was needed.

Wang Jianguo, who was standing next to him, shook his head slightly and responded, "Not much. Actually, we would like to support you as much as Shencheng does, but unfortunately, our wallets are not big enough."

"I want to give you policies, but I find that it doesn't matter whether your products have policies or not. After all, we can't encourage ordinary people to carry a cannon. That would be too chaotic."

"I can only give you some land. I hope you don't mind."

After saying that, he turned back and stared at Lin Yu, his eyes full of sincerity. He looked at him and nodded calmly.

After a while, the small conference room was filled with people, all of whom were heads of various departments.

Let Lin Yu sit in the main seat, Wang Jianguo raised his hand and pointed at him, and said loudly: "This is the former 567 factory, the current Rhine Steel factory director, Lin Yulin."

"They produced 1.4 billion GDP in the first few months of the first half of the year. A few days ago, they won a large order of 160 million US dollars at the Zhucheng Air Show."

"This is our Lanling Golden Phoenix."

"Everyone, let's get to know each other."

Listening to Wang Jianguo's explanation, there was an uproar at the scene.

After converting this money, this company alone has created nearly 3 billion GDP for Lanling City.

This is a god!

Wang Jianguo was very satisfied with the reactions of the people present. This was the effect he wanted.

"Of course, this is not the point. The point is that after research, the city decided this morning to allocate 10,000 acres of land around Jiaozhuang to Rhein Steel."

"Let Rhein Steel build a factory on this land to strengthen our industrial strength."

"I called you all here to identify the people. After you identify the people, go back and explain it to the people working under you."

"It's easy to see the King of Hell, but it's hard to deal with the little ghosts. I don't want this to happen to us."

"Similarly, I don't want it to happen to other entrepreneurs in our city, understand?"

"If someone wants to commit a crime against the wind, then I will let them know what cruelty is!"

After speaking loudly, Wang Jianguo turned around and pulled Lin Yu out without giving the people present time to react.

"Let's go, I'll do the formalities for you."

After walking two steps, Lin Yu suddenly said, "Uncle Wang, we actually have an additional order of 110 million US dollars."

In front, Wang Jianguo stopped, turned his head blankly, and screamed, "What?"

Lin Yu looked at the person in front of him and repeated:

"The orders we got at the Zhucheng Air Show this time are actually 270 million, but there are two orders that the customers need to keep confidential, so they are not reported, but they can be counted when calculating GDP."

Hearing this, Wang Jianguo slowly stopped, turned his head, and quickly looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention to this side, and then made a silencing gesture: "Shh! Don't say it, just report it when the time comes."

"You can't not say it, because the other party wants a rebate and needs to issue some invoices."

"Hiss - I'll take you to do the formalities first, and we'll talk about those things later. We need to discuss it first."

With Wang Jianguo leading the team to do the formalities, the process was extremely smooth. In less than an hour, the process that others would take a month to complete was completed.

Holding the bulging document bag, Lin Yu sighed that it was indeed easy to get things done with someone in the court, and then asked Wang Jianguo: "Uncle Wang, can you help me stand on the stage the day after tomorrow?"

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