When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 152 The sun never sets, it has already set! (Second update!)

Feeling the air pressure getting lower and lower around him, Kent leaned over and asked in a low voice: "I heard other people say that it's because you have no money that you can't find a wife?"

This simple sentence made Bernard blush instantly, and several swear words came to his lips, but he swallowed them back.

At the same time, he kept reminding himself in his mind that this was a scapegoat, and there was no need to be angry with him when the time came for him to be pushed out and thrown away.

After repeating this sentence more than twenty times in his mind, Bernard finally suppressed the anger in his heart and explained calmly:

"My teacher is the hero in the stories I often tell you. He is humorous, bold and careful, and dares to challenge all impossible tasks."

"Died two years ago, died of poverty."

"As a retired intelligence officer, he originally had a generous pension to spend his old age in peace."

"But the newly elected cabinet members introduced a series of bills to significantly reduce military spending."

"With military spending cuts, we intelligence officers have become an eyesore, and their retirees are even more of an eyesore."

"So, he who had served the country all his life died on that cold winter night, holding on to the honor that belonged to him."

"I personally held a funeral for him. It was a very simple funeral. I was the only one present. He dedicated his whole life to England. He did not get married and left no illegitimate children."

"The only thing that can remember him is the granite stone tablet."

"After his funeral, I felt that I should change my way of living. When I die, I should die with dignity."

"So, I took refuge in Duke William and started working for him. From then on, I felt that my life became much better instantly."

"But if you do this, you are sorry for this country and the oath we once swore!" Kent suddenly let out another blast.

This explosion did not bring about an awakening of Bernard's conscience, but only a sigh from him. He walked up to the student, patted him lightly on the shoulder, and sighed: "The sun never sets on the Empire!"

"On the way to the fall of this empire, our existence has caused less damage to this country than one ten thousandth of those politicians."

"For the sake of votes, they can lose their conscience and find various reasons to lead this country on the road of decline."

"And we are just pawns they use."

"By the way, your father seems to be in hospital during this period. Have you paid for his treatment?"

The sudden change of topic made Kent, who was very excited just now, fall silent.

He has no money.

His father worked hard all his life to support him through college, but before he had time to enjoy his life, he contracted lung cancer. During his hospitalization, all he spent was the family's money. As a self-proclaimed top agent, his family's money was not enough for medical expenses.

When he was silent, the sound of cell phone buttons rang next to him, and a few seconds later, the ring tone of the phone's connection rang again.

"Mr. William, I am Bernard. What you asked me to check has been found."

"I'll send you the specific information later, okay."

"I'm calling you this time mainly for my students. You've also met the young man named Kent before."

"Yes, his father works in a nuclear power plant and recently got lung cancer. He has no money. I hope Mr. William can help."

"Okay, okay, thanks."

After making the call, he turned around and began to comfort the students: "Look, your father works at a nuclear power plant. His problems were not solved where he worked, and his problems were not solved where you worked."

"But Mr. William promised to help solve the problem with just one phone call."

"When an empire falls, what we have to do is not to fall with the empire, but to take advantage of the afterglow of the empire's fall to gain gliding wings and fly to a new world."


As soon as he finished speaking, the phone rang again, and it was a call from William.

"Do you want to keep the price to the lowest? Okay, I understand!"

Throwing the phone aside, Bernard whispered: "Join me tomorrow and I will teach you how to negotiate."


Birmingham, England.

The handsome old Duke William put down the phone, turned around and picked up the golf club and continued to gesture. After a long period of gestures, he knocked out the club and the golf ball flew high, and then...

Flying to the big tree on the other side.

"Hey..." He sighed softly, knowing that there was no need to continue fighting today, and threw the pole to the attendant beside him.

He picked up the towel in the attendant's hand and began to wipe the sweat, and at the same time ordered:

"What Bernard just said, you should do it as soon as possible. Those people inside are getting more and more excessive. At this critical moment, we must hold the right to speak in our hands."

"Also, let those factories free up some workshops to repackage the upcoming items and then sell them."

"Help me contact some old friends in Germany and France and tell them that I miss them."


Standing in front of the hotel again, Bernard still reminded Kent: "Remember, we are entering the country with regular identities, and don't do things that are inconsistent with our status."

When the two arrived at the main entrance of the hotel, Kang Shikai was already waiting in front of the door. When he saw the two of them, he raised his hand and pointed to the elevator: "You two, please come this way."

Under the leadership of Kang Shikai, the two soon met Lin Yu in the hotel conference room. The other party was still the same, with a faint smile on his face, as if everything was under control.

Bernard walked over naturally, sat down opposite Lin Yu, spread out the documents in his hand, and said:

"According to Mr. William's request, our price for one ton of high-performance gunpowder is 80,000 US dollars."

"And the price of one ton of CL20 is 150,000 US dollars. If Mr. Lin agrees, then we will sign the contract now."

"I think one day in the future, Mr. Lin will be very happy when he recalls the fact that we signed the contract."

Bernard finished speaking happily, and his eyes fell on Lin Yu, trying to see some flaws on the young man's face, and then continue to lower the price.

However, he did not see any favorable information. The young man opposite was neither sad nor happy, and his right index finger kept knocking on the table, making a knocking sound.

The sound was very rhythmic, with three syllables as a beat, repeating all the time, and even the force of each repetition was exactly the same.

This sound could not be heard good or bad.

Lin Yu tapped his fingers on the table, his face was stern, but he was already smiling in his heart.

England was once very strong, and it was considered the most powerful country in the world.

But all that was in the past. With the wave of colonial independence around the world, the glory of the British Empire was gone forever.

As an isolated country overseas, England and Japan had basically the same principles for establishing their countries, which was to disrupt nearby land powers and then profit from it.

It was for this reason that Duke William would seek cooperation with him.

Lowering the price was just to make more profits.

The pressure was not on his side.

Stopping his hand tapping the table, Lin Yu calmly asked:

"Mr. Bernard, can your chemical industry still support you to go to war?"

"Think clearly before answering my question."

The sharp words froze the faint smile on Bernard's face. After a brief embarrassment, he gave Lin Yu an apologetic smile.

He said, "Mr. Lin, I need to inform Mr. William. Please wait."

Nodding, Bernard walked to the corner of the conference room, took out the phone and dialed it. After a while, he returned to the opposite side of Lin Yu.

Sitting down, he said seriously, "Mr. William requested to increase the price by only 10%. If the price is increased by 15%, we will not have an advantage after taking into account all the expenses."

After saying the last request, Bernard lowered his brows, as if he had nothing to say, but his brown eyes kept looking around, observing Lin Yu's reaction.

In the small conference room, there were only the breathing sounds of a few people.



When he finally couldn't help it, Lin Yu suddenly raised his head and said softly, "As long as you pay in cash, it's OK!"

This sentence made Bernard overjoyed, and the next second, he made a new request.

"Mr. Lin, it would be best if even the shells were produced here."



It was still the sound of two people coughing, the lighter sound came from Kent, and the heavier sound came from Lin Yu.

But, they both had the same expression on their faces, that is, shock.

Shocked by the absurdity of this request and the audacity of these people, Kent asked before Lin Yu could ask:

"Mr. Bernard, are you sure there will be no problem doing this?"

"You know, many ammunition are actually secrets."

Listening to the student's question, Bernard raised his hand, waved calmly, and answered confidently: "Don't worry!"

"According to Mr. William's request, we are only producing some ordinary ammunition. We still need to ship the raw materials back to England for advanced ammunition."

"It's just commissioned to produce some mortars and ordinary artillery shells, a small problem."

"How about it, Mr. Lin?"

"As long as you are not afraid of me playing tricks in the ammunition, I don't care. As I said, give me cash and everything will be fine." Lin Yu put on a look of being desperate for money, as if all ethics and morals were thrown behind him at this moment.

Just money!

Success! His impression points in Duke William's heart will increase again.

Hiding the joy on his face, Bernard stood up, imitating the old European gentleman butler, took a half step back with his left leg, put his right hand on his chest, bent slightly, and said respectfully to the young man opposite:

"Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Lin. In the future, you will not regret this cooperation."

Faced with his elegance, Lin Yu once again showed a dandy look, waving his hand impatiently to interrupt: "Sign the contract, and then transfer the money!"

"Hurry up!"

As his voice sounded, outside the door of the conference room, Li Ping and Kang Shikai walked in with a printer, and revised the contract in front of Bernard and the others, and adjusted the price:


After checking the contract, Bernard set his sights on the total price: 40 million US dollars.

This is just the money for testing the waters, and the follow-up is what he can operate!

Then he pushed the contract in front of Kent.

Kent picked up the pen and signed his own name, Kent Alexander Mountbatten.

After he finished signing, Lin Yu took the contract, signed his name, stamped it, and handed several copies to Bernard.

When Bernard got the contract, it meant that the contract between the two parties was signed, and the rest was to transfer the money.

Putting the contract back into his briefcase, Lin Yu stood up, stretched out his hand to the two intelligence officers in front of him, and said:

"Boy, do you want to visit our company? We'll be there in a few hours by plane."

"When we arrive at our company, I'll treat you two to the local salted duck eggs and multigrain pancakes."

Multigrain pancakes, Bernard thought of the promotion he had seen before, from the BBC.

It is said that these things are even worse than the starry sky pie made by Mrs. Tom’s house next door.

That is an indescribable existence!

When he thought of Lin Yu treating him to this food, Bernard wanted to complain, but he couldn't complain, so he could only shake his head and refuse:

"No, no, I have to prepare for transportation, so I'll take my leave now."

"If you want to eat, wait until the day when the equipment is delivered!"

After politely declining, Bernard took the contract and Kent with him and disappeared at the door of the conference room.

Like running for your life.

At the door, Kang Shikai watched the two people leaving with a strange expression. After a long time, he stuck his head out and asked Lin Yu:

"Did you hit them?"

"How could you beat them? You asked us to put away our murderous intent. Look, you scared people yourself!"

"Conscience of heaven and earth, I didn't fight!" Listening to the accusation, Lin Yu raised his left hand and swore loudly: "If I hit these two guys, there will be five thunders from heaven!"


As soon as he finished speaking, a thunder exploded out of thin air outside the window, and the lightning flashed extremely brightly.


Taking a breath of cold air, Lin Yu shrank, opened the curtains and looked out the window. The sky that was clear not long ago was now covered with dark clouds.

It's going to rain, or it's going to rain heavily.

"Let's go! Hurry up and pack your things and go back to Lu Province. The weather here is too weird!"

Go to Shiyuman Airport.

Lu Airlines never lags behind others. Even in heavy rain, the captains of Lu Airlines can still take off on time.

Lin Yu seemed very calm after having flown the plane many times, while many of the remaining people at Rheinsteel had flown for the first time, and it was even the first time for them to fly on a Lu Airlines plane.

Screaming all the way.

Amidst the screams, a group of people returned to Rheinsteel.

Although it is already late at night, all areas of Rheinsteel are still brightly lit, especially the residential areas.

When they heard that the team participating in the air show was coming back today, everyone tacitly agreed not to go to bed early, but stood in front of the window and looked out the window without saying a word.

Everyone knows that the factory director has been preparing for this air show for a long time.

Now is the time to harvest the fruit.

If no new contract orders are obtained at the air show...

Without ifs, the factory director would be so busy preparing for the air show that he would never come back empty-handed.

So what if I’m empty-handed!

The factory director is still here, empty-handed this time, but next time he can still help everyone make money and make more money.

At this moment, an orange lamppost appeared at the front door. The beam of light was so strong that in the black night, it shot so far away that you could even see the mountain opposite.

That's the security department's truck.

came back.

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