That is, the people present are all trying to cross the river by feeling the stones. They have only beaten the police, none of them have ever beaten the police, and they do not know how to control the police in a city.

Likewise, the team is just starting out and doesn’t know how to come up with their own ideas and put them into practice.

The only one with some theory, Jalim, will become Kirkuk's police chief next week, and he has no time for practical implementation.

At the thought that such a crazy and profitable plan could not be implemented, everyone present could not help but jump to their feet, sighing one after another, and asking questions that were louder than the other.

"Why did you just want to guard this damn place and not go out?"

"If I had gone out then, I wouldn't have thought of a plan now but couldn't implement it."

"Is there a possibility that if we left this land decades ago, we wouldn't have this plan now, and America wouldn't even be able to get in."

"I've told you too much. The most likely thing you can do is lie in the grave and slowly measure the grass on your grave."

"How about we find foreign aid!"

"Who are you looking for?"

"Who else can I turn to? Don't bother me with anything!"

"Selling weapons and equipment? Is that okay?"

"I don't know. Anyway, let's give it a try. Cavani just said that those small organizations want to buy weapons from us, so let's just be second-rate dealers again."

"What's your opinion?"

"If there is no other way, then this is the only way to do it."

"Okay, I agree to find foreign aid! But I want to say yes, we can tolerate ordinary behavior, but we cannot tolerate issues of principle."

"I also agree with this birdman's opinion that they must not interfere with our religious issues."

"Raise your hands! What are you doing standing still?"

In the midst of the quarrel, opinions were finally unified and foreign aid was sought.

In the end, this glorious and great task fell to Rhodes.

But Rhodes was not in Kirkuk at the moment, but in Baghdad.


As a speculator in Baghdad, Rhodes rushed here as soon as order was restored.

Because the new government supported by America is mainly Shia, and it is also a Shia who has a deep hatred for the former president. As a Shia, he feels that he should contribute to national construction at this time.


The small wooden box was pushed to the opposite side by Rhodes, and then he asked in a humble voice: "Mr. Minister, um... are you wondering if I can serve the country?"

The wooden box is not big and looks a bit simple, but when the box is opened, the contents inside are magnificent.


The standard one hundred grams of gold is ten gold bars.

The minister quickly closed the box and with a slip of his hand, the box disappeared. Then, he said seriously:

"The Reconstruction Committee needs an official who knows the practice very well. I will arrange it for you. I look forward to your future progress."


Iraq is located in East District 3, and the pointer moves forward 6 hours to East District 8, Zhucheng.

As the sun sets slowly, the 2022 Zhucheng Air Show is about to come to an end.

Outside booth No. 68, next to booth No. 73, two very polite-looking Englishmen were leaning on the empty booth, drinking coffee leisurely. At the same time, their eyes were constantly staring at 68 Booth number.

When the people at booth 68 started to dismantle it, the younger Englishman turned around and asked his partner next to him: "They are dismantling the booth. Do we want to follow them?"

Next to him, his partner, who was leisurely sipping coffee, heard this and looked back at him with hatred, and said in a serious and thoughtful way:

"Kent, let me warn you one last time, this is China, not England."

"Your current identity is that of an investigator for England Airlines, not an agent of MI6. Your behavior and habits must be consistent with your identity as an investigator, rather than just stalking him all day long."

"But Mr. Bernard, their actions have seriously threatened the security of England. We..." Before Kent could finish his words, Bernard raised his hand to interrupt him.

The man with a standard English beard sighed, picked up the hat next to him and covered his head, and lectured again:

"This is not the period of great navigation, nor is it the period of the empire on which the sun never sets. Our task is just to figure out some things, not to fight desperately."

"Don't watch 007 movies all day long and imagine that you are 007."

"You have to understand one thing, a movie is a movie after all."

"Let's go and talk to Mr. Lin."

While speaking, Bernard slowly came to booth No. 68 with the camera in his hand. He gently bent down to Lin Yu who was busy next to the booth and asked softly:

"Mr. Lin Yu, I have a business deal that I would like to discuss with you. Do you have time?"

Lin Yu was briefly stunned by these extremely gentlemanly words.

When he turned around, he found two foreigners with relatively handsome faces looking at the sign hanging on their chests, English Airways.


What good shit can the English hold in?

After asking in his mind, Lin Yu stood up and found that the reception area inside the booth had been demolished. As a last resort, he raised his hand and pointed outside the booth:

"You two, if you don't mind, how about we go to the hotel where I'm staying and find a private room to have a nice chat?"

"Everything is subject to Mr. Lin's arrangement." Bernard nodded casually, followed Lin Yu's steps and walked out.

After leaving the exhibition center, the three got in the car and returned to the hotel where Lin Yu was staying. Instead of going upstairs, they found a private room in the hotel cafe and ordered a cup of coffee each.

After taking a sip of the slightly bitter coffee, Lin Yu asked:

"I wonder what you two want to talk to me about?"

"About CL20!"

"What is that?" Lin Yu began to play dumb, and at the same time, he had some guesses about the identities of the two people.

This is another fish.

But the origin of this fish is not so clear.

Seeing his expression, Bernard seemed to have expected it. He took out a photo from his arms, put it in front of Lin Yu, tapped the photo with his fingers, and said softly:

"Half a month ago, an elite team from England was ambushed while following the Americans in southern Iraq."

"A total of 7 people were killed. Our intelligence personnel found that the weapons used by the attackers were far beyond their technological level when they surveyed the scene."

"Later, after strict testing, our people found that the charge of that rocket was CL20."

"Moreover, the performance of other charges of this rocket is far superior to that of other weapons manufacturers."

"However, during the verification process, our people suddenly discovered that the rough and shoddy degree of the shell of this rocket is seriously inconsistent with the charge inside."

"On these shells, we found the Chinese characters Rheinsteel, as well as telephone numbers and your country's mandatory standards."

Speaking of this, Bernard suddenly laughed, as if he remembered something funny. Before Lin Yu asked, he told this funny thing.

"The pig-headed Israelis and those stupid American dogs actually think that GB/T is a code name for a weapon."

"I am dying of laughter. If these people read more books, see more of the world, and have less so-called happy education, they won't be so stupid."

"But if they don't do this, the people in their country will find that they have been deceived by elite politicians." Lin Yu suddenly interrupted, causing Bernard's remaining smile to freeze.

It seems that England is also doing this.

He slowly turned his head and looked at his partner, the part-time student next to him.

A little embarrassed.

After a brief embarrassment, the Englishman suddenly said:

"Mr. Lin Yu, let's cooperate!"



Two coughs of different tones sounded next to him. Lin Yu was more relaxed, while Kent was a little surprised.

The young man raised his head and looked at his partner, who was like a teacher and a father, with an incredible face. He couldn't believe that such a respected person actually asked the enemy for cooperation during the investigation.

No, there must be something I didn't expect. Mr. Bernard must have said this to lure this man into a trap.

Thinking of this, Kent pulled the chair slightly away so that he could burst out with all his strength at any time.

And his action naturally did not escape Lin Yu's eyes. Lin Yu raised his finger and pointed at him, and asked Bernard: "Dear Mr. Bernard, I think your partner has some misunderstandings about you. How about you two communicate with each other first?"

As he said, he pushed his butt back, pushing the chair against the distance between him and the two.

He looked at the two as if he was watching a good show.

At this time, Kent also reacted, because he found that the expression on Mr. Bernard's face was not right.

It seems... it seems to be hesitating.

At this time, Bernard spoke.

"Kent, as my student, I will now teach you something that MI6 won't teach you, which is to leave yourself a way out."

After talking to Kent, Bernard turned around and stretched out his right hand to Lin Yu:

"Bernard Dawn, head of the Asia region of the MI6 in England."

"I want to talk to you, Mr. Lin, about high-performance gunpowder and various high-performance explosives, and the business of agency in Europe."

Looking at the hand in front of him, Lin Yu did not take it. He raised his eyes, his eyes crossed with the opposite side, and whispered: "You know what I want to ask."

"Behind me is Duke William, the Queen's younger brother, you can rest assured to cooperate." After saying who was behind him, Bernard took out a small badge from his arms and put it in front of Lin Yu.

The badge is about 5 cm in diameter, silver-white, with a shield on it and a sword inserted in the shield.

Lin Yu took it and pretended to look at it for a while, then handed it back, nodded again and asked, "Do you have money?"

"For these special products, I only want cash, and I pay first and then the goods."

"If you don't have money, I can pay for your coffee, and you can leave after you finish it."

These two simple words made Bernard's eyes light up, and he asked, "So what you mean is, can we cooperate?"

The two looked at each other for a moment, and Lin Yu nodded slightly: "Money is fine! I'm not picky, I just want money, cash."

When saying this, Lin Yu's expression was very dedicated and serious, as if he was treating his first love. This expression fell into Bernard's eyes, making the Englishman a little surprised, and at the same time, it made him happy.

Because only people who are obsessed with money are the best partners, and only such people will be loyal to money and give up all worldly ties for money.

He retracted his hand, nodded gently to the person opposite, and said softly: "Since Mr. Lin Yu is so straightforward, there is no need for me to be shy. I will go back now and report the details to Duke William."

"Wait for Duke William to reply, and then we will discuss the contract."

"Kent, let's go."

After greeting, Bernard turned and walked out of the cafe, and soon disappeared at the door of the hotel. Kent, who was at the coffee table, stared at Lin Yu carefully for a while, and then took a step and chased after the person who disappeared at the door.

After chasing for two streets, Kent finally caught up with his master. After taking a breath, he accelerated past Bernard and blocked him.

Just as he was about to speak, Bernard's gentle voice sounded in front of him:

"This is not the place to talk, let's go back to the hotel."


Back at the hotel, before Bernard could speak, Kent asked: "Teacher, those words you just said were all to deceive that guy, right?"

"What you call cooperation is actually your trick. Everything you do is to trick the truth out of that guy, right?"

Kent asked excitedly, and at the same time he was paying attention to the expression on the teacher's face. He wanted to see the answer he wanted from the teacher's face.

But soon, he found that he couldn't understand the expression on the teacher's face.

It seemed a little relieved, but a little disappointed, and a little...disgusted.

It was as if he disliked others for being too stupid.

Reading these expressions, a not-so-good idea flashed in Kent's mind, and he stammered:


"Shh!" Bernard raised his right index finger to his mouth and made a silencing gesture.

After a while, he asked back softly: "Do you think what I said was a lie?"

"I'll tell you now, it's not!"

"Why! Why! Why!" Hearing the teacher's denial, Kent shouted three whys in a row, one louder than the other.

When he asked the last why, he saw the disappointment on Bernard's face, a complete disappointment.

This excellent MI6 agent sat on the chair with a helpless look on his face, his body bent, his elbows on his knees, his hands between his legs, nailed to the gap in the floor, and began to mutter to himself:

"Once, I was just like you, fantasizing about becoming a king of agents, wandering between countries, walking on the edge of a knife, using my intelligence and my strong body to complete the tasks assigned to me by the country."

"But... reality is very bleak."

"I'm a rookie, all I can do is collect some messy intelligence and then stuff it into my superiors' hands like garbage."

"I lived a life that I could see the end of at a glance, until one day, I decided to live a different life."

Because I was too rookie, the chapters with 3,000 words were written with a bald head, so I adjusted the number of words in a single chapter to about 4,100 words, so that it would be easier to write, three chapters a day, still 12,000 words.

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