When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 150: The game of officers and soldiers catching thieves! (Fourth update!)

"Good citizen!" Bamul said this word subconsciously, then turned around and shouted to the servant beside him: "Go, quickly call Master Jalim over."

The servant turned and left. After a while, Jalim, who had changed into clean clothes but still looked messy, walked into the living room.

He lowered his head and walked behind Bamul without saying a word and sat down. He kept interlacing and rubbing the fingers of his two hands, looking very unhappy.

It also seemed like he was at a loss.

As he sat there, several American soldiers were looking at him, especially his hands.

Sensing these glances, Bamule hit his grandson with his crutch and apologized to Imwe and others: "Everyone, I'm sorry, this kid's brain is a little abnormal when he comes back from studying abroad."

"Go and get some yogurt for the guests."

Forced by the crutches, Jalim reluctantly stood up, picked up the yogurt on the table, and added it little by little to several Americans.

Under these movements, the details of his hands were clearly visible.

There are calluses on the hands, but they are not calluses caused by using guns, but calluses caused by often holding some kind of stick-like objects and doing farm work.

This young man, during this period of time, at least in the last half year, did not hold a gun.

After coming to this conclusion, the leading American soldier was very satisfied. He nodded to Imwe with a smile on his face, which was regarded as giving his own advice.

Getting the answer from the other person's eyes, Imwe stretched out his hand and waved to Jalim. When the other person came to him, he comforted him:

"Second Lieutenant Jalim, the past is in the past. Now, we need to look forward."

“Focus on the future!”

"The whole country is in chaos right now, and it's a good opportunity for people like you to shine."

"For the sake of your family and more people, you should stand up and take responsibility."

"If you don't stand up, more people will die in unprovoked conflicts!"


When he asked the last question, Imwe suddenly raised his hands and pressed them on Jalim's shoulders. Jalim's body sank and he almost fell.

His embarrassed appearance fell into the eyes of several Americans, and there was only a burst of cheerful laughter. After the laughter, he stood up straight and murmured:

"I...I've never been a police officer."

"It's okay, just do it. You'll know after you do it!" Imwe patted Jalim's shoulder again, turned around, took out a document from his briefcase and threw it on the table.

"This is the appointment document. A week later, take this document with you and report to the Kirkuk police station."

After the explanation, he turned his attention to Bamuler again:

"Mr. Bamul, these guys came from Kirkuk and have never seen the customs and customs here. Please help them get some local products to try."


Tasting this word in his heart, Bamuler's eyes inadvertently swept across the dining table on the carpet. The dried fruits and yogurt placed on the table were the specialties here.

This bastard just talks about local specialties...

damn thing.

Cursing in his mind, Bamuler walked out of the living room with a smile and went up to the second floor.

Ten minutes later, he appeared at the stairs holding a small, tightly wrapped package.

When he came to a few people, he did not open the small bag, but handed it directly to the soldier with the second lieutenant's epaulette on his shoulder.

The small bag is heavy to start with.

The second lieutenant's hands were very sharp, and he could understand what was inside just by squeezing it hard.

Broken gold, gold dust.

Handing the small bag to the person next to him, he nodded and said seriously: "Sir Bamul, Second Lieutenant Jalim has officially become the chief of the Kirkuk Police Department."

"Then I will convey the opinions from the Baghdad headquarters."

"We want stability, and we want to restore Iraq's oil and mineral production, transportation, and exports in the shortest possible time."

"For the benefit of the Iraqi people."

"This is the opinion of Baghdad headquarters, and our task is to deliver this message."

"Now that the mission is completed, it's time for us to go back."

After saying the polite words, the second lieutenant grabbed a handful of dried fruits, stood up, and left with his teammates. Imwe quickly followed behind them.

The Hummer started and quickly disappeared in smoke.

The grandfather and grandson stood at the door and watched the convoy disappear until two birdsong came from the entrance of the village. The submissive look on Jalim's face disappeared and was replaced by calmness:

"Grandpa, what did you just give me?"

"The coffin contains about 600 grams of broken gold and gold sand." Bamuler looked distressed. These gold sands were all his personal money saved little by little over the years.

It's not much, but it's heartbreaking.

Seeing the heartache on his grandfather's face, Jalim comforted him softly: "We raided an American convoy yesterday and snatched about 70 kilograms of gold from the car."

"Fuck!" The old man couldn't help but swore, but when he turned his head, he remembered the gold he had stolen away.

My heart still hurts.

After sitting on the carpet in the living room in pain for a long time, several other family members also arrived.

After learning that Jalim was appointed as the police chief of Kirkuk and that Bamul was handed 600 grams of gold, a group of people didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

Because the identity of a police chief can provide great convenience for their actions, but it also shows that they have caught the eyes of America and the new government, and they need to be more cautious in the future, otherwise they will lose everything.

A group of people discussed until the afternoon, and Cavani, who was carrying out a sneak attack in the east, also came back, and also brought back two news, one good news and one bad news.

"The good news is that our resistance team has become famous among the resistance teams of all sizes, and some people want to join us."

"Some people know that we have good weapons and want to purchase them from us."

"Bad news, this is one of our bases in Tuzhurmatu, which was discovered by the Americans, and they also left a message."

"We want to cooperate with us and play the game of officers and soldiers catching thieves."

Hearing this news, the faces of the people in the living room changed drastically, and even Kalim was shocked after hearing this news.

If the Americans followed Cavani's clues, then these melons hanging on the wall might have been targeted by missiles now.

At this time, Cavani said the rest of the words: "You don't have to worry about being traced back. If you find that there is something wrong with that stronghold, I will evacuate it as soon as possible. I have been going around in circles for the next few days."

"Now, I need everyone to give an opinion on whether to do business with this group of people."

"Play the game of officers and soldiers catching thieves with them."

After this, the people present fell into silence again. Can the Americans be trusted?

The answer is obvious. It is better to believe that the old sow climbs the tree than to believe the American people. After all, the old sow really climbs the tree.

In the silence of everyone, Baldi asked: "Why do they do this?"

No one can answer this question.

A group of old men looked at each other, and soon saw their own level from their eyes. As a last resort, they could only throw this question to the young people.

But the eyes of the young people showed clear stupidity, even Cavani was the same.

At this moment, Kalim's deep voice sounded:

"Like the Palestinian resistance organizations, the Israeli government needs them alive and uses them as examples to convince the parliament and the public to invest in military equipment."

"What we are experiencing now is the same as theirs."

"In the eyes of the American parliament, their army has occupied Iraq, and the only thing left to do is to harvest."

"So at this time, we only need stability, because a stable enough life can guarantee normal industrial output."

"However, in the eyes of the army, they can't get the lion's share of the profits from oil production, so they We must find a way to make a profit ourselves."

"And that way is military spending."

"As long as there is a state of war, these military masters have all kinds of reasons to ask the parliament for money."

"Moreover, war can help them settle their accounts!"

"After they get the money and squander it at will, they only need to leave a few lines on the account, and then add a few lines on the battle report to destroy a non-existent armored vehicle, and then continue to ask for money."

After listening to the explanation, everyone present was amazed. They didn't expect that they could make money in this way, but soon, they reacted one by one and cast their curious eyes on Jialim.

Facing their gazes, Kalim calmly spread his hands and replied calmly:

"There are people who do this in our country, but our president is the one who takes the lead in doing this."

"And it's more crude than this group of people."

"My opinion is that from now on, our people will be divided into two parts. One part will follow me to Kirkuk to serve as police and learn urban governance."

"The other part, under the leadership of Kavani, will seek revenge in the name of the Crescent Moon Sect, integrate other resistance forces, and do business with the Americans."

"Two lines, one open line and one dark line, the two sides cooperate with each other, and the dark line will help solve my opponents."

"The dark line's opponents, I will help solve them, and we will be one open and one dark, intertwined, and slowly eroded."

"Step by step, grow bigger and stronger."

After listening to the whole plan, everyone present felt that Kalim was crazy, but behind the madness was the huge benefits of this plan.

Every resistance organization that stood up and held high the banner to resist America actually had its own demands and its own ideas.

In order to expand the team, generally speaking, they will spare no effort to discredit others and say that they are the orthodox.

If you promote your own ideas as a resistance organization, you will be regarded as a thorn in the eyes and a thorn in the flesh by others.

But if you maintain normal fairness and justice in your daily work as a policeman, and promote certain ideas imperceptibly, you will be slowly accepted by others.

Under the governance of the police, we live this kind of life.

What about you resistance organizations? Can you provide us with a similar or better life?

At the same time, the dark line team has always insisted on putting people first and taking the mass line. At this time, you can stand up and show yourself.

Then the police team stated: This is a good person.

The entire organization can almost eliminate other teams without bloodshed and win the hearts of the people.

The benefits are very generous!

It is worth a try!

However, after a brief moment of excitement, everyone present fell silent again. This plan had a big loophole.

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