Because even if pyrite is broken, it is still a square cube, which is the characteristic of pyrite crystallization.

The metal in front of him is yellow, with pits and bumps on the surface, and it is particularly heavy.

Slowly clenching his open palm, Jialim turned his eyes to the burning Hummer. No wonder these people broke their usual habits and added two extra cars.

Feelings are for stealing things outside!

It just so happens that these gold belong to him.

Putting the gold in his hand into his pocket, he turned around and shouted to the people who were cleaning the battlefield: "These yellow metals on the ground are gold. Be careful when cleaning. Pick up the big pieces and retreat quickly. I suspect they have received the news."

The people who cleaned the battlefield moved quickly. It took only more than ten minutes to clean up the battlefield, without even a hair left.

After confirming that there were no survivors, Jialim led his teammates to evacuate. They did not retreat directly to the north, but went all the way west, drilled into the desert, returned to the underground base dug in advance, and began to sleep.

It was not until dark that a group of people emerged from the desert, and under the cover of the moonlight, they drove towards the north of Kirkuk.

The sun rose from the east, and the fiery red light sprinkled on the orange desert, which was solemn and cold.

Coupled with the fog that appeared in the desert at dawn, it was like walking on a barren planet, but all this was not a problem for the people in these teams.

They had seen such scenes several times, and at first they would sigh, feeling a little scared and lonely.

But after several actions, all the fear and loneliness disappeared, and turned into the belief of fighting to protect their families!

Because during this period, they witnessed the brutality of the Americans and their allies with their own eyes.

If you don't want your family to become like that, you can only drive all these bastards out. If you can't drive them out, you have to kill them all!


In the mist, there was a sound of bells, which was the sound of the bells hanging on the neck of the leading sheep. Jialim stuck his head out, and a group of figures slowly walked out of the mist.

Goats, and shepherds.

The shepherd drove a pickup truck. When he saw Jialim and others, he stopped the pickup truck with one foot, pointed at the clothes in the truck bed, and said:

"You are finally here! Hurry up and change your clothes, then get some sheep manure on your body and drive the sheep back."

The young man in the car jumped out of the car without saying anything, took off the clothes on the pickup truck, and changed them.

After changing clothes, Jialim asked, "What happened?"

The shepherd took a breath and told the order he received:

"The new government sent a message yesterday afternoon, saying that they were going to do something."

"You were mentioned in particular."

"According to the plan, you should be back this morning, so Grandpa Bamul asked me to stay here, so you change your clothes, drive the sheep back, and pretend to be out herding sheep."

The new government...

This title made Jialim very uncomfortable. This government was a puppet of the Americans. So far, it has not done any of the real work of providing relief to the victims, comforting the masses, restoring transportation facilities, and restoring official functions.

Instead, it has been eliminating dissidents and excluding others. While doing these, it is also licking the ditch, licking it like crazy.

Now that people are sent down, it is estimated that the power of the internal senior management has been distributed, and now it needs to obtain local support.

Of course, all this is speculation. Before getting the other party's true thoughts, everything is in vain.

Bend down and rub a few pearl milk teas from the passing goats, and rub these pearl milk teas on your body several times to make your body full of the smell of goats.

Nodding with great satisfaction, Jialim turned around, glanced at a few young people, and pointed at a few people who looked very inconspicuous:

"You guys, go hide the spoils this time, and the rest of you, drive the sheep back with me."

"Also, when you see the Americans later, smile for me, laugh loudly!"

"We won this time, we want to sing, sing happy songs from the heart, and give these Americans our best yogurt."

"Don't give me a stern face, understand?"

After the explanation, Jialim turned around, picked up the whip in his hand, and hit the broad back of the head sheep. Then, the loud singing came out of his mouth, and spread far away in the empty wasteland.

The sun slowly rose, the fog covering the wasteland slowly dissipated, and the loud singing of 20 people resounded through the world.

Before they returned to the village, they ran into several Hummer military vehicles.

The Hummer convoy stopped, and the machine gunner of the first vehicle turned his gun to aim, but a female soldier came down from the co-pilot of this vehicle. She raised her hand to stop the machine gunner's action, then picked up the camera and said to Jialim and others in poor Arabic:

"Sing the song again, I will take two photos for you!"

The cheerful expression on her face was like seeing a cute little animal in the zoo and preparing to take something to tease it.

Jialim hesitated for only two seconds, immediately put away the whip in his hand, and pulled his clothes to make himself look like a normal person.

After doing all this, he turned around and shouted to the people next to him, asking them to fix their clothes.

Soon, about 20 young men stood among hundreds of sheep, humming ancient songs in a not very uniform tune.

The female soldier next to him held up her camera with excitement, constantly changing angles to take pictures.

In this way, the sheep were walking, people were singing, and the soldiers were taking pictures.

The two groups walked into the village in harmony.

Entering the village, the young people separated their sheep and drove them back to their own sheepfolds. Kalim also drove a few sheep to his own sheepfold.

The Hummer military vehicle followed behind him, moving forward all the way.

Finally, after learning that he was Bamul's grandson, an Iraqi man got off the Hummer directly, took his hand, and asked excitedly:

"Are you Lieutenant Kalim?"

"I... I'm not, I'm just a deserter." Kalim hesitated for a moment, shook his head, turned around and walked into the villa, and loudly asked his grandfather to come out to receive the guests.

Not long after, Bamul appeared in the yard with a cane, limping, bent over, and led the Iraqi who was talking and the American soldier next to him into the villa.

"Come, come, distinguished guest, try our best yogurt."

"This is the black tea my son bought from Sri Lanka."

"Would you like some coffee? I'll go look for it, there should be more."

At this moment, Bamul turned into a little spinning top, constantly busy in the living room, serving tea and water, and then serving desserts and dried fruits. After serving, he hid aside, shrinking his body like a quail.

His appearance naturally caught the eyes of the Iraqi who came with the American soldiers.

The man sighed lightly, opened the briefcase he carried with him, took out a document from it and put it on the table.

He tapped his fingers and said with regret:

"My name is Imwe, and I am the head of the interior department of Kirkuk Province."

"This is the death notice of Colonel Azizi Bamul Alamud. I am sorry that it took so long to send this thing over."

"Colonel Azizi fought very bravely, he is not a deserter, so don't feel psychological pressure."

"This time, in addition to delivering the death notice, there is actually another thing to deal with."

"That is the issue of public security."

"Our former president did evil things, so America started a war to help us get rid of that annoying guy."

"Now, the president and his large troops have been cleared, leaving only some remnants of soldiers and guerrillas resisting everywhere. Not only do they resist by themselves, but they also bring others to resist."

"It has added a lot of trouble to America's action plan out of thin air."

"But , you have done a great job here. "

"Your five families united together, and let the tribesmen maintain law and order themselves, effectively intercepting those damned stragglers."

"We are very pleased, and we are pleased that there are still people to help us share our worries in this stormy time."

At this point, Imwe raised his hand and pointed to the American soldiers next to him, and added proudly:

"These American comrades from foreign countries are even more pleased because someone recognizes their cause."

"So, after many decisions, I want to appoint Lieutenant Kalim as the chief of the Kirkuk Police Department."

"Let him maintain law and order and contribute to national construction."

"I think Master Bamul will not refuse this."

"After all, everyone is happy about this kind of thing!"

The sudden appointment made Bamul at a loss. The old man in his seventies looked at the speaker blankly.

After a few seconds, he slowly raised his hand and pinched his face hard.

It hurts, I'm not dreaming.

This...what is this?

After the chaos in Iraq, the Kurds in the north also took the opportunity to move south. In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Bamul spread the news of the union of the five families.

It was indeed as he thought. Several families gathered together, and the strong men had guns in their hands, which was indeed much safer.

They did not encounter attacks like some other tribes.

As for the fact that the Americans were not attacked on this acre of land, it was entirely because the rabbits did not eat the grass near the nest.

In order to prevent the Americans from retaliating, every time Kalim and Cavani took action, they would lead the team and disperse to the deserted but traffic-oriented places.

Carefully observe the enemies around, and then launch a surprise attack.

Go after the fight.

Not dragging their feet at all, it is completely the behavior habit of the elite army.

But I never thought that the flowers that were planted intentionally did not bloom, and the willows that were planted unintentionally grew into a shade. Because of this crappy thing, Kalim was actually appointed as the police chief of Kirkuk?

What is this?

Can I not go?

As soon as this thought came to his mind, Bamul saw the half-smile on the Iraqi's face.

He simply bent down and whispered to Imwe: "Can this matter... change someone? I have only one child."

Listening to the humble inquiry of the old man in front of him, Imwe showed a sinister smile on his face and responded calmly:

"Because we know that he is the only child, we did not pursue Azizi for handling false files for him."

"Master Bamul, you need to understand one thing. We need stability now."

"Therefore, anyone who does not accept our kindness will be regarded as an unstable factor by us."

"Now you need to make a choice, a good citizen or an unstable factor."

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