Turning around, Long Yu took off his coat in a casual manner, threw it into the hands of the thin middle-aged man, and walked out of the crowd carefree, heading towards booth 68 amid the envious and jealous eyes of everyone.

When he arrived at booth 68, Lin Yu had already made hot tea and was drinking it leisurely.

Long Yu walked over, reached out, scooped up a cup of cold water, gulped it down, and then shouted: "It feels so good, so good!"

"Although I am not the top student in school, I am also a child of destiny. As a result, I came to that broken research institute, and people told me every day, well, this is not okay, that can't be done this way!"

"To be honest, I have been humiliated for more than 20 years, but I have not suffered as much as I have in these few months!"

"By the way, what kind of radar are you going to make?"

"Active phased array radar! Millimeter wave radar!" Lin Yu raised his eyebrows slightly and spit out a noun. Without waiting for his old classmate to reply, he immediately said: "In addition to general large-scale military use, there are also very small miniaturized applications. I want to make this thing a bargain."

"I want to make our radar installed in all places in the world where this thing can be applied."

"Can you do it?"

Long Yu scratched his head and said with a grin: "It's a bit difficult, but it's not impossible."

After getting the confirmation, Lin Yu picked up the teapot and filled it with tea for his old classmate, and encouraged him softly:

"Then do it! I have enough funds here, but no one , so I want you to rescue the person. If the other party does not release the person, tell me and I will file a report to ask for it. "

"Lao Kang, come here!"

"This is my old classmate Long Yu, you should get to know him. He will be the person in charge of radar in our company in the future. Take out 10,000 yuan from your pocket and give it to him as travel expenses. Let him rescue the person."

Kang Shikai appeared quietly, opened his briefcase, and took out a wad of money and a mobile phone from it, and handed them to Long Yu: "This is 10,000 yuan. This phone has been pre-paid with phone bills and a few numbers. You can contact me at any time. "

"Do you want me to send someone to go back with you?"

Holding a thick stack of money in his hand, even though he was a man of action, Long Yu felt unreal. He swallowed his saliva and whispered, "Send someone to go with me. The main reason is that I don't feel at ease with this money!"

"Okay! Please wait!" Kang Shikai responded politely and walked to the side with the phone. Ten minutes later, two sturdy young men walked in from outside the booth and stood in front of Lin Yu like two javelins.

After the two heard the task clearly, Long Yu did not waste time. He nodded to his old classmate, walked out of the booth without looking back, and disappeared into the crowd with the envious eyes of the crowd.

The crowd saw Kang Shikai's action of giving money just now clearly.

That was a red 100, a whole stack, 115 grams.

That's the weight of the money!

Looking at the endless stream of people outside the booth, Lin Yu called Kang Shikai: "Call Shi Ling and Dolby and ask which departments we are still short of and which key positions we need."

"Draw up a list, and then investigate the salaries of these positions in China. Get it out tonight. Tomorrow morning, on the last day of the exhibition, post the recruitment notice for me at the entrance of the booth."

Hearing this job, Kang Shikai couldn't help but take a breath. Check the salary?

Can you check this? If you are allowed to check this, what if you dig out all the people?

But seeing that Lin Yu's expression didn't seem to be joking, he scratched his head, left a sentence "I'll find a way", and then disappeared.

The sun was setting, and it was time to close the exhibition again. After handling the booth site, Lin Yu happily carried a can of Coke and walked to the hotel with the large group.

It's a pity that I didn't receive the order today, but it's not that pity.

Because I have the order in hand.

We will need to work overtime in the next few months. Humans are living creatures. There is no need to wind up and run all the time. We should rest when we need to rest.

After having dinner at the hotel, while waiting for the elevator to go upstairs, a voice suddenly appeared beside Lin Yu.

"Mr. Lin, can we chat?"

Hearing the voice, Lin Yu slowly turned around and found that it was an acquaintance.

Salar Ali.

There were two seats next to the hotel elevator. He was standing next to this seat with a newspaper in his hand. He should have been reading it just now, so he didn't notice him.

At this moment, this young... peer had a hint of expectation on his face, as if waiting for Lin Yu's response.

After thinking for a moment, Lin Yu nodded his head towards the elevator: "Let's go up and chat."

"Thank you!"

After walking into the room, he first brewed tea and served it to this peer. Then Lin Yu sat down opposite Salar and looked carefully at this man from Yemen.

After a long while, he whispered, "So you didn't meet me by chance that day, but were waiting for me?"



Facing the inquiring gaze, Salar looked at the teacup and answered calmly:

"Jalim and I are roommates! A few months ago, during the break of cultural classes, I saw Jialim walking out of the school gate with a bag on his back in the corridor."

"And you were waiting at the gate at that time!"

"I have a good memory, so I recognized you at first sight that day."

"It's just that I didn't expect to meet you by chance in this way, among more than a billion people, at such a grand event. In your words, it's called fate."

"That day, he was suddenly called away from training, and when he returned to the dormitory, he looked absent-minded, as if he had some secrets and was afraid of being discovered."

"The next day he did not go to drill or attend class, which was completely inconsistent with his original intention of going to the Army Command College."

"The next night, he packed his luggage and said he was going home."

"But the next morning at around nine o'clock, I accidentally saw him walking towards you in the corridor."

"I don't know what he did, or what happened between you."

"But a few months later, America invaded Iraq, and all the Iraqi students went back, but Kalim never showed up."

"So I want to ask, is he still alive?"

Lin Yu did not answer, but just held the tea and sipped it leisurely. Seeing his action, Salar breathed a sigh of relief and continued:

"It seems he is safe."

"I came here today mainly to ask Mr. Lin a question, that is, what should a normal day be like for you?"

"I can't tell you." This time, Lin Yu spoke.

First he gave an answer. He stood up, walked to the hotel's wine cabinet, opened it, picked for a moment, then took out a bottle of red wine and two glasses, and then returned to Salar.

After opening the wine and filling the two glasses, he continued:

"In many of our literary works, there is often a famous line. If a person wants others to follow him, he will tell the other party that if you follow me, you will eat delicious food and drink spicy drinks."

"When I was a child, I didn't understand it. Eating delicious food means eating delicious food, and drinking spicy drinks, I have only eaten chili peppers, which are spicy."

"I don't understand why we need to eat chili peppers, and we still need to use the word drink."

"Later I figured out that spicy refers to wine."

"Eating better food and drinking better wine means living a good life. This is the most basic need of life."

"And your religious doctrines prohibit drinking, so my definition of a good day here will be a little wrong for you."

"Many times, this little error will cost you your life."

"So I can't give You suggest. "

"If you want to know the definition of a good day, then I suggest you go back to your country, put down all your prejudices and doctrines."

"To borrow a sentence, use this sentence as the core, conduct a survey, a nationwide survey, find out what ordinary people really want, and then what you are facing now."

"Find out what kind of day is a good day for you!"

"And that sentence, I will tell you now."

"The world is yours, the world is ours, but in the final analysis, it is yours!"

"Keep this sentence in mind and do a survey, it will help you."

"I won't say anything more."

"Finding that Lin Yu had lost interest in the conversation, Salar stopped talking and started talking about some interesting things, such as the embarrassing things they experienced during training at the Army Command College.

As he spoke, he turned the conversation around to Kalim.

"That kid is very smart, but he was a little jumpy at first. The instructor didn't intend to use him as a model at first, but later he was too jumpy, so the instructor chose him as a model soldier."

"Every day, he was asked to stand in front of the team and perform one by one."

"Climbing the stairs in duck steps and marching 1,000 meters, it was so miserable."

Speaking of these embarrassing things, Salar laughed unconsciously, and Lin Yu on the opposite side also laughed.

He didn't want to answer.

At the same time, the time zone decreased to the west. In Iraq, located in the East Third District, it was still daytime at this moment, and the sun was scorching in the sky, making people's scalps numb.

Jalim was wearing desert camouflage and lying on the side of the road with a 120mm tandem armor-piercing shell in his hand.

Soon, under the scorching sun, a convoy slowly drove from the northeast. The machine gunner on the car was very responsible. He held the machine gun with both hands, shaking it from side to side from time to time, and inspected both sides of the road.

Just as the convoy passed by, relying only on the feeling in his hand, Jalim pulled the trigger and the firing pin broke the primer of the tandem armor-piercing shell.

The gunpowder exploded, pushing out the ammunition in an instant and crashing into the convoy speeding on the road.

After him, more rockets flew out of the desert and crashed into their respective targets.

The military Hummer has strong performance. After special modifications, these door glasses can easily withstand bullets, but they can't withstand rockets, not to mention 120mm, special tandem blasting bombs.

With explosions one after another, the 5 vehicles in the convoy were all overturned in less than 20 seconds.

The nightmare of the soldiers in the vehicles did not end when the vehicles were overturned. After a short delay, more than a dozen rockets flew out of the desert and hit the remaining people.

This time, it was a personnel-killing bomb.

As long as there was a slight movement, two or three personnel-killing bombs would kill over.

After waiting for another two or three minutes and confirming that there was no movement in the convoy, Jialim lay down behind the sand pile and issued new orders:

"Team one, check if there are any survivors!"

"Team two, clean up the battlefield!"

"Team three, plant booby traps!"

Under his arrangement, about 30 people emerged from the desert and followed the instructions to complete their work.

Jialim, who issued the order, carefully came to the side of the convoy and picked up a piece of yellow metal that had fallen on the ground.

It's gold!

Not pyrite!

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