Faced with the question, Montes forcibly raised his head and cast his gaze to the left. The man who looked very much like the leader bit the barrel of the gun and asked vaguely: "Who are you?"

"Let me tell you clearly, I am the head of the CIA in North Africa in America."

"All our actions are recorded. Once we disappear, subsequent personnel can trace our actions based on our action records. If you people appear in Dongola, the information cannot be hidden."

"As long as someone is willing to investigate, they can definitely find you out. By then, you will know the consequences of provoking America."

Montes spoke more and more vigorously, and he began to struggle hard, trying to force himself to stand up, but as soon as he made a move, a fist from beside him stretched out and knocked out two of his teeth.

But even though his teeth were knocked out, he still did not lower his proud head and continued to look to the side, looking at a few people not far away.

In the direction where he was looking, Luo Ping was holding his hands, looking at this person who suddenly appeared with disdain on his face. Troy, as a local snake, had already helped take care of everything.

On Zasif's side, the other party's purpose is to get equipment. The factory will not ship the equipment until the gold is received. If the gold is not given, or there is something wrong with the gold given out, the equipment will not be shipped.

So it can be ruled out that Zasif is up to something.

Then, the guy in front of me is the one causing the trouble. I think that because of this guy, there will be problems in the subsequent itinerary.

Luo Ping was inexplicably angry.

Coupled with the gaze of the man in front of him, it reminded him of the prisoners he had captured on the battlefield before.

The dead duck has a tough mouth and feels that he dare not take action.

Slowly arriving in front of Montes, Luo Ping knelt down and whispered in Arabic: "Tell me where the gold is, and then I will give you a pleasure."

"Otherwise, you just wait."


Montes spat violently, but Luo Ping had quick eyesight and quick hands to avoid the spit. At the same time, he also lost patience with the person in front of him.

Patting his butt and getting up, he said to the people next to him: "Follow the interrogation method I taught you. You only have 10 minutes. I'll wait for you outside first."

After saying that, Luo Ping turned and walked towards the door of the warehouse. When the blue eyes who were bandaging Montes's wound just now heard this, their eyes widened instantly, then turned his head and looked at Montes with a playful expression.

Being stared at by this kind of gaze, Montes felt chills all over. He was very familiar with that kind of gaze. He usually stared at other people with this kind of gaze.

However, he didn't want to see this look.

Montes struggled desperately to avoid the judgment, but with a wave of Blue Eyes' hand, the people around him held him down. Then, the Blue Eyes opened the medical bag on his chest and slowly took it out. Thing, it's a scalpel as thin as a cicada's wings.

At the same time, the proud voice of blue eyes also slowly sounded:

"There is a kind of punishment called death by a thousand cuts. Those who can carry out this punishment are the only masters in the world."

"The difficulty of this kind of criminal law is that it requires a total of 3,600 cuts on a person, but before these 3,600 cuts are completed, the person being punished cannot die."

"Do you know how happy I was when I first heard that such a punishment existed?"


"I've never been able to put it into practice, which is a big regret. Today, I finally got the chance."

"So, I want to thank you, my dear friend!"

While talking, Blue Eyes had already taken out the scalpels and placed them neatly in front of Montes. After disinfecting them with alcohol, Blue Eyes solemnly stood up and bowed 90 degrees to Montes.


After thanking him, he squatted down again and began to remove the bandage bit by bit. He removed the bandage he had just put on slowly and carefully.

At the same time, the light in his eyes also changed, turning into scrutiny, as if he were looking at a work of art.

Just when the last bandage on his foot came off, a sharp pain hit his foot, causing Montes to convulse and his whole body became like a shrimp.

Taking a closer look, it was the blue eye that was stroking the wound with his hand.

After touching the wound, he slowly picked up the scalpel placed next to him, sprayed it with alcohol first, and then slowly handed the knife over.

The scalpel made of special steel is very bright and sharp.

Before the scalpel touched his foot, Montes shouted: "I said it, I said it!"

"Aburi! They are heading to Aburi in the north!"

"According to the agreement, if we fail to arrive in Aburi before 3 o'clock this afternoon, they will immediately go to Egypt with the gold, meet up with the Egyptians, and finally go to Qatar."

"Let Qatar's navy come forward and come and rescue us."

Hearing his explanation so readily, Blue Eyes, who was stroking his left foot, showed a constipated expression. After struggling for a few seconds, Blue Eyes put the scalpel next to him, picked up the alcohol, sprayed it over, and then put it into his own. In the bag.

Then he tilted his head to the people next to him: "Look at him. I'll go and see if the people outside have confessed. If he doesn't, I'll kill him."

Hearing this, Montes's face changed drastically, and he subconsciously looked at the black oilcloth next to him.

Seeing the change on his face, Blue Eyes walked to the black oilcloth nearby, stretched out his hand and pulled hard. There were only a few Arab corpses and some wooden shelves underneath.

The bodies of the CIA and the people are gone.

Blue Eyes nodded proudly at Montes and turned to walk out of the warehouse.

Outside the gate was an open field. In the middle of the field were several young coconut trees, so there was still some shade.

Through the shade, there were several other warehouses.

Under the shade, Troy squatted in front of an American, looked at him with a smile, and then suddenly punched him.

Luo Ping stood next to him, holding the gun casually in his hand, looking very much like the other party's subordinate.

Blue Eyes came to Luo Ping, without covering up, and said directly in a voice that the other side could hear: "The man inside confessed that those people were in Aburi, Colonel Troy, do you think you should let him go or..."

"Go and let him go! Kill all the others with hammers." Troy waved his hand lightly, and Blue Eyes turned and left, just as he was about to enter the warehouse.

The beaten American suddenly screamed, "In Wadi Halfa! They left at 3 o'clock last night."

"Calculate the time, we have arrived now."

"If we don't arrive before 4 o'clock in the afternoon, they will cross the border with this batch of gold and enter Egypt."

"I beg you, give me a quick death."

Hearing his shout, Blue Eyes stepped into the warehouse decisively. Five minutes later, he came to Luo Ping again and nodded gently.

After a while, several other Arabs walked out of other warehouses and came to the shade of the trees to exchange information.

All the information pointed to one place, which was Wadi Halfa.

At the same time, they also found out the vehicles these people used to transport gold - three white Toyota pickup trucks.

Seeing this address, Troy took out a satellite phone and explained while making a call: "There is only one way from here to Wadi Halfa. I'll call and ask."

After making a few calls nearby, Troy came back with a smile and said: "Found it. Several checkpoints on the road have seen this convoy."

"According to the time calculation, they should not have arrived yet."

"I will send you there by helicopter, and I will synchronize the information at the border port."

"Hurry up!"

Hearing this, Luo Ping did not hesitate, pressed the intercom to gather everyone together, and before getting on the helicopter, he said to Troy:

"Colonel, these CIA people are in your hands."

"Don't worry, I will treat them well!"

Watching the three helicopters go away, Troy turned around and was about to talk to the captives on the ground when the phone in his arms rang.

As soon as the call was connected, the other side scolded him.

"What's the situation in Dongola? Why did I hear that American soldiers appeared?"

"Explain it to me clearly."

At this time, Troy finally heard that the person on the other end of the phone was their Minister of Defense. He looked down at the captives on the ground and asked:

"We have captured more than 20 CIA people. If we kill them in public, my dear Minister, will the stool under your buttocks be more stable?"

Hearing that there were more than 20 CIA people, the person on the phone did not hesitate and directly sentenced these people to death:

"Hurry up and kill them, and then I will issue a press release."

Wadi Halfa, located in northern Sudan, is less than 25 kilometers away from the Egyptian border. It can go to Egypt by land road or boat on the Nile River.

Normal passing cars must go through the border port of this small town, then go to the border line more than 20 kilometers away, and then go through the customs and enter Egypt.

In the parking lot of the customs, Walker was checking the truck in front of him with the customs people.

Two hours ago, they arrived in Wadi Halfa.

After spending a little money, Walker exchanged their Toyota pickup truck for several large trucks, and also found a customs officer.

With a little money, the customs officer agreed to help them pass the customs.

After making all the preparations, they drove the car to the customs parking lot.

Waiting for the customs officer to go through the formalities, it takes some time to go through the customs clearance procedures. If you don't want to go through the customs, there is only one choice, to go through the desert.

Or diving.

But it is too dangerous to do so.

Because there are Sudanese boats on the Nile River. These people row boats all day long and wander around the border. As long as they see uninspected boats, they will shoot directly.

The people in the desert are the same.

Of course, the same is true in Egypt.

As the saying goes, it is easy to see the King of Hell, but it is difficult to deal with the little devils. Even if the CIA can find the boss of these people, it will take at least several hours for these birdmen to pass the message back and forth.

And if a person is hit by a bullet in the torso, if he is lucky, he can live for a while, but if he is unlucky, he will be scrapped on the spot.

If you are hit in the limbs, you have to rely on luck.

But these places are deserts

So there is no need to get involved in these minor details.

The customs officer who was in charge of the formalities soon brought his colleagues to inspect.

It was called inspection, but in fact it was just asking for money.

Walker handed over $100 naturally.

The inspector took it without leaving a trace, and then began to check in a pretentious manner.

After a perfunctory moment, the other party naturally picked up the brush in his hand and wanted to brush the door of the truck to indicate that the car had been inspected and was now painted to indicate that it had been sealed.

Just when his paint was about to touch, the sound of helicopter propeller blades was heard overhead, and then, while Walker and others were stunned, a group of American soldiers jumped out of the plane.

One of the soldiers still held a photo in his hand, and his black eyes, like searchlights, swept over the faces of the people present.

The next second, Walker saw the other party wave towards him.


Walker raised his hand and drew his gun, intending to take the staff member next to him as a hostage. However, before he could take action, a gunshot rang out and a bullet hit his head.

The sound of a gunshot is a signal.

Hearing the gunshot, Hillem and the remaining CIA personnel rushed directly to the nearest customs office without any hesitation.

If they want to take the people inside as hostages, they move quickly, and the "American Soldier" on the other side moves even faster.

A dozen gunshots were fired in a row, and these people who were running and dodging staggered to the ground one by one as if the pause button had been pressed.

Luo Ping walked towards the crowd, drove them into the office, and asked these people to pay attention to their safety, while others checked the trucks. Soon, they found the gold hidden in the trucks where the gunmen first appeared.

The standard 25kg piece is very heavy, totaling 160 pieces.

After waving a few people to get on the truck, the others jumped on the helicopter again, covered the truck, and drove all the way south.

At noon on the second day, in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, their defense minister held a very sudden press conference.

The opening of the press conference was not a clichéd speech, but a televised scene.

Accompanied by uniform shouts, more than a hundred heavily armed Sudanese soldiers appeared in front of the camera dragging a dozen people.

After these people were forcibly held down and all shot, the Minister of Defense came out and said loudly to the reporters' cameras:

"Yesterday at noon, a small-scale war broke out in our central city of Dongola."

"Subsequently, gun battles also broke out in the northern city of Wadi Halfa."

"These people are well-armed and well-trained. Although there are only more than 20 of them, more than 300 of our Northern Third Armored Brigade relied on heavy firepower to barely capture these 20 people."

"We did not find valid identification information on them, but we found America's CIA ID on each of them."

"But we know that America is a peace-loving country, a friendly country, and the CIA is such an organization."

"So these people cannot be from the CIA, they can only be spies sent by other countries."

"Here, I must warn everyone that we and America are cooperative countries. We have a cooperative relationship. Anyone and any country who instigate our relationship will be our enemy."

On the other side, Port Sudan.

Watching Luo Ping and others board the boat and leave, Troy rubbed his hands excitedly and was about to go back. When he saw the helicopter next to him, he hesitated for a moment and walked to the Toyota car next to him.

That plane hasn't been repaired in a long time.

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