After receiving the news from Port Sudan, Awad could not wait to come to Jeddah Port.

He wanted to see what those vicious Chinese people wanted to move after traveling thousands of miles to transfer from his place and then take a boat to Sudan.

As he waited anxiously, the freighter finally docked. The light on the ship flashed a few times, and the people on the dock also responded with flashlights.

Soon, dozens of people in ordinary clothes walked down from the ship, and in their hands, there were boxes of various sizes.

Although Awad wanted to know what was in their boxes, he still patiently organized a truck to take these people away first, find a safe place, and talk slowly.

The truck left the dock and headed southeast to the King's Hotel. After everyone was settled, Awad couldn't wait to find Luo Ping, rubbing his hands and asking excitedly:

"What are you moving to Sudan this time? Could it be the world's largest gem?"

"Can I take a look?"

"If it is a gem, please contact your General Manager Lin and ask for a price. I will take it."

Faced with his inquiry, Luo Ping shook his head gently and opened a box naturally, revealing the golden but bumpy gold inside.

Taking the gold in his hand, Awad looked at it carefully and asked:

"Libyan gold?"

But soon, he realized that he had said too much, put the gold back into the box, clapped his hands, and said casually:

"If you need gold, you can tell me, I can sell you a batch at the international market price."

"Don't look at me with that strange look. The main minerals here are oil, but there is also gold and copper and iron ore, but the mining costs of these ores are relatively expensive."

"So there is no mining value."

"You should go to bed early tonight. Tomorrow morning, I will arrange a plane to send the gold back directly."

Awad was about to leave after leaving a word, but when he walked to the door, Luo Ping's voice came from behind, full of questions and vigilance:

"What do you mean...send the gold back directly?"

As soon as this was said, Awad's hand that was about to open the door stopped, and while slowly retracting his hand, his body rotated, took a step, and returned to Luo Ping.

Looking at Luo Ping again, Awad suddenly found that this man who had been smiling many times around Lin Yu seemed to have changed at this moment.

He seemed...

Ready to kill himself!

As soon as this thought came to his mind, his body naturally took a step back before his brain, stood firm, and then explained:

"Don't worry, I don't want to swallow your gold, but according to the agreement between me and your boss, I will pick you up and help you go to Port Sudan, and then pick you up from Port Sudan and send your mission target back to the country, and then you 72 people will stay and provide security for my people."

"You are forcing others!" Luo Ping said coldly, and at the same time, he was looking around, thinking about how to contact other people and then leave here quickly.

Although his movements were very subtle, they were all seen by Awad.

Noticing these subtle movements, Awad explained again:

"First of all, my dear Mr. Luo Ping, I hope you can understand one thing."

"That is, you guys, these 72 of you, are all well-trained special operations personnel, and with the heavy weapons you carry this time."

"In some small countries, you can already complete a coup. Even if you put it in Saudi Arabia or Riyadh, you can kill seven in and seven out."

"I help you among you. Do you know how much responsibility I bear? Ah?"

"As a friend, Saudi Arabia is in a mess now. What's wrong with you helping me?"

"And your boss has agreed. If you don't believe it, contact him now, but it's late at night now. It's probably dawn over there. He may not answer the phone."

After hearing this explanation, Luo Ping couldn't help but feel a toothache. It was really troublesome to pass through other countries with weapons and equipment.

So they threw all those fire support vehicles to Troy, which was also a reward for his help.

Of course, it was more to wait for their subsequent orders.

As for Saudi Arabia,

He exhaled a breath of foul air and said softly: "Then I will contact our factory director tomorrow morning and ask about the situation."

"And I can't stay here. There are still some people in the team who can't stay here either."

"Why?" Awad asked curiously.

"Because there are several Palestinians, and I have to go back and continue to look for people suitable for the defense company."

"Oh--" After listening to the explanation, Awad raised his head unmoved, made a long "oh", then clapped his hands and said quickly:

"Palestinians? Your factory director is thoughtful. In the future, I will declare you Palestinians to the outside world."

"That's it, go to bed early!"

At noon the next day, a Saudi Arabian Airlines passenger plane, full of passengers, took off from Riyadh Airport and headed eastward.

Luo Ping sat by the window of the plane, opened the curtains, and looked at the desert below through the window of the plane with curious eyes.

In the suitcase above his head, there was also the money he had sold his teammates this time.


At the Magic City Airport, after stuffing the last box of gold into the truck cargo box, Lin Yu reached out and patted Luo Ping on the shoulder, and comforted him softly:

"Relax, Awad is willing to use you, that is his recognition of you, and providing security for government officials is the job of the defense company itself."

"Don't care so much."

"They will go there to provide security this time, and after a while, we can replace another group of people."

"Once they are familiar with it, our security work will start, and we can also protect other projects."

"But during this period, you have to be busy. We don't have enough people, you have to find more people."

"As for the money in your box, how much is each person, please go and deliver it to them again and give the money to their families."

"But you have to make it clear to them that it is not a death pension."

Luo Ping couldn't help scratching his head at the words of his own factory director. Awad gave 10,000 yuan and 10,000 US dollars to each person, even those Palestinians.

For Awad, this is just the price of a car, or just a place to spend a few days.

But converted into RMB, it is more than 80,000 yuan.

In this era when ordinary people's salary is only 300 or 400 yuan, who would pay 80,000 yuan just after joining the company?

Only if someone dies and the boss is generous, it is possible to pay so much money!

With a bitter smile, Luo Ping checked the cargo box of the truck again to confirm that there was no problem, then got into the co-pilot and drove out of the apron with Lin Yu.

The truck met with several other Santanas at the exit of the apron and drove towards the suburbs of the Magic City together.

Trucks shuttled on the viaduct. Lin Yu took out his phone, found Guan Yunqing's number, and dialed it:

"Uncle Guan, the things have been received. When will you arrive tomorrow?"

"In the morning?"

"Then I will go to the head office of Agricultural Bank of China in Shanghai to find you in the morning?"

"No need. How can I let you go with such a large order? If I let you go, wouldn't it seem insincere? I heard that you bought a house in Shanghai. Give me the address. I will bring people here at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning."


At 9:30 in the morning, the thick fog on the river had dissipated, and the scorching sun, with the greatest enthusiasm, scorched the ground.

On the Second Ring Expressway of Shanghai, a convoy of four Audi cars was speeding towards the north, in the leading car.

Wu Guangming turned his head and glanced at the driver, and asked with a face full of suspicion: "Guan Yunqing, you are not lying to me, are you?"

"Also, you are a foreigner, can you find your way in Shanghai?"

Two days ago, this guy made a report to the head office, saying that a company wanted to use 4 tons of gold for mortgage financing.

4 tons of gold mortgage financing.

The current domestic gold price is 73 yuan per gram. In other words, these 4 tons of gold are worth 290 million yuan.

And it is cash.

If you do mortgage loans, you can only mortgage 80% of the market value, and the loan you get is 232 million yuan.

But if you do mortgage financing, you can multiply this money 10 times, or even 20 times.

10 times the price, that is 2.9 billion, 20 times, that is 5.8 billion yuan.

Unlike other things, gold is a precious metal and has value preservation.

Bury the banknotes underground for 10 years. During these 10 years, due to inflation, the banknotes will continue to depreciate. Ten thousand yuan 10 years ago may only have half of its purchasing power 10 years later.

And gold, buried underground for 10 years, will not only not become cheaper, but will continue to rise with inflation. It is a very high-quality asset.

If all these 4 tons of gold can be eaten, then the Agricultural Bank of Shanghai can issue more Agricultural Bank gold, and then get more gold investment.

At that time, with the money invested in these gold, more projects can be released, and more profits can be earned.

Then his position can also be moved up, or he can be transferred to other administrative departments to carry out real power administration.

In any case, this is a meteoric rise.

But he is a little afraid now, afraid that these gold are actually tnd brass alloys, or even not brass alloys, but iron blocks painted.

Just when he was about to ask when he would arrive, Guan Yunqing turned the steering wheel, turned into the highway ramp, and got off the highway.

As soon as he walked out of the toll station, he saw the Santana opposite the toll station flash its lights twice, and then the Santana turned around and drove further north.

After receiving the other party's light signal, Guan Yunqing continued to follow, and ran on the road with the Santana for more than ten minutes. The convoy drove into a small village with white walls and green tiles.

Finally, it stopped in a yard.

Two people got off the Santana in front, came to the Audi, bent down gently, raised their hands and pointed at the gate of the yard next to them:

"President Guan, President Wu, please come in."

After the invitation, the two people naturally walked to the gate of the small courtyard, bent down together, and raised their hands to point to the yard.

Seeing this, Wu Guangming looked at Guan Yunqing in surprise. He was full of curiosity, wondering when this guy met such a great immortal.

Although he was full of doubts, he quickly took his things and got out of the car, and at the same time asked his subordinates to carry the equipment out of the car.

In the courtyard, Lin Yu was sitting at the round stone table, drinking tea leisurely. When he saw a group of people coming in, without waiting for his instructions, Luo Ping brought them stools, tea, and a fruit plate.

After settling these people, he took two steps back and stood behind Lin Yu, like a wooden stake.

Lin Yu, on the other hand, continued to hold the teacup and drink leisurely.

Opposite him, Wu Guangming saw this posture, but he didn't dare to show off his anger, because this was obviously an uncle, and a very outrageous one.

At the same time, he glanced at Guan Yunqing without any trace. This guy was hurting himself.

Even if I don't die today, I have to shed a layer of skin.

For more than 10 minutes, Wu Guangming had a smile on his face, his body leaned forward slightly, and he was about to speak with a flattering look on his face.

Lin Yu put down the teacup.

With his right hand free, he gently moved his fingers and ordered Luo Ping behind him: "Go and bring the gold and high-frequency electric furnace and let our President Wu inspect the goods."

As soon as these words came out, Wu Guangming, who had just leaned forward, immediately sat up straight again and cast his gaze in the direction Luo Ping left. At the same time, his heart was filled with doubts. Could it be that this is a young master with two real skills?

His doubts did not last long. In just two or three minutes, the people who had just left carried out many boxes from the backyard.

Working in groups of two, judging by the veins on these people’s bare arms, the box is not light.

Not long after, 80 boxes were neatly laid out in front of everyone. Then Luo Ping opened the lids of these boxes one by one. Under the green lids, there was a golden light and some rough metal surfaces.

Just when the sun shines on these metals, the reflected light is extremely fascinating.


At this moment, the sound of breathing came one after another in the small courtyard. These sounds all came from Wu Guangming's people.

The bank staff stared at the metal for a while, then turned their attention to Lin Yu, and one by one began to swallow their saliva.

"What are you waiting for? Let's inspect the goods!" Lin Yu's calm voice came from the side. Hearing this, the bank staff turned around and looked at Wu Guangming.

These scorching eyes also woke Wu Guangming out of shock. He swallowed quietly and nodded to everyone:

"Test it!"

After receiving his order, several male bank employees struggled to lift the gold detection instrument placed at the door and put it in the center of the yard. At the same time, they connected the computer that displayed the data.

As the device is plugged into the power strip, the inspection begins.

Male employees work in pairs, two people are responsible for moving the gold onto the equipment, and two people are responsible for moving the gold from the equipment back to the box.

Beside them, Luo Ping led another person and brought over the high-frequency furnace and the mold.

Modern testing equipment can detect gold very quickly. In just two or three minutes, the bank employee responsible for the testing raised his head with a look of disbelief on his face and screamed:

"It's real gold!"

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