When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 254 The war breaks out again! (The third update!)

The female bank clerk's shout was sudden and high-pitched, which startled Wu Guangming. His hand shook and the teacup in his hand fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.

The sound of the tea cup breaking was very clear, and it only took a moment for Wu Guangming to wake up from his daze. He stood up quickly and came behind his subordinates. The boss stared at the colorful picture on the computer monitor with his eyes wide open. sheet.

The first row of the table starts with elements, and the second row starts with the two letters Au.

The second horizontal column is two simple words, content.

In the staggered position of this horizontal and vertical table, a very eye-catching number is displayed.


This is... ninety-nine thousand pure gold!

Wu Guangming moved his head away from the monitor, looked at Lin Yu who was drinking tea leisurely beside the stone table, and swallowed silently.

Four tons of gold, which gold company owner is this?

But soon, he put this idea aside because ordinary gold companies couldn't do it so readily.

He opened his mouth and was about to ask when Lin Yu gently tapped the high-frequency electric stove with his right hand holding the tea cup and said, "Lao Luo, melt all this gold and show it to our President Wu."

Luo Ping nodded, took out the gold from the spectrometer box, put it into the high-frequency furnace, and adjusted the temperature. After a while, the gold in the crucible turned into a red liquid.

After staring at the melting temperature for a while, Wu Guangming sat back in front of Lin Yu, took out the briefcase that had been tucked under his arm, opened it, took out several documents from it, put them in front of Lin Yu, and introduced:

"Mr. Lin, we have several ways to deal with this batch of gold. Please listen to me first and then see which one you want to choose."

"The first is to make gold assets. Using these 4 tons of gold as collateral, we will raise funds in the market. However, you need to clearly explain what the purpose of your financing is. This is very important."

"If you go in a better direction with financing, and add these 4 tons of gold, I think you can at least leverage this amount."

As he spoke, Wu Guangming raised his right hand and spread his fingers widely. At the same time, he also opened his mouth and silently spit out a number.

Lin Yu understood his words.

5 billion.


Lin Yu did not respond in a hurry. He picked up the cup on the table, blew on it, and asked nonchalantly:

"what about others?"

Glancing at the person next to him, Wu Guangming leaned over and whispered: "Gold investment!"

"Mr. Lin, take a gold product company and work with us to launch a gold investment product. Then your 4 tons of gold only need to appear once in the lobby of our bank for people to see."

"It only takes a few hours and that's enough."

"Then you take away this batch of gold, and we will sell a large number of gold investment products approved by us."

"With the promotion of your 4 tons of gold, I think there will be no problem in getting this amount in the short term."

Wu Guangming stretched out his right hand again, but this time, only two fingers of his right hand were stretched out.

Looking at the expectant expression on his face, Lin Yu waved his hand without hesitation. Immediately, a person from the security department took a box from behind. Then, he opened the box, and inside was a so-called investment gold. .

This piece of investment gold was packed in a red wooden box the size of two adults' palms. The front of the wooden box was a whole piece of glass.

Through this piece of glass, you can just see the gold in the box.

Ninety-nine thousand pure gold 100 grams.

In the sunlight, this gold is very bright, very bright.

Next to the gold, there is a certificate with the corresponding number, date of sale, signature of the seller, and the certificate is complete.

In the center of the front glass of this wooden box, there is a silver-white iron block the size of a thumb. As the people from the security department slowly raised the box, the silver-white iron block did not fall.

After a brief display, Lin Yu waved, and the person from the security department immediately retreated. Looking at Wu Guangming opposite, his face had turned red, and his forehead was still sweating, and he seemed to be very hot.

"A bit hot, huh?" Changing the topic smoothly, Lin Yu asked, "What's the annual interest rate on financing?"

"3%, because we have to prevent some people from taking out loans from banks and then investing and financing, so the financing interest rate from us is uniformly 3%." Perhaps because he was afraid that Lin Yu would not believe this interest rate, Wu Guangming explained:

"The main reason is that the financial products that pass through our hands are relatively stable, and those who seek stability can accept a lower interest rate."

"Then we have a 0.5% handling fee."

"Okay! Five billion then!" Lin Yu agreed to Wu Guangming's words, and at the same time opened his right thumb and grasped it gently.

Hearing this sentence, Wu Guangming breathed a sigh of relief, and unconsciously clenched his right hand at his side.

He hurriedly opened his briefcase, took out several forms from it, placed them on the stone table, and gently pushed them forward in front of Lin Yu:

"Mr. Lin, please fill in the purpose of financing. Once you have finished, I will arrange for someone to prepare the relevant process."

"The financing project can be launched in a week at most. If it is faster, the first batch of funds should be available in 15 days."

"With the strength of our bank, plus there is a lot of hot money that can't find a place to go, as long as Mr. Lin's project is good enough, 5 billion yuan of funds can be in place in two months at most."

"By the way, Mr. Lin, your project is to do..."

Before he finished speaking, Lin Yu had already filled out the form and pushed it back. He only saw a few huge words written in the project name column.

[Liancheng 300,000-ton shipyard project]

Looking at the project scale and project address in the second column, he was completely stunned.

[Occupying an area of ​​10,000 acres, backed by Liancheng Port, and less than 1 kilometer away from Liancheng Port in a straight line. 】

10,000 acres? Less than 1 kilometer away from Liancheng Port in a straight line?

As the president of a bank, there are many land loan projects in the Magic City that need to go through his hands, and the scale of these projects is mostly dozens of acres, a few hundreds of acres, and among the twenty or thirty projects, there may be one project that exceeds 200 acres.

But that is already a top project.

Look at this one, 10,000 acres...

You know, the total area of ​​the most famous schools in Shanghai seems to be only more than 12,000 acres.

What kind of god is this?

At this moment, Wu Guangming's body couldn't help shaking, it was a trembling of excitement, it was a trembling of thighs.

He forcibly pressed down his trembling hands, put the form in his hand on the table, and asked carefully: "If you have this 10,000 acres of land, you can use the land as collateral to borrow a loan."

"If it is a construction loan, our interest rate is very low, and there are discounts..."

After a few words, Lin Yu interrupted him and said calmly: "That is allocated land!"

"I have to handle the funds here, I have to go to Liancheng immediately, sign the agreement with them, and then start construction quickly."

"I understand! I understand!" Wu Guangming nodded repeatedly, and he took out another form from his briefcase, compared it with the form filled out by Lin Yu, and filled in the new form.

As he filled in the form, he explained: "Our bank has some loan projects for large construction projects."

"The construction specifications and purpose of your project just meet the requirements of these loans, and according to your scale, you can get the highest level of loan amount and corresponding discounts."

"The total amount is 1 billion, the loan period is 5 years, the interest rate is 3.5%, and the first natural year, that is, from the time the money arrives, is interest-free in the first natural year."

"Then at the end of the second natural year, you can choose to repay part of the principal and interest in advance, you can choose to pay only the interest, or you can choose not to pay and let the interest enter the next interest calculation cycle."

"Overall, this loan is very suitable for you."

"I will fill in the form first, and your next step is Go to Liancheng to sign the cooperation agreement. At that time, you only need the official endorsement of Liancheng, plus your cooperation agreement. "

"The review period of the entire loan will not exceed 20 days."

"If everything goes well, you should be able to get the first loan around the 15th of next month."

"Do you think it's okay?"

Facing Wu Guangming's expectant eyes, Lin Yu turned his head to look at Guan Yunqing, who had been silent beside him, and whispered:

"Uncle Guan, I'm going to Liancheng tomorrow. I'll trouble you to help me during the next period of time."

"Small problem! I'm here, you can rest assured!" Guan Yunqing patted his chest loudly, turned his head, and told Wu Guangming:

"Don't talk about these things, keep it confidential."


At this moment, Wu Guangming felt that he seemed to have caused a trouble.

He felt so, more than 10,000 kilometers away to the west, at the American Middle East Qatar Front Command, Hanks also felt that he had caused a lot of trouble.

The tasks he has received now include, but are not limited to, swindling Libya, preparing, attacking Libya, finding CIA agents, going to Sudan, and then being killed.

Stabilize the situation in Iraq to ensure Iraq's crude oil exports and ensure that American companies can gain more benefits in Iraq.

Stabilize the situation in Afghanistan and establish a puppet regime in Afghanistan to ensure America's control over Afghanistan, so as to use Afghanistan as a springboard to contain Russia and China.

Stabilize the situation in Lebanon and Israel to prevent the outbreak of another Middle East war, thereby wasting America's budget.

Stabilize the situation in Saudi Arabia to ensure that Saudi Arabia and America are consistent in their crude oil interests and stabilize the hegemony of the US dollar worldwide.

Monitor Iran and, when necessary, send special operations forces to Iran to sabotage Iran and prevent the country from developing.

Control or interfere with the Black Sea grain export trade channel to facilitate Wall Street to create a new grain fluctuation worldwide to harvest countries with insufficient grain self-sufficiency.

Monitor Russia to prevent Russia from appearing on the battlefields in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya.

Hanks felt like he was going to die just by reading the mission titles from the Central Command and the President's Office.

He couldn't understand why the missions became...

longer and more smelly than Mrs. Tom's feet next door when Dana didn't have so many missions when he was here.

Staring at these tasks, Hanks rubbed his head feebly, stood up resignedly, reorganized the piled task list, and then began to sign his name, and the first task he signed,

It is to attack Libya.

He quickly wrote down his name on the task list, and handed the task list to the intelligence officer in front of him:

"Let the Sixth Fleet, Diego Garcia Air Force Base, and all air force bases around the Mediterranean inspect ammunition reserves and personnel attendance."

"We have been redeploying personnel and stocking ammunition during this period, so I don't want anyone to tell me later that neither ammunition nor personnel are in place."

"I gave them 12 hours, and after 12 hours, it was 12 o'clock at night."

"That's when people crawl into bed and sleep."

"We need to give our dear Mr. Cardano a warm wake-up call and tell him that if something happens, it's okay. Don't cause trouble. If you cause trouble, you will be beaten to death."

With the mission in hand, the intelligence officer stood at attention, saluted in one breath, and was about to turn around and leave when another mission was handed to him.

"Ask the destroyer USS Ross of the Sixth Fleet to go to the Turkish Strait and declare it to the outside world as a free cruise, and then tell them that if they see a grain transport ship from Russia, go up and check it."

"It doesn't matter if something can be found or not. What's important is to delay their delivery time. It doesn't need to be too long, three or four days per ship."

"With dozens of ships, time will be infinitely expanded. The countries these ships are about to go to will naturally be short of food."

"Contact the people stationed in Afghanistan and tell them to pick some suitable people for me. Mimi can bring them over to see me."

"Over in Iraq, help me contact Lin Yu and ask him how long it will take to open the dock. Our officials can't wait."

"Saudi Arabia, please contact Saeed and tell them that we in America have the best defense company in the world that can provide them with security protection. If necessary, I can help introduce it."


In response to the mountain of tasks, Hanks very quickly and logically stated the treatment plans. The intelligence officer wrote down these treatment plans and made sure that there were no omissions before turning around and leaving.

Not long after, these treatment plans turned into electrical signals and spread out in all directions, and the relevant departments that received the intelligence also acted as quickly as possible to prepare for the next war.

Time flies when people are busy. At 9 pm local time in Qatar, Hanks put on a straight military uniform and appeared at the Joint Operations Command Center of Qatar Pliers with steady steps.

Seeing him appear, the people in the joint operations command center seemed to have a backbone.

The correspondents in charge of liaison quickly revealed the situation of the base they were contacting.

"Digo Garcia Air Force Base bomber formation is ready."

"The missiles at the 6th Fleet Headquarters in Naples, Italy are ready..."

"The Fifth Fleet is transiting the Suez Canal..."

"The 101st Airborne Division is ready..."

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