After the correspondent finished broadcasting the information about the last unit, Hanks picked up a pole from the sand table, pointed the pole at Tripoli, the capital of Libya, and said quickly:

"This attack on Libya is different from the attack on Iraq."

"The overall urban construction in Iraq is mainly along the two river basins, and they have all undergone urbanization transformation over thousands of years."

"So we just have to push forward along the road."

"But Libya is different. Except for their capital Tripoli, the remaining cities are almost all emerging cities that have emerged in the past two hundred years, and there are also cities that have emerged in the past few decades."

"There are also some desert cities, which are of little use to us."

"For us, the main purpose is to plunder oil and kill Colonel Kadir."

"Therefore, the central desert of Libya and the cities in the southwest are not within our attack range. This must be remembered clearly."

"Our main attack range is the capital, Tripoli. If we capture this place and kill Al-Kadzo, we can replicate the operations in Iraq in Libya and establish a puppet regime. We can use this puppet regime to do many things. "

"So the next battle plan is as follows."

"The 6th Fleet and 5th Fleet are responsible for blocking the Mediterranean Sea and preventing Libyan fighter jets, helicopters and ships from escaping. As long as any unauthorized aircraft appears, regardless of their origin, they will be destroyed."

"The same goes for ships."

"Then according to our latest intelligence, Kadzo is still in Tripoli and has not hid in the central desert."

"So, 101st Airborne Division's 1st Brigade, 2nd Brigade and 3rd Brigade, you attack Gharyan, a city south of Tripoli."

"This is the gateway from Tripoli to the southern desert. If the Libyan government forces want to withdraw south, they must pass through here."

"If they don't go here, they can only walk through the deserts on both sides or climb the mountains. No matter which one they do, it will slow down their evacuation speed and provide favorable factors for our attack."

"After you take control of Galyan, send troops to block the traffic arteries on both sides."

"101st Airborne Brigade, your mission is to block Zuwara, knock out the Al-Watyah Air Force Base in Libya, prevent Kadadozo from escaping to Tunisia, and at the same time, prevent Tunisian people from infiltrating."

"The focus is on the Palestine Liberation Organization. They may cause trouble. We need a messy Tripoli, but not now. If we let these people in early, it will not be good for us."

"The mission of the 159th Aviation Brigade is to capture Tarhuna, the 123rd Brigade, and the 101st Airborne Brigade to complete the blockade of the retreat route south of Tripoli."

"Relying on the terrain of Mount Nafusa, it would be difficult for the Libyan army to escape to the southern desert."

"We need to occupy these positions as quickly as possible, and then build a meat grinder to complete the strangulation of the Libyan troops who want to flee to the southern region."

"At this point, we have completed the siege of Tripoli, and the remaining gap to the east is an exclusive position reserved for those fleeing."

"When a large number of refugees flee eastward, the black people we repatriated before can be put in, mixed in the refugee camps, and do whatever they want."

"When there are casualties in the ranks of refugees, they will panic more and run faster."

"As a large number of refugees move forward along the Mediterranean Sea, every city they encounter will suffer a breakdown in order due to the flow of refugees."

“That kind of chaos is very good for us.”

"The western region has been deployed, now it's the central and eastern regions."

"The main targets we control this time are several port cities and three internal provinces."

"The port cities, namely the oil transportation ports in the Gulf of Sirte and Tobrug in the east, these oil export ports must be in our hands."

"The internal provinces are Egypt's Dabia, Jufra, and Sirte. These three provinces produce oil."

"After the war started, the bombers only missed the capitals of these provinces. They destroyed all their organized military forces and then bombed them indiscriminately."

"Blow them up completely, completely."

"At the same time, let the CIA take action. Aren't they taking so much money every day to bribe all kinds of people?"

"Tell them, whoever enters Tripoli first, whoever kills Kadadozo first, they will be the next king of Libya."

"It's limited to 24 hours. If they don't dare to come up with anything within 24 hours, it means that these guys are not worthy of support and should be replaced directly."

"Now, take action."

Following Hanks' order, the first to attack were the B1B Lancers at Diego Garcia Air Force Base, as well as fully loaded B2s and B52s.

However, due to the long distance, the first one to arrive was the guided missile destroyer wandering off the coast of Libya. More than 40 Tomahawk cruise missiles took off from the deck of the guided missile destroyer. Under the guidance of satellites, they crashed into Libya's air defense system. .

Libya's reaction was not unpleasant. Tripoli's air defense radar received the signal of the relevant cruise missile and immediately synchronized it to nearby air defense positions.

In the center of the city, three battalions of S200 anti-aircraft missiles from the Soviet Union were erected by soldiers, preparing for the next attack.

In the west, Al-Watyah Air Base, as the best air base in Libya, has received special attention during the period of uninterrupted bombing by America.

This ordinary airport has received special attention.

However, after receiving the air defense alarm signal from Tripoli, the soldiers at the airport took out the equipment of the last air defense battalion as quickly as possible.

The air defense battalion was busy preparing for air defense.

The fighter pilots also boarded the su22 fighter urgently, ready to have a hearty decisive battle with the target aircraft.

However, not long after their fighter formation took off, they suddenly found that the world had lost contact with the ground war and teammates, even if the two sides were close, they could not contact each other.

Electronic warfare suppression!

As soon as this idea popped up in the pilots' minds, they suddenly found that there was something in the clouds in the distance, and it was extremely fast. When the pilots saw the appearance of that thing clearly, it was too late.

Because what appeared faster than that thing was the air-to-air missiles they dropped. Before the Libyan fighters locked on to the other side, these air-to-air missiles had already hit their heads.

A battle without suspense.

There was no suspense in the battle in the sky, and there was no suspense in the battle on the ground.

As soon as the fighter left, the Tomahawk cruise missile arrived.

The S200 air defense missile from the former Soviet Union was launched, but because of electronic suppression, the radar could not calibrate and lock the target, so it could only use close bombing, but because of the control efficiency, the close bombing failed to intercept the Tomahawk cruise missile.

I could only watch the missile crash into the building of the air force base, and then exploded, exploding a ball of fire that shot up into the sky.

The fire was very conspicuous and bright in the night.

Then another missile crashed into the fuel depot of the air force base, and the explosion instantly ignited the fuel, and then created a larger fiery red mushroom cloud.

With the light generated by the mushroom cloud, those who were not bombed looked up at the sky in a daze, because in the bright sky, several black fighters appeared.

During this period, because of America's bombing, the Libyan Air Force has been in a state of chicken blood. They believe that with the equipment in their hands, as long as America dares to come, they can beat America to flee.

Especially those bombers that they are proud of, in the face of morale and combat effectiveness, those things are useless.

However, at this moment, in the moment of surviving the disaster, looking up at the sky, seeing these big guys passing through the sky, the fear in my heart burst out without roots.

I want to escape, but how can a two-legged person be faster than an airplane?

In the blink of an eye, these planes have passed over their heads and dropped countless bombs at the same time.

Boom boom boom!

The explosion lasted for more than 10 minutes. When the sound of the explosion completely disappeared, and even the smoke and dust from the explosion were slowly blown away by the wind, the survivors in the airport slowly raised their heads and looked around blankly.

The hangars where fighter jets were parked, the airport's command center, the fuel depot, and the logistics depot where supplies were stored all became the brightest torches in the night sky, spraying flames into the sky.

The fighter jets that they usually regarded as their lives were lying on the ground outside the hangar, some of them were upside down, some were only half of them, some were only a pile of fragments, and some were still burning.

Nothing was left.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted, "Look at the sky!" The voice was very sharp and scary.

The people who were stunned by the bombs all looked up at the sky slowly with this voice, and several planes flew over their heads.

But compared with the previous one, the planes that flew by this time dropped a lot of white flowers, white flowers...

It was a paratrooper!

At this moment, the fighting spirit that the airport soldiers had just lost was regained in an instant. They couldn't beat bombs and missiles, but they couldn't beat you, a paratrooper?

These soldiers grabbed the weapons at hand, while some ran to the nearest anti-aircraft guns, pointed the scope at the sky, and began to pour fire frantically.

But their firepower did not last long, and the air-to-ground missiles from the sky once again visited them.

Let the operators of these anti-aircraft guns, their guns, and their gun bunkers fly into the sky.

Compared with the battle at the air base, the battle in Tripoli is more intense.

America's offensive forces, Libyan government forces, opposition in the Libyan government forces, various groups in the private sector who want to protect themselves, various groups in the private sector who want to fish in troubled waters, armed forces supported by America, and ordinary people who are forced to get involved.

All the people appeared at this moment. They kept using guns to frantically attack all forces except themselves. When they saw a person, as long as the other party was holding a gun and they were sure that it was not their own people, they chose to shoot directly.

At the critical moment, no one wanted to die.

The war in Libya broke out suddenly. When Huaxia received the news, it was already 7 o'clock in the morning. After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu kept pacing in the hotel room.

As the saying goes, a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. The best way to avoid danger is to stay away from it.

When America began to bomb continuously, the Chinese government had evacuated people from Libya.

So now there are no Chinese people in Libya.

However, Lin Yu did not expect that America would dare to press on with its entire army. How did he dare to fight on three fronts?

Or are the big brothers in the Middle East really that good?

Are they really not afraid of others stabbing them in the back at this time?

Sitting by the window and thinking about the current situation in the Middle East, Lin Yu picked up the phone and called Jalim.

The phone only rang for two seconds before being answered. It was obvious that even at midnight in Iraq, the police chief, Jalim, still did not sleep.

The person on the other side answered the phone, his voice a little tired, but also a little excited. After a short breath, excited and suppressed words came from the other side:

"My dear friend, do you think this is our chance?"

"No! But you can open their eyes with a knife, but you alone are not enough. More power is needed. It is best to sweep them away at once."

After listening to Lin Yu's explanation, the person opposite was silent for two seconds, and then uttered another sentence:

"We will let America know that being a playboy in the Middle East will pay a price."

"Also, I need more and better equipment. Money is not an issue. Money is still the old way. As for the goods, I may need your help."

"Because Americans have recently built a lot of checkpoints at intersections in various places. Sometimes you can encounter two checkpoints when you go 5 kilometers away."

"And these birdmen are still pushing for a company to sit in Baojia."

"It is precisely because of this that transportation of materials has become very troublesome, so I may need your help to transport them through the building."

Continuously sitting in Baojia?

Because Jalim spoke Mandarin, Lin Yu heard this word very clearly. He muttered this sentence that had disappeared for decades in his mouth for a long time. He frowned and spoke seriously into the phone:

"Jalim, I have to tell you now, no matter what the cost, this policy must be destroyed."

"Remember, it is necessary to get rid of the policy promoted by America no matter what the cost."

"This thing is very dangerous for you. As for the weapons and equipment, I will send them to you through other channels."

The person on the other side of the phone heard the change in Lin Yu's tone and understood the danger of America's move.

After a brief silence, another laugh came from the other side:

"My friend, you are worrying too much. After the implementation of this plan, families from all over the country have been the most opposed and at the same time the most violent."

"But since you said it, I will definitely take care of you."

"We will definitely not let America's risky move fall smoothly on the land of Iraq."

"As for the equipment, let's start with the $60 million one. I got some money recently and am quite wealthy. I'll hang it up first."

"Okay!" As soon as he finished responding, the call was hung up. After taking a breath, Lin Yu picked up the phone again.

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