After thinking for a moment, Lin Yu found Dolby's number and dialed it directly. However, this time, the person on the other end of the line answered the phone very slowly. It took more than 30 seconds for the call to be connected, and there was also a message on the phone. came Dolby's languid voice.


The voice is very gentle. If he is a girl, he will be attracted by this voice, but unfortunately Lin Yu is his boss and a capitalist.

"How can you sleep? Libya has started fighting again. They are fighting in full swing. Your big brother next door is eating missiles. How can you sleep at your age?"

The strange words made the other party confused for a moment, but soon, Dolby's cheerful voice came again:

"Are you saying that Americans are finally willing to check in as a captain?"

"Thank God. That guy should have died a long time ago. That guy has been using the Palestinians for more than a day or two."

"It's good that he's dead. I'll take a look later. If he's really dead, I'll buy two firecrackers to celebrate."

Lin Yu was a little overwhelmed by the cheerful voice. He originally wanted to stimulate Dolby, but he never expected that Ka Dazuo would be so unworthy in the eyes of people from surrounding countries.

But after thinking about it, he understood the reason.

In the Middle East, if you want to gain reputation, you have to provoke Israel and America.

But the two countries on the other side are not fools, and America sometimes reports it on the spot.

Israel is in the same style, but Israel's fighting power is not enough, so it can only swipe the surrounding people for revenge. On the other hand, Lebanon is not easy to swipe. Although Jordan is Arab, the two sides are flirting with each other, so it is not easy to swipe them either.

Syria in the north has some fists and can be farmed, but the price/performance ratio is not high.

The only ones that can be brushed are Gaza and the Palestinian-controlled areas in the West Bank.

You gain reputation and I get beaten, why?

After understanding the reason for Dolby's happiness, Lin Yu coughed twice to bring the elder brother back from his excitement, and then said softly:

"From now on, let the people in the production department work overtime, 24 hours a day, in three shifts, and devote all production capacity to fire support vehicles, especially anti-tank missile vehicles and anti-aircraft missile vehicles."

"I'm of great use."

As soon as they finished speaking, Dolby's words came from the phone like a barrage of words:

"Fire support vehicles, I only recommend the production of anti-aircraft missile vehicles and rocket launcher vehicles now."

"Because anti-tank missiles need to be upgraded, the latest anti-tank missile feedback sent from Lebanon, they said that this thing is not good for hitting tanks. The hit rate is a bit low, but it is better for hitting people. The R\u0026D department was still discussing it yesterday. Do you want to upgrade, but the results are not available, so it should not be reported to you. "

"But for anti-aircraft missile vehicles and rocket launcher vehicles, our production capacity is sufficient and has been proven."

"With enough anti-aircraft missile vehicles, American and Israeli fighter jets and bombers will not dare to fly over at low altitudes."

"Similarly, their helicopters don't dare to appear, and the remaining tanks, if they are in open areas, the tanks still have enough deterrence."

"But if you're in a city, tanks don't have enough of a deterrent effect."

"With just enough anti-tank rockets, it can be easily solved."

"Then there are 400mm rocket launchers and Ruolei 01 artillery. I suggest mass production, because the deterrence of these things is better than anti-aircraft missiles and rocket launchers."

"Moreover, these two things are very profitable and can allow us to develop better and faster."

Dolby's words were very serious. After he finished speaking, he silently waited for Lin Yu's reply. After a long time, Lin Yu whispered into the phone:

"Then you go arrange production. Anyway, it's the people in your production department who work overtime. It has nothing to do with me. Come on!"

"Fuck..." Before Dolby finished speaking in C language, Lin Yu couldn't wait to hang up the phone and choked back the rest of the other person's words.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu glanced at the phone inadvertently, and his whole body jumped up. It was already 8 o'clock.

At 9 o'clock in the morning, he also made an appointment with Hao Jianshe from Liancheng City to go to the scene to watch the sea.


After hastily washing up, he led the people as quickly as possible to the agreed place.

At the entrance to the breakwater of Liancheng Port, Hao Jianshe and a few people stood on the breakwater. He opened his mouth and wanted to compose a poem. However, he found that he was not well educated enough and could not hold back a few words, so he just made the same choice. Change the topic.

"It's so windy today!"

"This wave is so big!"

"The waves are so white!"

Amid their conversation, a Santana convoy stopped on the road at the entrance to the breakwater. Lin Yu took the lead and walked out of the car, took a look around, and quickly walked towards Hao Jianshe and others who were bragging on the breakwater.

"Mayor Hao, I'm sorry, something happened before I left. I'm late."

"It's not too late, not too late!" Hao Jianshe said haha, giving Lin Yu a step up. Then he gave the secretary behind him a light move. The tall and tall secretary immediately stepped forward and handed over the bag in his hand. briefcase.

Hao Jianshe opened the briefcase, took out several documents, and handed them all to Lin Yu.

"The red one is the land use certificate."

"In addition to the 10,000 acres of land on land, we have also set aside an additional 10,000 acres of water on the sea to hand over to you."

"This blue book is the sea area use permit."

"This dark purple one is the planning permit, which contains the land use permission. As long as it does not exceed the specified scope, you can build whatever you want."

"The last one is the meeting resolution to allocate land. This is a copy. The original is in the city government archives and can be checked at any time."

Listening to Hao Jianshe's introduction, Lin Yu carefully took the documents and opened them one by one. He found that the land area, relevant planning permissions, and meeting resolutions all met his requirements. He was relieved. Put these papers away.

Fixing the process will only bring benefits to the future, no harm.

After passing the document to Luo Ping and asking him to put it away, Lin Yu took his eyes away from Hao Jianshe and focused on the people next to him.

When he came over just now, he was paying attention to the positions of these people. Hao Jianshe walked swaggering in front, and these people were two steps behind.

And after standing still, Hao Jianshe did not introduce these people first, but took out the documents first.

Then we can draw a conclusion that these people are not as high as Hao Jianshe.

Therefore, these people should be in charge of city construction.

And the facts turned out to be just as Lin Yu expected. When Lin Yu turned his attention to these people, Hao Jianshe raised his right hand and pointed at the people on his left:

"The three people on my left, the heads of the three departments of water and electricity, Mr. Lin, please leave them a number later. If you have anything to do, call them directly. Don't contact the people below. Let them handle it directly."

"The people on my right are people from the communications and transportation departments. Now the Internet is developing rapidly. If we want to develop as a city, we must keep up with related things."

"We just looked at it. If there is an avenue from where we are standing on the breakwater and goes all the way up your red line, this avenue can go around in a circle and merge in the north of Liancheng City."

"By doing this, we have completed an outer ring road in the city."

"It also coincides with the plan you mentioned before, Mr. Lin, so I specially called these two people over."

After Hao Jianshe made the introduction, the five people behind him also nodded slightly and gave Lin Yu a friendly smile.

Lin Yu also smiled in return.

They nodded to each other and asked their names. After getting to know each other, Hao Jianshe raised his hand and pointed to the beach not far away and said with a smile:

"Let's go to the beach over there. Once your shipyard starts moving, this beach may become history."

"Let's take some photos now. When we talk about these things in the future, we can also show future generations what the vicissitudes of life mean."

After saying that, he walked down from the breakwater with a smile and walked along the seaside road. Lin Yu followed quickly and walked forward together.

The natural beach that has not been artificially developed is covered with wood debris, broken stones, and glass bottles brought by the waves. If you are not careful, you will get multiple wounds on your feet.

However, a group of people wore leather shoes, so they could walk on this beach without restraint.

About 10 minutes later, the dock of Liancheng Port had disappeared, and only the limestone cliff more than 100 meters behind blocked everyone's way.

Standing where the sea water and cliffs washed away, Hao Jianshe looked at the Bamboo Island across the sea and suddenly asked:

"Mr. Lin, do you think our shipbuilding technology can really grab enough orders from Japan and South Korea?"

"After coming back from you, I also collected relevant international shipbuilding information. For now, the top ones are South Korea and Japan."

"Italy is next, then Germany, France, Finland."

"Of these six countries, Japan and South Korea have more comprehensive shipbuilding industries and can manufacture more types of ships. Italy is relatively good at manufacturing cruise ships. Each oil tanker is expensive. According to the information I found, in 2002 , Italy’s shipbuilding industry has an operating revenue of 1.5 billion euros.”

"Then there is Germany. The German shipbuilding industry competes with the Italian shipbuilding industry. Their goals are high-end cruise ships, and their income is also high."

"In France, their shipbuilding industry is mainly focused on special ships, such as transporting natural gas and transporting special chemical materials."

"Finally, there is Finland. I took a look at this country's ships. They are mainly polar ships. At this point, even Russia has to shy away from them."

"After reading this information, I feel very nervous."

"So here, I would like to ask, can our shipbuilding technology really grab orders from them?"

"You don't need to be so pessimistic. We can just change the direction at the beginning." Lin Yu shrugged his shoulders indifferently. At the moment, the shipyards of Japan and South Korea are very strong.

But no matter how powerful they are, they still don't have the ability to build warships.

They can build a 300,000-ton ship or a 500,000-ton ship, but it is not as practical as a 15,000-ton destroyer to aim its guns at their heads.

The era in which a country can be conquered by just blocking a ship at someone else's door has passed. Now, it's up to you to pick up this era again.

However, before building warships, it is necessary to accumulate the technology of the shipyard and build some other ships to practice.

Such as the ship that reclaims land from the sea.

10 years for the army, 50 years for the air force, and 100 years for the navy.

What China lacks most now is actually marine-related practitioners, whether it is marine geological exploration personnel, shipbuilding design-related staff, or marine combat-related personnel.

These require time to accumulate.

When the accumulation is ready to burst out, all obstacles are paper tigers.

Hearing Lin Yu's words, Hao Jianshe slowly turned around and looked at the young man behind him, only to find that the other person's face was full of smiles, very confident smiles.

After a little daze, the deputy mayor of Liancheng patted his head with his hand and blamed himself:

"I am confused, I am confused."

"Since Mr. Lin has thought of opening a shipyard, it means that he already has his own ideas and must have found the corresponding way."

"I am overthinking."

"Let's go, let's go and see other places, and then go back to the city, have a meal, and everyone will go their separate ways and do their own things."

As the saying goes, live by the mountain, eat by the mountain, live by the water, eat by the water. When you come to Liancheng, there are no mountains in Liancheng, and the only thing you can eat is water, only the fish in the water, and shrimp.

Time passed quickly while drinking and drinking. When Lin Yu returned to the hotel, it was already midnight.

After sobering up with hot water, Lin Yu took out all the project-related documents, found the content required for loan and financing procedures, took photos, packed them together, sent them to Guan Yunqing by email, and called to confirm that the other party had received them. Only then did he sit in front of the computer and start checking the news related to the Libyan War.

After a day of fighting, the Libyan War can almost be said to have been decided.

All six anti-aircraft missile battalions in Libya were destroyed, and their largest air force base was also occupied by the Americans.

Then it was the capital Tripoli. Under the attack of the 101st Airborne Division, the Americans also completed the actual siege of Tripoli, leaving only a gap in the east.

Seeing this strategy, Lin Yu couldn't help but smile. The Americans also have masters.

The Chinese have used an old trick for thousands of years, which can effectively consume the fighting will of the besieged people in siege warfare. Anyway, there is a gap, and they can run if they can't win.

In the central region of the Gulf of Sirte, the American Marines have forcibly landed on Libyan territory under the cover of destroyers and are heading towards the central desert area.

After seeing the direction of these people's movement in the news, Lin Yu's face couldn't help but jump. These people are really simple and direct. They don't hide anything at all and go directly to the large oil fields in the central region.

Among these news, the news that Lin Yu cares most about is the news from the southeastern province of Kufra.

[Zashif Barle Sarat, a senior official in Kufra Province, announced that he would organize troops to enter Tripoli to resist America! ]

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