Well, I took someone else's gold, but before I could give him equipment, he sent troops.

While watching the relevant news, Lin Yu thought, if this big brother died on the way to serve the king, then I don't have to send the subsequent supplies?

But soon, he abandoned this idea.

Just because Zaxifu can be on the internal reference news and get more than 400 words of evaluation, it means that this guy is not a brainless person.

Therefore, the main purpose of this guy jumping out now is nothing more than setting up a flagpole and recruiting soldiers!

According to his prestige, and the fact that Kufra Province is outside the core area of ​​Libya, it is relatively safe, so there is no problem in recruiting soldiers.

But he has no horses, and the horses are here!

Or in America's hands.

At this time, whoever's equipment arrives first can control the direction of this guy's equipment development in the next few years or even more than ten years.

Hurry up and get him a batch of goods, so that the other party can organize the team, and then when his strength improves, he needs to recruit more soldiers and buy more horses.

Perfect external cycle!

Apart from these news, the rest are some insignificant news.

[Saudi Arabia officials said that they are paying close attention to America's behavior in Libya. ]

[The USS Ross missile destroyer entered the Turkish Strait to escort ships. ]


The mouse quickly moved, and the last news message caught Lin Yu's attention.

[The Afghan Al-Qaeda organization said that it will increase the density of attacks on American troops in Afghanistan, as well as civilians and buildings related to America. ]

Seeing this strange name, Lin Yu's mind flashed, how could he forget this big brother.

For Lin Yu in his previous life, this organization was nothing, because there was no intersection between the two sides. The only intersection was occasionally seen in various intelligence materials.

Today, there was another terrorist attack in America, and Al-Qaeda said it was responsible for it.

Tomorrow, Americans were attacked again, and Al-Qaeda said it was responsible for it.

Finally, when the leader of this organization was shot dead in Pakistan, it was heard again that another terrorist organization came from the Al-Qaeda organization.

And it was even worse than that.

Of course, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that the leader of this organization is said to have written a letter in 2002, a letter to the young people of America.

It was first published on the Internet in Arabic, and then nothing happened.

Whether this letter came from the leader of the Al-Qaeda organization is authentic, but this letter was collected by Gao Jun as special intelligence.

Then, as a partner, Lin Yu naturally read the letter.

Thinking of the letter, he suddenly felt that the letter was very suitable to appear at this time, and there should also be a corresponding letter to refute the other party.

At this critical moment, the person who can write such a profound letter must be the leader of the Israeli Orthodox.

As for the other party’s previous letter, I reluctantly helped him translate it into English, and then find a way to publish it.

Thinking of this, Lin Yu's blood boiled in his heart, and because of the alcohol, his whole face turned red, and at the same time, smoke began to come out of his head.

No, I must write these two letters tonight, and then find a reason to send them out.

Add a little thought and a little fire to this messy world!

Holding back his beating heart, he stood up, boiled a pot of hot water for himself, made a cup of warm tea, sobered up, and let his mind empty, and then sat in front of the computer.

The fingers of both hands cracked.

Then, he put his fingers on the table.

[In the name of God, in the Bible...]

It is not a simple matter to write a letter impersonating someone else.

Especially to write a targeted rebuttal letter.

Lin Yu first wrote the complete English version that he had read at the time, and then searched on the Internet.

Finally, in a very deep post on Yahoo, he found the corresponding Arabic original.

Putting the two documents together, Lin Yu proofread and translated them word by word, and at the same time, he was also revising the English expressions.

When he finished comparing and revising the original text, he had a basic understanding of the arguments in the letter.

Then, he searched the Internet for the original version of the Bible, which was the version used by the Israelites, not the version revised by Hong Xiuquan to be friendly and respectful to brothers.

At the same time, he collected some arguments between the major factions in Israel. After preparing these, Lin·Da Wenhao·Yu went online again.

His fingers flew on the keyboard. At this moment, he seemed to have found the feeling of arguing with others on the Internet when he was studying for a doctorate in his previous life.

Writing like a god!

It only took him one morning and half an afternoon to write the letter of ten thousand words. When his hands stopped, his body was instantly shrouded in hunger and fatigue.

He forced himself to let Luo Ping in the next room get a bowl of white porridge to drink, and then he lay down on the bed, closed his eyes, and fell asleep.

When he woke up again, it was already 11:30 at night.

There was no one in the room, only a plate of still-warm dumplings and a cup of soy milk placed next to the bedside table.

Lin Yu grabbed the dumplings and soy milk and drank them while picking up his phone. The moment the screen lit up, he saw dozens of missed calls on it.

Dulbi, Awad, Lu Huaxi, and another strange number. The most missed call was the one that was called.

Who is it?

Confused, Lin Yu selected the number and chose to call back.

No one answered.

Just when he was about to change a number to call out, the phone called in again.

It was answered in seconds, and the other party's long-distance call fee was at least ten cents.

After the call was connected, after a brief silence, the other party spoke first:

"My name is Zaxifu!"

"My name is Lin Yu! Tianwang Gaidihu?"

"Pagoda Zhenhe Monster! Where is my equipment?"

"Palace Jade Liquor!"

"Large cup 80, small cup 40!"


"When will it arrive?"

"Where to send it?"


"About one and a half months!"

"Okay! Goodbye!"

Put a dumpling in his mouth, listening to the beeping sound on the phone, Lin Yu pulled a smile from the corner of his mouth. This General Zaxifu is quite interesting.

If he could give more money and kill more Americans, it would be more interesting.

He swiped his finger across the phone keyboard, selected Lu Huaxi's number, and dialed it.

According to the information he had received, the director's office was busy with the Tianjian Operation exercise during this period, so the old man should be busy. It should be okay to call at this time.

I don't know what it is.

But it shouldn't be important.

If what he wants to say on the phone is important, then there should be someone in front of him now.

At the moment when Lin Yu was about to hang up and redial, the call was connected, and Lu Huaxi's sinister voice came from the phone:

"Boy, what do you want to do by calling in the middle of the night?"

"I guessed that you were not asleep, old man. I wonder what you want to talk to me about in your busy schedule?"

"Libya, how is your previous work?"

"Everything is going well. I wrote a letter here and need to publish it in the English media. I wonder if you are willing to help?"

"Sure, you ask someone to send it to Mr. Qian in the General Logistics Department of Yanjing. I will send it after reading it. I will hang up first. Call me next time when I have time to talk to someone."

"Be careful of anger!" Lin Yu just replied, and the phone was hung up by Lu Huaxi, leaving only the sound of beeping.

Throwing the phone aside, eating all the dumplings and soy milk, he picked up the phone again and found the number to dial Dolby.

No one answered.

It seems that he fell asleep.

He tried to dial Awad's number again, but no one answered. He must have fallen asleep.

Throwing the phone aside and sitting back in front of the computer, Lin Yu continued to modify the wording of the letter.

Writing a letter in the name of someone else is the most troublesome thing.

But before he could type a few words, the phone rang urgently. It was Dolby.

As soon as the call was connected, the roar of this Palestinian brother came from the receiver:

"Hurry up and get back to me. Awad is here. My screwdriver is smoking now. I don't have any extra capacity to give him!"

"Also, the rocket center has been completed, but where are the people?"

"What? The signal is bad! I can't hear it!" After a few intermittent words, Lin Yu hung up the phone and turned to continue modifying the wording of the letter.

While Lin Yu was busy modifying the letter, the endless Tigris River washed over the plain southwest of Kirkuk, Iraq.

Kalim and others lay in the wheat field, carefully picked up the telescope, and looked at the harvester in the distance.

As a northern city in the Mesopotamian Basin, Kirkuk has always been an important wheat-producing area in Iraq. In addition to providing oil, it can also provide Iraq with millions of tons of various grains every year.

It is now the end of April. Under the cover of the subtropical high pressure, Iraq's wheat will mature in a while, and then these yellow wheat will be harvested, dried, and sent to the market for sale by their owners.

The country has an external grain reserve department, which will purchase a new round of wheat at this time and replace the previous old wheat to ensure the safety of the country's grain reserves.

However, an accident happened this year.

As the wheat harvest approached, America suddenly strengthened the personnel inspection of various grain-producing areas. These soldiers seemed to have nothing to do. Three or five people drove a Hummer and pulled a wooden frame. They stopped at the intersection and began to check passing vehicles and pedestrians.

They also began to delineate groups according to personnel communities.

Even now that America has gone to war with Libya, these soldiers have not decreased, but have a tendency to increase.

At the same time, a large number of large American harvesters entered Iraq. The owners of these harvesters were all several large grain merchants in America.

First of all, America is not a good person, and it can be inferred that several large grain merchants in America are not good people either. They sent harvesters to Iraq, and it is absolutely impossible that Iraq suffered from war and lacked grain harvesters.

Then they have only one purpose, to grab food.

The first person to come to this conclusion was Lu Qingyun. As a teacher at the Army Command College and a Chinese, he knew very well what would happen when people from top to bottom of a country were starving.

And the reason why Kalim and Cavani appeared here was because of his request.

It is necessary to find out the time when America is ready to harvest grain, the time when grain is transported, the method of transporting grain, and the route of transporting grain.

Only in this way can we launch targeted attacks.

At the same time, it can also arouse the will of Iraqis to resist.

Because many people still have expectations for America, and they think that these people came to Iraq to help them build the country.

But when food is not available, America is still stealing food, which doesn't make sense.

Next to the harvester, two American soldiers were holding guns and shuttling back and forth. Rather than saying that these people are like soldiers, they are more like two bodyguards of the landlord, who are protecting the landlord to collect food.

After looking at the distance for a while, Kalim retracted the telescope, lay on the ground, turned around, and slowly crawled to the other side along the drainage ditch in the middle of the wheat field.

He climbed for more than half an hour until he could no longer see the harvester and American soldiers in the distance.

The two men quietly stood up, pretending to be farmers who came to the fields to check the maturity of the grain. They pretended to twist off two ears of wheat, held them in their hands and checked them for a long time, and then walked towards Kirkuk.

Walking in front, Cavani said in a low voice with a gloomy face:

"Are these bastards so short of money? They even steal grain?"

Hearing his disgust, Jialim rubbed the ears of wheat he had just twisted off with both hands, and the dry outer shell of the wheat was poked open by it, revealing a little grayish-yellow wheat inside.

He raised his hands, and the oncoming wind whistled past, blowing away the outer shell of the wheat, leaving only plump wheat grains.

He opened his mouth and threw the handful of wheat grains into his mouth.

The wheat that had not yet fully matured and dried was a little soft, and after chewing it carefully, it still had a little sweetness.

After swallowing all the wheat in his mouth, Jialim frowned and told the next plan:

"According to my estimate, these wheat will take about 10 days, but because of the time of cultivation, some wheat may only take a week."

"So my plan is this. In this week, we will try to mobilize some factions that hate America to attack America's harvesters and ordinary people."

"If the harvesters are attacked, the Americans will definitely be furious and will definitely give us tasks, and we will catch the people who made the attack."

"Similarly, they may also attack ordinary people."

"At this point in time, I will seriously Fulfill America's mission and use violence to force these people to rebel and go to the opposite side of America."

"If you do this, the whole of Kirkuk will be in chaos."

"What you have to do is to escalate this chaos to the point where the American soldiers in Kirkuk can't control it."

"Once the chaos escalates, American soldiers and government troops from Baghdad and even Basra in the south will come to Kirkuk."

"Then you can move further south and launch a sneak attack."

"This is my plan. You need to take this plan back to the north and have a good talk with those teachers."

"See what they think!"

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