"Look! Look at the words and sentences!"

"What is the promised land of God, what is a slave!"

In the office of the General Logistics Department of Yanjing, Lu Huaxi, who looked tired, held an English letter, and his old face was full of smiles.

Beside him, Qian Guoheng looked at today's work documents calmly, as if everything in front of him had nothing to do with him.

Not receiving positive feedback from Qian Guoheng, Lu Huaxi simply walked to the other's desk, reached out and pressed the work document in the other's hand, handed over the English letter, and placed it steadily on the table.

He tapped his fingers lightly and said excitedly:

"I just took it in my hand and read it once, and I wanted to pull out the guy who wrote the letter and shoot him to death."

"If this letter is put in the Middle East, on forums around the world, and in those paper media, what do you think people who see this letter will do?"

"What's more, the two letters are put together in a confrontational manner. I dare not imagine what the scene will be like then."

"Tit for tat! Yes, it's tit for tat!"

Qian Guoheng was interrupted at work and had to put down the work at hand and picked up the English letter in front of him. After reading it for a while, he found a very annoying problem.

He... knows a little English, but he is definitely not able to read the whole letter.

In contrast, he is more proficient in Russian.

He curled his lips, put the letter down, interlaced his fingers, looked at Lu Huaxi in front of him, and asked with a serious expression:

"Since this letter has such a great effect, why don't you hurry up?"

"I have to tell you the content of this letter first, and then send it, otherwise you will scold me behind my back again!"

After explaining, Lu Huaxi picked up the letter, folded it and cast a disdainful look at the person opposite, shook his head and said:

"It's a pity that you who are in charge of supplies will never know the beauty of these tactical applications."

"It's really appropriate to describe you as playing the lute to a cow."

"I'm leaving first, pay attention to international news these days."

As Lu Huaxi spoke, he turned around and strode out of the office, leaving only a chic back.

Watching him leave, Qian Guoheng picked up the phone on the table, pressed the number of Lin Yu's office, and dialed.

"Old Lu has published your letter. I'll let you know."

"Also, allocate a batch of your fire support vehicles. I'll arrange for Wang Kuan to take them over. Show them to the army first. If they are suitable, we'll finalize the purchase."

"Hang up."

Beep beep!

At Rheinsteel, Lin Yu put down the phone, breathed a sigh of relief, and then cast his eyes across the table. The heart that had just been put down was lifted up again.

Across the table, Awad sat leisurely across the tea table. On the newly bought cypress tea table, there was a Dahongpao and a set of tea sets that Lin Yu had obtained for free from Guan Yunqing.

Next to this set of antique tea sets, there was a cup of sugar cubes that didn't fit in, and a plate of mutton water dumplings.

At this time, Awad leisurely held the teapot in his right hand and brewed it into the teacup.

And in his left hand, he held the mutton buns and ate them slowly.

He looked as happy as a god.

A long breath sounded, and Lin Yu spoke quickly.

"You, Awad, the prince of Saudi Arabia, come to our small factory to watch us produce equipment?"


"And the equipment produced must be supplied to you first?"


"And you want 500 Bluebird-1 rockets now?"


Awad answered very comfortably. He nodded every time Lin Yu said something, and took a bite of mutton buns.

His mouth was too greasy, and he didn't forget to drink a sip of strong tea.

Very leisurely.

So leisurely that Lin Yu wanted to hit someone.

Rubbing his head with his hands, Lin Yu said, "There is no production capacity now, and our people have made the screwdrivers smoke."

"I have to finish other people's business first, and then I can arrange it for you."

"Do you understand?"

They are old friends who have traded many times, and this time Awad also helped Lin Yu transport 4 tons of gold from Sudan. Naturally, he knows who Lin Yu trades with.

He made another cup of tea and put it down. He asked casually, "What are they doing with all these supplies?"



"I didn't say that."

"Then produce them first. I'm not busy at this time anyway, so I'll just stay here with you."

"Then you can have fun!"

After settling Awad, Lin Yu picked up the memo next to him and started calling one by one according to the contents of the memo.

"Hello, teacher, it's me. The factory building of the rocket R\u0026D center has been built, and the person in charge of rocket R\u0026D can be arranged to come over."

"Please contact Majiagou Men's Technical College for me. The site of the shipyard has been prepared, 10,000 acres, and the money has been in place."

"I am organizing a construction team here, and ask them to come in quickly and keep an eye on the construction team."

"Okay, I'll hang up first."

"Hello Uncle Liu, you are from the power sector, can you help me contact your power sector construction unit, yes, the kind that can repair hydropower stations."

"The previous group of people was thrown out, and now I need another group of people, yes, yes, to go abroad."

"Please help me contact a large hydropower station, a hydropower station with an annual power generation capacity of about 20 billion kilowatt hours."

"Okay, okay."

After making a few more calls, Lin Yu turned his head, looked at Awad and said:

"Let's go, I'll take you to visit our new factory. After all, you paid for it."

When Lin Yu and Awad drove out of the mountains, five vehicles quietly drove out of the Suleiman Mountains on the border between Iran and Afghanistan, and then plunged into the tail of the Hindu Kush Mountains.

The Hindu Kush ranges from the Himalayas in the east to the Suleiman Mountains in the west, and then divides the entire Afghanistan into countless valleys.

While raising the people of Afghanistan, it also created an imperial cemetery in this heartland of Asia.

From Tsarist Russia and the British Empire, to the later Soviet Union, they all fell into disgrace here.

With a panoramic view of the few green spots in the surrounding valleys, Sunia, who was sitting in the passenger seat of the middle vehicle, quietly turned back, looked at the Russian next to him, and asked in a low voice:

"Mr. Petrov, to be honest, the former Soviet Union has been trapped here. I don't know what the use of you is here."

Mentioning the former Soviet Union, a hint of sadness flashed across the face of the main driver Petrov, but this sadness only appeared for a short time.

Petrov quickly took it back and then replaced it with a smiling face.

He said with a smile: "The Soviet Union, the two super countries during the Cold War, was defeated here, and then collapsed into what we are now."

"America is here again. By the way, don't you think the 53 states on America's flag are very suitable to become 53 countries?"

"Well, it's quite suitable." Suningya nodded in agreement, but soon, he forced the topic that Petrov had diverted back to him:

"I still don't understand what you are planning to do here."

"And you brought us with you?"

"You know, to a certain extent, we are half enemies."

It seemed that the land of Afghanistan also wanted to know the purpose of the Russians coming here. In front of the convoy, a few rocks suddenly slipped on the steep hillside.

The car at the front stepped on the accelerator and accelerated to pass, while Petrov, who was closely behind, also stepped on the accelerator with his right foot and ran wildly.

After passing the rockfall area, he stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead, found a place to stop, and then turned around and said:

"There is an old Chinese saying that there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests."

"America is now at war on three fronts: Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya."

"You Suniya are not a fool, otherwise you would not have become the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guards. At this time, all we can do now is add fuel to the fire."

"Libya is too far away from where we are to be suitable."

"Our people are infiltrating in Iraq, but the effect is average, so we can only target Afghanistan."

"And you also have a grudge against the Americans."

"You join in from the west, and we join in from the north. We will be caught on both sides. The American people will only be beaten."

"But before we act, we need your help to help us and Afghanistan. At least under the current situation, we can put aside the grudges of the past and join forces to deal with America first."

Being a lobbyist again.


Sonia sighed, looked out the car window, looked at the deserted valley, and said softly:

"Let me say it first. I will only take you there to meet. I can only use my own reputation to guarantee that you will not be beaten to death by my side."

"I won't say another word."

"Also, I will give you three days. If we can agree or not, I have to leave, because I am very busy with things, really very busy."

"What are you busy doing?" Petrov asked eloquently. The next second, Sunia moved away from the window, leaned on the chair, and looked at the ceiling of the car with a speechless face:

"Busy grabbing food!"


At midnight, the temperature in the Tigris River Plain is a bit low. Due to the scorching sun during the day, the water vapor evaporated from the Tigris River is condensed by the low temperature at this moment and slowly adheres to the wheat ears.

However, what was supposed to be a quiet night at midnight is now bustling with activity, as more than a dozen large harvesters are constantly shuttling through the wheat fields, frantically harvesting the mature wheat.

A piece of golden wheat from head to toe was swept away by the harvesting blade of a large harvester from the American company. Various switches inside the machine peeled off the wheat, smashed the wheat straw and sprayed it out, leaving only the most essential part.

The wheat field is very large, and the large combine harvester is very fast. It takes more than ten tons of grain in one round trip.

More than a dozen large-scale grain harvesting trucks are following closely behind the harvester, as long as the harvester blows its horn.

These trucks immediately follow up, adjust their position and maintain speed, so that the harvester can spit out grain and harvest at the same time.

When the truck is full, you blow the horn and another truck follows immediately, and the cycle repeats.

In the darkness in the distance, Cavani hid beside the ditch in the wheat field, carefully watching the harvesters with a gauze-covered telescope.

After staring for a long time, he wiped away the drool from the corner of his mouth, turned his head, and began to assign tasks:

"A small team, follow those trucks, find their food storage points, get rid of the guards, and release the food for others to snatch."

"Team Two, when the fight starts, pay attention to where the drivers are going. Remember, you must find where they are hiding and get evidence from them."

"If they cooperate, they will be spared. If they don't, they will be killed."

"Team Three, follow me. Aim your guns at the American soldiers and trucks..."

"Forget it. Aim your rockets at the combine harvesters and American trucks. Hit them hard."

"These combine harvesters and trucks are not cheap. If they destroy one, they will have to repair another one, and they will have to buy more from American soldiers. America, get the parts. "

"Then the mortar group, after we launch the attack, they will definitely have fire points one by one, hit them hard. "

"Then the fourth team, you go to the city now, and when you hear the explosion here, make a noise immediately, as loud as you can, and wake up everyone in the city. "

"Then pay attention to retreat. "

"Now check the watch, the action will begin in 15 minutes. "

After receiving their respective tasks, the four teams dispersed, and only the third team was still lying on the spot, loading the rockets, and Cavani once again aimed the telescope at the combine harvester in the distance.

Tears flowed from the corners of his mouth unconsciously.

At this moment, a team member next to him leaned over and asked cautiously:

"Do we really want to shoot down these combine harvesters? It's a bit of a loss!"

The next second, Cavani's hand hit the man's head, and then he cursed softly:

"This thing is useless to us, and the target is too big and it is too easy to be noticed."

"Several instructors have said before that we should not think about these equipment and leave after shooting."

"I will say it again now. Even if we want it, we have to get it from other places. We can't just drag it from here, otherwise it will cause us endless trouble."

Amid his scolding, 15 minutes passed in the blink of an eye.

When the electronic watch ticked, Cavani grabbed the 120mm rocket in front of him, aimed at the combine harvester in the distance, estimated the opponent's speed and the flight speed of the rocket, and pulled the trigger directly.

After him, the rocket group of the third team also fired rockets at their respective targets. After shooting, a group of people quickly moved to the irrigation ditch.

In the night, any light will be very conspicuous, let alone a fast-moving light spot.

The rocket was discovered by the American soldiers just two seconds after it flew out.

After staring at these things for a few seconds, they realized that it was a rocket.

And in these few seconds, the rocket had crossed a distance of several hundred meters and hit the combine harvester.




The 120mm rocket had a large amount of explosives. Just one explosion destroyed a combine harvester.

The sound, fire, and fragments of the explosion hit the following trucks, while some trucks were lucky and were not hit by the fragments.

However, the fear of death still made them subconsciously step on the accelerator and want to escape from these places.

But the speed of the truck was not as fast as the rocket after all.

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