Rockets have arrived!

Because they are not aimed at tanks, this batch of rockets are not tandem armor-piercing shells, but ordinary collision fuses.

The steel plate of the truck cab may have a certain bulletproof function for small-caliber rifles, but it is useless in front of 120mm rockets.

The impact fuse touches the steel plate, and the fuse is instantly detonated, and then the warhead of the rocket is also detonated, and it instantly explodes into a ball of the brightest light in the night sky.

One truck was unlucky and was hit by a rocket in the fuel tank. Under normal circumstances, diesel is not easy to ignite.

But the temperature generated by the explosion was too high, and the diesel was still ignited in an instant, turning the car into a blazing torch in the night.

After blowing up these harvesters and trucks, Cavani immediately led his men to evacuate without any hesitation. Of course, their retreating figures were naturally seen by the American soldiers.

The purpose of their coming here is to harvest food, but now the harvester is gone and the truck is gone.

Isn’t this going to save two lives?

The American soldiers raised their guns and fired. Some soldiers were smarter. They ran to the Hummer military vehicle next to them. One person drove the car and the other was responsible for the heavy machine gun. The pursuit was more efficient.

But their pursuit just started, and then it ended.

Because the light of the heavy machine gun firing was very conspicuous in the night, more conspicuous than the blonde in a bikini standing at the intersection.

Just after a few shots, there was a burst of noise in the distance, followed by the sound of shells cutting through the air, and then there was an explosion.

There was a sudden explosion at night, and it was a series of explosions, and it was not far from the city of Kirkuk.

As the director of the police station, Kalim naturally received the news first, and then he was scared.

He called all the subordinate departments as quickly as possible, asking all these people to stay at home, not to cause trouble, and not to go out.

On the other side, the fourth team, who had received the mission, immediately drove a tattered motorcycle into the city from several intersections south of Kirkuk after hearing the explosion, honking the horn all the way, and talking all the time.

"Someone is stealing wheat!"

"Someone is stealing wheat!"

"Someone is stealing wheat!"

The motorcycle horn was very harsh, and it spread far away in the silent night. The people who were awakened by the horn were just about to curse, and then they heard the words mixed in the horn.

Someone is stealing wheat!

Having lived in this war-torn land for thousands of years, the locals knew very well what would happen if they had no food in their hands.

They didn't care about the people who had just passed by on their bikes, but immediately turned around, went back home, took what they thought were weapons, rushed out of the door with their families, and ran towards their own land.

These are ordinary farmers.

The local tribal leaders, who have now been transferred to become village chiefs, have more land, real weapons in their hands, and they also have people.

Land is their foundation, food is the core of their control over people, and oil is their external water.

Now someone wants to steal their core, which means they are killing them.

Soon, amid the noisy sound, people in the southern part of Kirkuk rushed to the land in the south. As soon as they left the gathering area, they saw the bright red sky in the distance.

After estimating the location of the sky, some people breathed a sigh of relief. That was not the direction of their land, so they could rest for a while.

And those whose land was in that direction, while jumping anxiously, also quickened their pace and ran in that direction.

At this time, they wished they had two more legs so that they could run faster.

When they arrived at the burning land, they only saw a scene that made them heartbroken.

On the land that was originally full of wheat, only the harvested wheat straw was left, and not far away, there were more than a dozen burning trucks parked, all of which were full of food, and the surroundings were also full of food.

The fire swallowed all the wheat and turned it into charred charcoal.

Further away, there were harvesters and American soldiers' Hummers parked. These vehicles and harvesters were all broken and tattered, as if they had been hit by artillery fire.

There were bloodstains scattered around the Hummers. Following the bloodstains, the angry people finally found a few American soldiers who were still alive.

Seeing people, the soldiers smiled. Even though they were seriously injured, they did not forget to threaten:

"Call a doctor, call a doctor quickly, we need treatment."

"If you don't call a doctor, we will die here, and all of you will die."

At first, the people in the front were frightened by their words and retreated again and again.

But soon, hearing that there were American soldiers here, more and more people gathered around, and the space became smaller and smaller.

Slowly, it became an impenetrable wall of people.

Then, someone threw a piece of mud and hit the soldier. Before the soldier could curse, more mud hit him.

Then, the mud turned into a fist.

In the darkness in the distance, Cavani and others watched all this quietly, their cheeks twitching, they turned their heads and disappeared into the night.

On the other side, Kalim, who was still sleeping, was called up by the mayor of Kirkuk, who pointed at his nose and cursed:

"Last night, two American teams were attacked here, more than a dozen people, and 4 Hummers were all destroyed. I give you two days to find out who did it."

After listening to the words, Jalim was also looking at the mayor's face, but found that there was not much anger on the other person's face, but a little excitement.

Sensing this little oddity, Jalim bent his body, leaned over and whispered:

"Who did the mayor say he was targeting?"

"Cyril from Dongcheng District!"

"Mayor, you are forcing yourself to do something difficult! Why don't you first see what kind of people we have?"

"Just report the names of the Cyril family!" The mayor gritted his teeth and came up with a compromise.

"But they also have contacts with the Americans. If I report them, what will happen if I die? Besides, if I die, we will definitely find out that you are the one behind it, and you will have to die too!"

"Fuck!" Looking at the playful Jalim, the mayor hammered his desk hard, turned around, and began to think of other ways.

Seeing that he was trying his best to stir up troubles, Jalim bent down and slowly exited the mayor's office, and then went to the mayor's secretary's office next door, ready to ask for some information.

In the mayor's secretary's office, the pretty secretary is reading today's international news.

Al Jazeera News.

The blonde, blue-eyed, good-looking host sat in front of the camera, holding two letters in his hand, and said angrily:

"We don't have any news here today. The main thing we are talking about is the two letters in our hands."

"The letter on the left is a letter written by the leader of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan to the Americans."

"We actually broadcast this letter in 2002, but it was of no use, but it happened last night, May 3 at 17:00 pm GMT."

"The British Broadcasting Corporation took out this letter again, and they also took out another letter."

"That's the letter on my right."

"The leader of Al Qaeda used the title of the letter as a letter to America."

"The title of the letter to my right is simpler and clearer: Letter to the Arabs."

"According to relevant research, the person who wrote this letter should be an Orthodox Jew, and this Orthodox Jew believes in Zionism."

"Now it's up to me to read this letter for you."

"In the name of God and in the name of the Bible, I write these words in response to the fallacies stated by the leader of Al Qaeda."

"The Jews are the people of God. Therefore, all people created by God are slaves of the Jews. The meaning of slaves is to serve the people of God..."

Standing in front of the TV, Jalim listened to these voices without saying a word, while the delicate face of the host on the TV slowly became distorted as he read the letter.

When the last word fell, the beautiful host couldn't wait to tear the letter in his hand into pieces, then threw it into the sky, stood up angrily, and left from the camera.

Looking at the empty camera, Jalim sighed softly, turned around and was about to leave, when the mayor’s secretary stopped him and asked softly:

"Director Jalim, you said, if the Jews really do what they say in the letter, we..."

Before the secretary could finish what he said, Jalim replied decisively:

"They dare!"

His expression was calm, but the anger in his words was still heard by the mayor's secretary.

The pretty secretary repeated these words several times, and finally said through gritted teeth:

"They dare!"


"How the hell do they dare? Are they so short of money? Are there brain problems in them? Are their brains kicked by donkeys?"

"11 combine harvesters, 23 heavy-duty grain trucks, 4 Humvee military vehicles, a total of more than 50 lives."

"Is it worth it just for that little food?"

"Are they that short of money?"

"And Israel, it took a lot of effort to suppress them, and it took a lot of effort to get these Arab countries to be quiet, shut up, and stop talking nonsense."

"It turns out they were lucky enough to get another letter, and a letter specifically targeted at someone else?"

"Is there something wrong with your brain? Huh? When that letter appeared on the Internet, it took a lot of effort to suppress the small public opinion caused by that letter. It's good for them to put these old sesame seeds and rotten millet What do you want to do when your story is revealed?”

"To! What! What do you want! to do!"

At the Qatar Joint Operations Command Center, Hanks grabbed the documents in his hands and banged the table in front of him.

Thanks to Kadadozo's useless connections, this operation against Libya was very successful. In just one day, the 101st Airborne Division occupied the largest air force airport in Libya and cut off the road from Tripoli to the southern desert.

After the indiscriminate bombardment on the second and third days, the people in Tripoli followed his idea and left through the gap in the east and advanced along the Libyan coastal road.

These people were like locusts, causing chaos wherever they went, and America's army also got involved, secretly getting rid of a lot of people and also winning over a lot of people.

The next task is to find Ka Dazuo and then get rid of this guy.

The change of power in Libya will fall into the hands of the Americans, mainly into their own hands, and then they can use the power in their hands to control the country and reap benefits.

But at this critical moment, a fire broke out in the backyard.

The people stationed in Kirkuk actually gave up the oil money and went to steal food.

No, they went to steal food and didn't steal it. They also lost dozens of people and millions of dollars. This is a typical case of stealing chickens but losing rice.

This is not a big problem. All they need to do is write a piece of paper and transfer the parties involved, and these things can be wiped out.

But I never expected that Israel would jump out to make trouble for me at this time.

They even dug out the letter written by the leader of Al-Qaeda a few months ago and wrote a separate letter in response.

They also asked the BBC to publish it, tit-for-tat, as if they were afraid that others would not know.

Are these people pigs?

He wanted to curse now, but he was recording it now. If he cursed, people in the future would see this video and say that he had a bad temper.

But if he didn't curse, he felt that he couldn't hold back the anger in his heart. After thinking for a long time, he cursed directly.


And it was not in English.

After cursing, the anger in his heart was vented. Turning his head, he began to arrange new tasks according to the relevant situation.

"Give Yuri an order to write a punishment notice. The punishment is to arrest the commander of Kirkuk and send him back to America for trial by military court."

"At the same time, let him bring the commander of Kirkuk back to me. Find a warehouse and let him roll in. Don't come out and embarrass yourself."

"For the time being, ignore Israel. All intelligence and assistance requests from the country about Israel will be ignored."

"We have only one task now, that is to take down Libya."

The intelligence officer recorded Hanks' orders one by one and confirmed that there were no new orders. He turned around and left to execute the order.

He wanted to deal with the Israeli matter coldly, but some people didn't want to.

Meiringen, Switzerland, is a very inconspicuous town, but because it is located at the foot of the Alps and has a cool climate, it has become a holy place for many Europeans to vacation and escape the summer heat.

In a luxurious villa near the foot of the Alps on the edge of the town, Isaac wore reading glasses and read the letter in his hand word by word.

The letter in his hand was an original manuscript from the BBC. Although it was also a photocopy, reading the words on it made Isaac feel from the bottom of his heart that the writer was a real Jew.

Everything said in the letter was what they wanted to do, but they didn't dare to risk their lives to do it.

At this moment, he felt that he had found a confidant.

After a long time, he put down the letter, turned his head to look at the butler who was waiting next to him, and said softly:

"Let our people speed up so that America can go into the water!"

The butler said nothing, took the order, turned around and disappeared at the door of the villa.

Israel decided to drag people into the water, and on the other side, the people who had taken the initiative to go into the water also met the people they wanted to see.

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