Suniya and others who entered the country from Iran finally met the person they wanted to see in a small town called Parjuman after several days of wandering around.

Abu Abiq, leader of the rebel group in western Afghanistan.

The temperature difference between day and night in the mountainous area is very large, and the howling wind takes away all the little heat.

Therefore, even though it was early May, Petrov and the others could only accept their fate and sit on the carpet in the small room, surrounding a small charcoal basin to keep warm.

With a creak, the small door of the room was opened, and the servant brought a stack of thick baked naan and a jar of yogurt. Food was distributed to everyone. Abu, who was sitting on the main seat, then turned his attention to Pietro. However, he spoke to Sonia:

"My dear friend, don't you know that the Russians are our mortal enemies?"

While he was asking questions, Abu did not move his eyes away from Petrov. Instead, he stared at the Russian, thinking that if he had any disagreement, he would skin him, remove his bones, and eat him alive.

"Your yogurt is a bit too sour. I doubt you... are you sure you won't have diarrhea after eating this?" Sonia did not answer directly, but raised the yogurt bowl in her hand and looked at it with disgust. .

Finally, he tore off a piece of grilled naan, scraped a little yogurt with the naan, and put it into his mouth.

After chewing two mouthfuls, he tried to swallow it and sighed: "There is definitely something wrong with your yogurt, it doesn't taste right."

Seeing that intimidation was of no use, Abu's stern face relaxed and he smiled bitterly:

"There is no way. We have been fighting against the Americans last year, and there have been problems with harvesting and planting food, so last year we did not make yogurt as we have done in previous years."

"I bought these yogurt from a small village on the way here."

"Just make do with it. It's better to have diarrhea than to starve to death."

While he was talking, Abu's hands were not idle. He kept tearing the naan with his left hand and scraping the yogurt with the naan with his right hand. While he was talking, the naan in front of him had disappeared.

After pouring the last bit of yogurt from the yogurt bowl into his mouth, Abu turned his head, turned his attention to Petrov, looked at the Russian, and said:

"I know you Russians have no good intentions, but our ancestors have a slang saying that there are only enemies and interests in the world, and there is no eternity."

"For now, our common enemies are the Americans, so if you want to cooperate, please show your sincerity."

"But I must make it clear here that your predecessor, the Soviet Union, failed to control us when it invaded, so you, now, please give up this idea."

"Today is because of Sunya. I am willing to sit here and have a good conversation with you, so please organize your language well."

After speaking, Abu raised his right hand and gestured very politely to Petrov to speak.

Opposite him, Petrov was tearing the roasted naan with both hands while looking at the man in front of him intently.

Taliban, in Pashto, means religious student. If you want to become a Taliban, you must first graduate from their religious school and master the most basic cultural knowledge.

Therefore, these people, when normal, are normal people who can communicate.

The man in front of him looked about 40 years old, with prominent cheek muscles and a little wrinkled skin.

This kind of wrinkled skin is caused by a person losing weight rapidly.

There is only one possibility for this situation to occur. The lack of food in Abu's mouth is more serious than what he showed!

After getting this most basic information, Petrov felt confident. He sat upright, looked straight at Abu in front of him, and said softly:

"It's very simple. The Americans have been a little too out-of-touch recently, so we need you to give the Americans a hard blow in Afghanistan."

"Of course, we won't treat you badly."

"An American soldier can get 100,000 US dollars in supplies. You can exchange this 100,000 US dollars into firearms or food."

"As long as you kill enough people, you will have enough supplies."

"The transportation route of the supplies is from Kazakhstan through Uzbekistan to your border."

"As for how to transport these supplies without being discovered by the puppet government in your territory, that depends on your own abilities."


When Petrov finished speaking, he realized that the person opposite had closed his eyes and seemed to be thinking.

He was not in a hurry, because he was not the one being beaten anyway, and if there was no light in the east, there would be light in the west. If it was not possible, he could go to find someone else by himself, and he could go to Libya.

I have plenty of time and waste it slowly with them.

After a long time, Abu on the opposite side opened his eyes and said:

"Before we exchange the supplies, we need a batch of start-up funds."

"At least 500 AK47s. Each gun must be equipped with no less than 1,500 rounds of bullets. 50 RPG7s are also required. Each RPG7 must be equipped with no less than 20 rocket rounds."

"Also, at least 100 tons of grain and flour are required."

"If you think it's okay, then our cooperation will be officially reached. At that time, we will be responsible for sending out people and killing people, and you will be responsible for providing guns and food."

After saying his request, Abu raised his right hand and stretched it straight forward.

Opposite, Petrov shook his head slightly, stood up slowly, walked to Abu, extended his right hand, and then clenched it.

"I hope our cooperation will be pleasant."

"Our cooperation will be pleasant!"

The two gangs who originally had blood feuds temporarily put aside their hatred, held their hands together, and temporarily reached a cooperation.

Seeing these two hands clasped together, Sonia stood up very tactfully, opened the door and walked out, and the few young people who had been sitting next to Abu also stood up and walked out, leaving only a few older people.

Standing at the door of the hut, Sonia looked up at the sky. The full moon in the sky was very white, shining in the valley, very bright, which meant that tomorrow would be a sunny day, a good day for an ambush.

Under the same full moon, Lebanon was silent for a while. After training, the Lebanese milk tea party once again took advantage of the moonlight and appeared quietly on the border.

Then, suddenly launched an attack on Israel's northern border cities and military camps. The scale was not large, but it was very noisy, just like sparrows.

Fired two shots and ran away.

When things calmed down here, they came again, fired two more shots, and then ran away.

Then it went on and on.

And while firing, these people were shouting in Hebrew on loudspeakers, saying that this attack was mainly a response to the Israeli letter.

Such sounds of artillery and loudspeakers lasted all night along the hundreds of kilometers of border between Lebanon and Israel.

The people on the Lebanese border didn't see it, so they closed their eyes and continued to sleep soundly.

Anyway, those who can be avoided can always be avoided, and those who can't be avoided can't be avoided no matter how hard they try. It's better to relax and have a good sleep so that they can run away tomorrow.

Unlike their nerves, the people on the Israeli border spent a night in anxiety. Early the next morning, they drove their cars, closed the gates, and moved to the southern cities.

Go to the southern cities to hide for a while, and come back when things calm down here.

Tel Aviv reacted quickly. They received the news in the morning, and Pablo's attack order arrived at the northern military camp at noon.

The troops that received the order set out to the Lebanese border, ready for a hearty battle.

The troops in the north were looking forward to a hearty battle, while the troops in the south near Gaza were fighting a hearty battle, but the initiators of the battle were not them, but the resistance movement and the radical movement.

They were forced to endure it.

Early in the morning, just after the collective prayer, before they had time to eat breakfast, more than 200 rockets and mortar shells took off from Gaza in the south, swept across the fire control line of both sides, and plunged into the Israeli town.

The David Sling anti-aircraft weapon purchased at a high price was useless at this moment, because there were too many, so many that the David Sling could not resist it at all.

An air explosion can only stop one round, and it takes time for the David Sling to reload, but the rockets on the opposite side are like a rainstorm, fired at the same time.

One of the David Sling air defense systems was not positioned properly. After the air defense missiles were fired, the soldiers rushed forward to replace the air defense missiles inside.

But before they could finish the replacement, a rocket hit them directly.


Israel was fighting vigorously, and the Qatar forward command and Hanks's joint operations command center were also busy. He held the latest intelligence in both hands, and the whole person looked helpless.

[Lebanon launched a new round of attacks on Israel, mainly harassment and supplemented by attacks. ]

[The Palestinian resistance movement launched a large number of rockets into Israel, causing a large number of casualties. The specific number of casualties is still being counted. ]

[Because of the grain theft in Kirkuk, farmers in Iraq began to rush to harvest grain. At the same time, a large number of armed organizations pretended to be farmers who harvested grain across the border, mixed in with the farmers, and attacked the local garrison. ]

[The American Embassy in Afghanistan was bombed at 3 a.m., killing three people. ]

[The Iranian Revolutionary Guard announced that they would soon enter Iraq to help Iraqi farmers harvest grain quickly. 】

【Syria announced that it would intervene in the war if Israel did not cease fire. 】

【Egyptian embassy suffered a car bomb attack, 5 people died. 】

How come the situation changed suddenly after waking up?

It must be that I did not wake up.

Holding his head with his right hand, Hanks closed his eyes, then slowly found the sofa he had placed in the joint operations command center by feeling, and sat down.

In just 10 seconds, he was snoring like thunder.


At the same time, besides him, Lin Yu also felt that he did not wake up.

In the office of Rheinsteel, Lin Yu stood on the balcony, listening to the secrets coming from the phone, and he felt a little confused.

After the person on the other side finished speaking, he asked again: "Are you sure that Russia and the Afghan Taliban have reached an agreement."

"The Russians provide the guns, the Afghans provide the people, and they work together to deal with the Americans?"

"And both sides are based on the basic conditions of equality and mutual assistance? The Russians actually distributed food and guns first? And unconditionally?"


"Did I not wake up? The Russians didn't take the opportunity to threaten with food? The Taliban didn't bear a grudge?"

After a series of rhetorical questions, Lin Yu took the phone in front of him, looked at the time on the screen, and repeatedly confirmed that he should have woken up.

After a while, Sonya's voice came from the phone:

"I just think that this message should be synchronized with you. After all, you have helped us so much, and this message should be useful to you."

"If there is some special news in the future, you can call this number. If I am not mistaken, the Russian birdmen have been monitoring my phone since I came back."

"Hang up first."

Holding the hung up phone, Lin Yu stood on the balcony for a long time without coming back to his senses. This news...

Unexpected, but reasonable. It is true that Russia wants to join the European Union, but the pride of the Slavs makes them unwilling to be a concubine. After all, their ancestors were once rich. Who would be willing to be a concubine?

Afghanistan's puppet government has been established, and under the control of America, it has been recognized by the United Nations. Correspondingly, the Taliban and other Afghan resistance organizations have become terrorist organizations.

Being labeled as a villain, it will be particularly difficult to obtain resources. At this time, Russia came to the door, and cooperation between the two sides became natural.

But this incident also indirectly reminded Lin Yu that it was time to start the layout in Pakistan and Afghanistan.

If it is like Pakistan, getting up early and arriving late, it will be too fucked.

But before that, you need a big killer, a big killer that can calm people, so that you can negotiate with people properly.

In front of the administrative building, Luo Ping sat in the Santana, waiting for a long time but no one came. Just as he was about to close his eyes and sleep, the passenger door was opened and Lin Yu sat on it.

Fastened the seat belt and said casually: "Rocket R\u0026D Center."


Fasten the seat belt, step on the clutch, release the handbrake, release the clutch, step on the accelerator in one go. This second-hand Santana, in Luo Ping's hands, turned into the best sports car in the world, roaring along the country road all the way to the outside of the mountain.

Amid the roar of the engine, Luo Ping suddenly said, "Director, I've been watching the news these days and heard that because of a letter from the Israelis, the entire Middle East is now in chaos."

"That letter..."

"Shut up!" Without waiting for Luo Ping to finish, Lin Yu shouted coldly, suppressing all the other party's remaining words.

The director's reaction also let Luo Ping know that this was an unspeakable secret.

He turned his head and looked forward, and simply changed the topic to the rocket center:

"By the way, can our rocket research and development center make missiles?"

"A rocket plus a warhead is a missile!"

"Does that mean we will have missiles in the future?"

"It's enough to use rockets. One more word or one less word, the nature of use is completely different, and the restrictions are also different. Do you understand?"


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