When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 143: Li Dai Tao Jiang! Let’s begin! (First update!)

You are not qualified!

These four simple words made Nicholas freeze on the spot, and for a moment, his brain fell into a shutdown state.

Am I not qualified?

Am I not qualified?

What do you mean?

Just as he was about to explode, he saw the young man next to him slowly raising his head and looking at him with a kind face. At this moment, the memory of the exhibition resurfaced.

To be fair, I can't beat him!

He sat back on the chair again, raised his eyes to look at Lin Yu in front of him, and asked softly: "Mr. Lin, I know you look down on me!"

"But I also need to make it clear that this kind of thing is usually done by white gloves in the middle, and the real owner rarely appears head-on!"

"If you think I'm not qualified, I can only say I'm sorry!"

Facing his explanation, Lin Yu shook his head, picked up the tissue on the table and wiped his mouth, then stood up, walked to the window, looked out the window and said:

"This business is very, very big. As a white glove like you, I know you may be somewhat capable, but you can't guarantee our deal!"

"I hate risks the most. I don't want one day when I'm squatting at home, eating hot pot and singing songs, and suddenly a phone call comes telling me that my goods have been robbed!"

"If you want to cooperate, I will give you a chance. I will be in Zhucheng during this period. You can contact the person behind you and ask him to come to Zhucheng, or to Xiangjiang!"

"Let's meet and have a chat."

“Let’s talk about everything thoroughly, let’s talk about it, and then we can slowly cooperate. This will be very convenient for everyone!”


At the dining table, Nicholas fell into silence listening to Lin Yu's words.

He sat on the chair, showing annoyance from time to time, and rubbing his head with his hands from time to time. After ten minutes, he raised his head and said:

"I can only say that I will contact you, but I don't know if those big shots are willing to send someone to come forward!"

"It's 5pm now. I will inform you before 12pm tonight at the latest. Can I leave now?"

Lin Yu turned his head towards the door and said gently: "Go ahead, I'll wait for your news!"

Watching Nicholas walk out of the room, Lin Yu pointed his head towards Kang Shikai: "Go and guard at the entrance of the corridor, don't let anyone come over!"

After Kang Shikai also left, Lin Yu walked out of the hotel room with his cell phone, walked into the opposite room, closed the door, turned on the hotel stereo, played soothing songs, took out his cell phone and dialed a number.

Qian Guoheng’s number!

A few minutes later, the call was connected, and Qian Guoheng's hearty laughter came from the other side:

"Little bastard, why are you free to call me today? Did you receive another order? I heard that your kid received a $150 million order yesterday!"

"The delivery is due in three months. Can you eat it? If you can't eat it, I can help you find someone to subcontract it!"

When the hearty voice fell, Lin Yu responded with a calm voice: "As for the Li Daitao Zombie Plan I told you, just now, a man who claimed to be America's Army White Gloves found me."

"Just after we finished talking, I let him go because I said he was not qualified. I wanted to see the rightful owner, either in Zhucheng or Xiangjiang."

"Then this guy said he would give me an answer before 12 o'clock tonight at the latest."


The sound of gasping came from the opposite side, and a moment later, Qian Guoheng's anxious voice appeared again:

"I have reported this to the higher-ups before. The top management said that if we can enter the raw material supply of America and NATO-affiliated arsenals, then we can also judge their weapons and equipment from the supply of these raw materials!"

"So they are quite in favor of this!"

"But you have to be careful not to give anyone a clue!"

"More importantly, you have to ensure your own safety!"

"In this way, if that guy replies to you, you can arrange the time for the day after tomorrow, and I will coordinate a few people here to come over! Ensure your safety!"


"Be safe! Be careful!" After repeated warnings, Qian Guoheng hung up the phone.

Holding the phone in his hand, Lin Yu walked slowly to the window, opened the curtains slightly, and looked out at the busy traffic.

The show is about to begin!


At the same time, on the street, Nicholas' two steps and one turn back still attracted the attention of the police. They naturally stepped forward to check the ID. Then, the guy took out the work ID of the England Embassy in China.

But the name is different. The name on the certificate is Rania Jefferson.

After dealing with this incident, he quickly returned to the hotel where he was staying, closed the door, checked the room first, then turned on the TV, turned up the volume, then got into the toilet and took out his mobile phone. .

After a while, the call was finally connected.

But it was obvious that the person on the other end of the phone was not happy about the call, and he cursed directly:

"Nicholas, you damn thing, how many times have I told you that when you call abroad, you must first consider the time difference before calling me!"

"I have already warned you. Now you have made this mistake again. If you can, don't come back. As long as you dare to come back, I will stuff the smelly socks of Mrs. Tom next door into your mouth!"

"Then I'll stuff you into the cesspit of Mrs. Milan's house next door and let you hang out with those maggots!"

"Fuck your ancestors!" Nicholas suddenly said in Mandarin. Obviously, the person on the other end didn't hear it clearly and could only reply.


"I just want to tell you that cursing in English is too low-level and your vocabulary is too low. If you want to curse, I suggest you learn Mandarin!" After a bland reply, Nicholas finally got back to business:

"I found the factory that makes CL20, but the mystery of that factory is far beyond my imagination."

"I talked to the other party for a few words, and the other party generously admitted it, but at the same time, the other party asked to see the real owner, which means that our idea of ​​making a profit from the price difference is going to fall through."

"Are you an idiot?" After listening to Nicholas' words, the person on the other end of the phone cursed back in a calm tone and standard Mandarin.

While Nicholas was still in a daze, the other party immediately spoke again: "Since we can't make a profit from the price difference, let them meet generously, and the real owners of both sides meet."

"Let them have a good chat. The more they talk, the better it is for us."

"When the time comes, we just need to put our order in this big order and let this factory produce it together."

"When the final delivery is made, you ship the goods to the port, and the goods on both sides go through their own channels. Isn't that enough?"

"And you don't have to take any risks, why are you so depressed?"

"Will that factory leave the money in hand unprofitable?"

"Do you understand what I mean?"

These few words made Nicholas suddenly enlightened. He kept turning around in the toilet excitedly, and finally shouted to the other end of the phone: "Ain, you are really a genius!"

"I will contact the country now!"

Amidst the waves of praise, Nicholas hung up the phone, but he did not dial the number immediately. Instead, he took a shower first, suppressed his inner excitement, and then found another number and dialed it.

Obviously, he didn't make this call at the right time.

The person on the other end of the phone, even though his voice was a little old and tired, could still hear the anger in his words.

"Nicholas, I hope you call me at this time and give me good news."

"Otherwise, I will let you know why the flowers are so red!"

Hearing the threat in the words, Nicholas deliberately took a deep breath, and then said breathlessly:

"General Dena, I have news about what you said last time, so I dare not neglect it and can only choose to call you as soon as possible!"


The phone was deadly quiet!

After a long while, there were a few heavy breaths from the other end, and then Dena's unbelievable questioning sounded:

"Are you talking about the high-performance gunpowder and CL20 news?"

There was a little tremor in the voice, and the other party seemed to be unbelievable that the news was found in just two months.

When these words fell into Nicholas' ears, the white glove thought of dozens of excuses in an instant:

"Yes! My dear General Dena, that company is not in Europe, but in China!"

"I came to China from Japan two days ago to participate in the Zhucheng Air Show, ready to see if there are any new things. Coincidentally, I found the company called Rheinsteel in the corner of this air show!"

"I don't know if it's the organizer's bad taste, Rheinmetall from Germany and this Rheinsteel company were put together, the two are in adjacent booths, I heard from people on the scene that the two companies almost fought some time ago!"

"I squatted outside the booth of that company for a day yesterday, and finally I am sure that this company is the one on the fragment!"

"And the list of products they sell includes ammunition for CL20!"

"I spent half the morning looking at it, and then I went straight to their door!"

"I talked to them for a while, and then had a meal with them. They told me that I was not qualified!"

"You need someone with enough weight to talk to him, and the reply time they gave is before 12:00 p.m. local time in China."

"They gave two meeting places, one in Zhucheng and one in Xiangjiang, but there was no specific address. They only said that if they were sure to negotiate, they would give the address!"

After they finished speaking, the voice on the phone turned into heavy panting.

At the same time, in Florida, Dana was standing by the window with his phone, barefoot, and looking at the sun rising in the east.

As a general, a general who climbed up from the bottom, he knew the importance of money very well. It was not his style to watch a large sum of money slip away from his eyes!

What's more, even if he didn't take the money, others would!

Moreover, most of this money went to the Israelis.

In that case, why not let an authentic old American take it?

Thinking of this, he picked up the phone and uttered a word to the other end of the phone.


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