"Okay!" Nicholas nodded and followed Lin Yu, walking towards the south gate of the exhibition, but soon, the two of them stopped at the entrance of the exhibition.

Because of the door, it was scorching outside, and the hot breath was emitting from head to toe, just like a steamer, which could steam people at any time.

But inside the exhibition, it was cool as spring, making people feel relaxed and happy.

At this moment, these two people of different ethnic groups and skin colors turned around at the same time, looked at each other, and asked at the same time:

"How about not going out?"

The two reached an agreement, turned around and walked back to the inside of the exhibition, and found a leisure area. Lin Yu asked for a cup of tea, and Nicholas asked for a cup of coffee.

Sitting on the chair, Nicholas couldn't wait to open his briefcase, took out two photos from the bag, and handed them to Lin Yu.

"Mr. Lin, please take a look at this!"

Lin Yu took the photos with curiosity.

Old man, subway, mobile phone.jpg

In the photo, there are two pieces of debris in evidence bags. Both pieces of steel fragments have the same name printed on them, Rheinsteel.

The gray-white metal skin and blue painted text, Lin Yu recognized where the pipe came from at a glance.


He put down the photo without leaving a trace, slowly raised his eyes to look at the foreigner in front of him, looked at him for a moment, and asked:

"I don't know, what does Mr. Nicholas mean by taking out this photo?"

Opposite, Nicholas put down the coffee cup in his hand, reached out to take the photo, turned it, facing the top of the photo to himself, and then put his index finger on the string of words on the fragment.


"There are many coincidences in this world, but when enough coincidences merge together, it is no longer a coincidence."

"These things are fragments of rockets fired by Palestinians at Israelis."

"During this period, Israelis have been like mad dogs, frantically pursuing Rheinmetall in Europe. If they knew that these things were not from Europe, but from Asia, what do you think they would do?"

After hearing these slightly threatening words, Lin Yu laughed. After laughing for a while, he took out his mobile phone and called Kang Shikai directly.

"Old Kang, bring our pipe promotional photos and documents over. I'm in rest area No. 7."

After the call, he raised his hand and motioned the person opposite to sit down:

"Mr. Nicholas, for the sake of your life, you'd better sit down!"

About 10 minutes later, Kang Shikai came to Lin Yu with a stack of promotional documents, and then, under Lin Yu's instructions, delivered these documents to Nicholas.

And this time, with the promotional documents, Nicholas finally saw the true appearance of the fragments.

Steel pipe!

150mm, 6m long standard galvanized steel pipe, and the text on the fragment also appears particularly clear at this moment.

[DN150 hot-dip galvanized seamless steel pipe, implementation standard GB/T 8163-1999 GB/T3091-2001]

[Manufacturer: Rheinsteel Group]

[Contact: 0928-7482859! ]

This is...

Nicholas reached out blankly, took the promotional documents on the table in his hand, and carefully checked them bit by bit, trying to find out what he needed from these promotional documents, but reality was destined to disappoint him.

This is an ordinary promotional document, announcing that he has various hot-dip galvanized steel pipes, stainless steel pipes, and steel ingots for sale, with large quantities and preferential prices, and can also customize special-shaped steel pipes according to customer needs.


At this moment, Lin Yu's voice sounded in Nicholas' ears:

"Could it be that you countries are now so bored that you even control other people's export of steel pipes?"

The voice was very gentle and abrupt, and the voice sounded in the left ear!

Just as Nicholas was about to make a move, a hand had already pressed his left shoulder, and a huge force came from that hand, like an iron clamp, pressing him firmly in place.

At this moment, countless fighting techniques flashed through Nicholas' mind, and he wanted to find a fighting technique to get out of this moment.

But before he could take action, the gentle voice sounded in his right ear again, and his right shoulder was also pressed by a hand.

At this moment, the two hands really clamped his neck like an iron clamp!

"My dear Mr. Nicholas, may I ask, what do you want to do with me when you come all the way here?"

"Of course, you can choose not to say it, but I want to remind you that if you don't say it, the means of demons and monsters you have heard in your propaganda may really appear in front of you, not just legends."

"I'll give you a minute, think it over, and then say um!"

After speaking, Lin Yu pressed Nicholas' shoulders with both hands and began to massage the shoulders of this friend from a foreign country.

In the eyes of others, this scene became Lin Yu's desperate efforts to please a foreigner.

Nicholas, who had no choice but to swallow his bitterness.

Less than a minute later, Nicholas whispered his purpose:

"I am an arms dealer!"

"Starting from September, a large number of American soldiers were attacked on the battlefield in Iraq, and the weapons and equipment of these attackers were very sophisticated."

"After a period of evidence collection, the battlefield intelligence officer discovered that a rocket launcher code-named GB/T appeared on the Iraqi battlefield, as well as mortar shells, and the charge of these ammunition was CL20."

"This fourth-generation high-performance explosive, even the current America, costs more than $1,000 per kilogram."

"But now on the battlefield in Iraq, this thing is actually stuffed into a mortar shell. This is simply unbelievable."

"So, I received a mission to trace the origin of this charge!"

"I first went to America. After asking around, I finally confirmed one thing. That is that America does not have the ability to mass-produce this explosive at the moment!"

"So, I went to Russia again, but I only stayed there for a few days, because Russians couldn't afford such expensive things."

"Then I went to Europe, visited various European countries, and searched a lot of raw material procurement information, but still couldn't find it."

"Then, I came to East Asia. I first went to Japan and wandered around there again, but I still didn't find any useful information."

"It just so happened that the air show started, so I wanted to take a break and come over to take a look."

"But I didn't expect that you would be so extravagant as to install CL20 charges in mortars..."

Before he could finish his surprised words, he felt the force on his neck getting heavier. As a last resort, he could only say quickly:

"I came here to ask for cooperation, really!"

"I will never lie to you! Really!"

Looking at the panic-stricken person, Lin Yu smiled, smiling, his eyes slightly narrowed, like a fox that had stolen a chicken!

Very treacherous, very cunning, making people shudder!

He released Nicholas's hand, and carefully straightened his friend's clothes little by little with his hands and patted them flat.

After confirming that there were no wrinkles on the other party's clothes, he raised his hand and pointed to the side: "It turns out to be a friend from afar, please come this way!"

"Let's find a better place and talk slowly!"

As he spoke, he nodded to Kang Shikai, and then stepped out of the door.

Kang Shikai, who was standing behind, also stood behind Nicholas and raised his hand:

"Sir, please!"

Lin Yu was in a good mood as he walked among the crowd. After the R\u0026D department produced the CL20, he couldn't wait to invest in the equipment, and then sold it to Jalim at a low price.

And he did this just to turn these things into bait and catch the fish he wanted on the battlefield in Iraq!


After several months of continuous nesting, the fish were finally attracted.

Although I don’t know if this fish is good or bad, at least!

The fish is coming!

Once the first fish comes, the second fish and the third fish will also come slowly!

After walking out of the exhibition gate, Lin Yu looked up at the sky. The sun in the sky was still so bright and dazzling, but in his opinion, it wasn't that hot either!

After waiting at the door for a while, Kang Shikai appeared with Nicholas, and the three of them got in the car together and returned to the hotel.

Let the hotel prepare a lunch. Lin Yu and Kang Shikai were on the left and right, sandwiching Nicholas in the middle, and kept picking up food for him.

When Nicholas ate the fourth bowl, he finally put down the bowl and wailed:

"I really can't eat anymore!"

"Would you like some more?" Kang Shikai asked, then picked up a bottle of red wine, inserted the wine screwdriver into the cork, and pulled gently.


The wine bottle is open!

With a gurgling sound, the goblet that could hold half a bottle of wine was filled with wine again, and then pushed to Nicholas' eyes.

"I can't drink anymore!"

Seeing him leaning back on the chair and rolling his eyes, Lin Yu continued to eat the food slowly. After a while, he asked:

"Now that you've had enough to eat and drink, shouldn't it be time for you to tell the truth?"

The words were gentle, but Nicholas knew that the young man in front of him was definitely not as harmless as he showed!

Maybe if I say a wrong word, I won't be able to see the moon tonight!

Taking a deep breath, he sat up straight and said to the young man in front of him:

"I spent the whole day in front of your booth yesterday. You also have a business in providing large amounts of smokeless gunpowder and various explosives!"

"And the things you provided have proven their performance in the battlefields of Iraq and Gaza!"

"The only thing missing is the connections!"

"And on my side, I have a way to send these things to NATO troops."

"In your words, we are a match made in heaven!"

"And the price I give you is definitely a price you can't refuse!"

"How about it? Do you want to do it or not?"

After Nicholas finished speaking, he stared at Lin Yu with his light blue eyes, hoping to hear the answer he wanted from the other party.

However, under his gaze, Lin Yu put down his chopsticks, picked up a tissue and wiped his mouth, shaking his head calmly:

"Don't do it!"

These two simple words made Nicholas jump up from his stool. He circled around the dining table. After circling several times, he thrust his head in front of Lin Yu and asked:

"Why? You actually let your money go without making any money. This is simply... simply unreasonable..."

Under his gaze, Lin Yu raised his head: "Because you are not qualified yet!"

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