Booth 68!

A calm word made the ears of the people present hurt.

It also made the people present slowly react. The two booths they had been discussing heatedly in the past few days seemed to be booths 67 and 68. Then, the person in charge of booth 68 was still here, very enthusiastic to give advice to booth 67, to kill himself!

This person... is he sick in the brain?

But in addition to suspecting that this person is sick in the brain, a group of people are more curious, why did he choose such a name?

Similarly, when the two companies put out their products, with similar names, whoever has a worse product will lose.

So, who will be the final winner?

In the curiosity of these spectators, the time came to November 4th.

At 4 o'clock in the morning, Norman got up early, changed into his favorite clothes, put on his own work badge, tidied up his image, and went to the exhibition site like a general going to war.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, under his command, those simple confidentiality measures were removed, and Rheinmetall's exhibits this time officially appeared in front of everyone.

On the left and right sides of the booth are classic veterans.

On the left is the Rh-120 smoothbore gun.

On the right is the MK20Rh202 aircraft cannon.

These two guns have a large number of applications all over the world, and countless customers who have used and been used say that this thing is good.

After these two classic veterans, there is another classic, the MG3-7.62mm general-purpose machine gun, nicknamed the cloth tearer, which is also a classic famous gun.

In addition to these classic veterans, there are some uncommon artillery and anti-aircraft cannons.

Behind these guns and artillery, there are several large signboards, which are the main research direction of Rheinmetall in the future.

The Puma infantry fighting vehicle and the Mungo ESK armored multi-purpose transport vehicle are still under development.

In addition to the signboards, they also made a 1:1 model, which looks particularly domineering.

In the booth, Norman folded his hands in front of his chest, squinted his eyes and looked at other booths, shaking his head as he looked.

If he were to evaluate the equipment provided by these manufacturers, he could only say that it was a waste of resources, the technology was too poor, and it was completely unbearable to look at.

As he looked at it, he cast his eyes on the booth No. 68 next to him, because when he was looking at other booths, this booth also removed its confidentiality measures.

Because it was relatively close, he could see the layout of this booth clearly.

The first impression this booth gave him was that it was poor.

The cabinets used in the entire booth were very ordinary combination board cabinets, just like selling vegetables on the roadside.

Looking at the booth again, there was nothing good except a car that looked weird.


With a chuckle, Norman retracted his gaze, and then took out a sign from the booth and put it in a conspicuous place.

[The Rheinsteel next to it is a fake! ]

The big arrow on the sign pointed directly to booth No. 68.

Business war is so plain and unpretentious!

At 8 o'clock in the morning, the first batch of visitors were allowed into the exhibition hall.

Those who were able to cross thousands of mountains and rivers and spend dozens of dollars to buy tickets at this time were all military fans who were extremely obsessed with weapons and equipment, and these military fans all had their favorite weapons.

As soon as they entered the exhibition hall, they couldn't wait to run to their favorite weapons according to the exhibition layout.

"This is the FC-1 Super Seven light fighter... Why is the MD a model?"

"This tank looks good! Why is the MD still a model? Still under development? Damn!"

"No, there are no real things at this year's air show? They are all models?"

"Okay, it's good to have something to see."

"Hey, I think I saw Rheinmetall!"

"Rheinmetall? Is it the German company? Go ask them if their equipment comes with oil paper bags. If so, just pretend I didn't ask."

"No! There are two Rhines in tnd... Is this a translation error? How come there is one Rheinmetall and one Rheinsteel?"

"No! There are foreigners in this Rheinmetall, they should be from Germany. The Rheinsteel next to it is full of our people. Look, that person is still making tea."

"Look, there is a sign here saying that the one next to it is a fake!"

"Why don't they fight?"

"Let's go and see the gun first!"

"Wow! This is the RH120mm slide musket?"

"Yes, let me see, it's the 55-caliber, 6.6-meter model."

"I heard that the muzzle velocity of this thing can reach 1,750 meters per second. Is that true?"

"Anyway, according to the information I read, the effective range of this thing is up to 4 kilometers. It can use armor-piercing shells, high-explosive anti-tank shells, high-explosive shells, and enhanced after-effect armor-piercing shells. Almost all 120mm shells in the world can be used by this thing."

"Then isn't this thing invincible?"

"Not really, this thing is very expensive, not just ordinary expensive."

"I don't know when we can have such artillery."

"Just wait, after a few years when we master the technology, we should be able to make it."

"Let's go and take a look at the Rheinmetall booth next door. To be honest, I seriously suspect that the organizer put these two factories together just for fun."

The visitors stayed at the Rheinmetall booth for a long time, and then chose to go to the Rheinmetall booth without any prior agreement.

I came to the air show to see all kinds of weapons, but the ultimate goal is actually to have fun.

Now there is fun, it would be a waste not to see it.

Compared with the Rheinmetall booth, the Rheinmetall booth looks much simpler.

Visitors stand outside the booth to visit.

The first thing that catches your eye is the rocket launchers that look like peacocks spreading their tails.

The snow-white shell paint, 300 mm caliber, and huge size make people dare not doubt the power of these rocket launchers.

Under these rocket launchers, there is also a huge sign.

[Bluebird-1 rocket launcher, caliber 300 mm, range 150 kilometers, optional charge of ordinary nitrate explosives, TNT, RDX, Octokin, CL20, the lowest price of each shot is as low as US$5,000. ]

[Specially hit the one next to it! ]

The simple and crude content on the sign made the visiting tourists confused.

This... this... can equipment be sold like this?

Why does it feel like two vendors fighting for customers in the afternoon when the vegetable market is dealing with discounted vegetables?

Just when the tourists were confused, the young people who had been trained in the R\u0026D department came on stage.

They walked out of the booth, skillfully pulled up the tourists, and smiled like spring breeze on their faces, saying with a smile:

"Comrade, come, if you have any questions, we can go into the booth and chat while watching."

So, a group of tourists were pulled into the booth by these young people and began to visit carefully.

When they walked into the booth, the first thing they saw was the anti-aircraft missiles placed on the counters on the left and right sides. The black shell looked like a shiny big black rat.

Under the big black rat, there was also a sign hanging.

[Graphite air defense missile: total weight 23 kg]

[Range: 600-2500 meters (for aircraft); 1000-8000 meters (for helicopters)]

[Firing height: 10-2500 meters (for aircraft); 10-3500 meters (for helicopters)]

[Maximum target speed: 320-360 meters/second]

[Launch method: shoulder-fired]

[Fuze: proximity fuze/remote control fuze]

[Missile flight speed: average 570 meters/second, maximum 880 meters/second]

[Warhead: 4 kg explosive warhead, 2 kg graphite powder warhead]

[Unit price: 30,000 US dollars/piece, large quantity has discount! Specialize in hitting the one next to it! ]

Walk past the portable air defense missile and move forward.

It's a red carpet.

On both sides of the red carpet, there is a row of mortars, six in a row, a total of 12, all with a caliber of 120 mm.

Simply placed on both sides.

Walking on the red carpet, these mortars will give people an illusion that at this moment, these mortars seem to be alive and have life.

Like the most loyal guards, standing on both sides of the red carpet, guarding their king.

Of course, these guards also have a price.

[Imitation m1938 120mm mortar: the gun body is $5,000 per gun, and the shells are not included. It is specifically used to hit the one next to it. ]

The tourists saw these, and the sense of déjà vu of selling vegetables became stronger and stronger.

Walking a few steps forward, what came into view were two uniquely shaped short-headed pickup trucks.

This car has no windows and looks very simple. The simple cargo box is filled with various tandem armor-piercing shells, anti-personnel shells, medical supplies, food and water.

There is even an accordion.

The old-fashioned Soviet accordion looks a bit old.

In the booth, Lin Yu has been holding a cup of tea. Noticing the curious eyes of the tourists, he nodded his head towards Luo Ping.

Luo Ping received the signal, changed into camouflage uniforms, turned around and climbed onto the UTV, holding the accordion and started playing there.

The songs played were all classic red songs.

The sound of the accordion was clear and uplifting, slowly echoing in the exhibition hall.

Accompanying the music, Lin Yu brought tea and walked to the tourists, explaining in a gentle voice:

"In the war, there are three stages in total for the replenishment and distribution of supplies."

"In the first stage, the supplies in the rear are sent to the front-line warehouse; in the second stage, they are sent from the warehouse to the real front line; in the third stage, the front line distributes them to every soldier."

"The manufacture of this multi-functional off-road troop carrier is mainly to solve the second and third stages."

"The tall wheels, solid tires, and powerful horsepower can make this vehicle have better wading and climbing performance."

"It can quickly Stable delivery of supplies to soldiers, and also rapid transfer of wounded from the front line. "

"The special defensive chassis can defend against general anti-infantry mines and butterfly mines."

"However, the overall lightweight body can easily run over some anti-tank mines!"

"The price is also very cheap, only $50,000 a car!"

Listening to Lin Yu's introduction, a middle-aged tourist with sparse hair poked his head out, studied it carefully for a few minutes, nodded in agreement, but quickly said:

"But this thing has no defense!"

His words resonated with others.

These people all turned their eyes to Lin Yu, waiting for his next answer.

Then, Lin Yu raised his right index finger, shook it gently, attracted everyone's attention, and then pointed to the UTV cargo box:

"As the saying goes: Attack is the best defense."

As he spoke, he put the teacup in the cargo box and picked up a tandem armor-piercing bomb to show it to everyone.

“120mm tandem armor-piercing shells, RDX charge, for tanks and armored vehicles, $500 per round, a vehicle can carry about 20 rounds.”

“The armored vehicle at the stall next to it, one round will break it, two rounds will blow it up, and three rounds will completely kill it.”

“Buy 100 rounds and we’ll give you a launch tube!”

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