Knock, knock, knock!

There was a rapid knock on the door. Lin Yu stood up in confusion, opened the door, and looked at Kang Shikai outside with confusion in his eyes.

Because Kang Shikai, who appeared in front of him, was sweating all over at the moment, and his eyes were full of anxiety, as if a ghost was chasing him from behind.

Looking at his appearance, Lin Yu curiously tilted his body and leaned out his head, and glanced at the corridor outside the room. Everything was normal, and there was no ghost.

After looking at the corridor, he was even more confused, and turned his head to Kang Shikai and asked, "What's the situation?"

Kang Shikai raised his right hand and opened his mouth to speak, but he didn't know how to start. He raised his hand and swung it violently, slapping his thigh.

He said quickly: "Our booth No. 68 and booth No. 67 are owned by a company called Rheinmetall. I think this is intentional by the organizer. They put our two companies with similar names together."

"And I just took a look at their decoration. It's very luxurious and looks very good!"

"I was thinking, should we decorate it better?"

This news also completely stunned Lin Yu. He never expected that he, a fake who borrowed someone else's name, would run into the real one when he participated in the air show for the first time.

At the same time, he also wanted to pull out the organizer and beat him up. The organizer must have lost his mind to put these two companies with similar names in the same place and in two adjacent booths.

That's enough!

You don't mind watching the fun, right?

After a brief thought, Lin Yu opened his eyes suddenly, and a murderous aura emanated from him: "Lao Kang, our decoration style doesn't need to be too good. Go and arrange the things I told you this morning."

"Then, you find an advertising company to make a light board with our company logo and hang it above your head."

"If they don't target us, we don't care. If they do, we will confront them head-on."

"Go do it!"

"Okay!" With Lin Yu's order, Kang Shikai immediately had an idea in his mind. When the sweat on his body dried a little, he immediately turned around and left to continue busy with the decoration work.

In the afternoon, when the sun was slightly west, he took the workers to the site.

Nothing else was done, just put up a sign first.

[Rheinsteel Group]

This time, it was the big brother who was decorating for Rheinmetall who was confused. When he went to the toilet, there was a sign next to the No. 68 booth. Looking at the sign of Rheinsteel, he looked up and looked at the top of his head. He had been busy all afternoon and had just installed the light board.

【Rheinmetall, your best partner. 】

"Am I in the wrong place?" He scratched his head repeatedly while standing between two booths, and turned to walk towards the booth where he had worked all morning.

No matter what, the task he received was just to build this booth. After building the booth, he would get the money first.


"Mr. Norman, this way, please. This time, the organizer gave us enough face and gave us a very good booth, which is more than 340 square meters, which is enough to display our things."

In the messy construction site, two European middle-aged men wearing black suits and helmets, dressed meticulously, stepped on the decoration garbage on the ground, and slowly appeared in the middle of the booth.

The middle-aged man walking in front had a small mustache and looked like an old gentleman. He kept his body bent and his posture was very low. He carefully led the middle-aged man to the side of the booth.

Looking at the sharp edges and every detail of the exhibition stand in front of him, Norman nodded with satisfaction and said to the middle-aged man who led the way:

"Finidi, you did a good job. This decoration style is in line with our German style and the style of our Rheinmetall."

"After this air show, I will recommend you to the board of directors when I go back. Which subsidiary do you want to go to?"

These words made Finidi very happy. He slowly stood up and said to Norman with a flattering face:

"Mr. Norman, thank you for your cultivation. I will go to whichever subsidiary you think is suitable for me. Everything is up to you."

Listening to Finidi's words, Norman was even more satisfied.

The company belongs to everyone, but the profits earned are only their own if they are put into their pockets. If you cultivate a few more confidants and put them in the right positions, you can get a penny more.

However, before that, you need to get rid of a few guys in the target company. If you don't get rid of those guys, there will be no position.

But now there is no good reason.

A little irritable.

Just when he was worried about what reason to use, his deep blue eyes glanced at the sign placed diagonally next to him.

Being able to be the head of the delegation of this air show, Norman naturally knew Chinese characters, and he could be considered proficient in them.

So, he recognized the words on the sign at a glance.

[Rheinmetall Group]


This entrepreneur from Germany, who was born as an engineer and worked diligently and meticulously all his life, was completely stunned at this moment.

He slowly raised his head and looked at the sign above his head.

Because the power supply had not been turned on, there was no light on the sign, and he could only use the incandescent lamp in the venue to see the content on the sign clearly.

[Rheinmetall, your best partner. ]

Look at the side again.

[Rheinmetall Group! ]

Look at the top of his head again.

[Rheinmetall, your best partner. ]

This...what's going on with this tnd?

At this moment, several workers pushed carts into booth No. 68, and then started setting up at booth No. 68.

"Finidy!" Norman roared, and Finidy also woke up at this moment. After all, he also knew Chinese characters.

Listening to the roar, Finidi quickly ran to his booth, found the foreman of the decoration workers, asked briefly, and then quickly left the scene.

Ten minutes later, he appeared in front of Norman out of breath.

Explained: "The foreman said that booth No. 68 appeared yesterday afternoon."

"I went to see the organizer just now, and the organizer said that there is another company called Rheinsteel Group."

"And our name is a transliteration of Rheinmetall. There is no conflict between the two families."

"Then, because both sides are called Rhine, they were sorted by the first letter, so they were grouped together."

After hearing the explanation, Norman's eyes slowly narrowed, and a dangerous light appeared in his eyes.

After a while, he hummed a disdainful sentence from his nose:

"I can probably understand what the organizer means. Put the two of us together and make a comparison, so that the company can be down to earth."

"In this case, we cannot ignore the good intentions of the organizer, make our booth the best, and then teach Rheinsteel a severe lesson at the exhibition."

"Let them know that if a company wants to make its name last for a hundred years, it should rely on strength, not stealing."

"From today on, you will be nailed here!"

After saying this, Norman turned around and walked majestically outside the exhibition hall, leaving Finidi alone, standing next to the booth, eating ashes.

Looking at the departing figure, Finidi inexplicably wanted to buy two oranges, but there were no oranges around, so he could only shout weakly:


Behind him, the foreman of the decoration workers quietly poked his head out, handed over a cigarette, and asked cautiously: "Mr. Finidi, what is going on?"

Hearing this question, Finidi, who was full of resentment and had nowhere to vent, began to add fuel to the fire.

As a result, the feud between Booth 67 and Booth 68 emerged through word of mouth among a group of people.

"Did you hear that?"

"Heard something?"

"The grudge between booth 67 and booth 68. I heard that the Germans at booth 67 were originally interested in booth 68, but a company with the same name as theirs jumped out of nowhere and blocked booth 68. Hu, those Germans can only go to booth 67.”

"But how did I hear that it seemed that the Germans at booth 67 had a different name originally, but I don't know who translated the name for them. Then when they signed up, they knew that there was a Rheinsteel, so they Find a way to get the organizers to arrange them together.”

"No, the news I heard here is that Rheinmetall actually poached a few engineers from the Germans. Because those engineers were unsuccessful at Rheinmetall, they came here and took revenge. The name is Rheinsteel.”

"Yes, yes, that's the version I heard. Then Rheinsteel heard that Rheinmetall was going to participate in this air show, so they came directly with their own things, as if they wanted revenge."

"I think I heard someone else say the same thing. They said that when they left Rheinmetall, the engineers dug out a few oil paper bags, which were all secrets. But later, Rheinmetall seemed to have discovered these secrets, so there was This time the needle is pointed."

"It's really terrifying. To be honest, this is the first time I've seen such a scene at such a large gathering."

"They won't fight until the blood is like a river, right?"

"Probably not?"

"There will definitely be rivers of blood!" A certain word rang out in the noisy scene. After hearing this, the crowd who had been noisy just now turned their heads to look at the place where the sound came from.

As the team turned their heads one by one, Lin Yu, who was eating melon seeds, was let out of the crowd.

Being watched by a group of people, he calmly put his melon seeds back into his pockets, folded his hands in front of his chest, faced everyone's gaze, and said seriously:

"You have to know that Rheinmetall is known as the most powerful artillery manufacturer in the world, and it is also a tank manufacturer."

"What does it mean to be the strongest? Only when you defeat everyone can you be called the strongest."

"Now there is a person using their name to sell equipment internationally. It is intolerable but not tolerated. If it were me, I would definitely find this faker and beat him to death!"

"Beat him until he dies! Then he will use this impostor's life to tell the whole world who is the strongest."

Listening to his analysis, everyone present felt that this reason was very reliable.

After a while, one of them suddenly asked Lin Yu: "Brother, which booth are you at? We will communicate more then."

Facing his curious gaze, Lin Yu raised his hand and pointed to the southwest corner: "Booth No. 68."

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