With a roar, the anti-aircraft missile flew out from the launcher, dragging a ray of white light and rushing towards the oncoming aircraft.

At the same time, the remaining four people also launched the anti-aircraft missiles in their hands.

After the fight, several people quickly moved their positions.

The five of them were all targeting the same plane, and the remaining two planes were both alive. At this time, all it took was one laser-guided bomb to blow them up into the sky!


Pilot Alfie was about to show off his flying skills to his teammates. However, before he could show off, the F-15I he was driving sounded a rapid siren. The sirens sounded one after another, making people unable to help but feel irritated.

At the same time, their teammates’ shouts came from their headphones:

"Raise the altitude quickly!"

"Idiot, lower the altitude quickly! Get low enough and the anti-aircraft missiles won't be able to hit you!"

"Idiot, pull to the left! Pull to the left quickly!"

"Pull to the right!"

Amidst these disturbing shouts, Alfie held the control stick with both hands and pulled desperately toward the left front and upper direction, trying to control the aircraft to move forward and upward to the left.

Under his desperate control, the aircraft began to maneuver.

However, before the aircraft could complete its movements, five anti-aircraft missiles arrived.

Almost the moment Alfie saw these five anti-aircraft missiles, all five anti-aircraft missiles exploded!

Not a single hesitation.

It all exploded!

Five bright rays of light appeared suddenly and then quickly disappeared.

What replaced it was an unspeakable darkness.

At this moment, Alfie seemed to see a giant king squid, because in the documentary, this thing will spit out ink when it is attacked.

Pitch black!

The next second, fragments of the exploded anti-aircraft missile hit the plane head-on.

Boom, boom, boom!

A series of sounds reached Alfie's ears through the body of the plane, and he began to pray to God, praying that these fragments would not hit the vital parts of the plane.

In this way, he can still rely on the power of the plane to fly back to his base.

Those sounds went away just as quickly as they came.

In just two or three seconds, the thumping sound disappeared.

There was no malfunction flashing on the dashboard. Seeing this, Alfie breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he despised the Lebanese sneak attack below.

What did you buy...

Before he could finish the words of contempt in his heart, the young pilot suddenly discovered that all the instruments on the instrument panel were turning red lights at this moment.

The next second, the dashboard goes off!

The plane began to fall, and feeling the weightless feeling, Alfie began to pull on his seat desperately, trying to eject.

But no matter how he operated it, the seat didn't respond.

A bad thought appeared in his mind.

its stuck.

He wanted to save himself, but there was no time.

Once an accident occurs to an aircraft flying at ultra-low altitude, it will only have two or three seconds to react from the time of the accident to the time it hits a mountain.

Under the watchful eyes of Heckley and others, the F-15I crashed straight into the ground.

The huge impact force caused the aircraft's fuel tank to explode. The deflagrating fuel, scorching high temperature and huge impact force detonated the bomb hanging on the aircraft.

Seeing that their teammates were killed, the other two F-15Is did not dare to neglect, quickly raised their altitude, and returned home using a maneuver that was not considered a Cobra maneuver.

After watching the two planes leave, Heckley and others jumped on the prepared motorcycles and ran towards the point where the planes crashed.

Along the way, it was all their laughter.

"Haha! $50,000 for a plane! What a bargain!"

"Hahaha! This deal is worth it! It's worth it!"

"Instructor Hercule, you should buy more. If we had 30 anti-aircraft missiles just now, maybe all three aircraft would have to stay."

"That is, if we have one anti-aircraft missile, the other two planes will never be able to escape!"

"Shut up, everyone, and quickly check to see if the pilot of that plane has parachuted. If so, catch them. If you can't find the pilot, find me the black box."

"be quick!"

At Heckley's urging, several people cautiously approached the wreckage and began searching for the pilot and the black box.

Meanwhile, Bint Jubail.

Amidst the roar of engines, 22 Merkava III tanks, in coordination with four armed helicopters, appeared on the southern border of Bint Jubail.

As soon as they appeared, the tanks and helicopter gunships began pouring firepower.

Wherever there is light, a shot will be fired.

In the darkness, Serra, who was covered in mud, carefully got out of the bunker, raised the anti-aircraft missile launcher in his hand, put the gunship raging in the sky into the scope, and quickly pulled the trigger.

In the darkness behind him, there were fourteen more people making the same move with him.

After launching the anti-aircraft missiles, a group of people quickly got back into the bunker.

Fifteen anti-aircraft missiles, dragging their tail flames at the same time, crashed into the armed helicopter in the sky.

The moment the missile was launched, the siren on the armed helicopter went off. The pilot began to release jamming bombs and made maneuvers with his hands to control the aircraft.

But...the two sides are too close!

Almost as soon as these helicopters began to maneuver, fifteen anti-aircraft missiles exploded around the helicopters.

The originally dark night became even darker due to the explosion of these anti-aircraft missiles.

Fragments flew across the sky, making the helicopter clang.

Hearing the clanging sound, the pilots on the helicopter breathed a sigh of relief. The helicopter shell is bulletproof.

The sound is not loud, which means the impact is not strong enough, and it also means that the anti-aircraft missile charge is not good.

No power...

Before the pilots finished thinking about the joy in their hearts, they found that the dashboard began to flash red lights.

Not long after the red light flashed, the plane fell to the ground uncontrollably.

Boom boom boom!

The helicopter rolled on the ground, collided, and exploded.

The door deformed, the glass shattered, and the black smoke shrouded the outside of the helicopter poured into the cockpit. The remaining pilots took a deep breath and finally figured out the origin of this thing!


Graphite bomb!

It's just that it's not a fiber used to destroy the power grid, but an extremely fine powder. It can't attack a large power grid, but it is enough to burn some electronic components in the explosion!

Without the armed helicopter escorting in the air, the 22 tanks on the ground panicked all of a sudden.

The machine gunner retreated back to the car immediately.

The commanders of these tanks all chose to reverse and run away.

Only a few elite tanks could still maintain their formation and continued to fire into the darkness, but in their thermal imaging, apart from the heat from the still burning armed helicopters and teammate tanks, there was only a dark expanse of land.

No enemies could be seen.

They could only fire randomly.

The air threat was knocked out, and looking at the tanks running rampant on the ground, Serra smiled with relief and took the 120mm tandem armor-piercing shells from the team members.

Slowly crawled out of the bunker, aimed at the tanks, and pulled the trigger.

Behind him, other team members also carried 120mm tandem armor-piercing shells, drilled out from various corners, smiled at the tanks, and pulled the trigger together.

Boom boom boom!

The explosions continued until dawn. When the first rays of sunlight from the east appeared on the border, no living people could be seen. Only the smoking tanks and the devastated land could be seen.



After a night of hard work, Heckler appeared in front of Argus and handed him a brief combat report.

There were only a few lines on the report, but these few lines made Argus instantly happy, and he wanted to hug the person in front of him and give him a big kiss.

[4 AH-64A Python attack helicopters, total price unknown. ]

[13 Merkava III tanks, total price unknown. ]

[One F-15I Thunder, unit price unknown. ]

Behind the report were the corresponding on-site photos.

The F-15I was smashed into a pool, the AH-64A was hit bald, and the Merkava III tank was lying on the ground motionless.

Every photo was extremely clear, and the photographer even had the mood to find an angle.

So, at this moment, Argus was holding these photos and felt comfortable no matter how he looked at them.

Putting down the report, Argus raised his hand, saluted Heckley in front of him, and said loudly: "You are our hero!"

"That's enough!" Heckley waved his hand tiredly, and the whole person collapsed on the sofa like mud, and said with a tired body:

"It's all because of good weapons and equipment, and it's a deliberate plan. After this time, the Israelis will probably not do such stupid things as ultra-low-altitude penetration next time."

"Also, you, the Minister of Defense, had better give an order to tell the soldiers involved in the attack not to show off everywhere."

"Because the Israelis will definitely retaliate like crazy next time."

Listening to Heckley's warning, Argus agreed with it and nodded repeatedly, agreeing with the words of the special operations staff.

Turning back to his desk, he picked up the phone and arranged the relevant orders.

After arranging these, the Minister of Defense turned around and held a press conference, at which he acknowledged last night's record.

And this outrageous record was also recorded by reporters at the press conference and spread around the world at the fastest speed.

Of course, as a neighbor, Israel received the news first.

Mossad headquarters.

Director Roots looked at the loss list sent by the Ministry of Defense, and the disgust in his eyes was visibly overflowing.

He didn't understand why in the 21st century, with the Gulf War in front of him, America and Iraq a few days ago helped everyone review what the armored cluster charge would be like.

But he never expected that his family would learn it first.

13 Merkava MK3s, the price of a basic model is about 3 million US dollars.

This time, 39 million US dollars were directly spent, plus the upgraded equipment and personnel losses, it directly exceeded 40 million.

What made him feel speechless was the F-15I fighter and the remaining 4 AH-64A.

The unit price of F-15I is as high as 80 million US dollars, not including the training of two pilots and the maintenance and upgrade costs of the aircraft.

If put together, the loss of this aircraft alone is as high as hundreds of millions of dollars.

Although the money will eventually be passed on to America, it is money after all, not just a number.

However, this loss could have been avoided.

Taking a deep breath, Roots raised his hand and threw the file in his hand on the table: "The Air Force likes to fly at ultra-low altitudes, and was hit by anti-aircraft missiles."

"And the team they went to grab the wreckage was also beaten back."

"Now, this pot is kicked to us!"

“If we can’t find out the origin of this anti-aircraft missile in a short period of time, we will be the biggest and most unlucky one to be blamed.”

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