When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 131 Crossing the ocean to shoot down a plane! (First update!)

After hearing Lin Yu's words, the student slowly raised his head to look at his teacher, only to find that his teacher was nodding towards him.

At this moment, he also understood what his teacher meant!

This is encouraging yourself.

Wireless video signal transmission, in fact, the technology of this thing is mature, but these mature technical equipment are quite large.

The most common ones are various TV antennas, which are very large or just a big pot. They are either hung on the treetops or placed on the roof to receive signals from satellites.

Naturally, it is impossible for a drone to wander around with a cauldron on its back.

What's more, the role of the drone itself is like a satellite, transmitting the images it collects to the handle through wireless signals, and the handle is the TV and also a high-performance computer, which must be able to completely process all kinds of information. The screen returned by the human machine.

A horizontal comparison of Mr. Lin's drone-related documents shows that these technologies should be integrated into a palm-sized drone.

It’s a bit difficult!

But very challenging.

Isn't it?

After thinking briefly, the student raised his head and looked at Lin Yu, raised his right hand high, and said excitedly:

"It's a deal!"

"It's a deal!" Lin Yu responded, raised his hand and slapped it, and the two hands collided with each other, snap.

With encouragement, the student turned back and controlled other drones to take off.

Shao Xiaofeng, who was guarding the weapons testing ground, saw these drones taking off again. With quick hands and feet, he picked up the anti-aircraft missiles on the ground and started to fight.

And this time, he carried two rounds at a time.

Seeing his ghostly appearance, the student controlling the drone urgently controlled another drone to take off. The two sides were 2 versus 2, and there was a temporary stalemate.

At this moment, the intercom on the table in front of Lin Yu suddenly rang:

"Director, Mr. Heckley is looking for you. Do you want to let him in?"

In the sky outside the viewing platform, two more anti-aircraft missiles exploded. This time, the two missiles shot down one drone. The other drone quickly lowered its altitude after being locked, so it was not beaten.

Looking at the fallen drone, Lin Yu shook his head, picked up the walkie-talkie, and said softly: "Let our respected Mr. Heckley come in."

Shortly after the words fell, Heckley appeared on the viewing platform. After looking outside for a while, he pointed at the launched anti-aircraft missile and screamed: "You don't give me such a good thing?"

"Experimental product! If you are not afraid of problems, I can sell some to you." Lin Yu shrugged his shoulders, continued to hold his hands, and watched the offense and defense outside.

Compared with him, Hercule seemed much more excited.

After the Wright brothers created the airplane, humans conquered the sky and, similarly, the earth.

In every war, aircraft are involved, and the side that loses air supremacy can only be passively beaten.

Later, the emergence of anti-aircraft missiles brought the situation back a little bit.

But that's just one thing, because anti-aircraft missiles are expensive, and many countries that can manufacture anti-aircraft missiles are not willing to sell them.

Especially European and American countries.

Because the people who like to use airplanes to cause trouble the most are themselves.

Why is Israel so rampant?

It's because they have many planes and good equipment.

If you have a batch of portable anti-aircraft missiles in your hand, the next time you see an Israeli plane, your head will be smashed!

After thinking about it for a while, Heckley reached out and pulled Lin Yu, motioning him to go to the corner to chat.

Lin Yu glanced at him, followed them to the corner, still holding his hands on his chest, and asked, "What advice does Mr. Heckley have?"

"We want to get a batch of portable anti-aircraft missiles like yours." Heckley stated his request directly. After speaking, his eyes kept staring at Lin Yu, hoping to get what he wanted from him. s answer.

"This thing is an experimental product, otherwise I would definitely sell it to you." Lin Yu said.

"It's okay. As long as the price is right, even if this thing explodes in my hands, I will praise it for making a loud explosion. Please give me a price."

Listening to his words, a trace of struggle appeared on Lin Yu's face. After a while, he raised his right index finger and said:

“One shot is US$10,000, which is the cost price, but I must say it in advance. This thing is an experimental product. I don’t have a helicopter to fly here, so some parameters still need to be adjusted. Don’t come to me for a refund then! "

$10,000 a round?

This price surprised Hercule. In the international market, the price of each needle-type anti-aircraft missile produced by Russia has soared to about US$80,000.

But even at this price, demand still exceeds supply.

Now you can buy it for $10,000, even if the performance is a little worse, that’s fine!

He quickly raised his hands and said loudly: "I promise not! Even if it explodes, I will praise this thing for how loud it exploded!"

"Give me 50 rounds first. I'll contact the country and ask them to contact flight transportation. I'll transfer the money to you now."

“If you hurry up, you’ll have actual data next week!”

He moved very quickly. He asked me to transfer money in the morning, and the money arrived during lunch time.

Moreover, he also contacted a small Emirates aircraft specially used to transport things.

For the sake of money, Lin Yu could only give him the remaining 20 anti-aircraft missiles from the R\u0026D department first, and owe the rest first.

Give it to me next time!

After sending this man away, Lin Yu threw the money to Shi Ling: "Your funds."



When Heckley opened the wooden box in front of him and revealed the contents, the faces of the people in the Ministry of Defense were not very good.

Because the contents in the box looked rough and rushed.

Some missiles were even not painted!

After looking at it for a long time, Deputy Minister Grail asked in a low voice: "Hecky, are you sure this thing is useful?"

In response to his questioning, Heckley picked up a missile, patted it hard, and asked with a smile: "This thing costs $10,000 each. There are 20 missiles here, a total of $200,000."

"If we spread the cost of the charter flight a little, it's only $12,000."

"For these 20 missiles, we only need to shoot down an Israeli helicopter to earn back the ticket price."

"If this thing explodes, we have to praise it, understand?"

Originally, these people in the Ministry of Defense wanted to get angry, but when they heard that it only cost $10,000, a group of people fell silent again.

This price is indeed as Heckley said, even if this thing explodes, everyone has to praise it.

I have to brag about it!

Because the louder this thing explodes, the better!

After a simple deployment, these 20 anti-aircraft missiles were brought to the front line by Hekle, along with 4 high-end rockets.

Bint Jubail in the southern province is less than 4 kilometers away from the Lebanese-Israeli border, and to the south is the Golan Heights that Israel snatched from Syria.

If you occupy this high ground, you can look down from a high position and overlook the entire northern region of Israel. At the same time, you can control the largest artificial freshwater lake in northern Israel.

The Sea of ​​Galilee.

Or it is also called Lake Tiberias.

Let the people in the entire northern part of Israel have no water to use.

Under the night, after understanding the recent situation, Hekle began to formulate a battle plan.

The red pen made a circle on the map, and he said to the student Sera in front of him:

"We have four powerful rockets. Except for the shorter range, their power is almost comparable to some missiles."

"Now, I need you to launch an attack on Sakhnin's military camp at the set time."

"The Israelis will definitely be furious after being suddenly beaten in the middle of the night. They will definitely retaliate."

"Here, Deirata! There is an Israeli armored battalion here."

"After receiving the news of the attack, this armored battalion will definitely go out as soon as possible to attack the area under our feet to lure the tiger away from the mountain. This is their usual trick."

"I will leave you 15 anti-aircraft missiles here, and three anti-aircraft missiles to deal with an armed helicopter."

"The tandem armor-piercing shells are used to attack tanks, but you have to pay attention to their thermal imaging!"

"I'll take the remaining five!"

"Now, move!"

The order was issued, and after years of war, these soldiers executed the order quickly.

In less than half an hour, four rockets were loaded onto the launcher, and the launch angle and parameters were adjusted at the same time. Only one signal was needed to ignite successfully.

4 a.m.

The signal arrived.

The soldier in charge of the launch ignited and launched without any hesitation.

The four rockets spewed flames at the same time and rushed all the way to the south.

In northern Israel, as these rockets took off, the air defense radars in the entire northern region screamed.

At the Rama radar station, the soldiers at the radar station were awakened by the screams of the radar. When they looked at the radar display with curses, they found that four "missiles" flew over the radar.

Seeing this, a group of people lost their sleepiness instantly.

"Missile attack!"

"Missile attack!"

The news quickly reached Sakhnin, but it was a little slow. When the news came, the four rockets also arrived.

The air defense missiles deployed in the north of the camp took off urgently and intercepted a lonely one.

Anti-aircraft missiles and rockets crossed each other, and I watched four rockets fall into the camp.

Boom boom boom!

After four explosions in a row, there was another deafening explosion. It was the explosion that detonated the fuel depot.

As the fuel depot was detonated, the entire camp was engulfed in flames.

The flames shot up into the sky, which was particularly obvious in the night, and could be seen clearly dozens of kilometers away.

On the border between Lebanon and Israel, the special forces team responsible for the ambush looked at the fiery red sky in the south and whispered to Hekle:

"Is the power of that rocket so great?"

"Great... probably!" Hekle was also confused, and could only guess that the rocket detonated something.

Either an ammunition depot or a fuel depot.

Just as he was about to speak, a low whistling sound came from the sky in the south.

That was the sound produced when the bomber was flying at an ultra-low altitude.

Here it comes!

With a shock in his heart, he quickly picked up the anti-aircraft missile on the ground and aimed at the sky in the south, with one eye looking at the sight and the other eye searching the sky.

Soon, under the moonlight, three strange shadows appeared in the sky. This thing was flying very low, almost touching the ground.

At just one glance, Heckler recognized it.

F-15I Thunder, or three.

Without any hesitation, he aimed the anti-aircraft missile at the first plane as quickly as possible, locked it, and pulled the trigger.

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