Lin Yu was overjoyed to hear the news. If Huang Tianhai had enough drones, he could provide enough data, and there was no need to waste money to shoot down helicopters!

After a brief thought, he began to ask Huang Tianhai about his well-being. However, Huang Tianhai did not appreciate it and asked directly: "What are you going to do?"

"Shoot down a plane!"


"That's a prototype!"

"You need a prototype to get enough data!"

After a short silence on the other end of the phone, Huang Tianhai did not refuse, but replied with a good answer.

After getting this response, Lin Yu's heart was relieved. After all, it was still a little bit not good to use missiles to shoot down something that others had worked so hard to make.

However, Huang Tianhai acted faster than he thought. On the morning of the second day after the phone call, he arrived at Rheinsteel with his team.

With him, there were 20 prototypes, all of which were drones equipped with infrared cameras and video cameras.

Compared with the last time, the drone this time is bigger. Lin Yu estimated that the size of the drone is about one meter, and there is a long cable behind the buttocks.

Seeing this circle of signal transmission lines, Lin Yu remembered the situation of Russia and its brother Ukraine many years later. Both sides also carried out strong electromagnetic interference, and then the cable drone appeared.

A small drone, dragging a long circle of optical cables, carrying bombs, reconnaissance on the front line, crashing into the target and killing it if it finds it, and crashing into the target if it doesn't find it.

Seeing this familiar thing, Lin Yu couldn't help scratching his head.


I'll ask for people in wireless communication in two days!

Hurry up and build these messy infrastructures, and then quickly launch these standards, so as not to delay making money.

In addition to the drone, the console has also become bigger. Last time it was a handle, this time it directly moved a computer over.

Because the handle views the data sent back by the camera in real time.

Grabbing a large circle of signal lines on the ground and taking a look, Lin Yu waved his hand helplessly: "Let's go to the weapons test site and see how this equipment works."

It only took him two sentences to give the order, but Huang Tianhai and his students needed half a day to prepare.

It took an afternoon for a group of people to move the control computer to the viewing platform, and it took another half a morning to re-debug the control computer and the drone.

The anti-aircraft missiles were used to shoot down the planes, and the drones that Lin Yu vigorously promoted were still shot down.

After hearing this news, those who could fish in Rheinsteel went to the weapons test site to see the duel between the two equipment.

At 11 o'clock in the morning, everything was ready, and the drone slowly took off. As the camera turned, the situation around the weapons test site was slowly transmitted to the computer by the camera.

Even as the mouse wheel rolled, the lens was also telescoped. Through the telescope of the lens, the picture on the computer also changed its appearance, and the mountains in the distance suddenly shrank in front of the eyes.

Although the picture was not clear, it was enough for people to see the distant picture, the trees there, and the landforms there.

Seeing these images, Luo Ping walked behind the student who was operating the drone and watched the student in front of him carefully operate the drone. After a while, he reached out and took the mouse, put his fingers on the scroll wheel and kept stretching and retracting, and the screen on the computer also kept stretching and retracting with the scroll wheel.

After a few minutes, he asked the students to cooperate and fly to the mountains next to him.

Then, with the help of this student, he took a few photos.

After staring at these photos for a while, this veteran who came down from the battlefield said the true meaning of this thing in one sentence.

"Is this used as a scout?"

Lin Yu did not respond formally, but turned his head to look at Luo Ping and whispered: "How does it feel?"

Hearing Lin Yu's question, Luo Ping picked up the mouse again, found the photos, zoomed in with the mouse wheel, pointed to the mountain in the photo and said:

"If I have this thing in my hand, the artillery shells of the artillery regiment will not fall within two meters!"

"If there are such aircraft everywhere on the battlefield in the future, the infantry will have almost no place to hide, and even tanks will die without a burial place."

After Luo Ping finished speaking, the student in charge of controlling the drone turned his head and said calmly:

"This is nothing!"

"Look at this!"

After speaking, he turned around and closed the page on the computer monitor, and cut another software again.

Then, the picture on the monitor changed.

The original colorful color turned into red, a piece of red, if you want to subdivide, there is only a difference between orange and dark red.

Then the drone slowly descended and approached the woods. The red color also changed and became dim. Finally, in the dim color, there were a few small orange-red light and shadows dancing among the woods.

The student who operated the drone raised his hand and pointed at the small orange-red light and shadows, and said excitedly: "This is the most exciting point."

"The thermal imaging lens can capture the infrared rays of nature. The red groups we see now are the birds dancing among the woods."

"If it is at night, this red light will be more conspicuous."

"With this, even if you hide in the woods, you will be captured by the thermal imaging lens."

"Moreover, I heard that there is already a most advanced spectrum lens abroad. This spectrum lens can capture the unique spectrum emitted by various objects. With this lens installed, the intensity of the drone can be even higher. one period."

"Mr. Lin is a genius, a peerless genius. He directly led us to overtake in a corner and switch to another track!"

"He is a genius!"

Hearing his categorical words, everyone at Rheinsteel turned their attention to Lin Yu. At this moment, only those present knew how far their factory director could see.

Facing their admiring gazes, Lin Yu raised his hand to wipe his hair and whispered, "Stop looking and start shooting now!"

After hearing his words, the people in the R\u0026D department realized that today was for target practice, not to come and see others bragging about the factory director.

Although he is really awesome!

Soon, people from the R\u0026D department put various cameras in place, and people from the weapons test team fixed the weapons on the launch pad.

After counting down to 321, the people in the experimental group pressed the switch, and the anti-aircraft missile was launched, heading straight towards the drone in the sky.

From the perspective of the drone, you can clearly see a big black rat springing out from the launch pad and heading straight for you.

Then, a ball of ink-like powder exploded in front of the eyes, covering the camera, and then there was a crackling sound, which was the sound of missile fragments hitting the drone.

Following the explosion, the large drone immediately flamed out, fell from the sky, and shattered into pieces.

Seeing this fallen thing, the people in the R\u0026D department ran over like crazy and started searching the place where it fell.

After half an hour, a group of people took the parts and evacuated the explosion site, returned to Lin Yu, and put all the parts on the table.

What they focus on is the drone's circuit board.

"The outer shell of the drone was punctured and the battery was punctured, but there was no fire."

"There are burnt marks on the battery interface and traces of graphite powder."

"There are a lot of graphite powder around the scorch marks on the core circuit board!"

"There is graphite powder at the interface of the signal transmission line, and there are also signs of burning."


Another ten minutes passed, and the autopsy of this drone was completed, and the second unlucky drone appeared. Before this drone appeared, Huang Tianhai was very heartbroken and took off the camera and infrared camera on the drone. lens.

While unloading, he muttered: "I don't know how to cherish any of them. These two sets of lenses cost tens of thousands each. The scene just now is enough, don't blow it up here."

Without the constraints of signal lines, this drone, which can only fly, becomes extremely flexible.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yu directly chose to increase the strength of the weapon experimental team. He waved his hand and ordered:

"Old Shao, see if you can shoot down this drone?"

After talking to Shao Xiaofeng, he turned to look at the student operating next to him and said loudly: "As long as you can dodge his attack, I will give you a 500-yuan bonus. If you can't dodge, the 500-yuan bonus will be his."

"To be fair and just, we bet with three missiles!"

With the bonus, the two people's fighting spirit was instantly ignited.

At the weapons testing site, Shao Xiaofeng held an anti-aircraft missile and squinted his eyes, constantly aiming at the random thing in the sky.

But the thing was too small and too flexible, so it was always difficult to aim accurately.

After looking at it for a while, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and pulled the trigger.

The big black rat flew out of the launch tube again, but this time, it missed.

The anti-aircraft missile flew five meters above the head of the drone and flew straight to the forest on the opposite side, followed by an explosion in the forest.

Seeing this scene in the telescope, Lin Yu turned around and told Shi Ling: "Adjust the sensitivity of the fuze. If it doesn't work, make a new fuze."

"There will be more and more such small targets in the future, and we must take precautions as early as possible."

The first missile failed to shoot down. Shao Xiaofeng raised his head and looked at the drone for a while, then picked up the second missile. This time he did not aim and chose to fire it directly.

The drone in the sky quickly dodged, but this time the fuze recognized the target and exploded when it was about to approach the drone.

From everyone's perspective, it looked like a big black mouse rushed into the sky, and then spit out a tube of ink at the black spot in the sky.

In the smoke formed by graphite powder, the drone fell rapidly towards the ground like a kite with its string broken.

When the student controlling the drone saw this scene, he showed a look of pity. He leaned back on the chair and rubbed his head crazily with his hands.

At the same time, he was also saying: "It would be great if there was a camera!"

"My 500 yuan!"

After he finished his regretful words, Lin Yu put his right hand on his shoulder and said with a smile: "No way, the lens requires a lot of wires. If you can shrink the lens and make a miniaturized device for wireless transmission of signals, Come out and integrate it into this drone."

"Like your teacher, you can get a company from me and become the boss."

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