Hearing the indignant words of the Arab in front of him, the American officer who came to negotiate was instantly stunned.

What did you say?

When you feel sleepy, bring a pillow.

The purpose of their team is to eliminate the remaining enemies. Of course, they do not need to go out to eliminate the remaining enemies. They only need to find the opponent's lair and report the coordinates to the Air Force. The Air Force's bombs and missiles will fall directly on the opponent's head. .

After the air force bombs are finished and there is no movement at all on the other side, they infantrymen will go up to clean up the scene.

Now, suddenly an Iraqi jumped out and said that their village chief had colluded with the remnants of the Iraqi soldiers. Isn't this just like sleeping on the pillow?


A smile appeared on the corner of the officer's mouth, and then his right hand suddenly reached out and grabbed the bandage on Jalim's head.

In an instant, the bandage fell into his hand, and the scar on Jalim's head was officially revealed.

The knife wound had scabbed over, but in this hot weather, it began to fester again.

The smell of suppurating pus, hair oil, and sweat that had been stored for years or decades rushed straight to the Tianling Gai, making people want to die.

After only looking at it for a second, the officer casually put the bandage back on.

He quickly walked to the side of the road and rubbed the bandaged hand on the ground repeatedly until the smell on his hand dissipated. Then he walked to the third car, stood next to the driver and said a few words. The driver handed him He has a white glass bottle.

Holding the glass bottle in his hand, the officer returned to Jalim, bent down, and said with a smile:

"This is penicillin, which will prevent your wound from becoming inflamed. In exchange, you need to take us to that village now, do you understand?"

"I understand!" Jalim took the bottle with gratitude and carefully put it into his arms. After taking two steps, he opened his clothes and took a look, as if he couldn't believe that he had gotten such a treasure.

His movements and expressions were all seen by the officers.

Very useful.

The officer followed and put him into the passenger seat of the first car. The convoy set off again, heading towards the village Jalim mentioned.

Two hours later, after turning an intersection, the convoy entered the mountain, and then advanced for another hour or two while swaying. A small village loomed in front of them.

A long way away, a group of people got out of the car and, guided by Jalim, climbed up the hillside on foot to observe the village in the distance.

The village looked a little dilapidated and there were not many people there, but after looking at it for a while, the officer noticed something unusual.

People in this village do not go to work. Instead, they stand on the main traffic road of the village. They seem to be relaxing, but in fact they are watching out.

What's even more strange is that the demeanor and movements of these people are not like ordinary soldiers at all, but more like elites.

As we all know, elites generally only appear around high-ranking officials.

In other words, the person in this village is likely to be a high-ranking member of the military garrison in northern Iraq.

After thinking about this, the officer's mind was filled with excitement.

If this person is caught, his military rank may be improved.

However, the observation point was too far away from the village to see clearly.

With his heart pounding, the officer cautiously led the team forward again, slowly approaching the village. This time, he finally saw it clearly.

Although those people were well hidden, they were still found under careful observation.

The weapons in their hands are all brand new AK74m, made in Russia.

These people are the elite.

They must be killed!

After making up his mind, the officer turned his head and was about to assign the task, but suddenly found that the Arab who had been walking in front was no longer there.

He blinked and asked the adjutant next to him: "Where is the Arab?"

The adjutant was stunned for a moment and pointed to the side: "Where are you pulling... people?"

Where the adjutant pointed, there was only a bandaged head, and there were no other Arabs.

Fell into a trap!

With this thought flashing through his mind, the officer stood up and was about to give an order.

There was a whistling sound from the hillside next to them. In the whistling sound, more than 20 rockets were fired towards them. At the same time, a faint buzzing sound was heard in the whistling sound of the rockets.

As a veteran for many years, the officer knew the source of the sound very well. It was the sound of mortars being fired, not far away!

It should be right behind the mountain!

As soon as the idea came to mind, the rockets arrived, and then the mortars.

One of the shells hit the officer and sent him directly to meet God. Although the remaining people were running for their lives, their struggle was destined to be in vain.

Because another round of rockets and mortars has arrived.

After two rounds of attacks, except for a few people who stayed behind to guard the vehicle, the rest of America's team was reduced to pieces.

The sound of gunfire was fierce. When the few people staying behind in the convoy heard it, they immediately got on the vehicle and started the vehicle. At the same time, they aimed their machine guns at the surroundings, ready to flee at any time.

However, before they could escape, there was a whistling sound in the sky.

Then there was the sound of artillery shells falling to the ground and exploding.

The artillery fire was so intensive that it instantly stunned the remaining team, because they had never encountered such fierce artillery fire, not even in a head-on confrontation with the Iraqi army.

Compared with the battle on the mountain, the battle here was even more one-sided. Only one round of artillery fire ended the battle.

On the hilltop behind, a young Arab emerged from behind a stone. He carefully observed the burning vehicle on the ground with a telescope for a while. When he saw a leg moving next to the vehicle, he quickly waved his hand to let the mortars behind him fire another round. .

Ten seconds later, another 10 rounds of artillery shells flew out.

These shells fell evenly on the road, next to the Humvees, and naturally also fell on the soldiers.

In the bursts of explosions, a person flew up, and then fell down like rags, rolling on the ground, already dead.

The young man stuck his head out again, took a quick look, made sure there was nothing wrong, took off the walkie-talkie on his chest, and pressed the call button:

"The remaining convoy at the mountain pass has been resolved, over!"

Two seconds later, there was a rustling sound on the intercom, followed by a new command:

"Retreat, retreat to point 1, leave the mortars and hide them, and evacuate the personnel first."

This mortar position was evacuated. On the other mortar position, Jalim led his team to dismantle the mortar, got into the village as quickly as possible, and began to lay booby traps in the village. At the same time, he forged a It's like an emergency evacuation.

Half an hour later, an order was given and everyone evacuated.

After the humans left, the village once again returned to its quiet and peaceful appearance, quietly staying in the valley, and the years passed quietly.

The sun turned to the west, and a pair of leather boots appeared on the dirt road at the entrance of the village.

Looking at the still burning Humvee, the owner of the leather boots squatted down next to a bomb crater, carefully took out the gloves from his arms and put them on, and took the evidence bag from the assistant next to him.

Get ready, and then start measuring the craters on the ground.

"The crater is 23 centimeters deep..."

"There are many penetration holes in the Hummer's body, indicating that the explosion impact was strong."

"Something's not right. What kind of bomb is so powerful?"

After filling an evidence bag with debris, the man took the shovel from his assistant and began to shovel the dirt on the ground.

After the shell explodes, the charge in the shell will burn violently in an instant, and the shock wave generated by the expansion will send part of the reacted material of the explosive into the ground.

Just dig out the soil, test it, and analyze it, and you can get the approximate charge type of the cannonball.

Of course, the specific ingredients require additional analysis.

After digging on the ground with a shovel for a while, the man suddenly vomited next to him because there was a small piece of feces in the shovel of soil he just dug.


After vomiting, the owner of the leather boots carried the bag and followed the team members up the hill from the other side, continuing to dig soil on the top of the hill and collect evidence.

Just when he was busy, several more explosions came from the village not far away.

The explosion was unusually loud.

The vibration makes people's ears hurt.

The owner of the leather boots listened for a while. He stopped digging, raised his head with disbelief, and looked at the village in the distance.

After a moment, he swallowed his saliva and ran towards the village after the explosion as if he was crazy.

As soon as he arrived at the entrance of the village, he was held up by someone, and then there were several explosions and screams from inside.

After a while, the sound gradually stopped. The owner of the leather boots wanted to rush in again, but was still stopped:

"Mark, it's very dangerous inside now, you can't go in now!"

After being stopped, the officer named Mark was still trying desperately to squeeze into the village. However, as a gust of wind blew, he stopped struggling and stood at the entrance of the village, sniffing the wind desperately.

After a while, he screamed

"I know it's very dangerous inside now, but do you know what the explosive that exploded just now is? It's CL20!"

"I can never mistake this smell. It is definitely the smell of CL20 after it explodes."

"This is our country's top military secret. Until now, the cost of that thing has not been reduced, but here, I actually smell the smell of the CL20 explosion."

"Do you know what that means?"

The blocking officer was questioned at this moment. He didn't know what it meant. He was just a big-headed soldier.

Seeing the confusion on his face, Mark screamed: "It means that behind these people, there is probably a politician in our country."

"For his own benefit, he did not hesitate to support the Iraqis and resist me..."

Before he could finish speaking, the officer responsible for stopping him quickly covered his mouth and warned in a low voice: "Don't talk nonsense!"

"These are life-threatening words. If you want to die, don't drag me with you."

"But the problem here is really the CL20!" Mark continued to retort, and the officer who blocked him had nothing to say, so he had to use the walkie-talkie to report all Mark's words to his superiors.

Thirty minutes later, Mark received a new mission and returned to Kirkuk as quickly as possible to report on this discovery.

After receiving the order, Mark did not dare to neglect and loaded all the evidence into the vehicle. Under the protection of two soldiers, the vehicle rushed towards Kirkuk.

An hour later, the vehicle appeared on the road. The soldier driving the car stepped on the accelerator and was about to run at high speed when a rocket was fired from the side of the road.

It blew the car up into the sky.

Markford was lucky and was wearing a seat belt. He was not dead. When he opened his eyes in a daze, he found that several soldiers wearing American camouflage uniforms appeared in front of him.

Then, the Ak47's gun was pointed at his head.


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