The sonorous and powerful words did not make Lin Yu happy. According to the principle of reluctance, if during the negotiation, the opponent would be very generous on a certain condition.

Then, the other party will make some additional requirements.

This requirement is usually a little troublesome, but compared with the other party's regressive conditions, it can be offset just right.

Now that these Lebanese people have agreed so happily, there is only one possibility. They have other demands that have not been made yet.

Sure enough, Heckley across from him saw Lin Yu's expression gradually becoming heavy, and his expression slowly changed accordingly.

Became heavy and frowned.

After a moment, Lin Yu spoke first: "Mr. Heckley, if you have any other conditions, please tell me."

"Let's make it clear at this negotiation table. Then everyone can sign the contract with peace of mind and no need to continue to scheming."

These words made Heckley's frown loosen, and a smile appeared on his face again, and he said with a smile:

"If that's the case, then I'll say it!"

"In the future, your company's rocket launchers will get better and better, and we also want to reach long-term cooperation with your company and get your full help."

"Of course, we will not let your company suffer, nor will we make it difficult for your company. In the early stage, we are willing to provide 100 million US dollars as research funding."

"The contract agreement is signed, and the funds for weapons purchase and cooperation funds will be received together."


After saying these few words, the entire conference room became audible. The people from Rheinsteel looked at the Arabs opposite with wide eyes, completely unable to believe that the so-called terms of the other party were actually so generous.

That’s right, generous!

$100 million buys the promise of a future.

At this moment, everyone else at Rheinsteel subconsciously turned their attention to Lin Yu, wanting to see what their boss was thinking.

However, they only saw calmness on Lin Yu's face, without any expression, as if he had not heard the words just now.

Just when a group of people were confused, Lin Yu held a pen in his right hand, paused lightly on the table, and asked:

"Can you tell me why?"

"The reason is very simple!" Heckley raised his head, looked straight at the young man opposite him with a pair of light blue eyes, opened his mouth, and spoke out word by word:

"As far as the current international situation is concerned, America has invaded Iraq, so this matter is a foregone conclusion, and they will not give up the benefits they have obtained."

"What's more, they have been supporting Israel, so it is impossible for us to seek cooperation with America."

"Then, the same is true for England and France. The last person who cooperated with them, if you use your words, he still has 19 years and 352 days to become a hero."

"Finally, there is Russia. The Russians have always wanted to join the EU. At the same time, they also want to compete with America in West Asia."

"Looking to them for cooperation, to be honest, according to their character, we are likely to become their vassals."

"This is also the most important point. We are a sovereign country. Although it is not very good, we have basic dignity."

"And your style of conduct in the international arena has always been obvious to all. It is almost the most suitable to cooperate with you."

The reasons are very suitable, and they are all good words, and there is no room for criticism.

Lin Yu didn't say much, and just asked Li Ping to bring the contract and hand it to Heckley. At the same time, Heckley also handed Lin Yu his prepared technical cooperation intention.

The content is very simple, only a few articles.

[Article 1: Party A Rheinsteel and Party B Lebanon cooperate to develop a new type of rocket launcher. The relevant technical requirements are that the range is 200 kilometers, the caliber is 300 mm, the charge is CL20, and the launch platform is vehicle-mounted. At the same time, the rocket launcher needs to have a guidance function. . 】

[Article 2: Based on the successful research and development of rocket launchers, Party A needs to help Party B build a production line and authorize Party B to sell it. Party B's rocket launchers mainly produce parts and need to be imported from Party A. 】

[Article 3: Party A needs to provide updates and iterations for this rocket launcher. If the technology is not suitable for deployment, it does not need to be updated and iterated. 】

The terms are simple and clear.

It only took Lin Yu less than two minutes to read through these terms, and he also found some loopholes.

Putting down the term sheet, he stared at the person opposite and said calmly: "One more thing. If you sell this rocket launcher, you need to get my consent and inform me of the buyer's information."

"If you agree to this, then we can cooperate. I can guarantee you that within three years at most, you will be able to have your own production line and produce your own high-performance rocket launchers."

"Moreover, ordinary air defense systems have no chance of winning against this kind of rocket launcher."


After hearing this additional clause, Heckley showed an apologetic expression on his face, and then led several teammates out of the reception room and into the empty room next door.

They lowered their voices and discussed.

"We cannot agree to this condition. If we agree, we will have no privacy."

"If you don't agree, then we won't have rocket launchers!"

"There is an old saying in China that a thousand birds in the forest is worse than one in the hand. This condition is actually not excessive at all. If I were to sell something, and it was such a dangerous product, I would definitely want to know who bought it."

"What's the opinion of the Ministry of Defense?"

"The minister's opinion is that we now need a rocket launcher to hammer the Israelis hard. Nothing else matters."

"Isn't that enough? Agree quickly, sign the contract, and get into research and development. According to what Mr. Lin said, we can get the rocket launcher production line in three years. Then we will go to Israel every day to fight. Look at those birdmen. How many anti-aircraft missiles!”

"Okay, air defense, air defense, nine out of ten air defenses!"

After reaching an agreement, Heckley and the others sat across from Lin Yu again, stretched out their right hands towards the young chairman, and said with a smile:

"We agree to this condition! If Mr. Lin has no other objections, then we can sign the cooperation framework agreement now and wait for the funds to be in place to conduct more in-depth cooperation."


Lin Yu stood up, came to the Arab, stretched out his right hand, and held it together again: "Happy cooperation!"

This time, the handshake was for subsequent cooperation, so neither party tried it. They just shook their hands slightly, then released their right hands and returned to their positions.

Verbal cooperation was reached, and the two parties began to sign the contract. Page after page of paper flowed out of each other's hands, flowed to the other party, then turned around and returned to their own hands.

It wasn't until lunch time that the cooperation agreement was signed.

Next, you just need to wait quietly for the funds to arrive.

Lin Yu was waiting for funds, and in faraway Iraq, Jalim was waiting for someone, a group of Americans.

At this moment, he has dark skin and looks like an old man in his 50s. He is wearing a tattered and thin dress with thick patina. He is telling the world the history of this dress.

The flies flying around him are witnesses of this heavy history.

The calf of the right leg was wrapped with two simple wooden sticks and some hemp rope. The hemp rope was dark red in color and looked like it was soaked in blood.

There is also a bandage on the head, but the color of the bandage is a little dark. I don't know how long it has been used, and I don't know how many bacteria are on it.

He kept this look, holding on to a crutch made of a tree branch, stumbling and walking on the road.

This road, located between Kirkuk and the northeastern mountains, is also on the territory of the five major families.

After taking control of Kirkuk, in order to clear out the remaining soldiers in the northern mountains, the Americans would shuttle back and forth on this road every day, transporting supplies, transporting the wounded, and obtaining intelligence.

The role he played was that of an ordinary citizen who was injured by stragglers. After seeing the leaflets distributed by the Americans, he was ready to seek help from the Americans.

As we walked, the sound of an engine came from the end of the road, and Jalim also fell into the scene for a moment. First he stood there and looked up, and then he seemed a little scared. Finally, after seeing the flag on the car clearly, he Standing straight on the spot, he waved his hands desperately to signal the other party to stop.

Of course, while he was waving, he was also paying attention to the leading vehicle of the opponent's convoy, because the leading Humvee military vehicle had a Nimini M134 machine gun on its head. Once the machine gunner controlling it did not have good eyesight, those bullets would It will hit itself at a speed of 6,000 rounds per minute.

He was lucky. The machine gunner in the lead car had very good eyesight, and the driver also had good eyesight. Just like that, the convoy came to a stop in front of him. Seeing his appearance, the machine gunner took out a piece of chocolate from his arms and tore it into pieces. Open the package and throw it in front of him like a bone.

Watching the chocolate fall to the ground, Jalim felt a war between heaven and man in his heart.

A voice said: Come on, come on. You stumbled over, knelt down, and stuffed this piece of chocolate into your mouth. While stuffing it, you said loudly that it was delicious.

Another voice said: You have to pounce on it like a dog, put this piece of chocolate into your mouth, and then lick the ground with your tongue, do you understand?

These two sounds only appeared for a second, and Jalim paused for a second. After a second, he swooped over like a dog, picked up the piece of chocolate, stuffed it directly into his mouth, and chewed it twice. , swallowed it whole, and then thanked the machine gunner in the car loudly:

"thanks, thanks."

Of course, he spoke Arabic with an accent, which confused everyone in the car.

At this moment, a sturdy officer stepped out of the second Humvee. He came to Jalim, casually looked at the Arab in front of him, covered his mouth and nose with his hands, and then used the same Accented Arabic, start asking:

"what are you doing here?"

After the officer finished asking, he kept raising his head and looking at the surrounding hillsides. At this moment, the machine gunner on the Humvee slowly rotated the muzzle of his gun and carefully monitored the surroundings.

When it came time to compete in acting, Jalim tried to stand up straight and raised his hand to point to the northeast:

"My name is Balak, from the village over the mountain."

"I saw the flyers dropped by your plane a few days ago."

"I came to you just to tell you that in the village where I live, the village chief colluded with the president's guards."

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