When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 250 Three horizontal, three vertical, three electric! (Second update!)

After looking back at the tall buildings in the distance and swearing to herself, Sunia got on her bicycle and started to stand up and pedal in the direction Lin Yu left.

Then got lost.

The two spent money on the roadside to buy a map.

After comparing the map, he returned to the small courtyard in the northern suburbs and said hello to the big yellow dog at the door. The two sat down in front of the stone table again and began to negotiate for the next cooperation.

He took out a notebook from his arms, spread it out on the stone table, pressed the pages of the notebook with a pen, and Sunia spoke first:

"In the past few days, I have thought carefully about it based on the actual situation in our country."

"The way you said it is indeed correct, but our domestic traffic situation is very poor. For now, I think the first aid project should mainly focus on road traffic."

"First of all, the first point is to open a road from Bandar Abbas Port to Isfahan and then to Tehran. It is best to have a railway."

"Because yesterday I saw your heavy-haul railway. If we had such a railway, it would run from the Strait of Hormuz to Tabriz."

"Then our northern region's minerals and people's travel will be very convenient."

"Also, in addition to these road constructions, I think Mr. Lin, you can also invest in some mineral processing. If it is just to transport ore, it will be very troublesome."

"It would be better to refine and process the ore directly at the origin of the ore, turn it into processed fine products, and send it directly to the port for shipment by train."

"What do you think?"

After finishing his rough thoughts, Sunia raised his right hand, pushed the notebook on the table in front of Lin Yu, and motioned for the other party to study it carefully.

After picking up the notebook and looking at it for a while, Lin Yu nodded, but then shook his head.

Judging from the current situation, Sunia's plan is good, but it is not good enough because the purpose of his plan is for the present, not for the future.

In the entire plan, he only planned a road from the Greater Caucasus Mountains in the north, all the way south along the Zagros Mountains, connecting Tehran, Isfahan, and Bandar Abbas Port.

Although there is a road and railway, this is obviously not enough.

Pushing the notebook in front of Sunia, Lin Yu stood up and walked towards the gate of the small courtyard. The big yellow dog tied to the iron gate was still squatting there, with his mouth open and smiling happily.

But the moment Lin Yu turned his back, the dog pounced again, but it was still the chain around its neck that forcibly stopped it.

Outside the yard, Tang Shouren was carrying a box and wearing a suit, standing there quietly, like a wooden stake.

Seeing Lin Yu coming out, he quickly handed over the box in his hand.

After carrying the box and weighing it, Lin Yu turned around with a smile and walked into the yard again. But this time, he did not carry the big yellow dog on his back, but looked at the dog with a pair of smiling eyes.

Being stared at, the big yellow dog squatted on the ground, staring with big eyes, looking very innocent.

The innocent appearance of this dog attracted Tang Shouren's ruthless ridicule, but this big yellow dog seemed to be able to understand the sarcastic voice. After listening for a while, it jumped up and roared crazily at Tang Shouren.

But it could not break free from the iron chain and could only continue to accept Tang Shouren's ruthless ridicule.

Amidst the ridicule and barking of one person and one dog, Lin Yu opened the box in his hand and took out a map and a thick stack of plans.

He put the plan on the stone table and put the map on it. He pointed at the lines on the map and said softly:

“If you have time, you can take urban space and planning engineering as an elective.”

When Sunia turned his attention to the map, Lin Yu moved his finger to the lines next to it:

"This is the road traffic plan I have planned for you in the past two days. Generally speaking, it is three horizontal and three vertical. It is the same for highways and railways."

"The southernmost stretch starts from your southeasternmost city, Al-Hahbahar, and proceeds along the coastline, finally ending in Abadan on the banks of the Shatt al-Arab."

“One horizontal line in the middle starts from your eastern city of Zabol, passes through your central desert, enters Korman, Rafsanjan, Yazd, Isfahan, and continues north to your border with Turkey. "

"The north side starts from Tayebat, follows your original road, crosses northward, and finally passes through the Alborz Mountains, connects to Gombard Kavus, officially enters your Caspian Plain, and then along the Caspian Sea The plains stretch all the way to the border with Azerbaijan.”

"Then make another circle on your border, and the one in the middle will meet at the border of Turkey."

"This is three horizontal lines."

"Then three columns."

"The first column is the road from the Turkish border to Abadan. I heard Hassan say that your original road was a bit shabby. It can be used by people and cars, but it is more troublesome. "

"After it is effectively widened, it will be very useful whether you want to enter Iraq or want to quickly maneuver and attack America."

"The second column starts from Rasht, your big city on the Caspian Sea, through the Alborz Mountains, to Tehran, and then connects to Isfahan."

"Finally it opens at Rafsanjan and goes all the way south to connect with Bandar Abbas Port."

"The third column goes south from Mashhad, along your border cities, completely penetrates it, and finally reaches the edge of the Strait of Hormuz, Habahar."

"Then between these three horizontal and three vertical lines, plus some details, your entire country is enveloped in a road network."

"The designed maximum speed is 120 kilometers per hour. Whether you want to carry out rapid maneuvers or exchange materials, it will be very convenient."

"As for the highway, it is also the same three horizontal and three vertical. The overall layout is not much different from that of the expressway, but your needs are taken into consideration."

"What I designed is a passenger and freight railway. That is to say, one railway carries both passenger transport and freight transport. There is no need to build an additional freight railway."

"The corresponding price is that the freight you see is not up to the level of the heavy-haul railway you saw yesterday."

"The transport weight of that heavy-haul railway is 180,000 tons, and the railway here is about 80,000 tons."

"As for Sanden, they are hydropower stations on three rivers."

"The first one is in the northeast of Ahvaz, where there is a Karon River. According to the information I obtained, the drop of that river is very large, and almost all of it is in the valley."

"Again, that river has a lot of water."

"Build several stepped hydropower stations where the river comes out of the mountains. The electricity produced will be enough for the cities in your southwest. It can even be exported abroad."

"The first step in industrialization is electricity. When your southwest cities have enough electricity, development is inevitable."

“Then there’s the Karaj Mountains north of Tehran.”

"The humid climate of the Caspian Sea brings some rain here, and this rain slowly slips away in the mountains to your north."

"This is a huge waste. If you find a few suitable valleys and build a few stepped power stations on the paths that these rivers must pass through, you will almost not have to worry about electricity in Tehran."

"In addition to providing electricity and sufficient water storage, it can also adjust your agriculture and provide you with drinking water."

"Healthy drinking water can affect your next generation, which will be healthier and smarter. It has only benefits for you and no harm."

"Then there's your Bandar Abbas port."

"In the north of Bandar Abbas, there is such a big river. You actually let the water of this river flow freely. That is simply a waste."

With a regretful expression on his face, Lin Yu rotated the map, moved his hands gently forward, and pushed the project information and map on the table in front of Sunia.

"Take a look!"

Sonia lowered his head and looked at it carefully. Only then did he see the markings on the map clearly.

On that map of Iran, which only had black and white lines, there were countless red and blue lines, some thick, some thin. It was these red and blue lines organized into a network.

It wraps Iran completely, just like an Egyptian mummy.

The red lines are highways. In terms of quantity, there are many red lines, far exceeding the blue lines.

In addition to these lines, there are also several yellow squares, which are labeled as hydropower stations.

There are a total of three power stations on the entire Karun River, and each of these three power stations consists of eight 550,000 KW hydroelectric generators.

According to the note on the side, the annual utilization hours of the generator units of these three power stations is 5,000 hours. Each unit operates for one hour, which is 550,000 kilowatt-hours. Eight units, operating for 5,000 hours, is 22 billion kilowatt-hours.

The total power of the three hydropower stations is 66 billion kilowatt hours.

Last year's electricity consumption, Sunia remembered clearly, was 116.8 billion kilowatt hours.

Once completed, the electricity generated by these three hydropower stations can cover half of Iran's usage.

Looking at these numbers, he didn't know whether he should be excited or panicked.

My eyes left the Karun River and fell to the mountains in northern Tehran. There are many green lines in these mountains.

On these lines, there are one or two stepped power stations. Compared with the power stations on the Karun River, these hydropower stations are much smaller.

The larger one has an annual power generation capacity of 12 billion kilowatt hours, and the rest have an annual power generation capacity of 7 to 8 billion kilowatt hours.

There are a total of six power stations in the entire northern Tehran mountainous area. In other words, the final power in this mountainous area is almost as good as the three power stations on the Karun River.

Tens of billions of kilowatt-hours of electricity are enough for Tehran to reach the sky in one step!

As for the hydropower station in Bandar Abbas Port, after just one glance, Sunia moved his eyes away from the river.

It is similar to the hydropower station on the Karun River and produces 21 billion kilowatt hours of electricity per year.

It is enough for the port and surrounding cities.

Seeing all these things in his eyes, Sunia couldn't help but shook his head. Sure enough, from the moment he set foot in this country, his destiny was no longer up to him, but was led by the young man in front of him throughout the process. Walk.

After seeing the prosperous world, you must want to keep up. If you want to keep up, you have to pay the price. These lines and these hydropower stations in front of you are the price.

This feeling of being planned for the future is very unpleasant, but...

Once these are completed, it will only be good for Iran, and there will be no harm.

Are these Chinese people?

Is this a conspiracy?

Taking the map away, he began to flip through the plans below. In these plans, there were a large number of cases of hydropower station construction, as well as cases of building railways and highways in high-altitude, rock-crushed areas on the plateau.

Behind these cases, there are photos, black and white, color, and even rusty.

But these photos clearly say one thing, that is, in these remote places, the Chinese have built railways, highways, and hydroelectric power stations.

You can't refuse to accept it!

Deng Sunia roughly flipped through all the plans. It was already 9 o'clock in the evening. The three big and strong chefs had already prepared a pot of braised lamb in the kitchen.

They were standing carefully beside him, waiting for the order to start eating.

He had just put down the plans, and Hassan, who was half-starved, rushed to the plans at the fastest speed, carefully put them back into the box, locked it, and then put it back in the room.

As soon as he left, the chef put an induction cooker on it. The power was turned on, and there was indeed no sizzling sound. One of the chefs carefully put the braised lamb pot on it.

The meat pot was boiling, and the fragrance rose all of a sudden.

Smelling the fragrance, Lin Yu got up and walked into the kitchen, took two bottles of grape juice imported from France, held one in his hand, and handed the other to Sonia.

"Drink it, it's okay, it's 82-year-old juice imported from France, it shouldn't be bad, if you taste a little sour, it's bad."

Come up with an excuse, he opened the bottle, poured the French grape juice into the cup, shook it gently, just raised the cup, before he had time to drink, he saw Sonia across from him also raised the cup at the same time.

The two smiled at each other and touched the cups together.

"Happy cooperation!"

"Happy cooperation!"

Lin Yu was celebrating the happy cooperation. In the distant Sudan, Dongola City, Mendoza also happily put down the phone, turned around, and looked at his subordinates and Kendall in front of him happily:

"The other party has arrived and is resting somewhere in the city. As long as we hand over this batch of gold to the other party, our mission will be completed."

"We can go back to Jawf and wait for the equipment to arrive."

"Increase vigilance at night!"

Unlike the ecstasy of others who heard the news, Kendall's face became more and more ugly when he heard the news. He glanced at Mendoza cautiously, stood up, and took the initiative to say:

"I'm going out to purchase some supplies. After their people arrive, they may mix with ordinary people and inquire about our news."

"So we'd better store some food, hide, and contact them on the day of the transaction."

Very cautious idea.

After a little thought, Mendoza agreed with this idea, and then pointed two people and asked them to go out with Kendall to purchase food.

Kendall led people through the ancient streets and bought a lot of food. Of course, he also had a little quarrel with two foreigners on the way.

But it was no big deal.

He led people and food back to the house, and he personally made a sumptuous dinner for a group of people.

He even changed his old-fashioned way and allowed everyone to drink some fermented juice.

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