Sawakin is located in the east of Sudan. Due to the climate, although it faces the Red Sea, flowers do not bloom in spring.

The most common plants are the local shrubs. These things will bloom, but they are very small, almost equivalent to not blooming.

In a valley far away from the road, Troy sat in a jeep, smoking boredly, waiting for someone.

Under the moonlight, he had a racial bonus. If it weren't for the flickering cigarette in his mouth, perhaps ordinary people would not have thought that there was another person there.

Finally, when his patience was about to run out, the sound of the engine came from a distance, followed by a ray of light, cutting through the night sky, like a sharp sword, cutting through the blackness in front of him.

He was also exposed to the light.

The leading jeep stopped in front of him with a squeak, and a mixed-race youth who was whiter than Troy jumped out of the car.

The young man ran to Troy happily, raised his hand to salute, and then couldn't wait to say: "Colonel Troy, there are three portable anti-aircraft missile vehicles in their team! There are 18 anti-aircraft missiles!"

"There are also rocket launchers! There are also three! There are 36 107 rocket launchers."

"There are also mortar vehicles, five! 82mm mortars, I just took the time to look, and they match the shells in our hands."

"And their troop carriers, more than a dozen!"

"In addition to troop carriers, there are also several material vehicles with anti-aircraft missiles and mortar shells."

"All good stuff."

"Shh!" Under the cover of darkness, Troy put his right index finger to his mouth and made a gesture of silence.

First, he took a look at the convoy in the distance with the light, and then he calmly tidied his clothes and walked over slowly.

At first glance, he saw the middle-aged man standing in front of the team. He looked about thirty-five or thirty-six years old. His eyes were majestic without anger and carried a hint of murderous intent.

This was an old soldier who had been on the battlefield and had killed many people.

The person at the front of the team was naturally Luo Ping.

This time, including him, there were a total of 72 people.

They were composed of several old soldiers from the security department, dozens of people from the defense company, and several fellow villagers from Durby.

Looking at the black man walking in front, Luo Ping felt a sense of oppression from him.

Especially the smile on the other person's face made this sense of oppression even worse.

Seeing this, Luo Ping smiled.

And that sense of oppression collapsed with Luo Ping's smile.

At this time, Troy on the opposite side finally saw the other people standing next to the convoy.

Just as he looked over, the people next to the convoy also smiled at him in unison.

Under the moonlight, the teeth were silvery white.


Adding a sense of murderous intent.


At this moment, Troy felt that the temperature around him dropped a lot in an instant.

He couldn't help but shiver, and at the same time, he also remembered the practical training instructors he had seen when he was studying in China. Those instructors were like this.

At that time, those instructors stood there and glared at him and his classmates, who were all in their thirties, at least lieutenant-level officers.

Several of them were frightened to the ground.

But in front of him, there were dozens of them!


What on earth is the principal going to do?

Before doubts filled his mind, Troy finally walked in front of Luo Ping and extended his right hand: "You are here."

"Yes, I am here."

"You shouldn't have come!"

"But I am here!"

"Commander of the Third Armored Brigade of Northern Sudan, Troy Abaldan! Welcome, my new friend."

"Luoping! Commander of the Rhine Defense Special Operations Group, it's a pleasure to meet you, Colonel Troy."

"Come with me, we'll talk while walking!"


After arranging the team, Luo Ping followed Troy to the other party's jeep. After getting in the car, he moved his butt to get closer to the other party, then took out a letter from his arms and handed it to the person opposite.

"This is the principal's handwritten letter, which contains a detailed description of our mission this time. Of course, we will not make it difficult for Colonel Troy."

"After completing this mission, all these fire support vehicles in our hands will belong to you, Colonel."

Luoping's words filled Troy with curiosity. He couldn't wait to open the letter and read the content.

It can be said that he understood the cause and effect.

There was a Mr. Lin with a big background who made a deal with Libya, and Libya paid with gold.

These people were here to transport gold.

Without any hesitation, he decided to use the power in his hands to make the task of these people easier.

Because the person who wrote this letter, that is, the principal who personally issued the certificate to him, was actually afraid of the young man between the lines!

He was able to become a brigade commander in his thirties, and he was also the commander of the armored brigade with real power. Troy knew very well that more friends meant more ways.

Not to mention that he was a generous friend.

Just put the fire support vehicles behind him on the arms market, wouldn’t it be two or three million US dollars?

As the vehicle moved forward, Troy also took out the map, and with the flashlight, he didn’t care about the swaying of the vehicle, and began to explain the situation along the way to Luo Ping.

"Dongola, where you are trading this time, is located in northern Sudan, in the area of ​​the Nile River's big bend. It is an important stronghold on the road from North Africa to South Africa."

"Christians once built an ancient kingdom here - the Kingdom of Mukula."

"That is why the ethnic groups here are very complex. You look special, so you must be careful not to let others see your face."

"Then there is the gold transaction test. I personally recommend melting the gold completely once, so that it will be more convenient to test."

"Zahif's people come here to trade, because they have to cross the desert, so there won't be too many of them."

"Even if a conflict breaks out, they shouldn't be your opponents."

"So you have to be careful of third-party forces. According to my experience with Zahif, Understand, he is likely to have leaked the news to a third party. "

"Then during the transaction, pretend to have a problem and ask to change the place of transaction."

"When the third party takes action and snatches the gold, he will say that he has delivered it and it is your fault for not protecting it well."

"It will be all trouble then, so you have to be careful."

Listening to Troy's concerns, Luo Ping nodded seriously. After a long time, he explained: "The goods we agreed to give him have not been shipped yet, don't worry about it."

"As for the others, I can guarantee that no one can see our things alive!"

After the cold words came out, Troy couldn't help shuddering again.

Why are these people so murderous?


The west of Dongola, because it is under the control of the subtropical high pressure, from the Ethiopian Plateau to the Nile Delta in Egypt, presents a spectacle.

That is, the banks of the Nile River are lush and green.

But a little further away, there is a piece of yellow sand.

In the yellow sand, Mendoza, who had returned earlier, had disguised himself as a nomadic Bedouin in the desert, escorting four tons of gold, crossing the vast desert and arriving in Dongola first.

Hiding in a small farmyard by the Nile River.

At night, the evil spirits were out, and it was just the time for them to find out the news.

Kendall, his deputy who came with him to trade, changed into an Arab outfit, matched his jewelry, walked out of the yard with a few people, and began to visit the surrounding yards.

The purpose was to create an image of an enthusiastic neighbor for the people around him.

After strolling around the not-so-wide street, he sent away his subordinates who followed him, carried gifts, and swaggered into a roadside yard.

As soon as he entered the door, the people in the yard immediately closed the door, and at the same time, several Glock-17 pistols were pointed at his forehead.

Seeing this, he quickly raised his hands and whispered, "Hey! I want to see your Mr. Montes. I gave him the news!"

The muzzle of the gun moved away, and a blond strong man with a big beard, bare chest, and tattoos on his shoulders came out of the house opposite the door.

The strong man came to Kendall, folded his hands, looked at him with a joking face, and asked, "I remember I told you not to contact me if you have nothing to do, right?"

The contemptuous words made Kendall a little anxious. He stretched out his hand to open the gun pointing at him, tiptoed, and glared at the strong man in front of him: "The gold has arrived, quickly replace this thing and take it away."

"Don't let the night be long and dreamy."

"Is it really gold?" Montes asked back, and at the same time looked at the person in front of him with interest.

"It's really gold!" Kendall emphasized again, and after getting his re-emphasis, Montes turned his head to look at the team member next to him. The other party also understood Montes's idea and turned to walk into the room.

Two or three minutes later, the other party walked out again, with a small bottle in his hand, and the bottle contained a translucent liquid.

Reaching out to take the bottle, and then throwing it to Kendall, Montes explained:

"Soothing strong sleeping pill N1, about half an hour after taking it, you will feel tired and want to sleep."

"As long as you are ready, you will go out to purchase supplies."

"Go back now, your teammates will find you."

After explaining, Montes took a step back.

At this time, Kendall slowly bent down, holding his stomach, pretending to have just finished squatting, and the person next to him was also very good at handling things, and quickly opened the door for him.

At the same time, he stood at the door and spoke loudly:

"It's hot now, you can't drink raw water casually, it's easy to have diarrhea."

"Thank you, this time it was an accident!"

In the question and answer, Kendall returned to the street, and the two people who had just been sent away by him were found because he got lost.

Using the excuse of having a stomachache, Kendall fooled away without any danger.

In the yard he had just left, Montes checked his weapons and said to the team members next to him:

"After getting the gold, Walker, you and Hilem will transport the gold to Wadi Halfa in the north to wait for us."

"My intuition tells me that the person who came to trade money this time is a big fish."


Ten thousand miles away in the Magic City, Lin Yu never thought that someone would plot against him.

He has been a little quiet these days.

Because since he talked with Sonia the day before yesterday, he has been walking on the road with the other party. The two of them rode bicycles together and ran around the streets and alleys of the Magic City.

"Do you see these old buildings? The English and French people in the past were showing off their power in this area, and even the Indian brothers were arrogant here."

"We beat them all out."

"These buildings are the witnesses of that era. They are all old buildings. In a few years, they may have to be demolished."

"You should have some old buildings there, right? 30 years? 50 years? Or 100 years?"

"Do you see those buildings on the other side of the river? More than 10 years ago, a river separated the two sides."

"At that time, the development had just started, and there was a slogan that it was better to have a bed in Puxi than a house in Pudong. Now look at the opposite side."

"Don't want a house? What an international joke, I wish all the houses were his."

As Lin Yu kept explaining, Sonia turned his head to look at the old buildings behind him, and then turned his head to look at the tall buildings in the distance.

He could even find similar architectural styles of the old buildings in some buildings in Tehran, while the tall buildings in the distance were completely out of the so-called architectural style. One by one, they reached the sky. According to his not-so-rich experience in artillery, he estimated that the height of each building exceeded 150 meters.

Tehran, or Iran, does not need such high-rise buildings, but such buildings do look very beautiful, making the whole city look bright and beautiful from the inside out.

Coupled with the neat streets and lush trees on both sides of the road, here...

Cities in developed countries may be like this.

Not to mention Paris, he once went to Paris, the world-famous river was full of manure, just standing on the bridge, you can see piles of manure drifting with the current.

If you build such a city yourself, settle those who have no home to go, no job to support their families, and cannot guarantee their lives, and let them live, these people will definitely be grateful to the Revolutionary Guards who let them live a good life.

Use them and absorb them into the Revolutionary Guards, and your own country within a country plan can be completely started.

Finally, leave everything to time and faith.

The interweaving of time and faith will make the future better, at least not like it is now.

Maybe in my lifetime, I can still see Tehran and Iran become the city under my feet.

Retracting her gaze from the tall building in the distance, Sonia's eyes became extremely clear and bright.

He turned his head to the side, looked at the young man, and whispered:

"What is your goal?"

"Goal?" Lin Yu turned back slowly and locked his eyes on Sonia. At this moment, the commander-in-chief of the Revolutionary Guard exuded a unique aura from head to toe.

Lin Yu had seen that aura before.

It was a person's indifference after the worst, the confidence after enlightenment in Longchang, and the light of a person walking forward alone in the darkness.

Looking at the other party, he suddenly said: "Congratulations, you have found your own goal."

"As for our goal, it is the sea of ​​stars."

After saying something strange, Lin Yu stepped on the Phoenix bicycle, slid lightly, leaving a back figure, and only one sentence came from the wind.

"Since you have found the goal, then sign the contract quickly. A hundred years is too short. We must seize the day."

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