It couldn't be that America's bastard made extra equipment and produced it separately when he was trying to hack the Soviet Union, right?

Would their group of capitalist gentlemen do such a thankless thing?

Seryosha fell into confusion while holding the photo, but soon he remembered the strange batch of missiles that appeared in Lebanon that the KGB had called his attention to some time ago.

It is smaller than ordinary missiles, but its power can keep up with ordinary missiles, and even surpass it.

At first, people in China suspected that it was the neighbor to the south, because the neighbor to the south had a criminal record and would sell some things when he was poor to a certain extent.

But none of the missiles that appeared in Lebanon could match those in the hands of its southern neighbor.

This is completely different from the habit of our neighbors to the south who hide when they can and fight when they can't.

At this moment, these guns appearing in front of him, coupled with the intelligence in the hands of these Arabs, can give some inspiration to the KGB people.

It can also bring some meager income to myself.

After taking a few more photos, Seryozha took out his calculator and began to calculate the total price this time.

The total price is about two million US dollars, and you can still earn 10%.

After getting the money, he took his subordinates back to Alexandria as quickly as possible and sent the information in his hand.

Then, I got a response: I'm busy robbing gold in Libya, so don't disturb me.

This news surprised the arms dealer, but he didn't think much about it, because what arms dealers like most is war and chaos.

Only when everyone fights can arms dealers make more money.

After calling the warehouse on the border between Libya and Egypt, Seryosha rushed to Libya non-stop again, hoping that he could catch this feast.

Sirte Province is located in north-central Libya, bordering the Mediterranean Sea to the north. It covers an area of ​​77,660 square kilometers and has a population of approximately 150,000.

Because there is desert everywhere, the main population is concentrated in the capital city of Sirte.

Due to the bombing of America, the population of this city has been further reduced. In broad daylight, not even a few living people can be seen.

To the east of Sirte, in the middle of the coastal farmland about 10 kilometers away from the city, seven people from SEAL Team 6 were hiding in this single-family house to avoid the hot midday sun.

Everyone likes hot girls, but under the hot sun, you will have to shed your skin even if you don't die.

After taking a sip of cold water and pouring it into his mouth, and then taking a bite of a piece of field rations that smelled worse than Mrs. Tom's stinky feet next door, Schmid felt that he was ready to die.

After finally regaining consciousness, he picked up the map on the table, put the intelligence collected last night in front of his eyes, picked up the communication device, and spoke his analysis to the other end of the communicator:

"Although the data record that Colonel Ka was born in the desert more than 50 miles south of Sirte."

"However, after our intelligence collection over the past few days, we have confirmed that no one lives in the desert more than 50 miles south of Sirte."

"In addition, the city of Sirte is backed by the Mediterranean Sea and is very unsafe, so I guess that the tip report that Cardazor's gold was transported to Sirte is just a cover."

"He should have been transported to the southern province of Sabha, because he once attended middle school there, and he also spent great efforts to build the city of Sabha."

"So, that batch of gold must have been shipped there!"

Schmid is the captain of this team, and also the intelligence officer. After listening to his analysis, the other team members present nodded repeatedly.

Five days ago, they left the amphibious command ship USS Mount Whitney, passed through Libyan territorial waters by speedboat, and landed east of the city of Sirte.

As soon as the front foot landed, a message came from the rear foot from the amphibious command ship USS Mount Whitney.

Intelligence from Tripoli showed that Kadzo did send people to transport the gold out of Tripoli in batches, and finally disappeared in Sirte.

After receiving the news, a group of people were very excited.

With the cover of bombers, they searched the surrounding underground forces and killed everyone, but they couldn't find even a golden hair.

But finding some gold sand filled the emptiness in a few people's hearts.

On the other end of the communicator, after listening to Schmid's analysis, a new voice soon came from the receiver.

"You continue to lurk. After midnight, two helicopters will enter Sirte and take you to the southern Sabha."

"I hope you can bring us good news this time."

The voice spoke very quickly and urgently. After speaking, the other party hung up the phone.

Turning off the communicator, Schmid spread his hands with a helpless expression and said, "Boys, it seems we can't go home yet."

"Barber and Keller are on guard duty, and the others will take a break first. Thompson and Lauren will take over two hours later."

After arranging the alert, Schmid walked to the next room. Not long after, a slight snore came from the room.

While they were busy sleeping, they were about 1.5 kilometers southwest of the house.

It is a section of dead end road. On the dead end road, several simple two-story houses gather together, forming a small settlement.

On the roof of the second floor of the northeasternmost house, two Russians were lying on the roof, using their telescopes to look at the house in the northeast through the cover of the trees in front.

"Are you sure it's that house?" the Russian on the left asked.

Faced with the inquiry, the Russian on the right took out a map, pointed to the location on it and said:

"According to our signal tracking equipment, the signal last night was nearby."

"The signal appeared this morning and did not move."

"There is only that house around, and it is close to the sea, so I can be sure that the Americans are hiding there."

After listening to the analysis, the Russian on the left let go of the telescope with his left hand, pulled out the walkie-talkie from behind his buttocks, pressed the call button, and said to the walkie-talkie:

"Direction 13, distance 2100, full fire."

As soon as the voice fell, several pickup trucks were parked on the side of the road about 800 meters south-west of the house where the two were hiding.

There were more than a dozen people sitting in the car.

After hearing the voice from the walkie-talkie, the dozen people immediately jumped out of the car, took down the three 80mm mortars on the car, set the parameters, and fired shells.

One shell after another flew out of the muzzle and flew towards the target direction.

Schmid was suddenly attacked and woke up from his sleep. He could tell the caliber of the artillery with just one explosion.

While arranging people to avoid the artillery fire, he took out the walkie-talkie and called for support:

"This is the baseball boy. We need air support. We are under enemy fire!"

"We need support."

The next second, a voice came from the communicator: "In 15 minutes, our armed helicopter will arrive to assist you in retreating."

Hearing that it would take 15 minutes, Schmid's heart finally died.

Can this intensity of artillery fire last for 15 minutes?

At the same time, above the house in the southwest, seeing the artillery attack begin, the two Russians got up without hesitation, went downstairs, and drove out the car hidden in the house.

It was a white Toyota pickup truck.

In the cargo box of the pickup truck, there were two needle-type anti-aircraft missiles. After checking the anti-aircraft missiles, the two Russians carried the anti-aircraft missiles and slowly approached the distant building with the cover of trees in groups of three or two.

According to the nature of American soldiers, they will definitely call for air support when they are attacked. Generally, fighter jets will arrive first and launch air-to-ground missiles.

Then they will evacuate.

It may be walking to the beach, or helicopters may arrive directly, and then retreat.

No matter which one, there will definitely be planes.

We have to find a way to shoot one down, otherwise the idea will not work.

About 20 minutes later, three AH64B armed helicopters appeared, and behind the armed helicopters, there was a Black Hawk.

The two Russians did not act immediately, but waited for the Black Hawk to land, and when the people in the house were busy getting on the plane and had no time to check the surroundings, they jumped out.

Pull the trigger, launch the missile, and run away in one go.

The Black Hawk that landed on the ground to pick up people was directly hit, and an AH64B in hovering was hit.

The sudden change gave the Libyan government forces, who were suppressed by the helicopter fire, an opportunity to seize.

A group of people launched an attack again, pouring fire on the helicopter crazily.

The fighting here was lively. About 300 kilometers east-southeast of Sirte was the Port of Brega.

This was a new industrial port that emerged because of oil. The people who lived here, like this port, lived only to transport oil outward.

Today, this port was completely silent.

Because at the southwest airport, armed forces of unknown origin were frantically exchanging fire with the Libyan army stationed at the Port of Brega.

In the simple airport building, another team leader of SEAL Team 6, Basque, pointed a gun at the airport staff next to him and shouted:

"Tell the people on the other side not to move, otherwise you will die too!"

The airport staff held a loudspeaker and shouted cautiously to the outside, but the Libyan army outside was eager for revenge. When they noticed the position of someone, they pulled up the mortar without saying a word.

Aim and fire in one go.

Boom boom boom!

A shell exploded in the open space in front of Basque, but fortunately he was quick and hid behind the wall.

Flying shrapnel hit the wall, causing bricks and stones to fly and dust to fly.

Just then, a voice came from behind him. It was the signalman in the team. The other party was holding a digital camera and was filming non-stop.

"Captain, we have to film the Libyan army murdering airport staff."

After saying that, the soldier put the camera in the corner, with the lens slightly facing the ceiling, but he could see some of the indoor situation with the edge of the lens.

Watching him do all this, the Libyan airport staff in the room were stunned.

Although America was bombing Tripoli, it had nothing to do with their small port. This was not a strategic point, let alone a major town, so everything here was the same as before.

The small planes that took off once a day still took off as usual, and the oil tankers at the port left when they were full. When one left, there was another one.

But today, first there was gunfire in the city, and then the gunfire reached the airport.

Then a group of people were tied up and taken to the terminal.

Now suddenly they say the army murdered airport staff?

Wait, I am the airport staff, so I definitely can't kill myself, so...


Without waiting for the airport staff to beg for mercy, several SEAL Team 6 soldiers raised their AK47s and fired at the people tied to the ground.

The gunfire stopped, and there was no one alive on the ground.

After the action was done here, the sound of propeller blades came from the sky, coming from the seaside.

The movement of the helicopter made Basque feel relieved. Finally... the support finally came.

He poked his head out from the corner of the wall, and two familiar AH-64Ds were strangling the Libyan government forces in the distance.

Above their heads, a Black Hawk helicopter had entered a hovering state and was ready to land.

Seeing this, Basque waved his hand and shouted: "Counterattack, counterattack!"

As the ancients said, dogs rely on the power of others.

With the help of the armed helicopter, the members of Basque's team poked their heads out from behind the wall and fired back at the Libyan government forces in the distance.

While firing back, they were also slowly retreating.

As Basque was the last to climb onto the Black Hawk helicopter, the pilot pulled the joystick, and the plane took off and flew towards the sea 4 kilometers away.

And 30 kilometers away from the coastline, the Ross destroyer of the Sixth Fleet of America was parked.

The Black Hawk helicopter moved away, and the remaining two AH64Ds that served as cover also followed the retreat in turn, and soon left the Libyan territorial waters and retreated to the USS Ross.

As soon as he got off the plane, Basque couldn't wait to synchronize the news in his hand to the USS Mount Whitney amphibious command ship.

"There is no gold at all. We asked everyone around us, and we were even about to dig three feet into the ground. There is no gold at all."

"It's not here at all."

"But we got the video of the Libyan government forces killing ordinary civilians. With this video, we can launch a strike against them."

On the USS Mount Whitney amphibious command ship, Captain Nordra listened to the synchronized news and felt very irritated. After thinking about it, he still summarized the intelligence and sent it to Hanks.

After several days in the Mediterranean, the people sent out fought hard, but they could not achieve the original goal.

Someone needs to take the blame.

As the commander-in-chief of the Middle East, Hanks's pot is not too big or too small, just right.

General Hanks asked me to do this!

Qatar forward command, after lunch, according to his normal work and rest schedule, it is a two and a half hour lunch break, but the news from the Mount Whitney broke his normal work and rest schedule.

He was very annoyed.

After taking all the intelligence in his hand and studying it carefully, he threw the intelligence aside and said:

"This is Colonel Ka's way of luring the tiger away from the mountain. He made the gold appear in Sirte Province with the purpose of concentrating our people in the Mediterranean."

Then, he pointed to the west of Libya and said: "And this bastard should have sent people to go to Algeria along the southern highway."

"Let the CIA go and see Algeria."

After listening to Hanks' analysis, the intelligence officer said that the general was amazing, and the general really had a plan.

Amidst the flattery, the intelligence officer turned around and left to contact the CIA.

Then, he got a reply from the CIA.

Very busy! Do not disturb!

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