To be fair, Lin Yu didn't want Jalim to start a big one.

One general's achievements are worth thousands of bones. In every major battle, the declaration of victory is removed, and all that is left are cold numbers, death, serious injuries, and minor injuries...

However, he couldn't persuade him, and he didn't know how to persuade him.

If it were him, he would probably be even more manic.

Therefore, I can only sit in front of the TV and wait for the big news from Jalim.

The Kirkuk Oil Field is located in the desert about 30 kilometers northwest of the small city of Kirkuk.

On the 6th day after the death of the Iraqi President, America's soldiers occupied this place and took it as their own. At the same time, they began to build defensive positions and air defense positions relying on the oil fields as the core.

"Tom, as a new recruit, you must take the initiative to help the veterans share their worries and help the veterans stand guard. Do you understand?"

"Hey, can't you hear me?"

The veteran's unkind words made Tom subconsciously stand at attention, staring ahead with a pair of big eyes. Seeing him like this, the veteran was very satisfied, turned around, and walked comfortably to the barracks.

Poor Tom was left alone, standing guard under the moonlight and with the howling wind in the desert as his companion.

Time passed slowly, and a wisp of mist slowly appeared on the endless desert. Faintly, Tom seemed to see a few people. At this moment, he remembered the countless horror movies he had watched.

His whole body was shaking uncontrollably, but when he took a closer look, he found that it was not a person, but a naughty wind blowing up the sand on the ground, causing this scene.

Time went forward again, and the upper eyelids and lower eyelids started fighting. He was ready to call someone to change the guard, but when he thought of the collision between the cannonball and the eyelids, he could only give up the idea.

I could only hold on to my tiredness and stare at the wind and sand with wide eyes.

In the direction he was looking, on a gentle slope about 4 kilometers away from the camp, a man was crawling in the darkness, carefully using a gauze-covered telescope to observe the brightly lit camp in the distance.

The man stared for a while, then climbed back behind the dune carefully, then stood up and walked towards his companions.

And he is none other than Jalim.

Behind the dunes, three Toyota pickup trucks were parked.

They have all been repainted and are well hidden in the night.

Behind every pickup truck was a crude rocket launcher.

On the launcher is a rocket about four meters long.

200 mm caliber, with a combat length of two meters, filled with CL20 charges.

Weighs 120kg.

After checking the launch data again, Jalim waved his right hand and asked several young people to prepare to run away.

After waiting for about 10 minutes, Jalim looked at the time in his hand. It was 4:20 in the morning. This is the time of day when a person is sleepiest.

Set an alarm for them.

Taking a deep breath, he climbed into the car, started the car, took out the remote control and pressed it.

In an instant, three 200mm rockets with a total charge of 360kg roared and flew towards the camp in the distance.

The rocket was launched. Jalim did not dare to hesitate at all. He stepped on the accelerator and the Toyota pickup truck began to run wildly, leaving traces in the desert. However, the branches tied to the end of the launcher swayed. , easily clean up the traces.

At Camp America.

4:20, everyone is sleeping soundly.

Including Tom.

Just now, another gust of wind blew in the barren desert. This cool breeze immediately made him feel tired. He wrapped his clothes tightly and fell asleep leaning against the sentry tower.

Then, a deafening explosion rang in his ears, and before he could fully wake up, two more explosions rang out, and the whole person, along with the sentry tower, flew out.

At 5 o'clock in the morning local time, the morning's fiery red sunlight filtered through the wind and sand, gently falling on the ground and also on the camp commander Michael.

At this moment, the second lieutenant was lying on the emergency medical vehicle. His left leg was gone and half of his right leg was left, but this half would no longer belong to him.

Because the doctor was holding a saw and fighting with his remaining right leg. It was obvious that the fixed right leg had no fighting power and could only be at the mercy of the doctor.

With a saw buzzing, Michael's right leg was cut off. The doctor gave him another injection of Demerol, quickly bandaged it, pushed his hand to the side, and shouted:


The male field nurses dragged Michael out and put him on another stretcher as quickly as possible. The doctor rolled the eyelids of the wounded man on the stretcher and waved his right hand impatiently:

"Next, this one is hopeless."

Outside the battlefield surgical vehicle, Michael slowly woke up under the sunlight. He raised his head slightly and saw a burning camp, various military equipment parts, unexploded warheads, and soldiers scattered here and there.

More soldiers were still buried in the sand and dust kicked up by the explosion, waiting to be excavated.

At this time, the quartermaster with a bandage on his head came over, raised his remaining left hand with difficulty, and saluted Michael.

On the stretcher, Michael raised his hand with difficulty to respond. Finally, he opened his dry mouth and asked, "What are our casualties?"

A bitter smile appeared on the quartermaster's face, he forced a smile and began to report the casualties:

"According to the assessment, we should have been hit by small missiles, three in total, each with a charge of no less than 300 kilograms."

"One of them hit our temporary ammunition depot and completely detonated the ammunition inside."

"There are 300 people in the battalion, 43 of whom have died, 47 are seriously injured and are still being rescued, 152 are slightly injured, and the rest are still in the dust and digging."

"All the tanks are intact, but three armored personnel carriers have been lost, and other transport trucks have almost been lost due to the explosion of ammunition."

"But the strange thing is that we didn't find the electronic navigation parts of the attack missiles."

Listening to the numbers reported by the quartermaster, Michael was overwhelmed. He couldn't understand why these Iraqis, who had missiles but didn't go to the front line, came to attack his camp?

Besides being overwhelmed, he hated himself for not bringing all the people here.

A fully equipped armored battalion has radar vehicles and anti-aircraft vehicles, but because of his carelessness, he didn't bring these two things.

The lesson of not bringing them is that he lost his two legs.

His eyes moved to his legs, and a pain suddenly appeared in his legs. In just a moment, Michael fainted from the pain.

At this moment, in the south of the camp.

Several armored personnel carriers were moving quickly on the road. Among these armored personnel carriers were two field emergency vehicles, two Patriot air defense missile vehicles, and two radar vehicles.

The target of this convoy was the camp of Kirkuk Oil Field.

They needed to arrive as quickly as possible, meet up with the soldiers left there, and then rebuild the camp, control the oil field there, and let the oil field contribute to the green currency of America.

They were moving quickly and did not notice that there were seven sneaky people lying on the gentle slopes on both sides of the road.

The leader was Cavani. He carefully stretched out his periscope and looked at the convoy greedily. Finally, he locked his eyes on the two Patriot air defense missile vehicles.

Tears flowed unconsciously from the corners of his mouth.

Putting away the periscope, he whispered to the young people around him: "Do you see those cars? Let go of the ones in front and shoot the 7th car."

"Remember, everyone shoot the 7th car. Do you see those stones on the side of the road?"

"When that car passes the small stones, shoot it in the middle of the big stones!"

After explaining the target clearly, Cavani carefully took out the 120mm tandem armor-piercing shell and aimed it forward.

The stones on the side of the road were piled up by him and his men last night.

There was no way. These young people had poor basic skills. It was more difficult to ask them to calculate the speed and then shoot ahead than to kill them.

So they could only use a stupid method, turning the road into a ruler, calculating the scale by themselves, and asking them to shoot according to the scale.

Staring at the cars on the road, Cavani began to sweat on his vest. At this moment, their target car passed a small pile of stones.

"Pull the trigger!"

The clear instructions came out of his mouth and fell into the ears of several young people.

The familiar instructions made several young people subconsciously activate muscle memory.

The trigger was pulled, and the rocket flew forward.

Two rockets flew away, but the remaining five hit the No. 7 vehicle, which was the second Patriot anti-aircraft missile vehicle.

In just a moment, the primary warhead of the rocket exploded.

In the primary warhead, the conical metal bushing formed a high-temperature metal jet in the blink of an eye, directly melting the shell of the anti-aircraft missile launch box.

After the explosion, the main warhead with a large charge followed and touched the anti-aircraft missile body.

The main warhead was detonated, and the charge of the anti-aircraft missile was also detonated.

In an instant, the anti-aircraft missile vehicle turned into a fireball, and the next second, the parts of the anti-aircraft missile vehicle were scattered, and the parts of the driver were scattered with them.

The attack worked, Cavani quickly put away the rocket launcher, and punched and kicked the young people who were still lying behind the rocks and watching the explosion scene.

"Are you all going to die lying there? Get up and run, run, run according to the route!"

A few young men were slow and were dragged by him to run behind the mountain.

A few minutes after they left, two Apache helicopter gunships appeared from the direction of Kirkuk city and searched along the mountain.

Where they saw a place where people might be hiding, they would sweep it with machine guns without hesitation, and then launch a missile.

And the movements of these two Apache helicopter gunships were all meticulously photographed by Cavani.

Because this time, he had another task, which was to find out the attack methods of these Apache helicopter gunships.

To prepare for the subsequent sneak attack.

After lying in the desert for a day, Cavani led his men out of their hiding place until night fell, and went to the place where they hid the car.

Next, they needed to change the place for a sneak attack. According to Kalim, this is called a sparrow war, which can make the enemy exhausted to the maximum extent.

At the same time, it can prevent the enemy from accurately detecting the people who attacked them.


On the other hand, Lin Yu browsed the Internet for two days, but did not wait for the so-called big news of Kalim, but he waited for Arabila.

As soon as they met, the Palestinian urged Lin Yu to take him to meet the so-called Lebanese.

If he didn't know them, he would bury these guys alive.

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