When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 122 There is something wrong with this person! (Fourth update!)

In the Investment Promotion Bureau, Kong Hui was busy sorting out the report materials for investment promotion. The sudden ringing of the phone and the content of the phone made him completely stunned.

He wanted to deceive himself, this was a normal investment behavior, but after thinking about it for a long time, he still couldn't convince himself.

If it was before, he might believe that someone would come to this place to invest, but after a trip to Shenzhen, and under the leadership of Kang Shikai, he witnessed the intrigues of investment.

Now when he heard the word "investment", he would subconsciously ask, Lanling, what is worth others investing in?

When he asked this question again in his mind, several seconds had passed. Listening to the heavy breathing on the other end of the phone, Kong Hui replied:

"Go ask the other party why they want to invest here, how much money they are going to invest, and how to invest."

"Call me back after the other party answers."

After the explanation, Kong Hui hung up the phone, tidied up the documents on the table, packed them one by one, and picked up the phone again.

But this time, it was shaken to Lin Yu.

"Boss Lin, are you free?"

"It's like this. Today, the chemical plant suddenly said that several foreigners came and said they wanted to invest in the chemical plant. You deal with foreigners a lot. Can you come and help?"

"I think there is a problem."

"Ask the Security Bureau for help? I don't think it's necessary. What if the other party really comes to invest?"

"You want Chief Luo Ping to go, right? Okay, okay..."

The phone was hung up again and put back. Kong Hui rested his elbows on the table, rubbing his temples with both hands, waiting for Han Jin's reply.

At this moment, Han Jin, who received the instructions, also walked into the meeting room with his people in a serious manner.

He didn't waste time and asked directly:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, you come here to invest, especially to invest in our little-known chemical plant, so I want to ask, what do you like about the chemical plant?"

"You know, there are chemical plants everywhere with better technology and more advantageous geographical locations than us, so I thought about it for a long time, but I still can't figure out why you want to invest in us?"

"Here, I hope you can give an answer."

"The answer depends on you. I will give you 30 minutes. Please think about it before answering."

This question was like a loud bell, shocking people's hearts, and Hekle, who proposed this idea, was also shocked.

Because since they left Saudi Arabia, various legends of China have been echoing in their ears.

Especially on the train, they also heard more words, that is, factories everywhere are trying every means to win investment, improve technology, increase production capacity, and then try every means to make more money.

So he dared to propose this idea.

However, reality gave him a blow. When these people heard about investment, their first reaction was not to be ecstatic, but to ask why they should invest.

At this moment, Heckler finally understood the old saying, what is called shooting oneself in the foot.

Isn't this the most true portrayal?

Reason, reason...

Where can I find a reason?

Just as he was thinking hard, an idea suddenly flashed in his mind.

MD, I am the investor, I pay the money, why should I give you a reason as the investee?

Is it okay for me to have money but nowhere to spend it?

Is this reason not good?

Very good!

Having found a very sufficient reason, Heckler's body, which was tense due to nervousness, became casual and turned into a playboy.

Playing with the pen in his hand, his body shook visibly, and then there was a contemptuous laugh.

Then a slightly sarcastic remark sounded:

"Investment is actually a kind of spending behavior. I spend my own money, and it is legal money. Why should I give you a reason?"

"If you insist on me giving you a reason, then maybe I have money and want to find a place to spend it!"

"Is this reason enough?"

On the other side, Han Jin did not expect the other party to give such a reason.

If the other party refuses to admit it, then this reason is indeed tenable, but... it is precisely because of this that it can be more clear that the other party has a guilty conscience.

These thoughts are spinning in his mind, and Han Jin did not say much. After all, the task he got was to delay time.

After more than ten minutes of silence, Han Jin glanced at the time on his hand, turned his head to look at Liu Yun, and said:

"Old Liu, these guests want to invest in our factory. Take them to the workshop first and take a look."

"I'll go ask for instructions here."

The voice was not deliberately lowered, so the foreigners on the other side could hear it.

While speaking, he was also paying attention to the foreigners in the corner of his eyes.

Unfortunately, the other party's expression was well managed. He didn't show any expression when he heard these words, and he still looked dead.

Han Jin was a little frustrated because he didn't find out the other party's purpose. He took the notebook in his hand, turned around and walked out of the reception room without looking back.

And all these expressions of his were seen by Heckley and others.

Next to him, Liu Yun received the order and didn't think much. He put away the notebook and tucked it under his armpit. He raised his hand and pointed to the door, and said to Heckley and others: "Everyone, please."

Under the leadership of Liu Yun, Hekle and others walked out of the reception room and into the production workshop. Looking at the machines running in the workshop and the fertilizers being packaged and unloaded, these Lebanese people seemed very happy, just like they were at home, pointing at the equipment.

Soon, a familiar logo appeared in front of them.

That was the fertilizer packaging bag they had seen in Gaza!

It was here!

Seeing the fertilizer packaging bag, several people smiled even more, but they didn't notice that there was a pair of eyes staring at them next to the running equipment. The changing smiles on their faces were all captured by these eyes.

And the owner of these eyes was Luo Ping.

Next to him, there was another person, Han Jin.

At this moment, the face of the director of the chemical plant was full of anxiety.

When Luo Ping moved, he moved too. When Luo Ping stopped, he opened his mouth to ask, but he hesitated several times.

Finally, Luo Ping in front looked back, breathed a sigh of relief, and said affirmatively: "These are a few Arabs, and judging from their movements, they should be looking for something."

"I suspect that they are actually coming for us."

"I'll ask our factory director, Director Han, you can take these people back to the office and wait for me."

Leaving a word, Luo Ping disappeared in the workshop.

And Han Jin, following his words, ran in place for two minutes, sweating on his forehead, and then appeared in front of Heckler and others.

First apologized, and then said: "Everyone, we have a security expert who wants to meet with you, is it okay?"

Although he was asking, while speaking, Han Jin had already stepped forward and blocked the exit.

Heckler and others all came down from the battlefield, so these small actions naturally could not be hidden from them. In the spirit of less trouble, Heckler nodded his head and raised his right hand to signal Han Jin to go ahead.

Entering the reception room again, Heckler noticed the middle-aged man in the main seat at a glance.

That was also a person who came down from the battlefield!

Moreover, he is more fierce than himself!

Sitting in the main seat, Luo Ping raised his hand to indicate the chair next to him, asking Heckler and others to sit down, and then asked softly:

"Ladies and gentlemen, just tell us why you are here. Don't talk about investment. We are all people who came down from the battlefield, so don't waste time."

"Open and honest information exchange will help everyone resolve misunderstandings."

After saying these two sentences without any reason, Luo Ping squinted his eyes and continued to look at the Arabs in front of him.

There are dozens of Arabs in the base, so he will definitely not make a mistake.

His words also fell into the ears of Hekle and others very clearly. They exchanged glances for a moment. Finally, Hekle stood up, bowed slightly to the person opposite, and then began to introduce himself:

"Hekle Arafat Adi, Logistics Material Bureau of the Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon."

"I came here because our domestic agriculture has developed rapidly in recent years and needs more fertilizers."

"It just so happens that some of us heard that your fertilizers are cheap in Palestine, so we came to see."

"After coming here, we found that you are indeed the same as the legend, so we want to invest."

"It's that simple."

While talking about his fabricated origins, Hekle carefully looked at the middle-aged man opposite, but there was no expression on his face.

This is a very professional person!

This country is really not to be underestimated!

On the opposite side, Luo Ping still looked at these people expressionlessly, but he sneered in his heart.

Ministry of Agriculture, whose Ministry of Agriculture has calluses on its hands from shooting?

Whose Ministry of Agriculture has murderous aura?

Nodding expressionlessly, he instructed Han Jin: "Director Han, these guests will be accompanied by the people I brought with me in the next few days."

"You are responsible for their lives. Remember, these foreign guests do not eat lard, pork, or drink alcohol. Remember this."

"I will go back to verify their identities. It will take about two or three days."

After giving instructions, Luo Ping picked up the folder on the table, tucked it under his armpit, turned around and walked out of the reception room with a steady step, disappearing at the end of the corridor.

And this news soon reached Lin Yu.

The Arabs followed the fertilizer bag and chased to the Lanling Chemical Plant. Even if you think with your butt, you know what these people want to do.

It is likely that they are out looking for equipment again.

A little happy, and a little confused.

Arabila was chosen because later generations knew what they had done through Liu Ming.

Jialim was chosen because this guy scored full marks in the political test of the Army Command College and also liked to help others.

However, he didn't mind keeping the greatest malice towards the guests who suddenly came to him through informal channels.

After simply sorting out the information, he took out his mobile phone, found the number left by Arabila, and dialed it.

Knowing the purpose of Lin Yu's call, Arabila, who had just returned to Gaza, did not dare to neglect it, and turned around to buy a plane ticket and prepared to go to China.

Because this was related to their life and death.

If someone blocked this supply line, there would be only one way to die waiting for them.

Hearing Arabila say that it would take two days to arrive, Lin Yu was not in a hurry. After asking the other party to slow down, he hung up the phone and started surfing the Internet.

Because Kalim sent him a message through someone, asking him to pay attention to the international news in the past two days, and he wanted to make a big deal.

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