When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 121 Good luck in laying the foundation, great luck! (The third update!)

Seeing this thing, other people present panicked, and an imperceptible smile flashed across their faces.

But after seeing it clearly, the expression on his face was relaxed, but at the same time, there was also a hint of disappointment in the relaxed expression.

MD, fake.

Sensing the disappointment on these people's faces, Lin Yu happily climbed onto the three-wheel tractor and started loading ammunition into the launcher.

Six rockets about one meter in length and generally white in color were loaded onto the launcher. Shao Xiaofeng put down the side panel of the tractor compartment and sat next to the launcher to adjust the angle.

Two minutes later, he raised his right hand and made an OK gesture.

After checking again and confirming that there was no problem, Lin Yu came to Wang Jianguo, took out a mobile phone and handed it over:

"Mayor Wang, come on, let's start construction on this construction site. Come and fire the first shot."

"Is this...isn't this bad?" he asked hesitantly, but Wang Jianguo's movements were not slow. He took the phone with his left hand, his eyes fell on it, and he had already begun to study how to launch rockets remotely.

After studying for a while, he couldn't figure out how to launch it, and then he turned his attention to Lin Yu again.

Lin Yu also pointed to the phone at the right time and whispered: "Just press the dial button."

"This looks like a rocket, but it's actually a firework we configured ourselves. It's very safe."

Listening to the explanation, Wang Jianguo pressed the dial button doubtfully, and a pleasant bell rang in the tractor compartment.

The next second.


Eight rocket-shaped fireworks shot up into the sky, exploding words in the sky in sequence.

[The laying of the foundation is auspicious and auspicious. 】

As colorful words exploded in the sky, the groundbreaking ceremony officially began.

The granite foundation stone engraved with the words "foundation" in red was put into the pit. Those who participated in the foundation laying picked up the shovels at hand and shoveled a little soil into the pit.

By the time the process is completed, most of the holes have been filled.

The leaders turned around and started taking photos.

Click click click.

They were taking pictures, and the surrounding villagers also gathered next to the plot to watch the group perform.

"What are they doing?"

"It seems like burying someone?"

"What a fool, I'm serious about opening a factory. This is called a groundbreaking ceremony."

"It's just like building a house, what did I think!"

"What kind of factory is this? Can we go work?"

"It turns out that the car factory in the mountains is owned by the 567 Factory, which makes cars."

"But two days ago I heard from the king of Wangzhuang next door that Factory 567 is extremely poor!"

"It's all lies. Inside information. I heard that Factory 567 has a new director. He is the top scorer in the science college entrance examination in 1996. He is making money with this factory."

"I understand, Wang Lao is really afraid that someone will care about the money his daughter gave him."

"I don't know if they are recruiting people."

"Should we recruit people? I'll ask later."

Amid the gossips of these villagers, the foundation laying ceremony was completed. Wang Jianguo put his hands on the shovel, looked at the flat land in front of him, and sighed:

"The land and policies have been given to you. Now it's up to you, Mr. Lin, to show your performance. If you don't want to be rich and powerful, at least don't let us fall behind others."

After he finished speaking, Lin Yu also dragged the shovel to the side, inserted the shovel into the ground, and responded with a smile:

"Mayor Wang, please rest assured on this point. In terms of our vision for the future, I, Lin Yu, consider myself to be no weaker than others."

"In five years at most, this automobile manufacturing plant can become the backbone of Lanling City."

“Contribute jobs and tax revenue to the land.”

These words were very useful to Wang Jianguo. He picked up the shovel and dug a few more shovels of soil. Then he bent down, grabbed a handful of thick soil and held it in his hand. Then he opened his hand and let the soil slowly slide off.

After all the soil slipped from his hands, he clapped his hands and stood up, whispering:

"Don't let this land down!"

After leaving a few words, Wang Jianguo left with his large troops, and Lin Yu also turned around and looked at Feng Lun, who was in a suit and tie next to him.

He warned: "Old Feng, the name we will use externally from now on is Rheinsteel Group Lanling Automobile Manufacturing Co., Ltd."

"You must remember that this is the first factory we will relocate to, so you need to pay more attention."

The instructions here made Feng Lun take heart. He snapped to attention and shouted loudly:

"Director, please rest assured!"

After patting his shoulder hard again, Lin Yu led the others into the car and drove towards the mountains.

On the other side, at the other end of Lanling City, several obviously Arab-looking foreigners appeared at the train station with a sign indicating a tourist group.

As soon as they walked out of the train station, these people skillfully turned away the beggars at the entrance of the train station, as well as the hospitable hotel owner.

They hailed a taxi on the side of the road and took them to the city center.

Looking at the city center square filled with flowers and green leaves, Heckley's eyes showed joy. He turned around and asked his companions: "Would you like to go shopping first?"

After asking, he turned around and walked to the flower bed next to him. He broke off a rose branch that had bloomed from the flower bed, held it carefully in his hand, and watched it carefully.

A few days ago, he was ordered to lead a team to Gaza, preparing to use money to open a road and ask the Palestinians about the origin of the equipment.

But they never expected that the Palestinians were tougher than they imagined and completely different from the people from the Liberation Front they had encountered.

Just eat without vomiting!

The money was taken.

They didn't get any news they wanted to know.

As a last resort, they could only stay there for two more days, and they also got a little bit of harvest in these two days.

That is, they found the source of fertilizer for Palestinians.

A factory called Lanling Chemical Factory.

After getting this name, several people did not dare to neglect it, and immediately went to Saudi Arabia to handle the identity procedures, and then transferred from Saudi Arabia to China.

After a long time of wandering, they finally came to this city.

Quiet is the first word that popped into Heckler's mind when he saw this city.

The people here live and work quietly.

Looking at the people here, Heckler knew that the source of all this was because they had a strong country.

At this moment, he developed an interest in this country. He wanted to go around and see the real living conditions of ordinary people in this country.

Anyway, the factory is there, and it is impossible to run away for a while, unless it is a fake brand.

And his question made the three companions around him hesitate. To be honest, coming to this foreign country gave them a completely different feeling from other countries.

They also wanted to go around.

Looking at the square around them and the people on it, the three of them hesitated for a while and decided to get down to business.

But before getting down to business, they had to find a place to stay.

So, a group of people decided to go out for a walk.

After a while, they arrived at the gate of Lanling Chemical Plant. Looking at this unremarkable, even somewhat shabby and dilapidated factory gate, a group of people even suspected that they had found the wrong place.

But the address on the information was not wrong, and the contact information was not wrong!

Putting all the doubts in their hearts, several people opened two rooms in the hotel opposite the chemical plant, and in groups of two, they leaned against the window and began to observe the chemical plant.

When the shift was handed over again, the youngest of them, Dia, suddenly asked:

"Hekele, are you sure that those unpassivated fertilizers came from this factory?"

"I always feel like we seem to have found the wrong direction."

Dia's question made Hekele smile. With a smile, he took out a list and put it in front of the young man. He slowly slid his finger across the list and landed on the last column of ammonium nitrate, saying:

"It doesn't matter whether we found it wrong or not. What matters is that the business scope of this factory does have ammonium nitrate."

"Even if we found it wrong, if their price is right, we can buy it here."

"We can even invest in this factory with funds, and then they will produce ammonium nitrate, and we will be responsible for overseas sales."

"It can make money and meet our needs."

Listening to his fantastic idea, the remaining three people felt it was incredible, but after thinking about it carefully, they felt that this idea was very suitable.

Although the country under their feet is a little poor, their industrial categories are complete. The difficulty of building a chemical plant in this country, especially a small chemical plant, is much simpler than Lebanon.

If there is a stable small chemical factory overseas that has been providing raw materials, then when facing European and American countries, we will have more confidence.

The only disadvantage is that the journey is too long.


Looking at their thoughtful faces, Heckler took out his mobile phone and notebook, contacted the country, and began to formulate an acquisition plan.

So, early the next morning, when Han Jin appeared in the office, Deputy Director Liu Yun reported to him a shocking news.

That is, early in the morning, a team of foreigners appeared at the gate of their factory. These people were tall and strong, dressed in suits, and as soon as they met, they said they wanted to acquire the chemical factory.

Or, to invest in the chemical factory.

Looking at his old partner in front of him and his serious face, Han Jin smiled and pointed at him and said:

"You must be joking. The director of the Investment Promotion Bureau went to the south to attract investment and investment, but he didn't succeed after so long."

"And then you told me that today a bunch of foreigners suddenly came to our door and said they wanted to acquire or invest in our chemical plant."

"Old Liu, I think you are definitely drunk."

Faced with the ridicule, Liu Yun rubbed his temples with both hands, and said with lifeless eyes:

"I also hope that I am dreaming, and I hope that I am drunk, but those people are in the reception room."

"You are the factory director, and you decide what to do."

The ball was thrown back to his hand, and Han Jin felt very painful.

The chemical plant is a state-owned enterprise. If foreign capital wants to invest, it must first obtain the consent of the city before it can invest.

After the other party invests, it will definitely adjust the organizational structure of the chemical plant. Perhaps, a mediocre person like himself will most likely be replaced.

Moreover, pie in the sky is impossible, let alone Lanling Chemical Factory.

So these people definitely have a purpose.

They are totally uninvited guests!


After a long sigh, Han Jin picked up the phone on the table and called the Merchants Bureau:

"Hello, Director Kong? Several foreigners suddenly ran to our factory and said they were going to acquire our factory or buy shares."

"Do you think I should just kick them out?"

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