In the office of the production department, Dolby was busy arranging the upgrade of the next production line. Suddenly he saw the form in front of him. He rolled his eyes and said to his senior brother:

"I want a raise!"

"Add it! I'll increase your annual salary to 200,000, is that enough?"

“I want extra vacation time!”

"Don't even think about it!"

"You can't stop treating people like people!"

"Okay, I don't ask you to fill out this form in one day. Put your work aside and go to my office for a small meeting."

Ten minutes later, several senior executives of Rheinsteel gathered in Lin Yu's office.

As soon as they entered the door, they saw the two maps on Lin Yu's table, one was an international map and the other was a map of Lanling City.

"Everyone sit down."

After sitting everyone down and pouring them a cup of tea, Lin Yu took a map of Lanling City, sat among them and explained:

"We have received several big orders in the past few days, both from abroad and domestically."

"The orders are very large and require a lot of quantity, but there is a very important problem, which is that our production capacity is seriously insufficient."

"So, I went to the city government and asked for 2,000 acres of land to move some of our production departments out."

"I called you here today to prepare to put this idea into practice and at the same time, make the next step of planning."

These causes and consequences made several people present have different expressions.

To be fair, many people in the factory want to move to a city outside.

However, as the old saying goes, there is no room for life in the hometown, and there is no room for the soul in a foreign land.

People always have to compromise with life.

Now they suddenly say that they want to move the factory outside or to the suburbs. It would be false to say that they are not excited. But compared to living in the city, they are more afraid. They are even more afraid that the difficult days of Base 567 will fall back again. on them.

After a while, Feng Lun, who was in the tractor workshop, leaned forward slightly, lifted his butt off the bench, tilted his body and asked softly: "Do I have to move it?"

"Yeah!" Lin Yu nodded in response, then looked at Feng Lun and said, "The first one to move is your workshop. It will be more convenient in every aspect."

"Then there's the chemical shop, the artillery shop, and the bullet shop."

"In short, I plan to move the entire production department here, leaving only research and development here, because during the research and development process, various weapons need to be tested, and confidentiality needs to be maintained."

"But instead of moving them all together now, we will move them one by one."

"Feng Lun, the first one to be relocated is your tractor workshop. By the way, how is the progress of the work arranged a few days ago?"

When talking about work, the tone of the words suddenly changed. When hearing Lin Yu's words, the tone changed. Several people present sat up straight and became extremely energetic.

After a brief moment of energy, they all turned their attention to Feng Lun.

During this time, the person in charge of the tractor workshop had been running around outside, and when he returned to the workshop, he banged and banged, but his vehicle was not seen.

Now that I am being asked a sudden question, I am afraid I am upset.

Being stared at by a group of people, Feng Lun couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a calm voice:

"Well, the tricycle chassis has been completed, but there is still a little gap with the requirements in our questionnaire, so we have been working on the control and the corresponding electronic control system."

After hearing the explanation, Lin Yu closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then opened his eyes suddenly, stared at him, and asked, "Are you sure?"

The very gentle question also made Feng Lun's heart skip a beat.

He understood what Lin Yu meant very well, because this situation had happened before when the tractor workshop was supporting Lanling Tractor Factory to produce parts.

The actual production did not meet the standard, but the reported information showed that it did. In the end, the purchaser had a problem with the use, but due to the huge business of the 567 base company, they did not say more and just chose not to purchase anymore.

There are no more supporting tasks.

As the news spread, those who took the goods for repair also returned the goods.

In the end, that military-to-civilian reform also completely failed.

At that time, Feng Lun was just an ordinary technical backbone in the tractor workshop.

The business reform failed, and the previous big-headed villains found connections to run away, but he had no connections and no courage.

I can only watch my salary being cut from 100 yuan to 60 yuan, but even that 60 yuan cannot be paid on time.

We must never live like that again!

He took a deep breath, stood up suddenly, and shouted: "OK!"

After receiving the response, Lin Yu calmly raised his hand and motioned for him to sit down.

After others sat down, he continued: "The construction site requires a large number of transport vehicles, and the construction team currently does not have enough vehicles."

"You have two tasks now. The first one is to provide our construction team with enough transport vehicles."

"These vehicles must meet the most basic safety requirements and the most basic transportation requirements."

"The harder the construction team works on the car, the more data you can get."

"When the car factory is completed and the new production line is installed, your cars will have to be upgraded to a higher level."

"The second task is to make a UTV for me before October 20th. I can use it."

"Did you hear that clearly?"

Listening to Lin Yu's mission, Feng Lun wrote down the mission conditions in his notebook as quickly as possible, followed by his head: "Yeah!"

Seeing him nodding, Lin Yu turned his attention to Shi Ling again, opened his mouth, but did not speak. Instead, he turned back to his desk, rummaged through the drawer, and found a few pieces of scrap paper.

He held the draft paper in both hands and sorted it. Two pieces of draft paper were handed to Shi Ling, and then he explained:

"Sister Ling, the next work of your R\u0026D department is based on the things on these draft papers."

"The first piece of draft paper is an anti-electronic device bomb called a graphite bomb."

"The principle of this kind of bomb is to load extremely fine graphite powder into the warhead, then use the bomb to detonate, and use the impact of the explosion to evenly distribute the graphite powder to the surroundings."

"At this time, if sophisticated electronic products enter this graphite dust area, these extremely fine graphite powders will enter the interior through the gaps in these electronic devices, and then adhere to various electronic components."

"Graphite powder conducts electricity and will form a short circuit on these electronic components, thereby burning these electronic components."

"I marked the uses of various graphite bombs on the scratch paper."

"The main thing you need to pay attention to is the air defense model of this thing. Likewise, before October 20, you have to give me some rough ideas."

"The second draft paper contains some of my ideas for rockets. I only produce low-end rockets. For us, the profit is still low."

"If we want better equipment, we need more capital investment, so we need some rockets with higher value."

"I wrote some rough plans on the draft paper, and then you take a look at it. If there are not enough people, then recruit people."

Shi Ling looked thoughtfully at the draft paper in her hand. The more she looked at it, the more her head grew bigger. The first graphite bomb was okay, but it just elaborated on the concept of this kind of bomb and some related application methods.

Overall, following the implementation of the content on the draft paper, there are not big problems. It is just that there are some minor technical difficulties and application difficulties.

However, these problems can be circumvented in various ways in actual operation.

The main problem is on the second scratch paper.

This draft paper contains several concepts of rocket launchers. The first one is an ordinary rocket launcher with a range of 300 kilometers and is required to have a guidance function.

Caliber 200 mm.

The second type, a rocket launcher with a range of 1,000 kilometers, requires guidance, can be launched vertically, and even requires terminal maneuvering.

Caliber 200 mm.

The third type has a range of 1,000 kilometers and a diameter of 850 mm. It must have all the functions of the second type.

Type 4, weather rocket launcher, 105 mm, used for artificial rainfall.

After reading the drawing requirements, Shi Ling's face slowly turned cold. She rolled her eyes at the person in front of her and asked:

"The first rocket on this drawing, I think we can still make it if we work hard."

"For your second rocket, if we improve our technology, recruit more people, and add more money, we should be able to make it in the next 10 years or so."

"Then your third model is obviously a missile, right? Whose rocket has 850mm? It should be said that some people's missiles don't even have 850mm!"

"Look at your request again!"

"I think you are trying to make things difficult for me, Mr. Shi!"

Facing Shi Ling's question, Lin Yu clenched his right hand into a fist, slowly raised it, and then, under Shi Lin's curious eyes, whispered: "Come on! Sister Ling, although you are only a technical secondary school student, I believe that you OK."

"You really don't understand. There are so many college students and graduate students down there. Let them do it."

"If there are no students in relevant majors, just go get it or cheat!"

Seeing his look like this, Shi Ling knew that she couldn't convince him, so she could only roll her eyes, stuff the draft paper back into her arms, and listen to what was going to happen next.

The room became quiet again, and Lin Yu's eyes fell on Dolby, stayed for a moment, and then moved to Jiang Song and others.

He looked at all these people and said softly: "My request for you is to improve the technology as much as possible and make our production fully automated as much as possible."

After explaining these people, Lin Yu finally looked at Huang Tianhai, and the deputy dean of the Shencheng Graduate School of Shengmajiagou Vocational and Technical College also pulled up his chair at this moment and took a step back.

He glanced at the others first, and then asked hesitantly: "Well, I'm barely a foreign aid. I shouldn't be suitable to listen to this kind of internal meeting, right?"

Hearing this, Lin Yu smiled calmly:

"It's okay. I will ask my teacher to write a letter of appointment for you when the time comes, and you will become ours."

After teasing him, he said seriously:

"Professor Huang, you also saw the uses of drones we demonstrated at the weapons test site."

"This thing is very useful for our next strategy, so you need to pay more attention."

"In the plan I gave you, I have clearly stated the future status of this quadcopter drone."

"So when you go back this time, I hope you can put more thought into the cameras and infrared lenses. We have to do one thing."

"That is, in the eyes of drones like ours, no matter it is day or night, everything on the ground is invisible."

"Professor Mei Feng, I will write a detailed letter to him in the next two days, and then you can help me take this letter back."

"Similarly, before October 20, you can give me a crude drone and ask for it to be equipped with a camera and an infrared lens. I will be of great use."

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