The area Lin Yu pointed at was a large area, a little far away from the city center. Moreover, it was on the edge of the planned high-tech zone and had no advantages except being next to the national highway.

To describe it in one sentence, this place is a place where birds don’t shit!

Although he had many questions in his heart, Qian Jianguo took all this into consideration and did not raise the questions in his heart. Instead, he changed the question:

"Will they give it?"

"They will definitely give it to me!" Lin Yu said confidently, picked up the pen and started planning on the map.

"The steel plant is placed here."

"The tractor factory is next to it."

“Build another garbage disposal station here.”

"Build another logistics transfer station here."

"Let's get one here..."

Soon, the area on the map was framed by Lin Yu with large and small circles. Each circle had a name, which was the name of the factory.

After writing this, Lin Yu rolled up the map and threw it aside. He picked up the phone on the table and called Kong Hui of China Merchants Group.

However, Kong Hui on the other end of the phone sadly told Lin Yu that he was still in Shenzhen and would not be back for two days.

As a last resort, Lin Yu could only call Liu Jun. After learning Lin Yu's purpose of calling, Liu Jun was happy.

"My nephew, you may have called the wrong person when you call someone else, but if you call me, you are definitely calling the right person."

"Our Power Supply Bureau and Water Supply Company have received tasks in the past two days and are investigating the water and power supply problems in the High-tech Zone. You come to the Power Supply Bureau first, and I will take you to find Mayor Wang."

"I think they would be more than happy to listen to your suggestions!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Yu looked at Qian Jianguo happily and tilted his head: "Let's go and ask for the land with me."

As soon as the two arrived at the door of the power supply bureau, they found Liu Jun already sitting in a Santana, waiting at the door.

Seeing the two of them, the director of the Power Supply Bureau made a bold move: "Come on, get in the car, and we will take you to the mayor."

The vehicle rushed eastward along the downtown avenue and soon left the city and appeared on the edge of a cornfield.

Looking at the green gauze tent, Lin Yu felt extremely comfortable. Perhaps this was the love for food rooted in the blood of the descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties.

The vehicle shuttled through the muddy road for a long time, and finally found the large group of troops on the side of the national highway.

Two city government vehicles.

Because the road was muddy, the two vehicles were already covered in mud. Next to the vehicles, several people were standing there, pointing out the mountains and rivers in front of the green gauze tent.

Liu Jun walked over with the two of them, and the people on the opposite side also looked over, and then waved repeatedly: "Here, here."

At this time, Liu Jun turned around and said to Lin Yu: "See the person at the front, the one waving at you, that is Deputy Mayor Wang who is in charge of construction in our city. Remember, his name is Mayor Wang." ”

"I know, you have to fulfill your duties at work." Lin Yu responded with a smile.

"Yes!" Liu Jun nodded, turned his head, walked quickly towards the person opposite, and shouted loudly at the same time: "Mayor Wang, I have brought you the two chief and deputy directors of Rheinsteel."

"Director Qian, you have met him. This young, promising, handsome young man is the Director Lin we have been discussing."

"Come, Director Lin, this is our Wang Jianguo, Mayor Wang, who is in charge of various transportation, water conservancy facilities, and urban planning in Lanling City."

"Hello, Mayor Wang!" Lin Yu said hello. Wang Jianguo stretched out his right hand, and Lin Yu followed suit. The two right hands touched lightly, shook it, and then let go.

"Young man is young and promising. Do you have a girlfriend? If not, would you like me to introduce you to some?" After teasing Lin Yu, Wang Jianguo turned around, looked at the others with a bright face, and said with a smile:

"Look, this is our top scorer in the science college entrance examination in 1996. He is young, promising, and handsome. If you have a young and suitable girl in your family, please help introduce him."

"The kind who are knowledgeable and sensible!"

After teasing these people, he pointed to the green gauze tent in front of him with his right hand and said to Lin Yu:

"Xiao Lin, Liu Jun has already told me your thoughts on the phone."

"Now, on behalf of the city, I will officially hand over the 2,000 acres of land in front of you to you. I have only one request. I hope you will not let everyone down."

"May I?"

Lin Yu was completely stunned by these two simple sentences. He slowly turned his head and looked at Wang Jianguo in disbelief. He wanted to read some information from the deputy mayor's face.

However, the deputy mayor only had a smile on his face and no other unnecessary emotions on his face, so naturally he could not read any information.

He retracted his gaze and turned his gaze to the green gauze tent in front of him. He reached out and pulled off a lush corn leaf and held it in his hand. He kept running his fingers across the corn leaf, and then asked in a low voice:

"Can you tell me why?"

Listening to his question, Wang Jianguo also pulled off a leaf from the corn stalk, played with it in his hand, and asked casually:

"Do you know what the result was when Lao Kong went to attract investment this time?"

"I know you definitely don't know, so I don't have to hold back, I'll tell you directly."

"He failed again in attracting investment this time. Then, when you came back two days ago, he went to see your marketing director named Kang Shikai."

"He followed Kang Shikai around for a few days, and finally came to the conclusion that when we attract investment, we can only follow others to provide supporting services."

"And it's still impossible to do."

"And what a coincidence, we have you here..."

The words suddenly stopped. Wang Jianguo pointed his right hand at Lin Yu and said word for word: "There are products from your Rheinsteel. The supporting packages of these products are different from the various electronic processing products in the south."

"If you build a suitable supporting factory here, your costs can be further reduced and you can earn more money."

He pointed to his chest: "We can have a better GDP."

"Ordinary people can also get higher wages, and they don't have to travel far to get it!"

"The price of all this is the 2,000 acres of land in front of us. After careful calculation, it is very cost-effective."

After explaining the cause and effect clearly, Wang Jianguo once again stretched out his right hand towards Lin Yu. The smile on his face spread again. A pair of calm eyes looked at Lin Yu with a smile:

"So, cooperation?"

Looking at the green gauze tent in front of him, Lin Yu lowered his gaze back to the big hand and decisively stretched out his right hand: "Mayor Wang, I think one day in the future, you will definitely laugh when you recall today's decision."

The two hands were clasped together, each shook it vigorously, and then let go again. Wang Jianguo put his hands behind his back, turned to look at the green gauze tent, and shouted, "I really hope that day comes soon."

After shouting, he did not linger too much. With a wave of his right hand, several people from the city government got into the car. The two cars started and left, leaving only one sentence.

"Go find a yin-yang man as soon as possible to check the feng shui. After completing the procedures here, you have to start work."

Looking at the car leaving, Lin Yu shouted: "Mayor Wang, please don't worry, I will bring some cannons over and plow this land aside. All monsters and monsters will have to be pushed aside by me."

After the two Santanas disappeared in the mud, Qian Jianguo, who had been silent until now, interrupted. He kept gesticulating with his hands, his eyes were as wide as bells, and he stammered:

"Is it that simple? In just a few words, 2,000 acres of land is here?"

Hearing this, before Lin Yu could speak, Liu Jun beside him was happy.

He reached out and pulled off a piece of corn, and while peeling the husks, he whispered:

"So you old money can't be the director of the factory. A good place like Base 567 has turned into a ghost in your hands in a few years."

"These are not just a few words."

"First of all, it's your factory. You have two big orders in a row. And you don't eat alone like other state-owned factories, but you take everyone to eat together."

"Although it's not a good meal, at least everyone is full."

"It's not like some state-owned factories. When you are rich, you eat and drink. When you are poor, you eat and drink. There is a benefit. Even if you are stuffed to the point where you can't eat, you still don't want to take others to eat."

"Although the city didn't say anything about this, everyone saw it."

"Then you went to Shenzhen to engage in the electronics industry, and Kong Hui went there. There were two hours of phone calls every night."

"Every night's content is an analysis of the current market."

"The contents of his report will basically appear in the hands of various leaders the next day. I also have several copies in my hand, although I don't know what use they are for me."

"This situation has been going on for almost a month."

"It is based on these premises and after careful consideration and consideration from many parties."

"In addition, Director Lin requested land to build a factory today, so the city decided to grant you these 2,000 acres of land."

"In the end, when it comes to your mouth, it's just a matter of a few words."

"It's really playing the piano to a cow!"

After talking about Qian Jianguo, Liu Jun turned around and walked towards his Santana while carrying the corn. However, before he had taken two steps, a person appeared from the green gauze tent.

A woman in her 50s wearing a straw hat saw the corn in Liu Jun's hand at a glance.

The next second, screams sounded.

"You're the one who stole my corn, right? You're looking for death!"

While talking, the woman bent down, picked up a stone, and threw it directly at Liu Jun. Liu Jun dodged and got into the car, shouting quickly:

"Get in the car quickly."

Lin Yu and the two quickly got into the car, Liu Jun stepped on the accelerator, Santana hugged the mud, spun around in circles, and ran along the way, leaving a woman behind in the light luxury tent, shouting and cursing loudly.

It wasn't until the figure disappeared that Liu Jun breathed a sigh of relief. He controlled the steering wheel with his left hand, not forgetting to stuff the juicy corn into his mouth.

Take a bite.

"So sweet!"

The three of them returned to the power supply bureau. Liu Jun found a pile of forms and threw them in front of Lin Yu, asking Lin Yu to start filling in the forms:

"These 2,000 acres of land are going to be built with several factories, and then you need to fill in the rough layout, uh, the approximate load of the factory."

"After our main line is laid out, you can prepare to connect the power, and then the construction will start."

Looking at these forms, Lin Yu felt a little numb.

Electricity load?

If anyone at Rheinsteel knew this, it was perhaps Dolby alone.

other people?


Holding the form in his hand, he turned around and said goodbye to Liu Jun: "I have to go back and calculate it, and I will give it to you in two days."

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