Seeing the smile on Lin Yu's face, Luan Yuelin thought for a moment and asked, "What's the joke?"

When he came to sit in front of Luan Yuelin, Lin Yu said seriously:

"Once upon a time, there was a pilot who fell into the water in his B2 bomber, and then the river god emerged from the river.

Ask him: Dear 2B pilot, did you drop this golden B2?

Pilot 2B shook his head: No.

The river god asked again: Did you drop this silver B2?

Pilot 2B shook his head: No, the one I dropped was gray.

River God: You are really an honest 2B pilot, so this gold B2 and this silver B2 will be given to you!

Phew~ Heshen ran away after delivering these two planes.

The messy 2B pilot looked at the two planes: rnm refund! I want my plane! "

After listening, Luan Yuelin tilted his head and thought for a moment, then shook his head: "What do you mean?"

Lin Yu squinted his eyes and explained: "It means that this thing is too expensive. A pure gold B2 and a pure silver B2 are not worth one B2. It takes two pure gold ones."

This explanation made Luan Yuelin stunned for a moment, and then he laughed again.

After a while, he pointed at the F22 passing by on the screen and said, "That's why I say, these equipments shocked us more strongly."

"Of course, our fighting will is not a vegetarian. With a sufficient number of third-generation aircraft, we can completely defeat this F-22."

The words were firm. Lin Yu listened to them all, and a smile slowly appeared on his face.

Then, under Luan Yuelin's curious eyes, he said softly: "When we actually have a fifth-generation machine, you will know how ridiculous this idea is."

"You will also know why I am obsessed with causing trouble for the Americans and bleeding them."

"Now, let's wait for the war to end!"


Downtown Baghdad.

Listening to the sound of bombings one after another, Aiken felt as if he had returned to ten years ago, when this land was also experiencing bombings.

It's just that at that time, he was still a teenager, and everything he thought about needed to be taught by others.

Now, he has grown into a mature man in his twenties who knows how to think independently.

Carefully avoiding the soldiers wandering the streets, he quickly shuttled through the shadows and soon appeared in an alley.

There were several rusty doors in the alley. He stopped in front of the second door, raised his hand, and knocked on the iron door repeatedly in the rhythm of three long, two short, and then four long.

When he knocked for the third time, the door on his left was opened from the inside, and a bearded man poked out, quickly glanced around, and pulled him in.

Afterwards, the two quickly went upstairs.

Stopping on the third floor, the bearded man gently knocked on the door. The door opened, revealing a completely sealed room.

Seven or eight young officers were sitting on the carpet in the room. Among them were countless leaflets, and these people were all looking at the leaflets on the ground in trance.

The two walked into the room and closed the door. Then, a group of people looked at each other and fell into silence.

After a long silence, the young officer sitting in the back suddenly said: "He can't die yet!"

This sentence ignited the originally silent room, and several young people sitting together suddenly started arguing.

"Why can't he die? After so many years, has our life gotten better?"

"Getting better? I'm the only one left in my family."

"But if he dies, can other political parties in the country make us better?"

"I don't care. Anyway, even if other political parties cannot control this country, the president must die. After he dies, no matter who the other political parties are, whether they re-elect or fight out, he cannot continue to live anyway."

Listening to the noise, the young officer at the back raised his hand and said:

"Now, vote! Raise your hands if you agree that the president should continue to live."

Under his gaze, three hands slowly raised in the crowd. Together with him, there were a total of 4 people. There were 11 people here, less than half.

After a while, no one raised their hands. The young officer who made the suggestion put down his hands and said with a relaxed face:

"It seems that our Mr. President must die, so let's disperse our actions and lure the Americans' missiles and bombs first."

"Get rid of the die-hards."

Hearing what he said, others also stood up and prepared to leave.

When these people turned around, the young officer suddenly grabbed a pistol from under his butt and fired repeatedly at the people who had their backs turned to him.

In just a few seconds, these people who agreed were killed on the spot, and the three people who raised their hands to express their agreement panicked at this moment.

Just as he was about to speak, he was shot to death by this man.

The gunfire stopped for a moment, and the door was pushed open. People from the Hoffman Security Bureau walked into the room and gently nodded the head of the officer who had just killed his teammates on the ground.

Start checking the bodies on the ground.

After taking another shot one by one, he nodded to the officer with satisfaction: "Well done."


Qatar front finger.

Looking at the slowly darkening sky, Dana returned to his room, took out a bottle of red wine from his collection, and began to share it with these advisers.

"Bombers will be dispatched at night to continue bombing power facilities and radar facilities. Everyone should stay up for a while."

At this moment, a communicator who was responsible for answering the phone suddenly took off his headphones, turned around and shouted:

"There is a call coming in, it's not our spy! It's not the number in our records!"


"What did you say?" The wine glass in his hand slipped, and Dena didn't care about the dregs on the ground. He blinked and came behind the communicator in three or two steps, asking in disbelief.

Although he was very confident about this plan, in fact, he was not sure about such a plan.

Because the Americans had used this trick before, but those animals were unmoved.

We can only ask the little boy to solve the problem.

Originally, this plan was just mentioned casually in the Air Force plan, but when he saw that sentence, he wanted to implement this plan uncontrollably.

Now think about it, I was too impulsive at the time.

A little weak, did I hear it wrong just now?

The communicator took a deep breath and said loudly: "I said, there is a phone number that is not our spy, nor our recorded informant, and it has called."

After getting confirmation again, Dena's body straightened up in an instant and roared loudly: "Hurry up! Connect to the communication of the command center."

The communicator nodded his head, pressed a button in front of him with his finger, and connected the call to the command center.

No one spoke on the other end of the phone, only a child's cry and noisy scolding.

"Please, my mother was arrested because she took a piece of paper."

"Let go, bastard, let go!"

Listening to these voices, Dena couldn't help laughing, and finally, it turned into a wild laugh.

Clenching his right hand into a fist, he waved it hard and asked the communicator again: "Did you record the voice in the communication?"


"Good! Good! Good!" After saying good three times in a row, Dena's seemingly fair face also turned red at this moment.

"Press conference! Let the spokesperson hold a press conference and tell the world that we will enter Iraq immediately to rescue ordinary people."

At this moment, another communicator suddenly looked up and looked at Dana and shouted in disbelief: "The location of the Iraqi president has been found."

"It's in the Peninsula Square in the city center."

The communicator stood up and quickly found the target point on the satellite map according to the address provided on the phone.

That area is a few ordinary-looking houses.

Marking the location, the communicator was also confused. Facing Dana's inquiring eyes, the communicator hurriedly shouted:

"The caller claimed to be the secretary of the president."

Hearing this, Dana chuckled and snorted:

"All in the Persian Gulf and the Red Sea, 3 Tomahawk cruise missiles, whether true or false, give our president a big gift!"

"Two F-117s go forward and bomb."

"Let him and his political enemies know that we really want to kill him."

"As long as those who have a grudge against him know that we keep our word, then his good days will be over."

Downtown Baghdad.

On the downtown peninsula washed out by the Tigris River, Cassel lay on the roof of a three-story house, looking into the distance with a homemade periscope.

Just now, he made a phone call, and now he needs to confirm the result.

If those Americans really do what they say, then the damn president can die in peace.

The wait is very long.

Just when he was about to fall asleep, three strange things broke into his peripheral vision and crashed into the ground.

Boom boom boom!

Three explosions in a row, the target house was blown to pieces, and the shock wave carried the broken building fragments and crashed into the small building where he was.

Hitting the wall, it made a crackling sound.

Amid these sounds, Cassel suppressed his laughter, which was very hideous.

Before he finished laughing, several more planes roared.

Then there were several more explosions.

After laughing, he took out his phone and dialed the number on the phone again, saying an address to the other end of the phone, crying and laughing.

After saying that, he hung up the phone and quickly went downstairs. He used his agility to shuttle through the streets and quickly approached the address he mentioned.

However, things did not go as he wished. There were too many secret guards in various places, so he could not get close. He had no choice but to change a building and find a place to wait.

At the same time, at the Qatar forward command, the communicator turned around again and shouted to Dana: "General, the phone call came again, but this time it reported a different address."

"Our informant has just checked that there is a high probability that the Iraqi president is there."

Dena waved his hand: "Bomb! Bomb with bunker-buster bombs! What we want is attitude!"

After giving the order, he seemed to remember something and said to the person next to him:

"Let the press spokesman hold another press conference and say that we have received several calls from Iraq, and these calls are reporting news about the president."

"In order to avoid unnecessary casualties, please ask the president to come out himself, so that everyone can feel better."

The staff officer wrote down the order and did not leave, but asked: "General Dana, is it necessary?"

Listening to the question, Dana sighed lightly and solemnly instructed:

"Remember, that scum of the world cannot die!"

"Even if he dies, we must keep him alive. In that way, our interests will be maximized."

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