When you are rich, there is Rheinmetall; when you are poor, there is Rheinsteel!

Chapter 108 The blossoming of suspicion! (Second update!)

The bomber appeared over the northern Iraqi position again. This time, the air defense alarm sounded again, and the planes in the sky began to tease the people on the ground.

They began to dive in formation, and then suddenly pulled up, repeated several times, and a bomb fell.

The people on the ground quickly got into the bunker and waited for a long time. Instead of waiting for the bomb to explode, they waited for a sky full of leaflets.

The colorful paper fell on the position like snowflakes again.

The officers glanced at it with disdain and turned their heads to continue to guard.

The bored soldiers reached out to pick up a piece, but found that the text on it was different from the previous one.

[Baghdad used force to suppress ordinary people who picked up leaflets. ]

There were even some leaflets with colorful photos, bright red blood, corpses lying on the ground, and familiar military uniforms.

All of them stimulated the people guarding the position.

Soon, the officers also found something wrong and quickly ordered that all the leaflets be destroyed, and not a single one was allowed to be left.

Someone wants to ask a question.

Before he could open his mouth, he was slapped in the face.

Then, a kick.

At the same time, the bomber formation had already reached Baghdad, the bomb bay opened, and countless bombs carrying leaflets fell.

After dropping the bombs, the plane continued to move southeast along the two rivers, and soon disappeared in the sky, with only leaflets scattered and drifting in the wind.

The leaflets were scattered very evenly, evenly in front of everyone, making it impossible for these Iraqis who knew how to read to avoid them.

[Residents of Mosul were bloodily suppressed for viewing leaflets! ]

The colorful leaflets were printed with bloody pictures, the familiar military uniforms, and the familiar scenes, plus the scenes they had just experienced, which made people who saw the leaflets shudder.

However, before they could avoid these damn leaflets, the sound of truck engines came again on the street.

Along with it, there was also a military broadcast.

"Everyone, for your safety, hand over all the leaflets and do not keep them privately!"

"Here, I need to reiterate that now, it is the Americans who have launched an invasion against us."

"No matter what the president has done to you in the past, now is not a reason for you to have evil thoughts. We can only get a better life if we unite and stop the Americans from entering the country!"

"If anyone has some evil thoughts at this time and reveals the army to the Americans... as long as they dare to call out, it is treason!"

"Treason, these people will end up like this!"

As the radio car passed by, the people hiding in the house also poked their heads out, but after just one glance, the people who poked their heads out quickly retracted their gazes.

Because, behind the radio car, there was a temporarily modified truck.

There were still a few people hanging on the truck, shaking back and forth with the movement of the vehicle. From the perspective of swinging, they were already dead.

The convoy slowly went away in the sound of the radio, and those who saw all this could only retract their heads behind the window and pray that the war would go away as soon as possible.


Hoffman, the director of the Security Bureau, took the battle report sent back from the ground and went into a well-defended underground cave.

He put the leaflets in his hand on the table and pushed them in front of the middle-aged man in front of him:

"Mr. President, the Americans just dropped leaflets again. This is the latest content."

"I think our first task now is to appease ordinary people."

"At this time, if we just intimidate, it is likely to backfire."

Looking at the thick pile of leaflets, the Iraqi president did not even look at it. He turned into a desktop cleaning master and swept the leaflets to the ground.

At the same time, he pointed his right index finger at Hoffman and scolded loudly: "Appeasement is useless! There is a saying that goes "getting an inch will lead to a mile". I have asked people to appease these people now."

"Will they think that I, the president, am weak and can be bullied? Do they think that this is the time to make conditions with me?"

"At this critical moment, this situation must be prevented from happening."

"So, Hoffman, your next task is to supervise me closely. Anyone who dares to hide such leaflets must be killed immediately."

"This time the Americans are coming aggressively, and we must nip any factors that are not conducive to us in the bud."

"Understood!" Listening to the president's words, Hoffman nodded his head firmly, shouted, and turned to leave this underground.

After watching Hoffman leave, the president called the captain of the personal guard beside him, pointed to the door, and said: "You follow him and watch Hoffman execute it."

"If he doesn't execute it, or doesn't execute it with all his strength, you execute him."

After Hoffman was dismissed, the president turned his head and looked at the sand table in front of him. He gestured on it for a long time, and finally pointed his finger at Israel and shouted:

"Shoot all the remaining Hussein missiles in the western region to Israel, and drag this dog into the battlefield for me."

"Try to drag all the surrounding countries into the water."

"Also, give orders to all the troops on the front line, let them break up into pieces, disperse and snipe in sections, and don't resist."

Through the dedicated network, the new instructions were quickly sent to various areas.

In less than 20 minutes, more than a dozen Scuds (modified Hussein missiles) took off from the launch site in the west and flew towards Israel.


In Moscow, at the Russian Defense Ministry's General Staff Office, a group of people were holding the official news released by the Americans and the news sent back by their own people on the front line, and they looked confused.

Because, according to their habits of dealing with Americans over the years, this is not the style of Americans at all.

Tactics? Strategy?

Americans don't know shit about tactics and strategy. They can only mindlessly drop bombs, one after another.

After the missiles bombed, the air force bombed, and after the air force bombed, the army bombed, and finally, only ruins were left.

However, the battle reports from the front line showed that these Americans began to use their brains again.

"This... Have the Americans' brains been repaired in the past few years? Are they starting to pay attention to tactics again?"

"Quickly bring over the bombing plan."

"Here, the bombing plan does mention the distribution of leaflets, but there is only one sentence, so I don't understand why the Americans would focus on leaflets."

Amid the noise, an older staff officer sighed: "They have a master!"

As soon as this was said, the younger people next to him asked questions one after another.

"What do you mean?"

"Tell me quickly."

The older staff officer picked up a piece of paper on the table and tore it into several pieces evenly.

He placed it in front of everyone and explained:

"Like this piece of paper, Iraq itself is not a monolithic entity. There are Kurds, Sunni Arabs, Shia Arabs, opponents of the current president, and people who have defected to the Americans."

"Moreover, there are several countries around them."

"Iran has always wanted to export revolution to Iraq, Jordan has always wanted more territory, and Turkey wants northern Iraqi territory."

"All kinds of grievances are mixed together, and it is no longer black and white."

"If the Americans have always appeared as invaders, except for those who are pro-American, others may be integrated together."

"At least at this critical moment, no mistakes can be made at the national and ethnic level. If the current president dies."

"Whoever performs well in this follow-up may take over the banner."

"But this move directly put a thorn in the heart of the current president."

"Let him bet on those political enemies and those who usually oppose him. At this time, will he Help him."

"What a pity."

"That scum decided not to gamble. He felt that everyone around him was a troublemaker who wanted to harm him."

"At this time, the invasion of America will have an extra layer of skin. If it is completely occupied and they speak to the outside world, they will have more confidence."

"There is no suspense in this battle. Tell our lovely defense minister that if we want to continue to consolidate our interests in the West Asia region, we must speak out now."

"Otherwise, the whole of Iraq will be eaten up."


"At 19:34 in the evening, our Marine Corps 1st Division rescued 35 Shiites imprisoned by the Iraqi National Defense Forces at the border between the two countries."

"After investigation, the reason these people were controlled was simply because they picked up leaflets on the ground."

"As a news practitioner, I have never seen such a crazy person. Now, please see our on-site report."

The camera switched, and the picture left the bright studio and turned into a picture under the scorching sun, in the smoke and dust. Hundreds of soldiers, smiling, escorted dozens of Arabs out. These Arabs were men and women, old and weak.

After sending these people to the camp, these soldiers also took out chocolates from their bodies and handed them to the children, then patted their heads affectionately, turned around and disappeared in the smoke.

The whole shot was less than 30 seconds, but the whole shot was full of American humanistic care.

After a while, the camera turned to the city, explosions and gunshots were heard, and reporters followed the team forward.

The screen cut back to the studio.

Looking at the eloquent host, Lin Yu chose to turn off the TV.

Turning back, he looked at Luan Yuelin, who was sitting on the sofa, holding a teacup and asking, "What do you think?"

"Nothing, but at least I got some free time." Luan Yuelin gave an unexpected answer.

He stood up, walked to the TV, reached out to turn on the TV, and continued to watch the host's nonsense on TV.

This is a TV station that America uses for external publicity. You only need to use a little trick to see it.

And this little trick is no pressure for Lin Yu.

Listening to the sound coming from the TV, Luan Yuelin sat back on the sofa, continued to hold the teacup, and explained:

"There is a feeling of being spoiled when watching a TV series. This feeling is very strange, because in our guess, the Americans should have more advanced tactical plans."

"After all, the Gulf War that year shocked the whole world."

"This time, there should be progress."

"So, although this battle is more efficient than before, it doesn't have that kind of shocking feeling."

"Of course!"

He stopped the topic, pointed his chin at the TV, pointed at the B2 bomber that appeared on the TV and said:

"To be honest, these equipment still give us a stronger shock."

Lin Yu turned around and saw the B2 bomber that appeared on the TV under the long lens. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth and asked, "Do you want to hear a joke?"

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