"No more!" Lin Yu rolled his eyes and dragged Ross out. Today's goal has been achieved, and it has set a nail in the Arab's heart. He will wait for the drone to be made.

You can sell it to him directly, spread the cost, and then get the on-site data, a win-win situation!

Win twice by yourself.

After arranging Ross, Lin Yu returned to the laboratory again. Looking at Huang Tianhai who was wearing work clothes in front of him, he asked with a smile: "Did you see that? I told you that what I asked you to do definitely has a future. , see it now!”

"I saw it, I saw it! I'm going to do it now, and I'll try to get one for you in ten days..." Huang Tian also said a few angry words, but in the middle of the sentence, he stopped again, turned back and stared at Lin Yu, loudly Said: "You are asking too much."

"Anyway, take your time, I'm not in a hurry." Lin Yu spread his hands, exchanged a few words with Mei Feng, then turned around and walked out of the laboratory.

As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Luan Yuelin standing outside the door with his hands folded.

Lin Yu smiled at him and said, "I said that opportunities only come to those who are prepared, isn't this coming?"

"Let's go back to sleep first. We'll go back to Lu Province tomorrow and arrange our work. We'll talk about it later."

Unlike him, when he returned to the room, Ross did not sleep. He turned on a small speaker that he carried with him. When the singing filled the room, he took out his mobile phone and dialed a number.

"Jalim, I met the young man you were talking about. He is really... really good at talking."

"I bought a bunch of more things, and at the same time I got some words from his mouth. I want to tell you now."

"Yes, take a note and pay special attention to these contents during training..."

After explaining everything he heard from Lin Yu to Jalim, Ross put down the phone and turned to the window. Looking at the colorful lights outside the window, his eyes slowly lost focus.

Iraq used to be more prosperous than here, but it's a pity...

Forget it, sleep.

Before dawn, Rhodes was woken up from bed by Lin Yu and caught the first flight to Langya, where he then transferred back to Rheinsteel.

What he didn't expect was that as soon as he settled in Rhodes and returned to the office, Qian Jianguo brought him an old acquaintance.


Compared to the last time they met, this time the Palestinian looked more bloody, with a faint evil aura between his brows.

At the same time, there is still a hint of confidence in that evil spirit.

That is the self-confidence that comes from fighting with blood and fire.

Sensing this change, Lin Yu raised his hand to motion his old friend to sit down, and asked with a smile, "How was it? How was your record during Operation Defense Shield?"

Listening to Lin Yu's question, Arabella sat down on the chair and responded with a smile:

"The record is very good. We used less than 1 million U.S. dollars in supplies and inflicted more than 10 million U.S. dollars of battle damage on the Israelis. More than 200 people died and more than 1,000 people were completely disabled."

"In your words, a great victory."

"I came here this time mainly to do three things. The first thing is our leader's exact words. Dulbi's working time with you will be extended from one year. You can decide how long to extend it."

"The second thing is that I have brought some smarter young people. Several of them, I would like to ask your help to send them to the Army Command College."

"For the rest, I want them to start from the most basic work and learn knowledge in your factory."

"The third thing is the same as last time, 5 million US dollars in equipment. Iraq may start a war, so we have to prepare some."

"TMD, in the several Middle East wars, we were unlucky every time."

After he finished cursing, Lin Yu took out the letter paper from the drawer with a smile and started to write a letter to Tang Yuanshan.

Teaching international students is like chasing ducks. If you chase one duck, you will chase a hundred ducks. As long as you pay the tuition, everything is easy to discuss.

After asking Arabilla for her name, it only took about ten minutes for Lin Yu to finish writing the letter and seal it. Then he raised his eyes, looked squarely at Arabilla, and asked:

"By the way, where did you get so much money?"

When asked about the source of the money, Arabilla picked her nose, hesitated for a long time, and then whispered it out.

"Actually, our money comes from many sources, including donations from compatriots abroad, money from the Saudi royal family, and even money from Israelis."

"Yes, you heard that right, the money from Israel is mainly transferred through the Liberation Front, because we are bandits and they are officers and soldiers. If we die, they will be of little use."

"This time the money mainly comes from Saudi Arabia."

Just after he finished speaking, he saw a strange smile appear on Lin Yu's face, then he shook his head and said in a strange way:

"First use the bandit suppression to create a clever name. The wealthy gentry's money will be returned in full, and the poor man's money will be divided into 30 and 70. I understand."

"By the way, what you want this time is still the same as last time?"

"Similarly, we are poor ghosts, so we must have the self-consciousness of poor ghosts."

Hearing this answer, Lin Yu had a smile on his lips, lowered his head, and started writing the production list based on the last price.

After finishing writing, I started making phone calls to arrange production work.

By the time he hung up the phone, everyone in the office had disappeared.

With a wry smile, he held the phone in his hand and pressed the number again:

"Hello, garment factory? Let your factory director answer the phone."

"Who am I? I, Lin Yu, the director of Rheinsteel, give you two minutes to ask your director to come and answer the phone. If you don't answer, he won't have to answer the phone in the future."

"Director Xu? Take your pattern maker and some fabric to our factory."

"Hurry up, we have business."

"Old Han, yes, yes, it's me, 4,000 tons of ammonium nitrate, yes, or mixed with 1,200 tons of calcium nitrate."

"Is it just half a month? Okay, I'll contact you when the time comes."

"Uncle Liao, steel embryo, hurry up! There are also steel pipes."

Outside the office building, Dolby was sitting by the flower bed, holding a piece of grass in his right hand and pinching it bit by bit with his left hand.

Following the sound of soft footsteps, Arabilla sat down next to him. After sitting for a while, he raised his head and looked at the sky. The sky was blue, with an occasional snow-white cloud drifting across the endless blue sky.

Very quiet and peaceful.

Looking at these, he whispered: "The leader has decided to combine our religion and follow the mass line."

"I have brought some young people with me this time and plan to send them to the Army Command College. The rest, with Lin Yu's consent, will stay in this factory and learn from junior workers."

"As for your arrangement, what the leader means is that you should continue to stay here, work for them, and continue to learn all kinds of knowledge."

"As long as you stay here for a day, we have a connection with this factory. If there are many inconveniences, but it does not violate the principles, you can ask them to help solve it."

"Also, the leader asked me to tell you that when you are in this factory, you must treat this factory as your home and devote yourself wholeheartedly."



"By the way, Lin Yu just arranged the processing tasks and said that there is another order in front of us. Can you change the order?"

Dolby slowly raised his head, glanced sideways at his uncle, narrowed his eyes and asked, "More money?"

Arabilla was at a loss for what to do because of his nephew's sudden change. He scratched his head and turned to stare at Dolby: "No, you kid!"

"You said it yourself, if you want me to treat this place as home, then I must think about my family."

"Can't you just pretend I didn't say it? Or can't you delay it for a few minutes before it takes effect?"

"No, because that goes against my principles." After saying that, the young man quickly stood up and walked toward the factory production area with long strides.

Arabila followed closely behind and ran wildly. However, the moment he was about to enter the production area, he was stopped by people from the security department and dragged directly out of the production area.

Their actions were all seen by Ross. The Iraqi frowned and stared at the man being dragged away by the security department.

After a while, he turned back and asked Qian Jianguo next to him: "Director Qian, do you still have Arabs in this factory?"

As soon as Rhodes arrived at the factory, Qian Jianguo knew the amount of his consumption this time. As a money fan, Qian Jianguo naturally knew everything about this rich man. He poked his head out of the window and took a look. He said with a smile:

"There are 56 ethnic groups in our country, and one of them is called Tajik."

"Their ancestors are similar to the ancestors of the Iranians. They look a little similar to yours. Maybe you got it wrong."

"And you heard what they just said, standard Mandarin. Do you think an Arab can speak such fluent Mandarin?"

These words swirled around in Ross's mind, and then he left these two Arab-looking people behind and began to enjoy the rare comfort.

When the goods here are complete, the next work will be troublesome.

At the same time, he also prayed in his heart, praying that the gods would have a little effect at this moment and cause some chaos for the Americans.

However, the gods had no effect.


America Central Command forward finger.

The commander-in-chief, Dana, was furious at the people below.

"I told you the day before yesterday that we must give priority to the supply of ammunition to Diego Garcia Air Force Base. Our B2 bombers are there. This time we are attacking Iraq. The B2 bombers will make a collective appearance, which requires a lot of ammunition."

"It's good for you. Today, you told me that the ammunition hasn't arrived yet. How about you wait until I send the planes out for bombing and then you tell me, oh, the ammunition hasn't arrived?"

"I don't care what method you use now, you must prepare enough EGBU-28 guided bombs for me."

"When the time comes, I will let the Iraqis know what it means to be a stealth strategic bomber and what it means to shit on someone's neck!"

"Also, when will the ships of the Fifth Fleet arrive?"

"Let them carefully check the equipment on the ship. Don't ask them to fire missiles when the time comes. Then give me a call and say, oh, we don't have enough missiles!"

"If anyone is saying this, I will kill him immediately. I don't care who he is!"

After giving the order angrily, Dana turned around, came to the sand table, looked at the sand table on the table, picked up a flag, and planted it in the center of Baghdad.

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